Entity Attribute: Team allowed... Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:25 UTC

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The specific application of this property varies from entity to enity, but it basically selects which team an action applies to (which team is allowed to touch a goal, pick up an item, spawn at a spawn point, be targeted by a turret, etc.) The options are:
<li>0 = Any / Alternate / Use Teamcheck<li>
<li>1 = Blue<li>
<li>2 = Red<li>
<li>3 = Yellow<li>
<li>4 = Green<li>
Note: 0 may not available with some entities.

Also note: For info_player_teamspawn entities, if you select Any, you must specify a teamcheck entity in the Targetname of Teamcheck property or the entity will not work there may be errors when loading the map.


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