activator Last edited 9 months ago2024-02-22 17:26:09 UTC

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In GoldSrc entity system, the activator is the initiator of the entity events.

The activator is one of two entity references passed to an entity being triggered, the other being the caller. Whereas the caller is the immediate entity that triggers another entity, the activator reference is preserved and passed along when entities trigger other entities (aka a trigger chain). This allows a chaining of triggers e.g. a trigger targets a trigger_relay, which targets a game_text, which displays text to only the activator by default.

Scenarios where activator is used: The activator chain however can be broken (i.e. the original activator reference lost) when: Therefore, care should be taken to make sure entities that affect activators aren't targeted in the above ways. For example, a multi_manager targeting a game_text will crash the game unless "All Players" flag is checked.

1 Comment

Commented 8 months ago2024-03-26 01:06:50 UTC Comment #106087
In vanilla SDK, there is no way for any entity to specify the activator in the target field. However in Spirit of Half-Life, Sven Coop, and Featureful, you can use these special names:
  • !activator (SC, Featureful)
  • *locus (SoHL, Featureful)

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