CONTENTWATER Last edited 4 years ago2020-02-13 19:40:12 UTC

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The CONTENTWATER tool texture removes collision from a brush and mirrors the brush faces inside out. It also marks the contents of a brush as water, allowing you to swim in it, but only if it's a world brush.
Mirrored faces on a func_illusionary textured with CONTENTWATERMirrored faces on a func_illusionary textured with CONTENTWATER
Click here to check out an example map using CONTENTWATER by Windawz.

Useful Applications

Volumetric Lighting

Volumetric lighting can be textured with CONTENTWATER in order to make it look more realistic.
Example brushExample brush
User posted image
func_illusionary based volumetric lighting, with and without the use of CONTENTWATERfunc_illusionary based volumetric lighting, with and without the use of CONTENTWATER

Conflicting Entities and Textures

CONTENTWATER shouldn't be used on world brushes or entities that don't produce a brush model, such as func_detail or func_group. Doing so will result in turning the object into a water volume that will cause visibility errors for whoever submerges themselves into it. It also conflicts with the following tool textures, resulting in a mixed face contents error: The HINT and SOLIDHINT tool textures cause no errors, but they shouldn't be used with CONTENTWATER.


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