
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:54:14 UTC in vault item: aim_Xfire Comment #4651
join the server, i try to get people playing on there, most evening there is
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:50:48 UTC in vault item: aim_Xfire Comment #4650
yeah i played it... its all shown in the screen right?

i didn't have any other players to gauge size against, and without that, those huge crates might have distorted the size of the map for me.
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Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:40:50 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4648
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:40:08 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4647
"so you were on a mission to over-ride the mods authority?
i'll be interested to see what they have to say for themselves, are you in fact accusing them of not doing their job properly? or just being bad at it?"

quit trying to drag (now) the mods in to save you. its cowardly and pathetic... two of your most predominant qualities i might add :D

"who gives a fuck what you have to say"

i guess you do. that must be why you started a flame war after you got some calm, rational, constructive criticism.

"I'd love for you to let me shwo you hwo much of a bully I can be."

lol i'm so scared of an internet bully :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:29:13 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4646
aw... cant hang huh lol :D

"you lost, fair and square"

sure stupid... i lost. too bad only you and me are reading this and we both know what i've done to you :D

"I have an opinion, you want me to just stop being who I am (and by that I mena I have a strong opinion, I'm no fuckign bully) because some little prick on teh internet says so"

it's ok to hate yourself... but dont take it out on others... especially the weak. i'm really beginning to see how ignorant you are. you think that because you are a certain way, it's ok to treat others any way you like.

theres enough shit dumped on the world, there's no need for bitter pissants like you to run around treating others like shit because you got a raw deal. and look who you pick on too... the weakest out of the bunch... what a fucking stud you are.

get over it dude and start showing others some respect... then i wont have to bitch slap you again :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:21:12 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4645
why no comment here? you said you weren't afraid?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:20:39 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4644
yawn... again.. yet more tripe, ain't even gonna glance over this one.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:14:51 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4642
"if you read more than that one line you'll see I don't mention flaming as an opposite to positive comments"

right, you suggest that if all people get are positive comments on maps, they'll continue to make crappy maps and fill the vault with junk. but my point, stupid, is that nowhere have i said all maps should only get positive remarks.

my point is also that by what you have typed you seem to believe that the only alternative to giving positive remarks is to flame. god forbid you should give constructive criticism to someone trying to learn how to do something some might find rather difficult. are you saying that giving constructive criticism would lead to people continuing to make crap-maps? here's your quote again and please explain just what you are trying to suggest (keep in mind that nowhere have i suggested that only positive comments should be given on all maps):

"Another thing, if there was no difference in opinions it would be a pretty boring world, tehre needs to be a ying to a yang, if everyone posted positive comments, the people that learnt to map so they could make one small piece of shit for their LAN game, would keep coming back with more shit, and they would never learn. "

well there's the entire paragraph. please explain what that has to do with anything i've said. what exactly are you arguing here... explain how i've misquoted... idiot

" I notice one major flaw, you're still treating me in the way you think I treat 'newbs', so, really, you're fighting yourself"

well according to your faulty logic: if i grab someone off the street and imprison them and i get caught, the courts shouldn't imprison me because they would only be fighting themselves??

dude you really need to think out your rediculous posts before you make them... you make yourself look more idiotic with each one :D

"it's a mapping site"

right, it's not your personal kingdom where you shit on whomever you like without consequence. reguardless of what this is, there are all people here. learn to treat others with more respect and i doubt you will have to worry about getting singled out and fed dirt... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:56:34 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4641
yawn... it's getting old noob...

why do you insist on fighting? you lost, fair and square, and you can't take it so you keep whinging on about this shit, you're lame dude, a real fucking lamer, I'll carry this on as long as you want to keep calling me names like nazi! and bully! I mena come boy, a bully ffs, I have an opinion, you want me to just stop being who I am (and by that I mena I have a strong opinion, I'm no fuckign bully) because some little prick on teh internet says so, if you wanna talk shit, say it to my face, cunt...

we'll see who does the bullying..
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:53:14 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4640
"like I'm gonna start flaming noobs to prove you wrong"

you mean that you flaming noobs would prove me RIGHT... stupid. and since you don't want that to happen, noobs aren't getting flamed by you. and since noobs aren't getting flamed by you... i win... ha ha how upsetting it must be for you to not be able to bully helpless noobs :D

"I don't act cool at all"

let me rephrase: "try and pretend to be cool"

"You're talking about it as if you somehow won somethign, liek you went out from teh start to acheive some kind of change in my attitude, thanks for caring about me, but honestly, I can take care of myself."

actually, i thought i made it quite clear that i don't give a crap about you or your attitude. all i set out to do was to give the noobs a break from your cowardly bullying of them. guess what... looks like i have :D

So you went out from teh start to attack me? but in your first post directed towards me you were satying things like 'the old memebrs' and 'elitst member', but now it's just me? "

huh... what? i have never said "old members" or "elitist members"... try at least ONE time to get your facts straight. show me where i said this or shut your lie hole up.

and my first post having anything to do with you was something like: "just ignore people who flame your map without even looking at it". so what exactly does that prove?

"could it be that everyone else ignored you"

everyone else who? i'm talkin to you chump... quit trying to scurry for help and drag other people down with you on your sinking row boat :D
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:26:21 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4638
so you were on a mission to over-ride the mods authority?

i'll be interested to see what they have to say for themselves, are you in fact accusing them of not doing their job properly? or just being bad at it?

you really have no sense of humour either, i'm as much of a retard as you think you're not.

so listen 'guy' , who gives a fuck what you have to say, you're a wanker! it's as simple as that, and as pathetic too.

I used to know people liek you, but they're all in dole queues now...

I'd love for you to let me shwo you hwo much of a bully I can be.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:22:55 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4637
what did you get?
someone to talk to for a couple of weeks?

fuck off with your bullshit quotes, the shit's right up there, and if you read more than that one line you'll see I don't mention flaming as an opposite to positive comments, retard. jesus, we could all mis-quote, look:

"i was after shitting on helpless people i called noobs"

That's a pretty easy way to make a point, and yet, as I read your posts, I notice one major flaw, you're still treating me in the way you think I treat 'newbs', so, really, you're fighting yourself.. but I guess you have your reasons, there's no way to argue with morons like you, you need help man, it's the internet, it's a mapping site, you're a fucking wierdo.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:22:42 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4636
i see you got nothin...

"get off your high horse and see how you're becoming what you say you hate."

i know what i am... and are you saying that I'M bullying YOU!? haha too funny... is that a whimper coming from the mighty destroyer of noobs "piece of sh*t"? :D

"I suggest you read Animal Farm, it may open your eyes to exactly what you have become."

lol animal farm. and i really dont care what a forum nazi thinks "i've become" :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:17:21 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4635
"I got shit when I started,"

get over it and move on... quit trying to punish noobs for what happened to you when you were a noob... sheesh...

"if everyone posted positive comments"

hmm... is there only one alternative to flaming, and that is to post positive comments? you make absolutely no sense guy. try to think out what your saying a little better... you sound pretty rediculous.

"So really, you lose your little battle"

well your words say one thing, but your actions tell a whole nother story. i have not seen one helpless noob get flamed by you since i called you out. i guess i got what i was after after all :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:13:06 UTC in vault item: de_nimbus Comment #4634
I will download this and bug the admin to let us play it on my local server. It looks nice, though. Good job in advance is in order, I think.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 11:05:09 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4633
"so I'm a schizo, does that make me less of a human being?"

well, if you are capable of realizing you are mentally handicapped, shouldn't you be able to understand that you have poor behaviour? why try and defend your idiotic behaviour if you know you have emotional problems?

so, my answer is no, being mentally imballenced doesn't make you less of a human... but not taking responsibility for your behaviour does.

"besides, check the dates retard, I posted as a result of you coming into my maps and talking shit about them"

aww... poor baby. i made some constructive remarks about one of your maps and you couldn't take it, you had a meltdown, made rediulous flames against all my maps, and voted one of them 9x 1 star. lol pretty thin skin for someone who flames so many noobs :D

"almost as if you were taking 'personal offence because I ripped on some guys map"

nope, i took offense to you being a bully and acting proud because of it. but i see i've gotten you to change your tune and you now profess to not be a bully, and i see no more noobs getting flamed by you. i'd say, mission accomplished... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:58:07 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4632
I sowre in that post? hmm, see man, you talk (look out!) shit, and I'm getting quite bored of telling you, you seem to just spam flames, and not read anythign else.

only one explanation, you can't read. so you couldn't see the posts i made, and assumed I flamed.

And, what noob flaming?!, this is what really cracks me up, like I'm gonna start flaming noobs to prove you wrong, how dumb do you think I am? face it, I ain't as dumb as you.

I don't act cool at all, it comes naturally.

You're talking about it as if you somehow won somethign, liek you went out from teh start to acheive some kind of change in my attitude, thanks for caring about me, but honestly, I can take care of myself.

So you went out from teh start to attack me? but in your first post directed towards me you were satying things like 'the old memebrs' and 'elitst member', but now it's just me?

could it be that everyone else ignored you, but i'm the only one who has the balls (or the stupidity) tyo stand up for myself against a fuckign retard liek you?

watch your mouth, punk.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:50:42 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4630
thats right, cry and cuss and stomp your feet as much as you want... but the fact remains, you have not flamed one noob since i called you out about it... tard.

so yell and scream at me all you want, act like you somehow are cool for being a bully, pretend you don't actually hate yourself, but don't bully anymore noobs... like i told you... and you obeyed. :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:44:58 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4629
oh my god.

am i starting to irritate you or is it my imagination that your posts are getting longer?

you can fuck off if you think i'll let you get within a mile of me, come and try 'slamming the proverbial fist' down my throat, you talk shit, liek a fucking noob lol

get off your high horse and see how you're becoming what you say you hate.

I suggest you read Animal Farm, it may open your eyes to exactly what you have become.

slam the proverbial fist, hah, don't make me laugh you pathetic smear of shit.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:41:54 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4628
call me out?

and again?

omfg roflmao on the floor crying my eyes out coz it's so damn funny!

what have you won?

what have you achieved?

If I wanted to prove a poitn I'd get myself banned for swearing and flaming, but I'm not as dumb as you dude...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:33:59 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4627
my interpretation of a bully is:

N. "A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people. A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; an insolent fellow"

V. "To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner. See Synonyms at intimidate.
To behave like a bully.
To force one's way aggressively or by intimidation"

well that seems to describe you to a tee. yup, you sure are tough with the weak noobs arent you... lol.

and just remember, when i see you treat the helpless noobs the way i've seen you do in the past, i'll be there to slam my proverbial fist down your throat to knock you back into place... again. got it? good.

now keep treating the noobs as you have been since i put you in your place, and you should have no further problems with me :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:25:55 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4626
so I'm a schizo, does that make me less of a human being?

besides, check the dates retard, I posted as a result of you coming into my maps and talking shit about them, almost as if you were taking 'personal offence because I ripped on some guys map', so I retaliated against you.

You're not untouchable, you're a retard, deal with t.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:23:05 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4625
hahah, wow, you've got some real vision probs, nutter.

also, can't say I remember telling anyone to "fuck off and die", but that is pretty funny, admit it...

You should read aotm's thread 'ToDo' ; it talks about ppl's first maps being put into a seperate 'beginner' section, so that the vault only gets good maps, not someone's noob-cube (hey, we all made 'em).
So if atom is talking about it, I'm pretty sure that means alot of people would have contaced him about it, so I guess I'm not alone in being sick of seeing fy_maps

Don't think I've ever ripped a non fy map in teh vault, and if I did, it would have been a pretty weak map.

Another thing, if there was no difference in opinions it would be a pretty boring world, tehre needs to be a ying to a yang, if everyone posted positive comments, the people that learnt to map so they could make one small piece of shit for their LAN game, would keep coming back with more shit, and they would never learn.

I got shit when I started, I'm pretty sure everyoen does, but just because you got it doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into some kind of crusader, it's pointless, you've achieved nothing, I have no respect for you, and anything I do is my own choice, or at the request of mods... as I keep saying..

So really, you lose your little battle. But seeing as you were the only one fighting, I guess taht means you lost a battle to yourself, you whipped your own ass, you fucked up, you smacktard. fuck off.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:17:59 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4624
i really dont care if you know whether or not i exist. but if you get out of line again, i'll call you out again...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:14:09 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4621
Lol, I'm a bully am I? If your interpretation of a bully is someone who tells 'noobs' what he thinks of them, and tells 'newbs' how to solve problems, I guess I'm a bully.

You're just a bitter little 'noob' who's pissed off because I haven't given in liek all the other poor souls you've harrassed, get over it, get a life, stfu. noob.

I listen to mods, not wankers.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:11:30 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4620
coulda sworn i commented on this, but basically here''s the deal:

You stop being a total noob, and I FORGET YOU EVER EXISTED.

[oops caps, but it works]
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 09:26:09 UTC in vault item: Lights... lights! Comment #4619
thanks :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 09:07:52 UTC in vault item: csde_school_assault Comment #4618
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 08:58:42 UTC in vault item: Lost Valve intro Comment #4617
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 08:57:39 UTC in vault item: de_sahara Comment #4616
no-one stands a chance anymore.. =/
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 05:24:08 UTC in vault item: cs_dea4 Comment #4615
Hmm, I'd like to see what you mean, because I've done a couple of maps with seriously large open areas, and I've got a couple of tricks to keep the speeds down, I must remember to play it when i get home heh
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 05:17:14 UTC in vault item: Cold Front Comment #4614
nice liked the med charger explosion and having to run to other side for gluon the highest i could rack up r_speeds was in that big room at startpoint and that was dead on at 630wpoly map ran well textures bland but lots of variety
how long did it take u to make this map?i wil rate this 3.7 out of 5
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 04:51:12 UTC in vault item: Lights... lights! Comment #4613
func_wall the objects causing the splitting, or place them 1 unit from the roof.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 03:48:27 UTC in vault item: aim_Xfire Comment #4612
lol did u download the map ? its pretty huge id say... for an aim map :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 22:02:16 UTC in vault item: jxmap Comment #4611
Thats really sad that people downloaded it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 21:13:17 UTC in vault item: Lights... lights! Comment #4610
hey! i already said just i'm bored :). it doesn't serve any purpose. maybe func_button :P. also how can i destroy the splitting on the ceiling just as you metioned ?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 20:43:52 UTC in vault item: Lights... lights! Comment #4609
This isnt really that great an example map is it? what perpose does it serve? none in particular. Also, check out the mega face splitting on the roof.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 19:44:32 UTC in vault item: cs_dea4 Comment #4608
yeah, you packed a lot in there :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 19:36:24 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4607
"mY comments on "shit", are reserved for maps that are actually shit"

umm yeah, so someone tries to make a map and it sucks. so then when you come along and tell them something like: "this map is shit, fuck off and die", you are doing the mapping and gaming community a huge service? sorry, but i don't follow your "logic".

btw, this basicly a site for inexperienced mappers to learn mapping techmniques... not some uber-leet map vault only for 5 star maps

"Great, they love it, their friends love it, I'm really happy for them, honestly, I am; but that doesn't mean they should put it in a HalfLife mapping vault and then expect to get great reviews"

nor should they expect to get "this map is shit" when they submit their work to a noob vault...

you are an OBVIOUS example of someone who, when they were a noob, got shit on. now, to attempt to make yourself feel like a man again, you try to make yourself feel better by shitting on people who are noobs now.

why don't you, instead, try to end the cycle of ignorance you're caught up in (btw, answering some questions in the forums does not give you license to shit on people in the vault).

so though you may rationalize it to yourself that you are doing some great sevice by putting down noobs, i doubt many non-assholes would agree...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 19:05:52 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4606
excuses excuses... more excuses for flaming noobs...

i've provided several examples for you now, so you should have no more confusion about your behaviour. and i'm glad you realize that it wont be tolerated so you knocked it off haha. :D

and to answer this question: "who takes personal offense at what someone else says about someone elses map?"

i never took personal offense to what you said about other peoples maps... i just got sick of seeing the same FEW people tearing down noobs and acting all proud about it. if your going to act like you did something great, at least do something worthy of pride.

you seem to think it's your duty to ridicule and humiliate those who you think are stupid or weak. don't take ofense to me because i think it's my duty to piss on bullies.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:53:15 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4605
poor fellow doesn't even remember what he said about one of my example maps. must be out of his meds... i'll refresh his memory for him:

"how about you take this crappy, ill textured, badly mappe, square, ugly, puke colored heap of fucking rotting cunt and fuck off."

lol then he cries and complains when someone rips on his map. he goes on to say:

"this is in example maps, took no more than 30 minutes to put together, and was done as an example for someone in the forums, uhm.. it ain't supposed to be pretty"

lol, poor mentally disturbed guy doesn't realize that the rest of us (who are taken seriously) have ONE stand on an issue. if we say for instance: "example maps ain't supposed to be pretty", then we shouldn't attack others for making example maps that we don't find pretty.

of course not everyone is sane and realizes that they look rediculous when they contradict themselves continuously. like when they have no maps that anyone rates above one star, yet they lash out at helpless noobs and tell them their maps are shit.

tells you a lot about someones personality (or personality disorder) when they behave like this...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:34:05 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4604
well it's really sort of pathetic that you try and claim you didn't try to rip on noobs, but i'll play along and show some proof. here's some of your "constructive criticisms" you gave to noobs who were trying to learn mapping:

"There's a place for maps liek this, it's called teh bottom of a very deep pile of dog shit, take this map and fuck off. please."


"looks like shit."


"sorry, but that looks so sh*t I can't even begin to describe what you should do to make it better."


"looks liks shit." (yes the same exact comment on 2 separate maps. your creativity isn't limited to your mapping i see. oh, and you seem to have some sort of obsession with shit... hmm :D)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:26:59 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4603
yeah, you show so much maturity... :D
oh, and i called you out point blank... not from any "sideline"
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 17:48:01 UTC in vault item: cs_dea4 Comment #4602
Thanks for the good feedback :) I would have made the map more 'enclosed' as to fix the sky box and make the street less of a drop off but I maxed out the amount of surfaces the engine could handle lol.

I even wanted to add more stuff to the roof but I would have had to sacrafice detail from other portions of the map :(