
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 19:23:13 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13770
Neat, but it could really have used some more detail, and a bit of ambience. The architecture was generally okay, but some kind of machine inside the test chamber that projected the letters would have really been cool. It kinda strikes me as unfinished.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 19:22:13 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13769
Didn't expect this to be finished so quickly!

Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 18:08:33 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13768
Very good, muzzle!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 17:53:39 UTC in vault item: Level change error Comment #13767
thanks m8!!! I'll see into it
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 17:49:40 UTC in vault item: Level change error Comment #13766
Your use of brushes tied to trigger_changelevel and the info_landmarks appears to be fine and should work.

The problem you're having with the maps is that you use the AAATRIGGER texture to surround your level. That texture does not "seal" the level properly.

Change the texture of the inside of your big surrounding box (all six surfaces) to another texture, such as BABTECH6. That solves the problem (I tried it).

By the way, a big surrounding box around the entire level is not a recommended practice (in spite of what some tutorials say).

Unrelated: your monster_scientists are too close to the surrounding walls. Move them away.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-21 16:27:22 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13764
Ya, i know its little boring and bland... Maybe later. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-20 19:03:03 UTC in vault item: WallTurretExampleMap Comment #13762
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-20 19:01:43 UTC in vault item: WallTurretExampleMap Comment #13759
at least my map is more fun for its small size, cause its a box with strang things that will happen
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-20 18:48:03 UTC in vault item: Super Gordon Bros. Comment #13757
AWESOME 5 stars dude!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-20 01:38:27 UTC in vault item: WallTurretExampleMap Comment #13755
it would be helpful if you actually made a map worth commenting, you've made a box with a light and some turrets, congratulations.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 20:33:36 UTC in vault item: Opposing Force Minimod Template Comment #13754
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 20:19:49 UTC in vault item: WallTurretExampleMap Comment #13753
yeah you tell them carpocolypse they are so lazy and I have no idea what you are talking about!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 20:17:15 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13752
Does it only work with Firefox? Opera 9.0, IE 7 and Windows Explorer all come up with errors. Congrats on winning the compo!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 19:00:07 UTC in vault item: Help with fire Comment #13751
All works, ignore previous comment. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 17:49:09 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Effect & Small Prefabs Comment #13750
Just a suggestion, but you may want to include a working .bsp file with the map. It's one thing to look at people's maps, it's quite another to compile them too :)

Your screenie looks nice. If I get time, I'll compile it. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 17:27:46 UTC in vault item: Help with fire Comment #13749
Please help at this thread if you figure out what is wrong.
Fire Triggered by Button
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-19 00:17:44 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13748
thank you. ill make it my responsibility to send you a pm if i update it. or ill send out a shout. either way, keep tabs im not done with this one yet.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 23:40:31 UTC in vault item: The Sydney Harbour Bridge Comment #13747
It was an amazing recreation, but the crippling performance (I ran this on my friends computer (can hold 130 fps in CSS with 2560 x 1780, AA/AF 16x, Highest settings, but this map rendered in 15 fps) and no ability to actually walk around gives it 4 stars.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 23:22:39 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13746
In my opinion there is a perfect balance.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 21:30:10 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13745
Yes. i used some hl2 textures, the tree underground, i made textures in MSPAINT for, and the rest are normal half life.

I hope i found a good balance, but this map is not completed yet. I recently updated it but i just didnt upload it.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 20:26:23 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13744
I thought that this map was very detailed, if I am correct you used half life 2 textures right?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 18:52:34 UTC in vault item: In-security Comment #13743
I well-done beginner's map, but not without it's troubles.

-Turn up the max-viewable distance under "map properties" in Hammer, and you'll be able to see all the way down the road, all the time.

-there are invisble brushes and missing faces. These are usually caused by "leaf portal" errors. Check your compile log, go to the coordinates it gives you, and redo the bruswork around that area.

-Fullbright. My first maps were fullbright and I thought they looked so good! I even once submited a compo entry fullbright!!1 But believe me, running RAD--lights--is absolutely essential to mapping. If you're having trouble or more questions, check out the tutorial section/forums for help.

All in all again, a nice beginner map. The non-error brushwork you had looked fine as well the texturing. Fix the errors and get some lights now!

This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 01:35:01 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #2 Entry Comment #13739
After reading your last comment, i realised thats what i used to do with my maps... until i messed them all up.

Anyway this is a crazy cool map. I love how everything just seems to fit the theme, and i really like that sofa by the stairs. VERY creative.

More people need to make entire maps with as much detail as this.

Half-Life would be so much more enjoyable.

5 stars
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-18 00:52:46 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #13738
All the changes in the sound were pretty funny, me and my friend Carpocolypse300 thought it was hiarious!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-17 22:22:04 UTC in vault item: WallTurretExampleMap Comment #13737
are people to lazy to at least comment my map?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-17 15:57:42 UTC in vault item: Combine Gate Construction Comment #13736
Glad you find the examples useful, mad.

If you construct the gate in simple steps (as shown in the map and description), it's actually pretty simple.

Lemme know if it doesn't work for you.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-17 15:51:32 UTC in vault item: Combine Gate Construction Comment #13735
I've tried to do this several times and I've never succeded.
I'm gonna download this and have a look at it as fast as I get some freetime!

I <3 your examplemaps BJ, FTW!
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 23:24:21 UTC in vault item: Reflections 1 Comment #13734
not realy, cause it did not take me that long to do this, and get the textures to look right, and yet, the map I'm working on currently is SUPPOSED to look like crap. But this example did not make since at first, but when I looked at the RMF, it totaly made since, so nice example map.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 20:35:24 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #3 Entry Comment #13733
woa thats cool
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 18:34:07 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13732

hehe read that, if you havent already.

and yes there are still plenty of people who surf
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 15:34:01 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13731
A cool idea, nicely implemented. Transitions from one area are creative/nice, though I'm sure there are tons of other way you could do it.

General mapping is really good, and superb for cs fyish maps like this one. My favourite area was cbble. Dust was fine, even with all the crates--I suppose on purpose--, but aztec was weak imo.

5 from me for a nicely implemeted, cool idea.

Killjoy: you make goddamn surf maps and you have the audacity to rate this map 2 stars?!

Considering the level you're at, you shouldn't even be allowed to rate maps, since you can barely make them yourself :|
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 15:05:24 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13730
you can move maps bewteen vaults? HAH im dumb. I just deleted it and re-loaded it in the finished vault.

sorry about that. ill take that into account on future items. I map a lot but its not often that i use the vault.

Btw you can check almost daily progress of the map on my new website (ty freewebs)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 15:04:01 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13729
Don't rate without playing it, guys.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 14:53:31 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13728
If you just move it it shouldn't remove the map comments afaik... maybe it's a glitch?

My bad, sorry! :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 13:50:19 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13727
lol sounds good. I just stuck the cracks in the wall to make it REALLY obvious that you need to go there.

My future plans are :
Extremely detailed kitchen / dining room.
Make the rock walls outside look better.
Do something with the lighting because its still not so good outside.
Maybe put in a secret tunnel underground that does something.

its just a 'when i get bored i do stuff to it' map.

and i just moved the map from unfinished stuff to completed maps, so its technically not a double post. unless it is, i dunno.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 11:10:11 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13726
Reposting is generally not cool, but since you added some nice detail in there, we will let it slide this once :)

The cabinets, window and toaster look really nice, but my absolute favourite is the toast!!1 (just add a plate, butter, jelly, etc)

The rest of the map seems to be the same, except the wall cracks, which with your brushwork skills I KNOW you can make look more natural/realisitic.

I don't know what your full intentions for are or the map, but if you add more detail, pm me and I'll check it out!!1

Btw, I think you may have just given me an idea for the next compo! :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 06:12:05 UTC in vault item: surf_unplanned Comment #13725
i havent dl'ed it but... cough first map cough of course its noobish :P

downloading now :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-16 06:06:46 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13724
Yes i dont really like the idea of three completely different environments so obviously divided but 2 stars for originality and attempting something different ;) i just done think it would work very well in a server environment
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 22:19:16 UTC in vault item: de_simc Comment #13723
pretty good map, deserves a 5 but im giving it a 4 because the map is way too big and there are some bugs as in the room with the computer over the desk, when u broke the desk the computer stays there just flying, u should make it broke too when the desk brokes
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 21:19:32 UTC in vault item: surf_view Comment #13722
ah, the link dosnt work, and i googled it and none of the links work :(
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 21:00:40 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13721
Um.. i dont think people will be playing this much because its a mix and most people like just one scenario. Next time, make a map that has the features of dust, aztec and cobble (cbble) but one scenario like bomb the area in dust. I'll give it two stars coz of the "mixed" idea.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 20:53:52 UTC in vault item: Opposing Force Minimod Template Comment #13720
Does anyone have any opinions on this map?
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 10:09:49 UTC in vault item: mx_dabble Comment #13719
Don't double post.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-15 00:02:08 UTC in vault item: Compilation errors (bb_district19_beta2) Comment #13718
Alright thank you.