
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-02 00:15:20 UTC in vault item: Armoury Comment #7100
Really nice job!! I'm going to try to make a cs version for one of my maps...eventually. :P
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 23:50:32 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7099
I can't decide which sprite is better, but they both look pretty damn good. One more comment/suggestion too regarding the 'windy' room. If you put a brush tied to func_illusionary below your feet, perpindicular to the func_convyeyors running up and down, would that eliminate or lessen being able to see the indivudal convyeor brushes?
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 17:59:09 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7098
I never liked that the clip tool did that, i thought it was just a bug and had to restart my WC to fix it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 15:14:37 UTC in vault item: func_tankrocket Comment #7097
awesome, thanks for your help. now the sound works perfectly. i also changed where the player can USE the cannon. should i change that again? my main question has to do with firing the cannon. what does it mean if it says "Cant create entity: rpg_rocket. NULL Ent in create!"?
does that mean its not actually firing anything? if so, how can i fix it?
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 15:13:49 UTC in vault item: func_tankrocket Comment #7096
awesome, thanks for your help. now the sound works perfectly. i also changed where the player can USE the cannon. should i change that again? my main question has to do with firing the cannon. what does it mean if it says "Cant create entity: rpg_rocket. NULL Ent in create!"?
does that mean its not actually firing anything? if so, how can i fix it?
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 14:38:45 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7095
ok, i made an update.
I also hinted it to reduce r_speeds a little.
Added a new fog sprite that looks better.
Included the wad i used :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 12:44:56 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7094
thanks for the good feedback and tips!

I figured someone knew about the clip brush thing :)
I do use a short variety of textures to cut down on the filesize but wasn't expecting a filesize this low.(831.8 KB)

I didn't included my custom sprite for fog/haze either, which looks much better than the HL sprite i used. I'm gonna reupload this with the sprite fix and include the wad i used. Maybe somone can use my wad to make something.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 07:28:26 UTC in vault item: map_house Comment #7093
Oh ok well I will never use carve ever again! I have seen the mistakes it can cause and only lazy people use it ;)
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 06:00:22 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #7092
A single box is 6 wpoly if no faces are culled(if their backfaces are not deleted and no sides are covered in NULL or another tool texture.) Sky brushes, which usually only have one side facing in towards the map, should count as 1 wpoly, and it shouldn't get split when BSP makes standardized cuts.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 05:55:13 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7091
I'll have to give this a test later, but I don't think I'll be dissapointed, my friend :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 02:22:36 UTC in vault item: Guidance Comment #7090
The outside was great, the inside was terrible: scaled improperly and bland. No castle that size would have corridors so tiny and low ceilings!

Nice fire sprite and ambients too!!

Overall, visually stunning, if not complete.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 02:14:46 UTC in vault item: tfr_aztec Comment #7089
says modname sprites\ikgrass.spr not available. Will this work with steam only?
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 01:54:03 UTC in vault item: Bunkers Comment #7088
Neat. Agree with the rocks, but a neat, symmetrical idea indeed!

+good performance for such a big thing.
-bunkers need more props

Maybe even ham it up a bit, and put signs saying:

Carnage, This way!======>>>>>
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 01:33:19 UTC in vault item: Respite Comment #7086
Wow, Looks really nice!
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 01:16:00 UTC in vault item: Annopus Comment #7085
Beautifully constructed and textures...simply beautiful!
I can't find anything about this map I don't like...
+10000 pts
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 00:29:06 UTC in vault item: map_house Comment #7084
habboi: Actually, it would be okay to carve doorways, considering that they are rectangular and not round. It's just horrible to carve anything except rectangles in rectangles.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 00:25:58 UTC in vault item: CS Arena Comment #7083
Here's the same one except I tried different textures for the room and the bunker. I also fixed the face-splitting. The bunker has a func_wall floor (oxymoronic), the barricades have a 1-unit gap, and the supports are func_walls.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 00:19:45 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7082
Actually, it's the clip tool, not the clip brush tool.

The shortcut for that is to just use Shift+X, which is the shortcut for the clip tool. Use the shortcut twice (assuming you just went into the clip tool) to easily go into the split-brush mode.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-01 00:14:25 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7081
Wow, I didn't know the clip brush did that either...very cool!

Ok, for the map, one of your most interesting yet IMO. The subtle fog effects inside were flawless, and the wind tunnel room was also quite amazing. The rest of the map kinda paled in comparison.

One thing I've noticed with a lot of your maps is you tend to stick to a pretty limited palette all the way through. Though this makes the map blend, flow together, and transition better, it's sort of tedious after while IMO.

Maybe an off color hear or there to mix it up??

Overall, really good. Againe, I was blown away by the fog/haze sprites in this map....perfect!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 23:50:32 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7080
blah my grammar sux
If this isn't clear, i could write a tutorial about it or something.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 23:48:36 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7079
well, it's kinda something stupid about hammer i never noticed before. but clicking on the clip brush tool icon changes the way it clips the brush. Either auto-deleting one side or the other, or simply splitting the brush in half. This allows you to texture one half of your brush with something different.
EXAMPLE: Like if you have a series of walls and you want to add a trim to the top or bottom. Select all of the walls you want to clip and split the brushes as you please. Then simply retexture the split brushes. This can save time on the tedious manner of adding one brush at a time, or even works easily when putting in a door frame or a hole in the wall. It has many uses. I'm many of you already knew about this feature of the hammer editor. :P
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 21:38:37 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7078
Amazing textures, amazing brushwork.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 21:17:32 UTC in vault item: func_tankrocket Comment #7077
Please strike my last...

Now, what I should be telling you is to go through Atom's tutorial again, but I will not. You pretty much got it right excepth for a couple of things.

First, because you have the tank pointed 180?, you need to put the tank controls on the opposite side of your tank--just like atom's.

For the sound issue, you need to adjust your multimanager. I've been told never to set any multimanager value to zero, as this can cause weird errors. Instead, make the value .001 if you want the event to occur right away.

And if you want rockets instead of bullets to come out the business end of your tank, you need to change the enity from func_tank to func_tank rocket.

After that, change the rate of fire and other misc. settings to you liking.

Func_tanks can be a little tricky at first, but they're really not so bad when you get down to it. Good Luck!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 20:37:53 UTC in vault item: func_tankrocket Comment #7076
You should move this to the 'problem map' section. Go to 'edit' and then change the location to the problem section.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 20:35:03 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7075
"A few notes is that i found a wierd method of construction that i never knew about before, and it makes texturing easier."

Please share further, for all us learning texturing. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 18:00:26 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #7074
A single box is 6 wpolys i believe. Also, the engine won't render any face that is completely covered by another face. if you have 2 boxes the same dimensions right next to eachother, the engine won't "create" the faces that are touching.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 13:25:58 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7073
sorry, had the wrong tag on it.
Yes, it is regular cs, not cs:s.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 09:02:30 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7072
Thats the old Cs cause the textures are not shiny ;)
I like!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 05:46:22 UTC in vault item: Gyradell: Human Absence Comment #7071
So is this HL or CS then?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 20:45:34 UTC in vault item: CS Arena Comment #7070
In Dandy's addition, who here knew wall thickness is a factor? Cuz I can shoot RIGHT THROUGH those 2 side walls. My roommate pointed that out.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 17:58:18 UTC in vault item: CS Arena Comment #7069
I'll try it...
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 14:20:14 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #7068
Discombob. kicks ass!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 12:13:49 UTC in vault item: aim_shotgun Comment #7067
it just floats in the start of a round when you're equiped with guns. Did it floated longer for you?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 03:03:07 UTC in vault item: regen Comment #7066
Nice job. Its small but it makes for a good fast-paced action map. Textures look good despite the age of the game.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 02:44:25 UTC in vault item: regen Comment #7065
very nice with the textures. a bit cramped in spots but otherwise its pretty good.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-29 00:08:50 UTC in vault item: CS Arena Comment #7064
Here's some I made. It's kinda late, so not the best quality. Note that I didn't really texture the bunker, so you'll have to do that.

I had a cool idea (if possible and probably is) where you can break the wooden supports on the blockades and it falls on whoever's there =D
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 22:22:41 UTC in vault item: regen Comment #7063
thanks fellas, its good to know people are taking a look at these maps. all comments directly help me continue building these bsp's..tks
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 22:06:00 UTC in vault item: Temperate Beta Comment #7062
After I load custom game and try to play, it says "cannot find map 'jw_1'."
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 22:00:05 UTC in vault item: regen Comment #7061
+Nice machine props!!!
+Nice use of fire sprite
+Nice job on the fan-lift!
+Nice Hidden teleport.

I don't really know what else to say about this map, except that I thought it looked good, and it's missing a couple things I can't put my finger on.

Nice job!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 17:32:45 UTC in vault item: map_house Comment #7060
Or just -wadinclude them, so the custom WAD thing is unneccesary since it only includes used textures, and you don't have to include the extra file.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 14:30:44 UTC in vault item: regen Comment #7059
Time for a bit of constructive criticism ;)
This map needs:
-Like you said, larger and more isolated areas. Blending rooms with each other is nice but has to be done very carefully to avoid creating confusion.
-Less textures. Although most of them are nice, many of them seem a bit out of place. It can also make the map look confusing and some people (not me) can think that the map is a showcase for your custom textures.
-Some surroundings. There are places where the map ends in a severe way, like the world beyond was gone. Some sections outside the playable area will make any map more beleivable.
-Less pointlight entities or a lower brightness on them. Fire and lava have a softer light (I havent been to many lava places but it's just a guess :) )
-Some null textures!! no need to explain this one ;)
-As in previous maps, that "something" that holds the map together (structure, a certain texture scheme etc)
-More constructive criticism like this XD
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 13:51:03 UTC in vault item: map_house Comment #7058
If you use a couple of textures from tfc or whatever, copy all of them into a small custom wad using wally, and include it with you map distribution.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 13:45:36 UTC in vault item: Several things like multimanagers Comment #7057
It's what's created in your half-life\valve\maps directory. For your map it would be called !!!.bsp. Include this with your map distribution, that way, we don't have to compile it to check it out.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 13:41:42 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #7056
Looks great for the screenie!
Wich I had HL1 instaled.. :(
GJ rowleybob! :D
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 13:40:31 UTC in vault item: MatrixTrainstation Comment #7055
Thanks! :)
The 2nd thing you said, I tried to make it longer, and then put a black light in the tunnel, so it would fade black, but HL went nuts, and hammer was talking about an invaild solid structure.. I wasn't even using vertex, ^^
I don't know what's wrong, but anyway, thanks! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 11:57:36 UTC in vault item: map_house Comment #7054
Heh yeah when mapping never use the carve tool because it really wrecks maps and causes it to lag!
To make a door you build each bit seperately e.g. make a wall then make another wall seperate from the other one to make a sort of hole and you have a quick, basic door.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 11:49:31 UTC in vault item: Several things like multimanagers Comment #7052
How d'ya use BSP's anyhow?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-28 10:31:41 UTC in vault item: Lost&Found Comment #7042