
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 21:34:20 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13717
ok thanx :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 21:05:16 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13716

if you can't set it up i will walk you through it when i get the chance
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 20:40:01 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13715
thx for the comment :)

do u know where i could find any batch compilers?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 20:35:39 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13714
(this community despises surf maps so don't expect many comments... well positive for that matter)

you seem to have gotten the hang of vertex manipulation and the boost is good but there isn't much of a variety of textures (my maps are probably like that as well)

you are missing a few wads so i don't think many people are going to put in the extra time of adding blank wads to get to test the map so i suggest fixing this (get a batch compiler that -wadincludes for you so the wads are included in the .bsp file)

i think its good for a first map and i hope you stick to mapping
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 20:03:56 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13713
oh yes i knew that but i dont see how surfing is going to help u rescue them lol
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 20:03:00 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13712
in CS in some maps you have to save hostages. and you didnt know that?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 19:56:31 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13711
ahem... tracking down hostages?? lol i dont know much :(
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 19:50:35 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13710
so you can surf on this map eh? may be usefull tracking down hostages
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 19:14:44 UTC in vault item: Arch Comment #13709
from the screen shot the room (sorry for being blunt) looks empty. perhaps a table?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 19:05:30 UTC in vault item: In-security Comment #13708
i did say it needs work. i dont know how to fix the script so barney keeps doing his script without standing. i was thinking of adding to the big training facillity door/tunnel. By the way, there is a secret room(s) that i blocked off because i hated it to bits. use noclip. duh
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 18:28:45 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13707
ill try to update it sometime today, but im busy atm
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 18:27:08 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13706
oh ok now i get it :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 18:10:02 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #8 Entry Comment #13705
It doesn't work in reverse for several reasons, but mostly because of the train I had to use for the rotating lock thing. It went to a small box above the rest of the map, and stayed there. It would take a lot of good timing to get it to work going the other way (look at the RMF and you'll see what I mean). The other reason was that it would just be really complicated, and I don't really like working with complex entity setups too much.

I'm not sure what you mean about the lip. I have a lip set on both of the doors, but I should probably carve out a space below and above the doors so it doesn't intersect them.

And last, It was intended to be really long. I'm not saying you have to like that, but it was intentional, and I don't plan on changing it.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 14:22:10 UTC in vault item: Hell's Maw (Heretic Remake) Comment #13704
anytime, anywhere
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 09:56:55 UTC in vault item: Transit Tunnel Door Comment #13703
Quite realisic with all neat the effects I noticied:

?The breakables
?Wicked sound!~
?sprites for smoke/dust
?env_beam/sprite for the door mechanism thingies?

The lighting was nice and gave it an eerie ambience too. The sequence is impeccable on the open and close, and the "Big D" with the switchable animating texture was a superb final touch!!1 I just would have added a point light to turn on when the D completed it's arc :)

Minor nitpicks:
-Some brush interesections were a very minor distraction.
-the silver door mechanisms with the blue env beam/sprite in-between looked a bit too thin to me. Kinda clashed with the rest of the door, but no biggie.
-I agree with Srry there could have been more intricacies for the door, but whatever it's still outsanding work! :)

Another Spectacular entry for the compo!!1
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 09:12:07 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #8 Entry Comment #13702
Wow that is amzazing!!1

I've always wanted to do a bank vault--we think alike on many things :)

The sequence is compicated and very cool--multiple trains? I haven't looked at the rmf--, and the other mechanisims are a great touch. My favourite part was the rotating guy/latches that move UP with the door! Excellent.

The detail on the rest of the map is nice--more than sufficient for our purposes, and thoughtfully constructed. The precious metal prop was also a nice touch.

Why doesn't the sequence work in reverse? It's not a big deal--we already decided that the door didn't have to close--, but I'm just curious.

Small nitpicks:
-no space for the rotating dial to pass through when the door opens, so it intersects the top of the wall. Also, no lip on the door itself, so it also interesects. (maybe adding lip would fix both troubles?)

-Agree with Dauby that the sequence is a little too long. No biggie really.

Another superb entry, perfect for the compo! :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 08:27:46 UTC in vault item: The Great Leap Comment #13701
Awesome work with the iris door.
It actually felt, like it was organic.

Superb work!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 08:02:23 UTC in vault item: Transit Tunnel Door Comment #13700
I suppose I could've added more..
Hm. I'll update if, if I find the time.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 06:13:03 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13699
Spoiler below this line, lol :) :
The map credits behind the crack in the wall, pretty much any hidden stuff like that is called an "easter egg" I think.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 05:03:13 UTC in vault item: Transit Tunnel Door Comment #13698
Wow, that's really great. Excellent use of the falling rubble, and shaking. The whole map felt like it was going to cave in any moment! It had a sort of apocalyptic feeling to it, in a way.

The actual door, however, was a little underused. Seems like it had so much potential, but you didn't bring too much of it out...

Five stars, because I still think the map is great, for your use of effects. This would fit very well in a bigger mappack/mod. It feels like it has a cool story behind it.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 04:16:52 UTC in vault item: In-security Comment #13697
lol Blue shift Chapter name.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 04:05:10 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #8 Entry Comment #13696
Sweeeeet! :D

I loved the ammount of detail and great architecture.
The rotating lock was a bit slow, although I guess that's realistic.

Great work.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:59:09 UTC in vault item: In-security Comment #13695
The map is fullbright, lacks detail. You should really spice up the cliffs, add some bumps to the sand, maybe even add a cactus, or something.
The ambience was pretty good, although I'd reduce the generator sound a bit.
The repeating barney crouch sequence doesn't look convincing either.
It could be turned into a sven co-op map, although it still needs loads of work.

Good luck with this.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:33:34 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #13694
Nice job with the orb! I assume it is a func_train but it is just brilliant work. Trains can be darn awkward to work with but this was flawless!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:10:18 UTC in vault item: func_door fun Comment #13693
lol... :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:07:42 UTC in vault item: Domino for HL1 Comment #13692
:D yay!!!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:05:19 UTC in vault item: Escalator Comment #13691
Mind if i use this for some of my maps?? :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:02:39 UTC in vault item: Reflective Water Comment #13690
love it!!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 02:00:09 UTC in vault item: Prefab Pack Comment #13689
Kinda late for a new comment but thankx for this, it really helps!!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-14 01:50:29 UTC in vault item: Just another lab Comment #13688
All I can say atm is nice... I can't map good myself so i'll give it 4 stars :-)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 18:47:22 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13687
no ive never heard of any freefall maps but one time my bro and i were playing lan and we were playing this map were u go up an elevator on opposite sides of the map and we started like jumping off and shooting each other in mid-air and thats wat gave me the idea lol

ummmm easter egg?? 0.o

and yer i had a look at that wadinclude tut while i was making it, i had a quick try at it but i dont think i did it right but with my next map ill have a much better go at it :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 14:14:23 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13686
The mapping is quite lackluster in terms of everything, but it's a neat concept. There are more of these "freefall" maps?

I lol'd at your easter egg--quite funny actually! :D

Oh and btw, if you're including 1 custom texture, why not wadinclude?
Tutorial if you're interested:
Custom Textures
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 09:41:04 UTC in vault item: The Door Comment #13685
It's really very cool and the sequence works flawlessley--which is unique and cool--, but it suffers from some bad flaws imo:

The door mechanisims are very blocky. Some or all of them also intersect the wall which is never a good thing. Lastly, there are visible gaps in the wall which = bad.

Again, very unique, cool, and well though out, but I think you can make this better ;)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 07:20:31 UTC in vault item: Mesa Storage (Mesa Map No.2) Comment #13684
Or change the game icon. :/
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 03:53:48 UTC in vault item: The Door Comment #13683
Oh, and I just tried putting another button on the other side, by cloning the first, and of course that didn't work because I can't target two things with a trigger_changetarget.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 03:41:09 UTC in vault item: The Door Comment #13682
Well, the button is a two-way one, meaning you can close it as well, and you can only really get trapped on the other side if you do a runner.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 03:10:25 UTC in vault item: The Door Comment #13681
Well another button at the other side of the corridor would have been quite helpful..
The door was quite nice, I liked the round-ish look.
Those little lids to close the gap between the door hole were my favourite. :D

Nice work. I'll give this a 4, since it wasn't re-usable.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-13 01:39:38 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13680
Yes as i said i didnt concentrate on architecture or lighting very much, mostly just the fun of it, but i will look at spotlights and texturelights (ill see which one i prefer for this map) and i will add more architecture and detail, now that ive got the basic work of the map done and working i will concentrate on making it look better. i will also change the name to fy_freefall.

for now i will move it to unfinished stuff
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 23:41:42 UTC in vault item: Mesa Storage (Mesa Map No.2) Comment #13679
Yeah, this is Half-Life Deathmatch. I'll remember to say that next time :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 23:01:30 UTC in vault item: Ztohnrage Comment #13678
The map is just for Opposing Force Multiplayer. You might get away with running it in Half-Life but you will lose all the Opposing Force weapons (sniper rifle, ect).
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 21:21:59 UTC in vault item: Star Wars (map a movie) Comment #13677
That was......incredible.

I assume the map ends when the player's view turns white right?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 15:54:16 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13676
Helpful hint: Don't block all of the doors at once. You'll break it. The doors will eventually close, but you get the annoying stuck door sound.

The other entries to the compo (including mine) have some serious competition.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 14:24:06 UTC in vault item: aim_freefall Comment #13675
"Use spotlights instead. (light_spot entity)"

No. Use Texturelights.
There is a tutorial on their use on TWHL.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 14:12:10 UTC in vault item: de_lab-tower Comment #13674
It would be more fun in pitch-black!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 13:11:06 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13672
Wow. thanks guys. As soon as i get photoshop working again i may add in some custom textures. At least i know it doesnt suck.

There's 5 'stages' to the door:
Initial locks
first door
second door
third door
lock on fourth door
and fourth door opening.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 12:33:19 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13670
Pretty simple, but I liked it.

The steam sprites and the locks were a good touch.
I'd say, that the effect would be much stronger, if the door was bigger (large five-layer door, sealing some silo, for e.g)

The doors could also deal the player some damage, if blocked, since they look pretty heavy.

Overall - good work.
3* :)

Rednek: I've removed your comment. Feel free to re-post it, if you want, but this time - add some motivation for your 1* rating. :
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 05:07:11 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13669
Rednik, you are a crusty cunt and I hope to god you get banned someday (hopefully soon). Your maps suck, and I highly doubt you could make anything that even approaches the quality of this. You're also a CSBANANAer, and a CS player, which obviously means have no taste in maps. Now STFU.

Now about the actual map...

I think it's a very good entry, and it looks like you put some work into it. There's some very nice attention to detail, like with that tank hanging on the wall, and all the little mechanisms around the room. The smoke puff sprites also added some demension to it.

I think the opening/closing sequence of the doors was pretty good, but felt a little off. Some of the doors didn't make any sound when they moved, and that kind of detracted from it. It's hard to describe what seems "off" about it, but it's just a kind of feeling. I suppose it could just be that the door doesn't strike me as being very secure, especially with those claw things.

The texturing also wasn't very good, in my opinion, but Rowleybob is right that this is more of a brushwork compo than anything, so I'll let it slide.

Overall, good map. Could use some improvement in areas, but it's still deserving of four stars, given the circumstances.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 04:55:11 UTC in vault item: The Great Leap Comment #13668
The screen really doesn't do this map justice, but whatever. It would probalby be impossible to show the effect in one screenie--maybe if you had 4 in various stages of opening?

I take back what I said about the doors at the end of Half-Life: Yours are vastly sexier/more complex--and the sound is also well done.

You should submit this for the door compo!!

The zero G is again, also a very neat idea. I'm too experimenting with func_water rendered invisible, to try for a limited zero-g effect in my current map, but it's not working too well :(
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 04:04:42 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13666
Rednick, you fail. Your mom gets 1 star :| Why don't you actually try the map?

If you actually played the map and you actually think it sucks--quite doubtful, then I challenge you to make a better one. :|

I must say though the screenie doesn't do this justice. Really Great work, and the sequence is flawless each way, no matter how often you open/close it.

It's also a unique way to secure the door, and the mechanisms are nicely detailed.

The only improvements I can possibly think of would be from a texturing standpoint, but since this is a brushwork competition, it's not really warranted. In the same though, good textures add realism, so maybe it might be worth considering some new/different textures.

The sound effects and sprites were also a great touch, perfectly executed.

Feel free to update it at you leisure 'till the end of the compo--remember, the compo ends when we recieve at least 5 submissions int the thread.

Great work, Perfect for the compo!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-12 03:11:34 UTC in vault item: dod_siwa Comment #13665
thanks for the analysis. all very good points. i know what you mean when you say the texturing on some of the buildings is plain/bland. ill have to work in some other textures. about the ambience, id add ambience and env_sounds but i made this map for the competitive community in dod(whats left of it) and people usually just use stopsound in console and env_sounds can get annoying. i may fix the clip barrier and add something that would actually block you like in the axis spawn with the tank/sandbags. the dissapearing faces is a real nasty issue id like to fix. id have to rearrange the sky brushes and its gonna be a pain. thanks again for the review, greatly appreciated.