Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-06-25 01:44:09 UTC
in Can't find it. Help? Post #282321
I had to resample mine in GoldWave a few times before it worked, but I think it came out somewhere around 11025Hz Mono, sounds fine and still works!
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-24 08:39:45 UTC
in Can't find it. Help? Post #282313
...and while I'm piling on, does anyone know off the top of their head what the bitrate for a custom sound file must be in order to have it play in-game?

I've got a custom sound that will show up on my list and play in Hammer, but when triggered in game I get a console error that says something about incorrect bitrate.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-24 08:06:38 UTC
in Can't find it. Help? Post #282312
found it:

Thanks y'all.

Another question, would any of y'all know if it's possible to find a re-creation or actual rip of the "skybox" textures from Ocarina of Time? I fear that's a bit of a stretch, but if I can find something like that I would be ecstatic.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-24 05:38:37 UTC
in Can't find it. Help? Post #282308
So, noob question. I haven't mapped for a while and I'm looking for the tutorial on how to embed custom textures into my .bsp files to be downloaded when others play the maps. I thought I found that one here, maybe I didn't.

On a side note, is it just me or has the new CS:S update made custom maps unplayable? That would be devastating...
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-09 22:57:18 UTC
in Using Sketchup/3DMax/etc... Post #262470
Is it possible to export models and geometry from tools like Sketchup or 3D Max into Hammer editor? If so, what would the methods/steps be in doing so?

Thanks in advance!
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-06 19:28:57 UTC
in Question about Skins Post #262380
I'm quite familiar with custom textures for mapping, is the process similar? It's obvious that the tutorial I found here was for the HL engine. What other information can y'all offer before I do some scrounging for info? :D
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-06 18:12:22 UTC
in Question about Skins Post #262376
I'm completely new to modeling and texturing of existing models, but I plan to take some time and run through a few tuts explaining how to retexture, and hopefully do some slight remodeling to the HL2-Source engine models.

My question is how accurate is this tutorial for what I want to do:

...and what other tutorials should I look through, and tools should I get?

Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 05:08:11 UTC
in I need suggestions Post #260830
I'm taking that advice and fleshing out the map right now...I've really come to notice that size matters...cough...when dealing with "realistic" terrain, caves are narrow and tight, and gorges are large and open...they really look silly if they're not accurately proportionate.

Hopefully when I finish fleshing it out I can post some screenies to see how y'all suggest going about displacements (how much and where). I'm pretty pumped about this map, it's got the feel of a halo map, but depth and size is on par with most source maps. Plus it's multifunctional as a GunGame AND Defuse map! :D

Oh, and one word...Mancannons O.o
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-30 23:50:42 UTC
in I need suggestions Post #260810
I'm planning on creating a fairly large outdoor map with rock walls and caves.

What's the best method for piecing together a map like this? If I wanted to create underground tunnels, and realistic looking cave areas, is it better to flesh out the areas with block brushes, then put displacements on top of them like blankets...or what other ways are there to do this?

I haven't had much success working with displacements in the past, and usually end up with very unrealistic looking pieces of junk. :/

Any help would be appreciated!
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-26 00:10:05 UTC
in weapon_ocarina Post #249174
The only 3 "keycode" situations I saw were for HL...

I'm mapping for Source...
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-25 18:03:45 UTC
in weapon_ocarina Post #249166
That's real helpful...


Lemme just put it this way:

How do you make a "key code" with buttons...where you have to press certain buttons in a certain order to elicit a trigger?

That's a good place to start...
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-25 06:11:59 UTC
in weapon_ocarina Post #249153

And Tetsu0 those are good ideas, I may play with those...

Now all I need to figure out is how to get step 1 out of the way... :/

Here's a link to the map and it's screenies, btw...

It's just a Gun Game map...but being the LoZ fanboy I am, I'm thinking that if I can get a few people together on the project I was going to attempt an actual Zelda MOD (Zeldastrike) if you will, seeing as the epic fail that was "Zelda: Source" never got anywhere, and it wasn't even single player "campaign"...

I'm either going to attempt to recreate Ocarina of Time and use CS:S characters and weapons, while making necessary alterations to the storyline and such...OR recreate the dialog and storyline of OoT in a HL2 MOD using the same scenery and maps from HL2:EP1...(Either way it's a large job, and I'm going to need a lot of time and/or help)

But right now I'm just working on getting this Gun Game map finished...

And just for clarification reasons, I'm not ACTUALLY asking for a way to get an ocarina into Counterstrike:Source as a weapon...I'm wondering if there is an effective way to get a similar effect using buttons and triggers and such...from simple to complex I'm willing to try it...
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-24 18:59:33 UTC
in weapon_ocarina Post #249143
That'd be cool no?

Anyway, I've got a major request here for all of y'all's wonderfully intelligent minds...

What I've got here is this:
User posted image
Hyrulean get the picture I'm sure...

What I WANT to do, is allow the player to stand on that triforce, shoot the "buttons" in the box below the staff, and have those "notes" show up on the staff "a la" playing the ocarina in Ocarina of Time...


If a correct combination of notes (or a song if you will) is played, it will trigger an output (doors, lights, etc...), if an unrecognized pattern is played, the notes on the staff disappear and the player is allowed to try again...also much like playing the ocarina in Ocarina of Time...

I've got a list of ideas of the desired outputs for each song (consisting of 6 notes) and possibly even a custom soundscape that actually PLAYS each song upon entering the correct combo...

I would like to know if this list, as well as this basic concept, is possible to pull off in Counterstrike: Source, and if so, how I would go about doing it...

Left, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right
[Triggers a drop of a para and an hegrenade on top of the triforce where the player will be standing (Can manage to work this one)]

Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, Left
[Triggers a door to open in front of a tree already placed on the map (Can do this one as well)]

Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up
[Changes the color of my env_sun entity to 255, 255, 255 and alters the brightness and color of my light_environment entity (not sure if this is possible, or how to do it.)]

A, Down, Up, A, Down, Up
[Alters brightness and color of my light_environment entity, as well as enables a soundscape playing a thunder sound. *If possible, enables rain on the map, but I'm fairly certain that rain has to be on from the beginning* (not sure what part of this is possible, or how to do it)]

Right, A, Down, Right, A, Down
[Opens a door in front of the player. (Can manage this one)]

Up, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right
[Opens door next to horse statues already placed on the map. (can manage this one)]

So of this list, the outputs on most I can handle...however some I don't have the slightest idea where to start...

The major issue is getting my "playing the ocarina" idea to work, and I can manage the outputs from there...

So any words of wisdom would be helpful...THANKS IN ADVANCE!

Posted 16 years ago2008-04-10 19:48:54 UTC
in Geometry Issues...I hope... Post #248652
Nevermind...I'm a complete idiot...

I could've sworn I set everything non-essential to a func_detail entity before trying to compile...apparently I didn't...

problem solved...
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-04 21:34:58 UTC
in Geometry Issues...I hope... Post #248486
I did what optimization I could do on a map as detailed as this...

The only intersecting brushes I have are the outer walls (large brushes which shouldn't be too big of a deal) and the water on the ground (which intersects the base of the buildings, kind of like a moat)...

I sent you the .vmf, hopefully you see something I can't...

If anyone else wants to give it a shot, that'd be great too...
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-04 20:54:49 UTC
in Geometry Issues...I hope... Post #248480
Okay, so I have a map that refuses to compile past 7 (this is after an hour of compiling) on the I'm assuming that somewhere along the line I threw Hammer some geometry it didn't like...

However, I'm not very good at pinpointing these issues, and as this map contains quite a bit of vertex manipulation, I'm not even sure where to start.

I did however make sure I didn't fall into the typical pratfalls of straight line vertices (i.e triangles) and stuff like that...but I don't know if I did anything else that would cause Hammer to freak out...

There are no cylinders, toruses, or spheres, in the map anywhere...and very few brushes "intersecting" with other brushes...

So if anyone would be willing to look over my .vmf and see if they see anything that would be jacking this map up, lemme know and I'll PM it to you...

Thanks in advance!
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-28 16:20:02 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248101
I sent you a PM with the map that I'm trying to do this on, as well as a description of what I want on it... least I think I sent you a PM...

How do you view your outbox? Or can you?

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 14:25:47 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248080
I'll check up on that later, they didn't show up as "invalid" entities when I transfered them into source, so I didn't check to see if they were in the entity list...

But while I'm at it, do you mind picking your brain (or those who may know) on if it's possible to divert the outputs of the counters to something physically mounted on the map?

Like say, a screen on the map that has the numbers which would be displayed via text...
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-27 08:33:51 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248071
Thanks Muzzle, that definitely looks like it would work for the time being...

However I do have 2 notes...

Will this work on CS:S? And is there a way to map a physical output on the map for each value, rather than on the screen?

Tested this entity setup on a CS:S map, does not work...These entities aren't HL2 specific are they?

I could post the .vmf of the map I'm trying to make this work on if it would help in any way...
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 05:14:10 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248039
Okay, so I wouldn't know where to begin with attempting this, or even if it's remotely possible...BUT...I figured I'd throw out the idea up here and see if it flies...

Okay, so say I have this 2 story map, each level having a display which lights up, letting others know that there is somebody ON said level (setup by triggers and lights, real barbaric, I know, bear with me)...

Is there ANY way to also have displayed the number of people on that level?

If you can't get a visual based upon my description I could upload a screenie...but I'm just looking to know A) If this is possible, and B) if there's anyone that could walk me through how to do it [or do it for me]

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 05:11:04 UTC
in Locational Light Suggestions Post #248038
That in no way shape or form was relative to my question, and did not answer anything at all...

But thanks for the effort...


I manged to work it out, somehow my triggers' delay before reset got placed on "0"...silly me...

I relayed the correct set-ups after WORKS!
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-25 22:52:26 UTC
in Locational Light Suggestions Post #247949
Hey all...

Haven't posted in a while, and none of you really on to my question!

I have a map where there are 2 identical levels, linked by teleports...

Now, what I would like to do, is place some sort of indicator on the map in a few preset locations, that would show whether or not there were actually people on level A or level this would be a gg map, and it would make finding people much easier...

Now what I tried to do was create 2 giant triggers that encompassed all of the walking area on each level, and then created 2 rotating doors (rotating on the Y-Axis, set to turn 180 degrees) in the shape of arrows, one pointing up (for level A) one pointing down (for level B)...

One side of the arrow was textured solid white, the other solid black (white meaning occupied, black meaning vacant)...

I then proceeded to set the trigger on the top level to outup "close" on the upper arrow "door" [OnTouching] making that arrow show white...and "open" on the lower arrow "Door" [OnNotTouching] making that arrow show block...

I then proceeded to do the same thing for the bottom trigger and arrow respectively...


In-game this cunning plan does not work, as the arrows(doors) are constantly white(closed), even when there is nobody on that level...

So my question is...Does anyone have any suggestions on getting the same desired effect with a different method, or does anyone have any suggestions on what is going wrong, and how to fix it...



I recently changed the arrows to simple func_illusionary and decided to throw a spotlight on each of them which will toggle on and off when triggered...HOWEVER, I still cannot get this trigger_multiple entity to register my triggers...

Any help would be appreciated!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-19 16:36:42 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232442
Now why couldn't I find that navigating from my moddb profile?

Stupid interwebs...

Thanks, btw...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-19 15:01:27 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232436
I posted in one of those threads yesterday...

Now I can't find where...

moddb = teh confuzion :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-18 15:08:25 UTC
in Spongebob Map Post #232399
Convert it to CS:S and throw Awps all over the place...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-17 00:23:57 UTC
in Map Wont Play Post #232333
It appears to me that you like red... :nervous:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-17 00:21:15 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232332

I'm not seeing anything either...

But I do have access to things I probably shouldn't have access to... :aggrieved:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-16 18:29:38 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232300

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-16 16:39:39 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232289
If all you need is criticism and a helpful hand I wouldn't mind chiming in...

I'm a Zelda freak myself, I've toyed with puzzle maps and could possibly be a bit of a creative muse...

I've seen some of your stuff, and I like the way you work things...but I'm not above telling you when something doesn't look/feel right...

Anything I can do to help out would be great, this project is cool to be a part of...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 22:53:47 UTC
in Help with spiral staircase Post #232112
Find the entity env_cubemap and place it on your map directly above the top step of your spiral staircase...

Then when you bring up the map in-game, open up your console and type the command "buildcubemaps" and let it run. Then re-start the map...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 16:57:55 UTC
in Suburb:47 Post #232089
I don't know whether to laugh or--

Actually no, that'd definitely be the correct course of action...

With better dialogue this could be pretty wicked...

As it is right now, it's more like Sin City written by Manatees!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 16:53:54 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232088
I know!

You know those little square inserts along the inside of the "eye" hole?

If you made them the same color as the "iris" of the eye it would give it that "pop" it needs!

Sort of like how you had it in the orangeish model...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 14:13:55 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #232077
I like that one much better than the really orange one...

It's missing "something" though...

It needs a point of contrast...

Maybe a red LED sort of light texture on the little button looking thing above the eye...

Or in the very center of the eye...

It lacks a focal point, imo...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 13:57:38 UTC
in Problems with sprites and glass... Post #231701
I prefer ice... :glad:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-01 01:55:02 UTC
in Desktops of August Post #230938
I dabbled with a vertical taskbar for a few minutes...

Then realized it was the most unnecessary thing ever put into Windows...

I can haz desktopz? :o

Gunter's Pivot Stickfigure Animator FTW!?!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-31 15:11:15 UTC
in env_shake Post #230881
It was working actually, I just expected more of a shake than what it was giving...

The frequency and strength and all of that were fairly high, so I expected a bit more than I was getting...

There's a lot of visual things going on at the time of the "shake" that made it hard to see...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-31 01:51:01 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #230845
Flyleaf - I'm So Sick :
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 23:28:51 UTC
in Map WIP - Skytower Post #230744
Simpsons did it! [/General Disarray]
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 23:25:58 UTC
in env_shake Post #230743

Name: rumble
Amplitude: 10
Effect Radius: 500
Duration: 10
Frequency: 100


combinedoor - OnOpen - StartShake - 0.00 - No

Name: combinedoor


OnOpen - rumble - StartShake - 0.00 - No

During gameplay everything else works perfectly, all of the other triggers are firing correctly (and believe me, they work... :x I've spent roughly 8 hours over 5 days tweaking about 40-50 triggers and things for about 5-7 minutes of actual gameplay...just as an "intro" level to the project I'm working on)...

I just can't get this shake working...

That and a soundscape, but I'm about to give up on that...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 22:51:43 UTC
in env_shake Post #230739
All of that is done...

I have it's name, I have it's trigger, I have it's duration and power...

The player IS within it's radius when it's "triggered"

Still no dice... :
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 16:47:41 UTC
in env_shake Post #230664
I simply cannot get one to work...

Anyone have any tips?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 14:17:37 UTC
in Model Lighting Issues... Post #230649
Yea, that's the tut (one of them) that I've been using...

I followed each step correctly as far as I can tell, but the sound just won't play in game...

Also, how do you pinpoint exactly which brushes/faces are the one's with too many light styles?

Where's the feature which allows you to pinpoint faces with their coordinates...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-29 02:08:51 UTC
in Model Lighting Issues... Post #230615

I'm running on a laptop with an ATI integrated card...

...a Radeon Xpress 200M...

It's on the crap side of cards when it comes to gaming, so I usually run my steam games on the lowest 16:9 resolution possible...

Which is something like 720x480...

I bumped it up to the normal 1600x800 or whatever (I'm terrible at remembering these widescreen resolutions) and my cubemaps built fine...

It's working perfect now...

Now if only I could get that stupid soundscape to perform correctly... :nervous:

EDIT: Also, I changed one of my lights from a spotlight to a light entity, and now I'm getting a "Too many styles on face" error during the compile...

Any tips on fixing that?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 23:44:35 UTC
in Map WIP - Skytower Post #230588
That blue striped pattern thing you've got going on on the borders is really neat, and could be fully utilized if you were to adjust it so that it emitted light...

Maybe not all of the blue borders, but the ones on the tower...

To me the tower is to "dead" to draw the attention I think it deserves...

Any movement or "life" could help drastically...

My 2 hundredths of a dollar...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 22:38:35 UTC
in Model Lighting Issues... Post #230578
Okay, I can do that...


I've had bad experiences with "buildcubemaps" before...

I usually crash straight to the desktop every time I try to do that...

I'll try here in a second...but I'm not sure if it will work...


Indeed, buildcubemaps crashed me directly to the desktop, do not pass go, do not collect $200...

Any ideas why it won't let me use that command?

The last time this happened I sent my .vmf to someone and they ran buildcubemaps just fine...

I read around and heard that the resolution of my window may be an issue...

I'm running on a widescreen laptop, that may be the problem...I'll see if I can tweak the resolutions before running buildcubemaps for better success...

BTW, if someone is willing to attempt to run the map and buildcubemaps to see if it works for them, feel free to send me a PM... This is one of my little projects I'd rather not throw out into public just yet...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 22:17:00 UTC
in Model Lighting Issues... Post #230575

How can you set a cubemap to a prop?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 21:53:50 UTC
in Model Lighting Issues... Post #230571
:lol: Now I may just be retarded...

But I'm getting a weird sort of reflective "glow" coming off of my prop models when they're supposed to be in complete darkness...

When the lights are on it looks fine, but when the lights go off, my trashcans and benches glow like fireflies...

I've tried messing around with light origins, even though I have no clue what those really do...

I also have multiple lights in many directions that go on and off via triggers, maybe this has something to do with it...I dunno...

ONCE, during a test after compiling they didn't glow in the darkness...but I haven't been able to get back to that state...

I'll post screenshots if requested, but I'm hoping that someone might be able to throw me a few bones...

ALSO: I'm having trouble with a soundscape, I've followed multiple tutorials on how to set it up, but it will not play in game...

Any spurts of wisdom would be helpful... (BTW this is for HL2)


Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 15:19:23 UTC
in Map WIP - Skytower Post #230528
This reminds me of an area from Starfox Adventures...

Quite possibly THE worst game ever created for the GC...

I think it looks great as is...

I would suggest maybe adding some focal points near the top of the tower...

Maybe a large spire as someone suggested, or even a large ball of glowing light within that hole...

Something that draws attention upward...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 12:40:20 UTC
in CS Source Problem Post #229849
Or maybe it's a public IP?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 20:31:29 UTC
in Crash to desktop? Post #227988
For some reason it posted twice...


Yea, I wanted to put my own spin on it...The SAW maps were a bit too "un-inspired"...The puzzles were less intense than should be for a SAW map, and were too easy...

I like creating the story, rather than ripping it off, and would rather do it with more voice acting...

I've been working on it more and more as I learn new things, so hopefully by the time it's finished it will be chock full of detail, experience, and such...