
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 20:58:59 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4287
hehe nice! :) you pulled off some cool effects. that just goes to show that theres more to making fun maps than just filling them with detail. can you go into any of the other rooms, or just the one with the skelleton on the bed?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 20:37:07 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4286
It really looks good. Lots of work went into this. Not for low-end PCs or software mode because of the high R-speeds. But the layout, lighting and architecture is really good.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:34:34 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4285
lol! thanx
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:29:20 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4284
Ok I've walked around the map on my own and looked at everything. Here's my review

++BEAUTIFUL. Just beautiful. Respect.

It's plainly obvious that you put a lot of effort into this!

+Great Layout

I can just see the battles now!

+architecture is so good, it would normally come under beautiful, but this stands out on it's own!

--R_Speeds are horrible. I touched 3000 wpoly regularly, and 4500 epoly even without any other players, I have a feeling this map would be laggy online.

Generally though --- you rock!!!!

4 stars.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:12:43 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4283
Nevermind, the link at the top of this page seems to work now. Review coming soon!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:10:21 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4282
The download directly from your site seems wrong also. It tells my my security settings are too high, but I doubt that as I don't have any problems downloading anything else.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:04:19 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4281
Lovely, lovely architecture, but the jury is still out on whether my computer being crap is to blame for the black box flickery in the helipad area.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:28:50 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4280
Fixed :)

Will try the map tommorow.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:25:09 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4279
P.s. You can get it directly from my site, I hope:
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:24:38 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4278
Yeah, I didnt realise you cant use freewebs for remote linking in the map vault, dont worry though, seventh is gonna resolve the matter...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:18:36 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #4277
From your screenshot, this looks awesome!

But your download has something wrong with it.

Fix it!!! I must play and assess!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 13:18:42 UTC in vault item: Glass Contest Entry Comment #4276
As the main judge of the Glass competition, I can say this would've got first place if it'd been downloadable at the time. Great use of glass. 5/5
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 13:16:50 UTC in vault item: Agamemnon Icarus Glass (Glass Compo entry) Comment #4275
From my notebook, written during review:

Trapt's Terrain
aiglass_lab.bsp and _planet1.bsp

+ Really superb internal architecture at the start
+ Excellent VMing
- Not utterly glass-ish
- Managed to kill all but two of the end grunts without the fade and without cheating
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 13:15:02 UTC in vault item: Glass defence system Comment #4274
From my notebook, written during review:

Vassy's Defence System

+ Great enterance
+ Imaginative, if slight copy of SlayerA's LDF
- Somewhat poor, bland architecture
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 13:09:23 UTC in vault item: Glass Entry - Forcefield Comment #4273
What I wrote at the time of judging:

MulleBoy's Entry

+ Looks great
- Short
- Not particularly glass-y
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-06 10:56:20 UTC in vault item: ecdt Comment #4270
You have this map up twice in the vaults. Delete one. Also, there is absolutely NO POINT uploading a .BSP file in the problem vaults. How are ppl supposed to fix it!? ;)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-05 23:02:34 UTC in vault item: Problem with bots Comment #4267
Hey Gibbu!!! the Map iz gud but have u put the advertisements of Blue OX everywhere... when u make ur 3rd map,,, do allow weapons other than knives...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-05 15:33:08 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4266
As for the clocks, I noticed some face splitting too. In the console, type 'r_drawentities 0' to make entities invisible. It's then easy to spot the clocks you forgot... :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-05 15:32:19 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4265
Mhh... abstract...

I don't think the abstract style went well with the horror theme, but there were some nicely thought out scenes in there. Too bad I expected a real horror map so most stuff wasn't really horrifying. You should've created a more strong sense of... fear... The map doesn't build tension, it doesn't really give a lot of space to the players imagination, while especially that is very usefull for horror-styled maps.
Right now the horror is more based on unsuspected events rather than on tension. Personally, I expected more of this after your 'hyping' ;).

Oh, and next time, create a mod folder when you have custom resources... easier to install... :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-05 15:18:34 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #4264
Really good map, but I just want to point out what I think is a mistake,

Well, you can plant the bomb on the roof, the roof is right above the room with the computers. So you can actually plant the bomb in some parts of the computer room to. Also, if you get onto the two computers with a gap inbetween, you can drop the bomb into that gap, and I think it is impossible to defuse when it's in there.

Commented 19 years ago2004-10-05 12:36:51 UTC in vault item: Oficina Comment #4263
um. it doesnt matter if u use it or not, It's still in the texture list on your Hammer, and if so, Hammer will compile the map and say to it: Damnit my little map, If u dont get to use magcover.wad U shall not run on anyones computer, U get me?

BSP FILE: Yes, mister..

( Get it? :o )
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 18:33:14 UTC in vault item: Oficina Comment #4262
what!? i didnt even use that why should u need it? sorry im newish..please explain
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 16:38:49 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4261
I did make the clocks entites. ace splittin? Didn't see anywhen I tested it, weird. but thanks all for wanting to actually see my sequel (actually its just going to be an extended version of this... very extended).
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 16:24:19 UTC in vault item: Minimicus Comment #4260

+all round greatness
+very slick
+it was amusing too, kept me smiling
+really well thought out and executed
+you rock

This needs 6 stars.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 15:29:47 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #4258
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 15:22:19 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4257
Screaming woman made me jump.

Make the clocks entities! Face splittin'!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 14:58:07 UTC in vault item: Oficina Comment #4256
ffs u stupid IDIOT!!!
U havnt included the magcover.wad in the .bsp, include it in ZIP or -wadinclude it in BSP file! GOT DAMNIT U SHOULD BE PUNISHED!!!!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 13:05:49 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4254
In the start it was actuly scary but in after a while its not scary anymore... A tip is to change the envierment after a while...
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 12:11:29 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4253
Yes, also, I liked the way the ickies try to get you in the dark, quite scary. One thing I would say though is you really need to sort the ending bit out, seems very abrubt.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 12:09:45 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4252
Excellent stuff, well done WCD. I particulary liked the screaming face that shoots towards you in the weird hallway. Keep up the good work and make some more for us!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 11:44:52 UTC in vault item: DSR_JUNGLE Comment #4251
at first i was like, THATS IT!!, its good as a base map but there need to be more to it, in my opinion namely, a lil small too, for a 16 man dm server would need to be bigger
-different kinds of plants on the ground
-a few beams of light (optional)
-few more obsticals (ie rocks n such)
-a way to get up the middle on ct side
-"guns, lots of guns" -neo (lol) ak and m4
-get rid of buy zones
if you did that we might even put it on 24/7 #Dirt-cs aim server (which will be a dm server soon)
Overall the setting is great, texturing is supurb, gives you a jungley feel (unlike some other jungle maps ive played)
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Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 08:37:34 UTC in vault item: aim_mw_pistols Comment #4246
looks liek you need a new sky, and to run very far away from dust textures and copying aim maps, for pistols just add some ammo into the game equip, either make everyone get like 5 guns (in the amount, where it says 1, give them more), this will sort out teh ammo.
the stairs are wierd hehe, but yes, funky stuff lol.

map seems very random, probably a fun deathmatch, looks almost quake-like in those screens, i'll d/l when i get home. GJ on your first map (released i imagine), and try and get some crazystuff in tehre if you wanna make fy_ style maps, make them more nuts than just all pistols.

i'm not having a go, i'm just giving my humble opinion as a legend =P

if you need any help with teh craziness of pistolas/ammo/nuttiness gimme a shout.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 07:32:40 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4244
It was fun. Nice work.

+did make me jump once (the face flying toward me hehe)

+Don't go outside the walls. Excellent.

+I didn't really get the texturing but that doesn't mean it's bad -- just didn't make me think "horror", but good work all the same.

+nice ghostly enemies and good placements

-bit short


-teleporter thing near start, irritating

This has inspired me to make my own horror map!

I expect it to take quite some time to make though.

I look forward to your sequel!

4 stars from me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 23:52:58 UTC in vault item: Ravine Comment #4243
i rememerb comenting on your first post of ravine. Vertex manipulation is hard with those stupid invalid solid errors. I am hopeless at it, you seem alright at it. and i like the enviromeant in that screenie with the waterfall.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 23:43:52 UTC in vault item: Adrenaline Comment #4242
u say this is for hl its not working for me says file no t found
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 23:20:13 UTC in vault item: fy_simpsons_street Comment #4241
please make more simpson maps they rule
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 20:49:08 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4240
because I don't have enough ideas to start all over.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 20:04:34 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4239
instead of redoing it, why not start from scratch?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 19:35:47 UTC in vault item: Scientist killing Comment #4238
+nice setup
-texture alignment
-short lived

pretty much what everyone else said. Pretty good. :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 18:28:45 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4237
Whoops, G_kid forgot to post this earlier, gah! Im hating myself for posting so much! The clocks are supposed to be like that. They are twisted and upside down etc. Its a weird map what do you expect?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 18:24:47 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4236 email me and I'll send you the map. If you still play single player games on WON play this map on WON because I suspect there is a sound problem with steam users.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 16:17:44 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4235
I really, really want to play this, but when I try to download it I get a 90kb file which refuses to be opened instead of the seven hundred odd juicy kilobytes offered at the top of the page.


Please someone fix it!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 15:54:18 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4234
No. That gives compiler errors.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 14:55:50 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4233
The sounds seemed to wok for very few people. Hmm, I redo a lesser version of it without so many sounds (about 25 ambient_generics, or more in this one all going on at once). Could be a sound overload but Ill take some out. If anyone would like to take this map a step further I still have some ideas left over and can make it even freakier. Let the vote begin!

-Come on! You know you wanted the 9mmAR, otherwise you would have died! (I'll add even more icthyousaurs and make the tunnel longer muhaha!)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 14:49:55 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4232
Sorry guys, I guess I shoudl have specified. You are supposed to die at the end so just stand there. Or leave.