
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 15:04:07 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4483
these are all very simple problems, and arent problems in the map at all. if you want to get live help, click the "help" link next to the "IRC" link on the nav bar at the side. that'll show you how to set up IRC and get onto the channel. you can ask questions there alot easier and expect faster replies.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:45:31 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4482
come on.someone pls help me.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:39:56 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4481
someone help me......pls....
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:38:09 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4480
well thanks for voting it down to 2, whoever is a twat.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:34:54 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4479
does anyone actally know?????
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:34:40 UTC in vault item: Ravine Comment #4478
the top of all the cliffs are flat, making it look a wee bit un-natural.

good stuff though.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:33:47 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4477
come on....pls hhelp me......I have waited for hours.....
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:32:05 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4476
you sound like my mother. ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:25:27 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4474
and pls download the map and tell me how to fix it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:24:51 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4473
Here are some screen shots.They are in 256 colour mode so they don`t look too good ,but they should hlep exsplane my problems.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 14:02:32 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4472
maby the problem only apears when I run it.They where not shadows on my comp.The ones I am talking about are 100%black and have sharp edges.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 13:59:34 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4470
it does not work with VIS and RAD off,so I don`t see how that helps sry.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 13:58:05 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4469
At least look at the map and make surgestions...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 13:49:47 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4466
lol i kept 'flooding' like you and i had 100 people harrassing me so heres a tip dont do it and the problem is lights need to be either brighter, or moved nearer to the black areas, its like shadows man
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 13:43:56 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4465
At least look at the map and make surgestions...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 13:42:36 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4463
pls tell me how to fix it or fix it.pls.....I whant to get on to L1P2 Tonight.But I am stuck waiting for someone to help.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 12:47:47 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4460
Someone help pls........
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 12:23:16 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4458
sorry, i'm not going to read all the excuses you came up with for producing a poor map. we really dont need to hear your "explanations" for why you failed. instead, just accept the fact that the map is pretty bad and try to learn from the constructive criticism you have recieved.

in other words, dont get so defensive and make excuses for all the problems this map has... your time would be more wisely spent learning how to map better.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 12:14:26 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4457
well, thanks for the 5 stars, whoever rated it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 11:54:39 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4456
U got to to add some sounds into the enviroment to add to the darkness of the map. really simple map liked the laser at top, but goin to those lengths to put somthing like that into a simple map. U should have that laser like a health charger so as peeps walk through it as they fall into room below into say (a small puddle) on floor so it doesn't take off 10hp would be much more gratifying thismap need s more detail to tak e away the simplicity
its like a wine the sweeter in is the more acidity is needed if u get the jist.

Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 11:33:14 UTC in vault item: r_speed problem & bad surface error (Esp) Comment #4454
reduce the r_speeds by less detail duh
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 21:38:57 UTC in vault item: ka_glassmaze Comment #4448
Well, everything except the strip after every round is working now. Peace and Love I set it up exactly like that and it still doesn't seem to want to work for me, could you please take a look when you get the chance, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:30:19 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4447
I think the Hossies are WAY too close to the CT spawn, some rooms are just barren and empty, you can get away with empty rooms but not empty cubes. The architexture is out of scale in some point, the modles were good but you shouldnt rely on modles to make a map look good, you didnt make the warehouse complex (which was ok) and you didnt make the modles.

On the plus side its a good idea, a good layout (other than the hossies) and a nice setting, you have used some good techneques to like putting a fence infront of a wall to make it look more detailed. An ok map but you rely to much on modles for detail. Good otherwise.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:29:11 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4446
what sort of example does this provide?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 14:24:56 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4445
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 12:22:45 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4444
Nice, a very original and daring map. The unusual textures add to the feeling of the map. Just imagine it with normal HL textures, it wouldnt be the same...
After reading the reviews, I already knew what kind of scares I was gonna face, but it was fun none the less. Oh, the teleports were annoying ;)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 07:27:55 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4427
making sky goes liek this: build walls of sky that surround and connect exactly to teh edges of your map. get them all teh same level high, then put a roof over it, and yeahm i fell off into teh void too =)

just keep playing, what sort of things do you think you need comments on? so far, i;d suggest trying to make cliffs in taht rmf i showed you, and to have a go at 'copying' some of teh mapping from cs maps like airstrip. To see how tehy faked a jungle.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:53:21 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4426
oke ill change some things,...and i did know not to make a skybox but i havnt determined how big my floor brush will be so i cloudnt make something smaller
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:44:10 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4425
"But Judging from the screenie" I had actually meant to put that in inverted commands, hence the caps, its another bad practice i know, but noone will download this in its current form. :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:39:43 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4424
the waterfall isnt tweakt right yet,...a bit to fast and transparent
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:38:36 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4423
well i agree with you ont the first rule but

"But Judging from the screenie"
is also something you shouldnt do

if you had dowlnoaded it you could see the water is a concrete path that leads to the backyard, where there is a waterfall, and a elevator furtherback,...i know thats nothin spectecualair but it is a better than a plain blocky entityless lvel
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 05:23:04 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4418
oh, and lol @ teh rating, you noob =P
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 05:22:37 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4417

-poorly alligned textures on the vents, the "squarish" pipes, pillars and elsewhere.
hmm, i see where you're coming from, maybe I'll have to take another look at how I get that texture to curve around the bend, not that people look that closely, but i'll give it a try.
pipes have 6 sides, didn't want too many more faces, as you get about 500 w_poly, and I intend to add more things.
the pillars, well, i see where you're coming from with that, but i used a texture taht repeated quite obviously, so i needed to break it up, the result is a texture taht doesn't tile obviously, but is somewhat misaligned, teh plain concrete disguises it to a degree, maybe i'll change the texture on that whole part, but i doubt it.

-the vents are too small
I'd disagree, have you seen actual vents that you can crawl in, apart from the movies?

-the garage door is out of proportion.
the garage door was put there by me to block off teh entrance into teh next area, it's no longer tehre, bnor was it intended to be, like i said to sum1 else, i shld have used a more obviously 'under-construction' texture.

-the "trim" that goes along the stairs ends abruptly.
the map is in 'unfinished', that "trim" is a recessed power line, that will make it's way up to the extractor fan, and join into the mains line.

-the graffiti on the door by the spawn looks out of place.
again, this is an adjoining door, leading outside, shlda used a more obvious 'under construction' texture.

-the lights at the spawn look like a 5yr old made them.
without resorting to personal insults huh? well, i made them, and it was the first time i'd compiled them, and i thought they were nicely scaled, they broke when shot, and teh actual 'lights' were a nice effect, i need to add something to give it 'pzazz', any thoughts? or are you negative only?

-the air conditioning unit inside the building with no vents attatched looks rediculous.
no vents? how do you mean? it's 'vents' are recessed into teh wall, and teh only thing i didn't liek about that unit, was the lack of support from teh under-side, i want to build a little frame around it, to make it seem more 'real'

-face splitting caused by the lower stairs.
didn't see that, are you reffering to teh very lower set of stairs, could well be the light reflecting from the wall light in there. But i'm pretty sure it;s impossible to make a map without causing soome face splitting, you're just being picky now.

-blocky architecture throughout.
I suppose it is, but it also has a number of varying angles within the 'block'and as it's aan indoor adjoinign corridor, i figured it'd be silly to have amazing architecture in a place that so wouldn't have it.

-very little detail (especially around doors and openings).
what does that mean? you want to see little card swipes? signs? in noticable areas i have door frames, for doors taht you can't enter or use, tehre is no doorframe, it;s a little mapping trick called 'consistent, unquestionable, obvious'; meaning the player can't go wrong when finding his way, as all un-usable routes are obviously marked. as soon as i finished this, i added a door, i would show you a screenshot of it, but i don't think there's much point.

not sure if by pipes you meant the electricity lines and power board thing taht lnks to the lights.

thanks for your comments, btu maybe instead of just saying what's wrong, you could endeavour to add some suggestions too.

Thing is, I can take criticism, and I don't need anyone to stand up for me.
Better luck next time.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 05:20:23 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4416
Thanks for putting the effort into naming and describing...

Thou shalt not postesth thy first map!!!

hits you over the head with the book of unwritten rules

Jorn, you'll get a lot of stick from other members for posting this. I KNOW there are probably(definately) crappier things in the map vaults, but I doubt anyone will actually think it worthwhile dling this even for a quick look-see. But Judging from the screenie, that's skyboxed (the sky tutorial really needs to be clearer on NOT doing that). Putting your map into a large skybox causes trouble. I cant really see but is that water leading up to those steps?! What the hell, who has that? Textures are just thrown up, and (though it may be unfair to say this since I havent played it, but I'll go on a hunch) the layout is just a random clutter of boxes etc.

While everybody has made a map like this before, noone ever wants to download this kind of stuff; the only entertainment people can get from it is by mocking it and flaming you.

Read the tutorials, look at other peoples work, and try out

THEN, when you make a map you really think that people would enjoy or find interesting post it up here.

You should probably go back to the drawing board with this one and take it down, you're in no hurry to put a map up in the vaults, plenty of people have none up (myself included).
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 05:00:29 UTC in vault item: cs_1337siege Comment #4415
the comment about teh cliffs being too flat, and not havuing any depth? it's true, or are you blind as well as silly?

hmm, detail..
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 17:42:40 UTC in vault item: HL: Containment Comment #4405
Ok, I do have some tips for ya: only the .bsp and .nod files are necessary for the player. All those other prt, pts, p0 and so on files should be left out. There's no need for them. Also, you don't have to provide the game dll's with your mod. There's a way to set up your liblist.gam so, that you don't need these dlls as your mod will use Half-Life's ones. Check out my map 'The Playtest's liblist.gam to see how that's done.
Oh, and don't include your savegames in a final release. Neither should you provide your config.cfg as it'll mess up other people's key configuration. I made that mistake once... ;)

Also, you should make a models folder in your own mod folder.

As for your maps, I strongly recommend using Snap to Grid and toggling between grid sizes (goes pretty easy with the [ and ] keys). Not working on the grid easily ends you up with leaks, and it's always better to prevent them as to solve them later on.
In mylevel, the back wall of the office room, opposite of the fire alarm, left a little space between the ceiling. A half-unit thick space. Be advised with scaling objects. Try to prevent getting vertextes off the grid, as that may cause you several problems while you won't know where they come from.

I hope that helps you getting further a bit. :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 15:58:20 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4404
um... wow, where to begin...

-poorly alligned textures on the vents, the "squarish" pipes, pillars and elsewhere.

-the vents are too small

-the garage door is out of proportion.

-the "trim" that goes along the stairs ends abruptly.

-the graffiti on the door by the spawn looks out of place.

-the lights at the spawn look like a 5yr old made them.

-the air conditioning unit inside the building with no vents attatched looks rediculous.

-face splitting caused by the lower stairs.

-blocky architecture throughout.

-very little detail (especially around doors and openings).

etc, etc, etc...
overall, very unimpressive... especially from someone who attacks so many other peoples works.

i expected to see half-life2 quality work coming from you judging from the way you talk about other peoples stuff... but all i see is a tiny non-proportioned plain hallway with some custom textures porly applied to it. why show us this??

anyway, theres no need to argue, defend or, make comments about my remarks... i'm just giving you constructive criticisms without resorting to personal attacks or insults.

my advice, since this looks like it took 10 minutes to make, delete it and start over... and try to keep in mind what i said above.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 15:43:06 UTC in vault item: cs_1337siege Comment #4403
Very nice gameplay, not that good graphics or textures.
The detail level is good too.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 15:11:33 UTC in vault item: cs_1337siege Comment #4402
Haha thats cool. Nice recreation of the original... it shows creativity and skill. I didn't play it with anyone, I just ran around on my own. Pretty good for only a few days work.

On an aside, I saw what that loser did to your original post. Just ignore any comments made by people that dont even look at the map (and comments made by some people that do). There are a few a-holes here that constantly attack other people (probably because their own mapping sucks horribly and because they have self esteem issues). Just ignore them... no one takes them seriously anyway.

Keep doing what you're doing with the mapping and post more. You got some skills :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 14:23:45 UTC in vault item: Glass Entry - Forcefield Comment #4401
I made about 10 env_glow with proper settnings such as making them 210 in RenderAmount and Hologram in RenderFX!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 05:41:43 UTC in vault item: Subway Example Comment #4394
i always like the being in the train and all doors lock rumbles happen and light posts go by with countryside sky and noises so it gives a great illusion to moving then it opens the doors and your at the station

docrock made alevel like that called kitkat express
check it out on his site
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 04:55:12 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4393
but there's only two or thrree balz texs there, teh rest are all w.f. and a combo of teh wad I used for cs_jungle_assault
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 04:54:24 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4392
blaz_urban_wad.wad IIRC
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-11 04:27:48 UTC in vault item: Subway Example Comment #4391
Textures can be embedded using the command -nowadtextures with the compilers

Sorry but the site give me an error if i edit the map; i cant'upload a new version.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-10 23:11:37 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4390
Hm, what Blaz tex set? I don't recognize the texes from it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-10 07:18:31 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4389
Dont worry folks, the r_speeds will eventually be at a minimum when I compile it properly and sort out various bits
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-10 05:14:22 UTC in vault item: Minimicus Comment #4388

SlayerA ...... your my hero.

That was by far the best single player map I have ever played !!!!! There wasn't a single 'bad' part about it !

Such good scripting should be illegal ! and "THE END" brought a tear to my eye.

Very well done, keep producing