History of trigger_changetarget

Revision User Message Revert
#9720 - 3 months ago kimilil kimilil corroborate use with monstermaker to set target of children; misc. formatting
#6815 - 2 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Link to Entity Attribute: Target Revert
#6673 - 3 years ago Captain P Captain P TFC section formatting Revert
#6672 - 3 years ago Captain P Captain P Added notes about some specific behavior, and about some attributes that are ignored by the game Revert
#5203 - 6 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Merged TFC Revert
#3965 - 6 years ago torekk torekk Fixed styling; Removed "flags, input and output" as there are none; Adjusted the description for delay Revert
#710 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#709 - 17 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert