
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-03 04:40:58 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #12116
this one is funny and very good,although the environment is quite repetitive. It made me laugh rightaway at the start(the drunk barney).Excellent job!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-03 04:30:44 UTC in vault item: De_Splinter Comment #12115
I can't believe somebody deleted my comment on this map,I agree with Elon Yariv.This map should be named de_1001box.

SCORE: 1/5
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:57:01 UTC in vault item: Xen Aquapark 2 Comment #12113
Oh almost forgot:

OMG make your map names smaller! (just kidding, but seriously)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:56:29 UTC in vault item: Xen Aquapark 2 Comment #12112
Agree with exactly what Kasperg said.

+double waterfall(but still square as hell)
+your use of Xen models for props/traps was nice, but could be improved.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:41:33 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12111
Sweet mecha work!

Nice touch with the target sprite by the keypad! (does the keypad do anything?)

It would be cool if you could make hime more interactive though, by say touching a button to open his missile racks, fire his cannons, toggle lights, etc.

Nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:26:54 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12110
Nice little DM map!

+light fixtues
++"WATERVATOR-- +10,000 points(never saw that before!!)
+/-Architecture is pretty plain, but adequete.
+intersting use of sprites
+nice ambients

Nice job, bu i award 5 stars for the "Watervator"...AWESOME

5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 19:16:23 UTC in vault item: My_House (CS or HL) Comment #12109
They don't "look" any different, except for scale.

I first noticed this testing my "Battlefront_Turret" map.

In the cs version--which is what what I used to playtest the map--, the player "fit" perfectly inside the built turret.

When played in hl, the turret is noticably smaller, and you barely fit inside.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 17:15:15 UTC in vault item: De_Splinter Comment #12108
It was a bit big, which made it a little confusing. Add a few more clues as to which way you go. Some of the areas were lacking detail. There was some bot trouble at the ladders. Definitly one of the better bomb maps. Also I didn't get to try it with actual people so take that into consideration. Overall an easy 4/5. Nice map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 14:50:19 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12107
damn, not too much interest for maps these days....
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 12:19:08 UTC in vault item: My_House (CS or HL) Comment #12106
How does a brush's rendering in cs or half-life change?
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:55:23 UTC in vault item: De_Splinter Comment #12105
I don't have Cs:s but you should change the pic. I know it's not like that but from the pic it just looks like one of those boxes with many crates in it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-01 14:39:17 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #12103
DL Link is down
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-01 12:08:36 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #12096
Tested a Bunch of maps from TWHL yesterday.....This is My Favorite so Far.Runs Great and has a Nice feel to it.Think it will be fun with 4 to 6 players,maybe even more.Added to My Dm Server.Great Work
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-01 11:53:28 UTC in vault item: Lab17: Quake Comment #12095
Nice Map,Lighting could be better in spots for Dm play.Liked best from the Lab17 Bunch and added to my HLDM Server.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-01 06:40:09 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12094
Yep, there is, but when I use it for a model wc freezes...with the CS fgd this isn't happening.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 20:00:21 UTC in vault item: CCTV For Half-Life Comment #12093
Not your best innovation among the many you've created here, but the "fuzzy tv" effect looks cool, and it's still a neat idea.

Part of the problem too, is that you're not really fooled because of the scale/direction of the supposed camera. It "looks" like the hallway continues on from the room, not a camera shot.

If you make the scale of teh whatever is supposed to appear on the screen smaller, and give an off angle like 30 degrees or so, it would be much improved imo.

Perhaps with some minor changes, This could be much improved ;)!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 19:41:43 UTC in vault item: Compo map - dewdle Comment #12092
Really nice work!

+Great/original theme choice, nicely implemented.

+Beautifully textured!

+/-Volumetric light looked perfect from some angles, and dreadfull from others. A major distraction imo, the effect still looked good.

+Excellent destructification!

-crates were totally out of place in this map :(

+the architecture in the room with the windowed hallway looked spectacular!

-ambients? Bird sounds and wind maybe would have been nice

-I could think of a million detail items you could add, but didn't. Broken statures, Altar, wrecked candle holders, holy water thingies, bibles, strewn garbage, etc.

It fits the theme though I guess, if the church had been pillaged, but would have made it more interesting imo.

All in all, a very nicely-crafted, original entry.
Nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 18:26:05 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12091
There is a cycler_sprite in Hl1's fgd too.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 18:22:45 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12090
Well, I made the half of the textures myself...the hillside is from rc2000.

About the water: I thought, that it could be a nice and easy way to move through the map-it fitted the theme well in my eyes, since it is surreal:)

I had problems with the tree, because first I made it with monster_generic, but when I played it, it didn't appear. So I made it with the CS-fgd, and made it a worked on my comp.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 18:22:13 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12089
Well, I made the half of the textures myself...the hillside is from rc2000.

About the water: I thought, that it could be a nice and easy way to move through the map-it fitted the theme well in my eyes, since it is surreal:)

I had problems with the tree, because first I made it with monster_generic, but when I played it, it didn't appear. So I made it with the CS-fgd, and made it a worked on my comp.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 17:49:12 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12088
*srry already knew it for a long time, srry just forgot to use it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-31 11:44:05 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12087
I liked this map because of the fact that it is an out door deathmatch map but the edges of the map are a little to straight and the water is kinda weird how it is held in place. Alsothe tree showed its blue part, atleast on my comp. Kewl idea with the lights.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:33:58 UTC in vault item: Xen Aquapark 2 Comment #12086
I liked the lazers shooting across the whole map...after the map im working on is done i plan on making an xen map. Its true thow.when I make water, I make everything vertex manipulized together which makes it look much more realistic.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:02:57 UTC in vault item: Xen Aquapark 2 Comment #12085
The vertex manipulation in the cliffs is good, but the texture you chose has a unique pattern and doesn't work well spread across big surfaces.
The pools seemed much more unnatural in comparison. I think the edges need to be rounder, more organic. Some terrain variation in the bottom of the pools wouldn't do any harm.
I like the energy beams, and the placement of xen trees, plantlights etc seems good. Perhaps the map is missing a Xen wind ambience sound.
The underwater passage is nice, but it should lead to something more than just a medikit.
Keep in mind that even if you skybox the map, you should use the null texture in the multiple faces unseen by the player. They can save you some compile time in these cases.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 13:33:05 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12084
the tree model didn't appear well for me, dunno how does it at others.
-architecture was quite good. liked the underground parts but the top was a bit boring to me.
-sounds. nice ambience, the little.. talking or whatever it was on the start is not necessary I think.
-textures. a few good custom ones. did you make them?
-ideas. liked the part with water, and nice using of sprites.
-lighting. was simple but good enough.
4 stars from me. maybe you should stick to the theme and improve it even more cause I like it and others might too.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 13:18:17 UTC in vault item: Compo map - dewdle Comment #12083
Good work! I havn't tested it yet because I'm at the library =/ But I'll test it when i get home.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 12:37:45 UTC in vault item: Track Change Comment #12082
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 10:41:04 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #12081
Wow, I've gotta check out how its set up. Really neat little thing you made there. The camera work is a little shotty but eh, halflife isn't exactly known for cameras.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 10:30:39 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #12080
My prediction was right..

The map is a trophy-winner. ^^
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 09:12:26 UTC in vault item: awp_farmstead Comment #12079
indeed, it is purdy compared to the other awp maps out there. nice job!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 08:33:15 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #12078
I'm.. speachless..

This is more than amazing and original.. :o

The whole detail, realism and precision of the destruction truly amazed me. The ambience, the beam effects, the decals.. This <i>had</i> to get 1st place. ^^
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 08:05:42 UTC in vault item: awp_farmstead Comment #12077
Thanks, rowley. :D
The sky wasn't custom, it was included in cs (grnplsnt), although it took quite awhile to tune the lighting right.
Rimrook's textures really add alot to realism and overall looks of the map and I suppose, that the grass is a bit repetative, although I couldn't have changed it, since I wanted smooth performance. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 07:20:38 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12076
Srry, as stated above, downloades only available for just over 12hours a day.

Roughly from 9:00Am to 11:00Pm, My time:
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 06:44:02 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12074
ok, fixed.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 06:36:00 UTC in vault item: Divine Time-Slip Comment #12073
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 06:34:47 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12072
srry learns another trick in the book
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 04:28:04 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12071

You better finish this. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 02:04:04 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12070
Download isn't working for me, it times out. :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-30 01:57:20 UTC in vault item: An evening walk on a roof Comment #12069
Okay, I just copied another wad and renamed it to 'sotos', and it worked.

I don't have much to say about it, except that it should be moved to the example maps section, and probably renamed to something that makes more sense.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 22:00:32 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12068
Sorry, it does'nt do anything yet. It will for the multiplayer map.
Kasperg, yea, I forgot to remove the pipe before I compiled it. It does look funny.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 21:43:24 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12067
Very cool. I really like the lighting effects.
I would fix the wooden board you can "climb". It makes a ladder sound when walking up.

Pwndizzle! XD

BTW, does that switch do anything? If so, it didnt work for me :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 20:47:00 UTC in vault item: awp_farmstead Comment #12066
Now Daubster you can make a choice, I can either take this shit, or you can give it to me willingly...

I only played this briefly, but it literally Awesome!

First of all, the transition from map to sky is FLAWLESS--I truly felt I was "home on the range"--,and what a beautiful sky! Did Rim make that too? if so kudos...beautiful sky!

Rim's textures and WCD's model replacements I have on my system makes this very nicely source-looking. Textures are really nice, except the grass is a little unnaturally repetative--add some dirty, dusyt dirt areas, or some high-grass areas to vary the terrain a little more.

Nice subtle ambients, clean good architecture all make this map a joy...certainly the best AWP I can remember ever seeing. Rotation of the buildings was an excellent touch, as well those very unique hedges that you can shoot through! Nice name too...I've never heard that conjucntion before...Sweet! I'M THE FARMSTEAD, BITCH ^_^!

And finally the outhouse... I lolled and spit drink on my couputer, and then cursed your name for making me do that... :P!

You win, GOOD DAY SIR.

AND FOR ALL THOSE "awp maps are teh noob dumzorz" PLAY IT BEFORE YOU COMMENT!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 20:22:41 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12065
It looks great so far. The sprites also look grainy in my computer.
I would personally lower the blue pipe to a more realistic position, unless it's just a ventilation shaft. It still feels weird to have a pipe stuck in all the arch-like support beams.
Some of the textures are HL2, right? That would explain the resolution and great shadow detail you get with it :) (and the 1600 wpolys too :D )
Is the panel with the sprite interactive?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 20:07:46 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #12064
I just played it again, and was awestruck at the detail/subtleties of the orb's movement, as well the same with the destruction in it's totality.

I found walking around and watchiang at different angles was also nice, to catch things you didnt see a previous time/direction.

Subtle/masterful use of textures/brushwork made for beautifully crafted destructification in many places: the truck causing the lift to teeder, the crused staicrase, pillar, walls... all pulling off the effect perfectly without being to gaudy.

No errors or distractions come to mind, except some noticable "rampant" clipping in places, but what the heck...this map is at a level where I'd have to study the entity work for a month to truly understand it, so I'll just shut up now ^_^!

I don't normally rate anymore, but this qualifys as an exception

Superb work!
5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:55:27 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12063
I just downloaded it through the server, and It's not corrupt for me.. what are you using, I highly suggest WinRAR
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:51:19 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12062
Corrupt Zip File :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:36:37 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12061
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:17:09 UTC in vault item: Robot Comment #12060
missing "target.spr"
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:17:07 UTC in vault item: aim_scouts-aj Comment #12059
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 19:15:29 UTC in vault item: cs_poltergeist2 Comment #12058