Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-03-01 11:41:56 UTC
in Tricky cs_vehicle behavoir, help plz Post #18004
all you have to do is place the first path_track entity, the one for the spawn point of the vehicle, in the air... and there u go... the vehicle should spawn in the air... if that doesnt work... theres an option for the height above track... play around with that number...
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-01 10:38:45 UTC
lol, its ok jobabob... thats why chippy is here :P

i linger behind like the observant fart, waiting for my moment to make a stink about something! HA i made a funny :nuts: i think....


Posted 20 years ago2004-03-01 00:13:03 UTC
try adding "mp_allowmonsters 1"to ur server.cfg file...

it defaults to 0
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-01 00:11:52 UTC
in turret array Post #17973
maybe try setting up 2 tank controls overlapping and set them to the tanks... if that dont work then i dont think it can be done...
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 03:53:34 UTC
in chippy_beta1 Post #17385
ya i noticed those 900 speeds outside too... the ground isnt scaled very large right now... ill prolly bump it up to like 2.5 or 3 and see how that helps out...

as for the lighting... i guess what i need to do is reset my gamma and brightness to install defaults... thats the problem... i have them up all the way so i can see in dark spaces... so i never noticed the map was dark... now that u mention it tho... yeah, i guess it is... :P

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 06:52:46 UTC
in chippy_beta1 Post #17190
just wanted to see if u guys could test out my map for me... we've been playing it on my server a lot... actually its quite popular... but i figured since u guys have helped me along the way, i would share with you and let u all give me some advice/comments on it... theres an explanation on the map vault page... but note: this is a DE/bomb map... cross title my maps until the final version just in case i forget to add alpha, beta, test, whatever to the end of it... this keeps people from having to go back and delete the beta/test before they can join a game playing the map...

anywho... im rambling...
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 04:21:45 UTC
in textures / models Post #17185
theres vary nice ones in the de_alps wad... search for de_alps on google or something... you'll find it... download the map and then use the wad... that is one of the most incredible maps ive seen in a long long time... seriously consider playing it... its big, but incredibly detailed...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 10:38:06 UTC
in problem with texture results... Post #16643
how high up is your skybox?

it could be outside the max viewable distance...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 06:59:28 UTC
in GAAA... Models IN maps? Post #16632

anyone ever play cs_bikini? or some of 3d mike's other maps... he uses models for like cars and umbrellas, even chairs amd stuff... then he puts these models into his maps somehow... i looked through the tutorials and couldnt find one on how to do this... i even searched the forums, but didnt see any topics addressing how to do this... i want to include some models of video machines and game tables in this map im working on... but i dunno how to get them in there... any help would be great... ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-18 22:03:21 UTC
in Editing CS models to make work in HL? Post #16539
you'll need to decompile a HL MDL file and look at its qc file to see just what sequenses you need to have in the weapon... usually the names are pretty explanitory of what the animation does... then make a list of the ones u need for the hl model...

open the qc file for the CS model u decompiled... remove everything else and rename the ones you need... for example... say in HL the firing sequence was called: weapfire.smd but in CS they call it: coltfire.smd, then you rename the CS SMD to: weapfire.smd and change that line in the qc file for the cs model... it will take hours and hours and days and days to convert all the gins you want to use... and even then they might not match up right... since the gun models for CS were designed for the cs models not the hl models... which are a little larger than the ones in cs...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-18 21:56:43 UTC
in Flashbang effect Post #16538
assuming this is for CS...

the mortarfield will set off flashbang effects.. my suggestion would be to set one up in front of this explosion on all sides... then trigger it a few seconds after the explosion... have it set off like 4 or 5 flashes (mortars) just in case the player is far away... but dont delay them long in between... set them off like simultaniusly or something.... this should acheive the effect u want...

if this is for hl... follow the env_fade advice given above..

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-18 21:52:38 UTC
in How Do I strip weapons from players ? Post #16537
oy vae....

look can we just answer the poor guys question... geez...

make a team master and set it for everyone... then make a game_player_equip set it to equip the player with body armor, an he nade, and a knife... set its team master to the one u just made... now make a trigger_auto and target the game_player_equip with it... set it to delay about .5 seconds just to be at the start of eacho round they will be given a knife, nade and armor

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-10 02:13:08 UTC
in Crashes when breakable object explodes! Post #15887
i have the 420 version of ur card... same thing... just pci instead of agp... unfortuantely when i got it i didnt have my 8x agp capable mobo... but anyhow... nvidea does have new drivers for that... mine used to do it too... but if u get the new drivers from their site... ur good..

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-10 02:09:30 UTC
in Texturing mdls with ms3d... Post #15886
u need to highlight and move the vertexes on the BMP texture/skin...

they need to be moved so that they are on top of the area of the texture they are meant to show in the model...

yes... that was probably more cofusing than helpful.... just think of it as a map... those little dots need to be on top of the map/texture exactly where you want them to appear... so like if u have 3 dots... one for the top of the nose, and 2 for each of the other corners... then make sure thats where those dots show up on the BMP map...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-10 02:01:14 UTC
in Snow problem Post #15885
amen brother.... amen....

but u gotta get the good one

cs_cityassault_final - the map pwns

everyone should have it... that is by far THE BEST remake of assault i have ever seen... and dare i say.... the sides are almost fair now.... lol...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-10 01:54:39 UTC
in Editing Models for 3D Studio Max Post #15884
btw... i dont believe anything can "Import" a .mdl file except the HL engine.... u need to decompile the .mdl file to get the smd's for the animation and the model base itself... then you need to import the HL-SMD file into whetever editing program you want... you will also get a .qc file... dont lose that, as you will need it to recompile the smd's into the new mdl file... just remember this one key aspect of modeling... the skeletons in the base smd.. the actual model... and the skeletons in the animation smd's... must match exactly... that means the skeletal heiarchy (SP?) and the joint names etc... if that doesnt make sense... check some tutorials... if that still doesnt make sense... u prolly shouldnt mess with the modeling... cuz they'll end up looking really funky when you get them into cs... and the animation wont work well... ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-10 01:46:13 UTC
in new schoolgirl cs model Post #15883
see... the amusing thing is... there is no "E" drive here... and those folders dont exist at all... stupid microsoft... :P

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 21:36:02 UTC
in Snow problem Post #14900
you can also use an env_weather entity or something like that... assuming you are using the expert fgd.... thats a lot easier to use and looks a lot more natural than using a scrolling texture...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 21:30:35 UTC
in new schoolgirl cs model Post #14899
hmmm.... thats a thought... i dunno... i am doing this at work right now... but im on a brand new dell optiplex.... p4 and 512 megs of ram.... running windows 2000.... i dont think its a buffer problem... but then again im also running under user status, not administrator... i guess ill try this again at home... on my celeron with windows xp.... ill let u know what turns up...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 07:01:59 UTC
in weely big pwobwum! Post #14774
check ur vid drivers... maybe update them if open gl... or try running software mode... a lot of the time... problems with rendering like that are caused by the game engine or the video drivers...

and actually... thinking bout it... if the game is freezing when it fades... i dont think the problem would lie with the next trigger... try removing the other triggers and just letting the level fade in by itself... that way u can isolate whether the problem even lies in the map entities...

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 06:40:44 UTC
in new schoolgirl cs model Post #14766
i figured that title would get someone's attention... hopefully vassy... or someone who knows more about modeling...

i did not need to switch any heads or anything like that... but if my understanding of how the mdl file is set up... i am taking the base file for a schoolgirl... and attempting to compile it with the sequenses of the CS models... this way... it could be used as a player model in-game... anyhow... this problem is not specific to this one model... i even tried decompiling the mdl file then immediately recompiling it without changing a thing.... i still get this at the end of the file.... everything goes fine with the compile... it grabs every animation sequence it needs... but then this trails off on the end and the compile dies...

grabbing ./head.smd
grabbing ./gutshot.smd
grabbing ./left.smd
grabbing ./back.smd
grabbing ./right.smd
grabbing ./forward.smd
grabbing ./crouch_die.smd
********** ERROR **********
./@???????p????(??????p????? PzH??X??????
PN ????O0???????P?? not found
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i didnt miss part of it... thats where it stopped...

any help would be great... i dunno if i'll ever get this model working... but if i do, you are all welcome to a happy copy of it ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 03:37:59 UTC
in OpenGL and gl_wireframe 2 Post #13370
major... are u mapping in cs?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 03:36:07 UTC
in 2000 wpoly count :) Post #13369
steam doesnt require 1ghz... i'd be surprised if it needed 500-600mhz... what it does eat up tho is ram... just to run the menu's and their skin takes up 26 megs of ur ram... rediculous...

ans stenin.. i love this: "What the hill's wrong with VALVE?"

umm... lemme think... uh... THEY'RE DEVELOPING STEAM! thats whats wrong with them... somewhere along the lines they lost the concept of:
1) plan
2) develop
3) test
4) distribute

apparently valves new development process has been shortened to
1) develop
2) disribute
3) f*ck up
4) fix
5) f*ck up again
6) fix
7) f*ck up yet again
8) fix
9) etc, etc, etc...

heh :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 02:40:21 UTC
in Map isn't starting in multiplayer Post #13362
you need to rename your map

hafllife will not start a map with a space in its name... the engine thinks it is an invalid parameter and thus returns u to the main screen

rename it to crappy_mappy.bsp and i bet it'll start right up...


Also try to reduce the amount of characters in the name, it is not essential... but it is good practice.(Trycrapmap)(ed:Andy)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 02:23:12 UTC
in milkshape 3d 1.7 Post #13360
amen.... milkshape is used only for the file conversions and decompiling HL mdl files... at least... on my computer thats all its good for... as for the 30-day restriction... meh... i usually reinstall windows fairly regularly too... try doing a system registry backup before u install it... then when u remove it... clean the registry so it goes back to what u saved... reinstall milkshape and you should get another 30 days... if not... reinstall windows...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 02:18:54 UTC
in Info_Player_Deathmatch Post #13359
no... actually... you DONT need them both... if u fail to put one or the other... CS wont let u join the team with no spawn points... at least... if ur running 1.6...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-09 01:53:50 UTC
in Adding ammo to a map? Post #11282
there is... but its not simple... well it can be...

use a game_team_master... set index -1 for no team

then make a game_player_equip with the ammo you want to give them... set its team master to the name of the master u made... also set the flag for use only (you wont see this unless you have the expert FGD)... this flag makes it equip only the player who triggered it... (THIS CAN CRASH THE MAP THO - BE CAREFUL)

now make ur ammobox... put a trigger_multiple in it... set the trigger multiple to target the game_player_equip... now when the player walks into the ammobox they get the ammo... end of story....

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-09 01:33:58 UTC
in Screenshot sizes. THEY ARE TOO BIG Post #11279
or for those who have it... fireworks.... drools

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-09 01:32:11 UTC
in game_player_equip Post #11278
nope nope... the game_player_equip cannot target info_player anythings.... it needs to have its master set as a game_team_master... i dont map for HL... so i cant tell u about single player and multi player there... but on the game_team_master... it has a team index....

in CS 1 is cts
2 is t's....

u can set this is -1 for no team... my assumption is that 1 would be the player in HL....

at any rate u need to make a team master then in the game_player_equip... set its team master to the name of the master u made... trigger the player equip with a trigger auto or something.... make it work.... yay

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-05 05:50:25 UTC
in Dark side of a door Post #10722
not a glitch brattylord... just lack of dynamic programming... keep in mind HL is a very very very modified version of a quake engine... which has been improved and improved and rewritten several several times... its not a glitch... its just how the engine was developed to keep system specs at a minimum... think of it this way... how long does it take to compile your map? how many hours... or in some cases... days.... that is to light the map 1 freaking time... for lighting to be dynamic in the game... eww.... ur talkin about like a 1fph render speed... you'd be lucky to finish 1 level by the time u hit 90.... so there's why...

no glitch... just not feasable at the time....

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-05 05:39:05 UTC
in Pushables? need help Post #10721
ya dude... for doors... the initial angle is set by the brush u made it with.... you set the number of degrees to move in the appropriate keyvalue for its entity....

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-05 05:37:14 UTC
in Another question about sounds Post #10720
umm... neo... no offense bud... did you eat paint chips as a kid?

MP3 is a sound file compression algorhythm... a standard wav file is 10megs/minute at 44100 frequency and 16 bit sound... in english bud...

the WAV is HUUUUUGE..... no one will play the map because by the time they get the darn wav file loaded the server will have been through 8 other maps... lol....

anyhow dude... my advice... take a decent section of the song... and loop it... but limit the section to like 20 secs....

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-05 05:30:12 UTC
in bad surface extents Post #10719
sorry guys i wasnt specific enough i guess... it tells u what texture was used on the face... so you only resize everything with THAT texture... not the whole map... oh god... that would suck wouldnt it... lol...

i just recently had to do that...

eh... i suppose if u remember a small brush u used that texture on you could do it individually... but most of the time i try not to remember EVERY brush on the map... yech.. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-03 20:59:05 UTC
in falling debris Post #10408

make a func_breakable for the ceiling... call it "myceiling" for now... set it to target "ohmygoditsfalling" :D

then make a bunch of other func_breakables below it... texture them with whatever... set rendermode to texture... then fxamount to 0... this will make them invisible... set material type to rocks... and name them all "ohmygoditsfalling".... now... when the ceiling breaks... it triggers all those other ones... and you have a big mess of sprite based rocks falling everywhere :P

yay... ps... to inflict damage... you need to set a trigger_hurt where the player will be standing... and target it through a trigger_relay named "ohmygoditsfalling" with a delay long enough to let the rock sprites reach the player...

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-03 20:46:20 UTC
in Round "ball" Post #10406
i have a prefab sphere at home... in RMF format... oooo drools

its a nice one too.... kudos to whoever made it...

bad thing about spheres... narsty narsty r_speeds.... yech... but i'll try to post a link to it when i get home if i remember....

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-03 20:44:13 UTC
in bad surface extents Post #10405
dude... easy way to fix it... highlight every frickin brush on the map... hit ALT-A then set x-scale and y-scale to 1... hit apply.... u may have to resize some textures back to where they were... but its about the easiest way to track down the texture thats screwin up...

this has nothing to do with the brushes... their shapes or anything like it... just the texture applied to a brush somewhere is scaled soooo small the engine wouldnt be able to render it...
