Is it possible to make a moving button, after activation of which - it would NOT stop, but move to a certain point? Created 1 year ago2023-09-05 19:16:15 UTC by Sån1st Sån1st

Created 1 year ago2023-09-05 19:16:15 UTC by Sån1st Sån1st

Posted 1 year ago2023-09-05 19:16:15 UTC Post #347835
Is it possible to make a moving button, after activation of which - it would NOT stop, but move to a certain point?
Imagine a wall, and behind it a button, which is not visible to the player, after a conditional trigger, the button would appear in front of the wall and start moving from side to side, after a shot at it - it would disappear behind the wall, waiting for the next call. Could you please advise how this can be done, if at all possible?

Something similar was used on "cs_training" for CS 1.6, there were buttons in the form of targets, but after the player shot at them they just stopped, I need the button to return to the original position.
Posted 1 year ago2023-09-06 23:40:15 UTC Post #347838
Maybe a func_train? You may want to try and decompile the target range from the HL´s training room, or the CS map, and see how the moving targets were done.
Posted 1 year ago2023-09-08 09:33:25 UTC Post #347842
func_guntarget might do it. idk if you can reactivate it after it's shot, firstly to reenable it and secondly to move it out of the way. you can test this with a func_guntarget that targets a trigger_relay, that after some delay targets the same func_guntarget. if this works and the guntarget reactivates, then you can start thinking about making the rest work with multiple sets of path_corners (front and back of the wall) and trigger_changetargets to change the paths the func_guntarget takes.
Posted 1 year ago2023-09-08 11:06:00 UTC Post #347844
func_guntarget can't be moved again after it is stopped. You can create identical looking func_train and func_guntarget's, trigger them at the starting position at the same time. func_train will be non-solid so the player can shoot the func_guntarget. Once func_guntarget is activated and stops, killtarget it and use a trigger_changetarget to change the func_train's target to the starting position.
Posted 1 year ago2023-09-09 20:07:25 UTC Post #347848
I was thinking of trying to use func_button, it can be given a path to move along. However, I don't know if it is possible to change its path with func_trackautochange (or with func_trackchange). If you can, that would be best for me
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