VERC: Half-Life Rain Last edited 21 years ago2003-03-05 01:42:00 UTC

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(tutorial originally by Freon (Link: )


Rain in Half-Life?" Yes! You've been all dreaming of it! This tutorial file explains how you can easily add rain in your levels.
You've gotta see this in the game for the full effect.


Step #1

Place the rain.spr file (available in (Link: ) in the valvesprites directory.

Step #2

In your level you need 3 entities for each drip (so copy/paste these entilies in the area you want the rain to fall, and space them, more or less, depending the rain intensity):

Step #3

In the env_beam, you now need to...


Below are a few tips for improving the rain effect. Feel free to e-mail Freon (Link: if you have some issues. You can also modify the sprite, change it (blood rain, snow or whatever). And try everything you want with the env_beam to improve the rain fx.


For a more concrete illustration, check out the example map linked below.
This article was originally published on the Valve Editing Resource Collective (VERC).
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