
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-11 04:19:15 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13455
"Low detail settings cause lag."

ah thats why all the players on bad computers have lag - they are just too stupid to put the details on maximum. of course! ~ lol
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-10 19:33:29 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #13454
Hope its good, but heck, what do I know, I have not submitted any of my maps yet.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-10 00:08:57 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13453
"Low detail settings cause lag"

My computer sucks and I always use low detail, because of your comment I tried it on a higher deatil setting. My original average framerate was 4.05 fps. After increasing the detail to medium it dropped to 0.90 fps, therefore proving your comment to be false. (It didn't run at all on high detail)
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-09 19:04:50 UTC in vault item: Pelican Crossing Example Comment #13451
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-09 18:59:54 UTC in vault item: Tesla Coil Comment #13450
What about one of those soviet gun things, the equivilant of the pillboxes? :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-09 17:45:14 UTC in vault item: Blend 1 and 2 Comment #13449
Serious Sam's secret jumps to mind...
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-09 13:01:38 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13448
the screenshot looks awesome
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-09 06:35:52 UTC in vault item: ck_arena Comment #13447
i will get the screenie and overview in a little while
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 18:46:11 UTC in vault item: ba_tram1 - Recreate Competition Entry Comment #13446
Could someone please rate this higher with a fair score once you've tried it...I promise you it is much better than what people have said...:P
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 16:28:17 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13445
"Low detail settings cause lag when the map demands higher settings."


Ill check this map out later.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 15:10:19 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13444
"Low detail settings cause lag."

I lol'd.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 14:52:39 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13443
You can shoot the shutters too, and jump in/out the windows.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 14:30:45 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13442
If you got rid of the outside completely, and maybe doubled the size of your house it would really be cool. THe custom textures are very good inside, I personally think the map would benefit alot more by making it completely inside. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 12:03:28 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13441
WHAT!? I run my settings on max all the time. Higher settings mean lower performance btw.

That makes no sense. Its just really poor map optimization. The windows could break, but there was shutters behind them. This SHOULD stop the vis leafs from being rendered, but the map was not optimized well, so it does not.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 11:06:58 UTC in vault item: Train Yards Comment #13440
At least he's honest and says it ;D

but anyway the map: It was okay... but do try to make your own prefabs and buildings in stead of copying others... I wont rate since this map is far from finnished. try and work more on smaler areas, perhaps make a dm map and the focus on the detail.... I can see you've gotten some basics: trains, combines, props ect.... but still you should get experience with making dm maps before you move on to such challanging things as a sp map....
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 02:46:56 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13439
"There were no windows to see out of" All the windows in the map are breakable. Also the map runs smoother than dust, turn your texture and model detail to full. Low detail settings cause lag when the map demands higher settings.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-08 02:21:02 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13438
Never judge a map by a screenie Rowleybob.... :)


The outside was BLAND! Nothing in the streets, no displacement grass, and the level just cuts off into the skybox!

The texture work was poor. Textures of different scales of the same texuture were next to eachother all over inside. One scaled to .15 others to .35! Stretched textures were everywhere. THe bricks outside were stretched horizontally, but not equally vertical.

Normal maps on the floor tile and walls were ok, but most of them had too high values, causing a "net" effect when viewed from afar.

THE FRAMERATE! As soon as you looked at the house you can enter frame rate drops from 125 to 15! There were no windows to see out of, so this was just poor map optimization, and no hint brushes!


The inside was well done. Looked exactly like a house should be. decent brushwork, custom light model, all good.
Custom texures were clear, and nice looking on the inside.

Its too bad you didnt optimize, or do your texturing correctly, or add to the outside. The buildings outside you just copied/pasted all over......

3 stars, 4 if you fix the problems :)
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-07 22:44:04 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13436
Looks equisite...wish I had Source installed :(

(Prays to TWHL edit comments god)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-07 22:43:18 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13435
The BSP is 32MB lol :)

And yes, CSS.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-07 20:58:13 UTC in vault item: cs_suburb_beta15a Comment #13434
Its for CSS? Change the tag by the map to CSS, not HL.

Ill make sure to check this one out soon.
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-05 19:39:03 UTC in vault item: SweetHomeCity Comment #13432
Your most fun SC map yet!

I'm fairly new to SC, so please feel free to fill me in on any misconceptions I might have about your map, while reviewing it.

I played this for like 35 minutes--long time for me to play something--just too much fun :) But after you kill everyone--I killed the "twin super zombies" under the floor where the monster_human_assasisn is last--, then what do you do? Do you just keep entering the apartement to spawn more bad guys?

I was really impressed by the quality of this map. It doesn't have the most superb architecture, texturing or anything--though it is very good--, but I was immersed the entire time in the theme. There was never a time when I didn't believe I was in a little apartement, in a small urban neighborhood--except maybe at the one end of the map by the APC, where you can't continue, but nothing is blocking your path.

Your attention to detail and use of little props was superb though. Nice little interactive things like the breakables and switchable textures for some of the broken appliances were a nice touch too.

The only thing I can think to add in this region would be, that in the apt there were TONS of nice places to hide secret goodies--on top of cupboards, inside the shower, etc.--, where you didn't.

After I played on regular for awhile, I found out you can use "impulse 101" for Sven! The SC weapons are MUCH more fun than the originals--my fav was the akimbo uzis and the sniper rifle :). Is there anyway to make "noclip" work too?! :)

Great map!
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-04 20:56:16 UTC in vault item: Room of Doom Comment #13427
I realize the theme you were going for, but some of your nice architectue would look so much better with better choice/placement/creation of textures.

Superb architectue just goes unoticed with this engine if it's not textured right, and I suppose you could argue texturing is more important for looks than archiutecture for HL1.

Your r_speeds are very playable, which is nice for a big wide-open map like this.

The lava just looks horrible, I don't care what you were trying to achieve witht the theme--it's just stupid imo.

Doodads like the teleports and the "kill-all" switch are always a plus, as well the trademark "B Y K A M P Y" on the map which always makes me lol :P
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-04 20:06:52 UTC in vault item: Map crashes server (dm_l33tbox_ltp) Comment #13426
I don't normally play this game, so it's impossible for me to rate it fully considering that, and since I don't map for this, I have no idea what's causing the crash-restart.

I reloaded cs:cz so I could play the singleplayer missions again, so I though i'd give this a run.

It was fun shooting at the bots, but as you said, shutting down is very annoying--which I don't have to tell you.

The mapping seemed mediocre at the very best to me.

Sorry I couldn't be very helpful!
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-04 18:42:37 UTC in vault item: Pickup Pistol Comment #13424
I think so, but I've not done it! :)
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-04 06:43:25 UTC in vault item: Pickup Pistol Comment #13421
nice one ^_^ thats a pretty good idea
trigger_once can be re-used in the next round right?
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Commented 17 years ago2006-11-03 18:41:31 UTC in vault item: Space Lasercore H-L Single Comment #13418
Thanks / Tack
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-03 18:35:47 UTC in vault item: Space Lasercore H-L Single Comment #13417
I played this like 2 year ago but didnt comment ..:P
Everything is nicely done.
+Entity work was great
+Nice Puzzles not too hard or too easy
+Satisfying combat
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-03 18:25:29 UTC in vault item: dod_bunker_warfare_v1 Comment #13416
Does this really deserve 2 stars? It looks good in the screenshot though..I should get DoD:S sometime..
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-03 16:22:56 UTC in vault item: LLOD_stalingrad_vs Comment #13415
yea it is my first DoD map.I know not many "inside" fights :).I was going to add "sewer system" in the map but I got lazy. :)
Nice review btw, the most helpfull one I got so far.Also Thanks to every1 for the positive feedback.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 22:37:29 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13414
Selecting Verticies with Vertex Manipulation--VM--is confusing at first, but it's not hard.... it just takes a while to get used to ;)

That pretty much applies to everything about Hammer and it's bugs--none of it is hard, it just takes a while getting "used" it and it's quirks :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 22:13:27 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13412
OH MY GOD! your the best dude! thanks you so much for all you help! I'm definitely giving you credits in the finished map, i looked at the pic and that's almost EXACTLY what i was imagining in my head, you like my twin lol ;)

but anyway i think i'm gonna take your advice on the seats, i they need some massive work, also you say they weren't func_walls but how come when i go into my hammer editor and click on them they say func_wall? maybe something got lost in translation?

also about the vertex manipulation you did on my sound arches, i tried that but whenever i put the vertices on the grid it would mess up the whole shape because i wouldn't know where to put the dot, like which corner to place it...any help there?

once again thanks for ALL your help!
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 21:47:18 UTC in vault item: Broken Ladder Comment #13411
It's probably not a ladder problem, but an Invisible Brush problem. Hammer sometimes makes brushes during the compile that aren't supposed to be there--it's an annoying, but easy to fix bug.

To fix this, rebuild the area immediately around the ladder, and/or convert the immediate area's brushes to func_walls.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 21:03:11 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13410
Should also not that I compiled on fast VIS and the whole thing compiled in a minute or so. The seats were NOT func_walls btw...the only entities you had in the whole map were the info_player_start and deathmatch ;)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 21:00:27 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13409
K, what I did:

-I completely retextured with stock HL ones only.

-Modified a decent portion of your architecture to put vertecies on-grid--mostly the arch thing on the stage and the seats.

-Added an extra brush to each of your seats. The seats could use a full re-design in my opinion--google images for reference ;)

-Made that arch thing a func_wall to make it render right--otherwise it has faces that simply won't show. If you build something like that again, I would recommend not using the arch tool, and make sure all your vertexes are on-grid.

-Added some simple textlights--you need to compile with the file I added called "de_theater.rad" to make the lights work for future compiles.

Well, that's all I can remember. In general, your architectue was very good/clean, except for those off-grid bits. This map still has TONS of room for improvement, and I hope you continue to improve/finish it!

Here's the updated map and a screenshot:

Good luck!
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 19:11:15 UTC in vault item: sc_officees Comment #13408
the doors they did thanks :D
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 17:39:45 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13407
Whoa, they are already func_walls and your vis is still taking forever!? What is your computer specs?

Use Wally to copy the textures only from those wads, and include them in a custom wad for us "testers". This way, it's easier for us to test the map. In fact, for this beta, I would only stick to the standard HL textures. I say this because more people will be apt to test it if they don't have to add 50 wads to hammer :)

Transparent textures are like the fence textures, preceded by a { symbol using the texture browse in Hammer. To utilize them:

1. Apply the texture, and make the brush a func wall.
2. Set Render mode to "solid" and FX Amount to "255". This done, all the blue parts of the texture will be invisible.

You could make an entire row of chairs--well on one side of the theatre--a single brush or two, and make a custom texture of the theatre seats with pure blue in-between them--giving the illusion they are seperate brushes.

Rimrook is a better texturer than me, so if you PM him, he may create the texture for you--if you don't want to give it a go yourself. If Not, I'd be willing to give a crack at it :)

I'm going to retexture your map and try to compile it right now...results soon.
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 05:45:45 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13405
Thanks, ill try HLFIX again when i final compile the uplink_ext maps for release. :)
Commented 17 years ago2006-11-02 01:16:16 UTC in vault item: VIS freezes (de_theater) Comment #13404
hey thanks rowleybob, i took your advice but i'm not exactly sure what a transparent texture is...i looked in the tutorials but there was nothing to be found, do you mean i make the whole row like on long thick L shaped wall and skin it with a chair texture? or do you mean make it a sprite that looks like a chair?

oh and the wads I'm using are cs_747, de_aztec, and itsitaly

one last thing, what do you mean make all the chairs fun_walls, the already are....?