How write sprite path?!?!?!?!? Created 1 year ago2023-12-22 16:04:09 UTC by Blazon_Stone Blazon_Stone

Created 1 year ago2023-12-22 16:04:09 UTC by Blazon_Stone Blazon_Stone

Posted 1 year ago2023-12-22 16:04:09 UTC Post #348318
Hammer really lacks some functions to just "browse and choose" things and I have tried writing the adress to the sprite several ways and every time it crashes on start saying sprite not found!
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How to write it???
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-22 16:38:29 UTC Post #348319
Hammer is quite out of date and you should consider using JACK which DOES have file browsing for a lot of fields.

To answer your question however, sprites are in the sprites/ directory. There is no weapons/ directory

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-22 20:25:10 UTC Post #348326
I am using J.A.C.K :) still missing some useful browsing functions like for this. :nuts:

And damn you are right. I was thinking about the sound folder paths.... Ha! :D
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-22 23:46:16 UTC Post #348331
I am using J.A.C.K :) still missing some useful browsing functions like for this. :nuts:
You also need an FGD written for JACK. The functions are there but unless the FGD makes use of it it'd be just the same as Hammer.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-23 04:25:18 UTC Post #348332
You also need an FGD written for JACK. The functions are there but unless the FGD makes use of it it'd be just the same as Hammer.
Where can I find the latest actual FGD?
I don’t have a trigger-gravity and an info_compile_parameters...
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-23 15:07:31 UTC Post #348337
Where can I find the latest actual FGD?
2 years ago, I made a very advanced, most accurate, up-to-date (disappointment, unfortunate project, unpopular, waste of 2 years and no one cares/uses) Half-Life FGD for Hammer.
Advanced Half-Life FGD (for VHE 3.5)
I don’t have a trigger-gravity and an info_compile_parameters...
trigger_gravity is already exist in the original Half-Life FGDs. Check it again in the brush entity list.
And info_compile_parameters is found in the "zhlt.fgd" file that ships with the ZHLT and VHLT compilers.

Advanced Half-Life FGD also includes zhlt-specific entities (such as info_compile_parameters) by default.
Hammer really lacks some functions to just "browse and choose" things
Both VHE and J.A.C.K always had a file browser for sounds, sprites, and models.
The browse feature to be used for the relevant entity attribute must be defined in the FGD.
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[-TR-] 3mirG [-TR-] 3mirGThe Turkish Half-Life modder.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-23 15:40:14 UTC Post #348339
2 years ago, I made a very advanced, most accurate, up-to-date
Thank you, I’ll definitely take a look. I noticed this on gamebanana. don’t be upset, I’m sure if your work is appreciated by at least a couple of people, it’s worth a lot! You are well done.!
trigger_gravity is already exist in the original Half-Life FGDs. Check it again in the brush entity list.
The fact of the matter is that for some reason they are not visible in JAСK, probably it’s some kind of glitch, but they are displayed on other people’s maps...
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-23 16:45:48 UTC Post #348340
trigger_gravity is a brush entity. you need to select the brush you want to turn into the entity then do "tie to entity" via either the menu or the Entity panel. It'd create the default brush entity. Only after this can you go to Object properties dialog and select trigger_gravity from the dropdown.
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-24 23:31:23 UTC Post #348355
Yes of course, I asked a stupid question, sorry
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