
Commented 1 month ago2025-01-12 11:23:03 UTC in vault item: Breakable only by explosives example Comment #106610
This isn't a bad way of doing it, but quite easy to cheese if you know where to shoot.

I've set something up like this recently using buttons that activate when damaged and then reset immediately. These buttons then target a multisource entity which targets the breakable door or wall. Unless all of the buttons are hit at the same time with a reasonable amount of damage, it's impossible to break the target, so you can't cheese it by shooting at a single spot. :)
Commented 1 month ago2024-12-28 21:33:41 UTC in poll: New HL game announced? Comment #106582
I admire the optimism of almost half of the people who have voted here...

Wrong though.
Commented 2 months ago2024-12-10 01:36:44 UTC in journal: So what the hell's been going on?: Part 2 (without the obnoxious capitalization) Comment #106550
I really ought to give Arcane Dimensions another go. I've had a binge of 90s shooters back in 2021/22 where I played through a lot of the classics that I'd never completed legitimately before. I never got around to playing the various big mods as well. Pretty sure however that I worked with a lot of the level designers who contributed to AD in some way back at Slipgate Ironworks. Phantom Fury might not have released to high praise, but I was awestruck by some of the work the experienced Quake level designers put out.
Commented 2 months ago2024-12-04 15:16:56 UTC in journal: So, What The Hell Has Been Going On? (for the past few years(?)) Comment #106543
I don't think I ever found anyone annoying on this site.
Urby enters...

In all seriousness though, I've been a member of TWHL for a looong time, and I don't think I've found a more inclusive and welcoming community since. There's a reason I've stuck around all this time. I'd hate for anyone to feel unwelcome, though there have been maybe a handful of incidents I can think of where people have been banned. They are always given fair and clear warning when it's time to tone things down.

On the work front, I have been hating my job for the last few years and almost quit in August. However I do think there is value in airing your grievances and having done so myself I've been given guidance and now find myself actually enjoying the job again. I also believe that there is value in travelling to work, even only occasionally. Social interaction, a work focused environment and even the act of commuting can really help to break up the monotonous routine of working from home.

Lastly I was not aware that you were working on a singleplayer map pack... I'm very aware of your stellar multiplayer maps, but with singleplayer being my preference when it comes to Half-Life, let me just say, "Hell yeah!" I'll be keeping an eye out for updates on that for sure!

Please do stick around and vent as much as you need to. :D
Commented 2 months ago2024-12-01 23:02:26 UTC in journal: Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! Comment #106538
Man, you joined before I did... Welcome back!

Most activity is on the Discord server these days.
Commented 3 months ago2024-11-06 16:31:28 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Permanently locked doors Comment #106492
@kimilil: That seems entirely unnecessary when you can very easily just name all your locked doors "locked" and be done with it... Needless additional entities when you only need one; the func_door.
Commented 3 months ago2024-10-27 15:45:14 UTC in journal: Special Comment #106469
I went to work. Such is the life of a grown up. Heh. I'm off on Holiday now though.

I got some money and treated myself to Mothership Deluxe Edition. Also met up with Archie and Scoots a few days later and went out for dinner.
Commented 3 months ago2024-10-26 19:57:15 UTC in vault item: colormap-able item_security Comment #106464
This is very cool. I didn't know you could apply color mapping in the editor. This opens up a lot of potential windows for model variations...
Commented 4 months ago2024-10-06 09:59:08 UTC in journal: Today is the birthday of the FSF! Comment #106446
Happy Birthday!!
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-24 13:47:47 UTC in journal: It's my birthday today! Comment #106414
This does not work on a UK layout keyboard.
Commented 5 months ago2024-09-12 15:33:16 UTC in vault item: Urby's all-in-one Zombie Model Comment #106393
@CPripyatUit: I don't map for source, but I would suspect the it works similarly to the citizens? However you select their heads, so too would you select the zombie model so long as the model has any submodels.
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Commented 5 months ago2024-09-05 13:03:51 UTC in vault item: Urby's all-in-one Zombie Model Comment #106373
@kimilil Credits info
Commented 5 months ago2024-09-04 23:09:23 UTC in journal: Reasons why a crying christian kid called Isaac can beat every half life character Comment #106367
If this is a birthday journal it's probably the most obscure one yet... well done.
Commented 5 months ago2024-08-20 15:09:24 UTC in journal: Which WAD Comment #106312
It's people like yourself, developing tools 25 years after it's release, that keep the Half-Life modding community alive and I appreciate that.

We had a tomato plant for a few years when we lived out in the countryside. There's nothing better than a fresh tomato, right off the vine. I made many a cheese and tomato sandwich during those summers. Grew our own courgettes as well and one year we missed one when picking the plant and it kept on growing. At the end of the summer we found that we had a lovely plump marrow to dig into.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-18 20:18:47 UTC in vault item: Half life Parking Predicament Prologue Comment #106305
Zombies are fixed but the map is still quite inefficiently put together. Hollow vents that you never enter?
User posted image
A big skybox around the whole map? I'm sure the map compiles quickly enough due to its small size, but you're going to need to start optimising things when you work on larger and larger maps... because "Yikes!" that's a lot of unseen stuff being rendered.
User posted image
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-17 15:03:20 UTC in vault item: Half life Parking Predicament Prologue Comment #106301
Gave this a go and a few things I noted. Firstly, your zombies are messed up. Looks like the model is incomplete and missing the textures file (zombiet.mdl)
User posted image
1. I notice that the crowbar can be easily missed, which I did at first. I accidentally picked it up when checking if I missed anything.
2. Button placement/Signposting the thing the button does. I hit a button in a room and somewhere a door opened? I assume I did this right because I have no idea.
3. Sloppy, sloppy brushwork. This is a consistent thing in your maps and it suggests a real lack of care and attention at times. It seems like a nitpick, but it feels like you make a room and then copy past prefabs to fill the space. It can be game breaking because I got stuck between vehicles/crates/walls multiple times with very little effort on my part.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
4. Glass doors but the glass is opaque? Is that a mistake?
5. Couple of flags to check for next time. func_door has "Monsters can't" which stops NPCs opening doors when they shouldn't be able to. Your grunts were opening the door in the lobby fight even though the button to open them was on the desk. Also, item_suit has "short logon" which stops the HEV suit voice droning on and on and on at the start of the map.
6. Really bad clipping issues around the entire map as well. Near some of the trucks it seems that there are clip brushes placed around for no reason? I got stuck near the truck with the turret in and had to noclip myself free, but there was seemingly nothing there blocking me.

Overall, a little improvement over your previous maps. It actually looks like the kind of space you could easily drive a vehicle around, but the combat is still ridiculously easy throughout. The grunts are once again not being given the change to fight intelligently and mostly just line up in doorways to get shot.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-14 21:54:04 UTC in poll: Favourite HL Title Comment #106297
OG Half-Life hasn't been topped imo. Opposing Force was fun but took too many liberties with the lore. Blue-Shift on the other hand, didn't do enough with it. It kinda peaked with the pre-disaster section and all the little character moments during the tram ride and walk to work. Can't really cast too much shade at an intended Dreamcast game mode turned full release, but it's just kinda mid.
Commented 7 months ago2024-07-05 17:11:43 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106232
Merry Stojke Day!
Commented 7 months ago2024-06-28 22:28:16 UTC in journal: The periodic table of ElementsSrcβ„’ Comment #106220
Happy... Birthday?
Commented 8 months ago2024-05-25 16:34:42 UTC in journal: My mod is gonna be good Comment #106187
Just make sure to add maps, enemies and weapons and you're golden. :crowbar:
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Commented 10 months ago2024-04-18 08:34:02 UTC in journal: Hiatus(Yes, again) Comment #106135
Life will do as life does, everything else must take a back seat. Sorry to hear that things are rough, and I wish you the best. The Pathos Engine stuff I've seen is really quite promising. :)
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Commented 10 months ago2024-04-11 10:29:50 UTC in journal: Quiver Comment #106125
Commented 10 months ago2024-04-10 09:58:53 UTC in journal: Hiking Comment #106123
I love a good hike. My family and I have a National Trust membership which gives us free access to those sites all over the country. Mostly just stately homes and old castles, but the grounds often reach far and wide have offer some stunning views. Waiting for the late spring/summer months to kick in so that England is a little more photogenic. Haha.

Hopefully the sun comes out for us at the end of May when we tackle the Wrekin again. You can see a good portion of Shropshire from the top.
image source: Tripadvisorimage source: Tripadvisor
Commented 10 months ago2024-04-07 10:18:39 UTC in journal: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ Comment #106116
Yup, five is the total. t0a0b and t0a0b2 appear to be duplicates of the firing range map with the former being a little larger, including the flashlight area.
User posted image
Commented 10 months ago2024-04-06 20:51:17 UTC in journal: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ Comment #106113
Yup, I've known about the rats in the Hazard Course for a looong time now. Not sure when I first learned about them. I didn't know there was even a rat model until I played Drug Barons, the first custom campaign I played for Half-Life back in 1999.
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-25 22:05:57 UTC in vault item: cs_freightlines Comment #106086
Is the map fully lit in red or is that just something you did for the preview screenshot to make it less useful?
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-25 22:03:56 UTC in journal: Objective design Comment #106085
You say that you've written yourself into a corner, but really the planning phase is where it's the least hassle to adapt your plans. Better to make changes at this stage than when you've got a fully detailed and scripted map that you then realise doesn't make sense.

The planning phase is where you draft the overall play through steps, think up a theme and the kinds of engagements you want the player to have. The block out phase is where you work on a very basic layout with some mock up encounters throughout and can easily make changes if something doesn't work the way you intended.

Neither of these phases are "easy," but they are when the map is at its most adaptable.

As for your current theme, the combine facility in an urban environment accessible to citizens, that certainly wouldn't be a secret. What it would be however, is fortified. The United Nations building in New York isn't a secret, but it's not exactly inviting people in either. There could be a secret entrance though.
Commented 10 months ago2024-03-23 22:35:34 UTC in journal: The Problem With Planning Comment #106083
I've started writing my level design briefs. It's actually how they managed things over at Slipgate Ironworks. Everyone was assigned a level and given some key points (map introduces these 2 enemies, map introduces these new weapons, etc). Level designers then had two weeks to plan their map out entirely on paper (or in confluence), before getting that signed off and starting on the blockout phase.

The documentation would be divided up into segments with the occasional rough sketch of the layout.
Commented 11 months ago2024-03-10 09:51:39 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106054
Best level editor: JACK, Sledge, Hammer, TrenchBroom.

Or I dunno... favourite soup
Commented 11 months ago2024-02-25 22:43:08 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106013
Awesome. This is now being used for some of the more complex brushwork in The Core. No complaints so far. You have been added to the credits. :)
Commented 11 months ago2024-02-21 14:47:54 UTC in journal: πŸ…± Comment #105997
Gonna be tricky to crack this riddle.
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-30 13:13:45 UTC in vault item: A Cool Idea Comment #105942
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-23 08:19:04 UTC in journal: Back Being an MD Comment #105920
Damn. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out. However, I'm happy to hear you were able to return to your previous calling. I suspect it wasn't too difficult getting a new position, given your decades of experience.
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-22 14:37:57 UTC in journal: Single player mod in progress! Comment #105916
You can simply copy and paste image files into your post, assuming they're in a web format. Otherwise upload the image elsewhere and then post an image link.

On topic: Always happy to hear about more single player content in the works. :D
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-05 19:03:39 UTC in vault item: Lo-fi Train (Showcase Map) Comment #105849
Not bad. Nice vibes with the music playing.

One thing I will say though is that the reflection isn't done well. There should not be a huge gap between objects and their reflection. The reflection of the wire is where this is most obvious and you can even see it in the screenshot. The reflection would show on the floor's surface, so objects ON the floor would be in contact with their reflection.
User posted image
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-01 02:50:52 UTC in vault item: Computer_Lab Comment #105826
As requested, I played through the map so far and you can see my commentary here:
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-28 17:14:27 UTC in vault item: poool Comment #105805
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-26 12:24:34 UTC in journal: uBlock Origin cosmetic filters for Comment #105796
Just one small addition
! this keeps the snowflakes white when using Dark Reader .snowfield .snowflake:style(background:#fff !important)
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-26 10:22:44 UTC in journal: A new home Comment #105793
Sweden to Malta is quite the relocation. Congrats. I'm happy to hear life is being good to you. :)
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-22 00:17:39 UTC in vault item: High (sky) Comment #105777
Always happy to see your sky uploads. Makes me think about all the different places you could set a Half-Life map besides New Mexico.

This one might actually be ideal for my mod idea set in the Peak District here in Britain. I don't suppose you've considered providing the same skybox at different times of day? :D
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Commented 1 year ago2023-12-19 12:59:35 UTC in journal: How or where are you gonna spend your vacations? Comment #105765
Christmas Day has actually become a little less chaotic as the kids have gotten older. Everyone comes to our place now on Christmas Day/Boxing Day rather than us racing from one end of the county to the other to visit everyone.

The rest of my week off will consist of looking after the kids, playing as much Baldur's Gate 3 and Fortnite as possible and maybe even doing some mapping if the mood takes me.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2023-12-16 13:23:43 UTC in vault item: The New (Un)Forgotten Testament Comment #105745
A short map with a range enemies to shoot at. They are little to no threat due to there being no node graph to guide the AI and a lot of them are stuck in the geometry. Certainly not worth a 70MB download since the one audio file included caused my game to crash to desktop until I deleted it...
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