History of func_train

Revision User Message Revert
#8336 - 2 months ago kimilil kimilil angles, and link to verc's avelocity page
#8205 - 4 months ago kimilil kimilil streamlined notes: clarified pathing center based on testing; use of avelocity Revert
#7620 - 1 year ago Solokiller Solokiller Add sound names Revert
#7619 - 1 year ago Solokiller Solokiller Fix title Revert
#6669 - 2 years ago Captain P Captain P Small note about changing the target of a moving train Revert
#6307 - 3 years ago kimilil kimilil Clarify when origin brush gets used (env_beams still use them) Revert
#6306 - 3 years ago kimilil kimilil No origin brush is required - clarified that origin brushes don't work at all Revert
#6111 - 4 years ago Captain P Captain P Added a note about trigger_changetarget. Revert
#6106 - 4 years ago Captain P Captain P Added links to path_corner Revert
#6076 - 4 years ago Captain P Captain P Flag name is now bold Revert
#5934 - 4 years ago Half Way Lambda Half Way Lambda added a mention for func_tracktrain Revert
#5932 - 4 years ago Half Way Lambda Half Way Lambda removed the "this needs to be reviewed" label since it's already reviewed + added a few things Revert
#5298 - 5 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Revert
#5257 - 5 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Revert
#3963 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Fixed styling; Removed unneeded sound options; Adjusted attribute descriptions Revert
#917 - 15 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Minor Edit Revert
#916 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#915 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Entity Notes Revert
#914 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert