
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 06:04:46 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4550
Sorry, I didn't bother to read that, as it was another stock answer from another stock standard forum noob.

Here is my reply in englsh format:

"lol look how ugly YOUR ATTITUDE is :D"

you have the minstrels.

leave the chickens alone.

I believe you can fly, fly, jump, now

PS: suck my hairy, sweaty, black balls, bitch.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 06:01:42 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4549
sorry, I didn't read taht as it was far too complex for a noob like me to understand, I'll hazard a guess and answer your question:

Like i said, the guy came at ME, not the otehr way round, so what was I supposed to do?! I kicked him in the head (karate) and rammed the metal pole into his eye.

Last time he tried to sell ME a big issue

And on another note:

I'm 21, how old are you?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 05:59:22 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4548
sorry i didnt read that, it was too noobish to contemplate, but i'll hazard a guess at what you wrote, and try to answer accordingly:

No, I only 'found' the cat there, and it was already dead when I arrived,


NO! for the hundredth time, I will NOT take your skanky whore mother up teh arse, I don't want the disease again.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-16 05:56:45 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4547
Better luck next time at trying to piss me off, and raise some eyebrows, you're just talking shite each tiem you step up to teh mic, liek some kinda bitch.

so back away from teh mic bitch, back away.

and, uh, at , well, uhm, yeah, what , hh

talk normally retard.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:59:30 UTC in vault item: Cloning Machine Comment #4546
I also plan to make the scientist a barney, explains why they all look alike.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:53:40 UTC in vault item: Mini Turrets Comment #4545
I want to make a turret thing where its a normal level and all, and then like turrets start popping out everywhere and a siren goes off for like 20 seconds and you have to hide. COOLEO!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:50:15 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4544
see what i told you funz... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:47:27 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4543
oh, and you should learn how to "package" your map so people just need to move one folder to instsall it. your way is very noobish... sorry :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:45:29 UTC in vault item: Cloning Machine Comment #4542
I don't even know if Bratty Lord will let me use this because I plan to make it a camera sequence. If not I'll just see if I can do the Credits map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:45:21 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4541
lol never EVER release your first map...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:04:07 UTC in vault item: Cloning Machine Comment #4540
You know, I don't think that they are going to be too happy that you released your TWHLmix map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 22:02:57 UTC in vault item: Cloning Machine Comment #4539
hehe funny...

i dont know how detailed you want to get, but a couple things i'm pretty sure you'll want to change are:
1 get rid of the light entity in front of the machine. stick with your texture lights.
2 give your doors a small lip value to keep them from doing that ugly texture thing that happens when brushes overlap. look at the doors when they are all the way open, you'll see what i mean.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 21:45:44 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4538
lol jealousy, jealousy, jealousy... poor noob :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 21:43:13 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4537
lol look how ugly jealousy is :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 20:29:14 UTC in vault item: Cloning Machine Comment #4534
I really dunno why you think you need advice on how to texture your map, it looks great! But hey, what would I know, I'm just a noob...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 18:54:46 UTC in vault item: center Comment #4532
ty for that comment k7
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 16:35:20 UTC in vault item: Sw0rd Comment #4531
i did run a full compile
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 14:56:00 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4528
ok since i did'nt write my rating here it is 3/5 so much more can be done with what u have there its a good start
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 14:54:13 UTC in vault item: Sw0rd Comment #4527
arch alright, it lags did u run a full compile on it?
jumps seems really jerky for a corridor map which are the optimal levels for hl engine. So it should'nt be lagging is anyone else finding this problem?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 13:09:03 UTC in vault item: Maze Madness Comment #4519
hahah i know that level,....its the 2nd levl of a game called supaplex, rocks,...havnt seen this one but it looks identical
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 09:20:38 UTC in vault item: Sw0rd Comment #4518
What's it about?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 06:07:49 UTC in vault item: Subway Example Comment #4517
The -nowadtextures is again into ZHLT 3.0 beta, even if is overrided by -wadinclude. I'll find that -nowadtextures is just more quick.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 04:34:31 UTC in vault item: Jungle? Comment #4516
Your... first... map??... wow... speechless
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 19:12:50 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4510

"thanks for your comments, btu maybe instead of just saying what's wrong, you could endeavour to add some suggestions too."

suggestion: "my advice, since this looks like it took 10 minutes to make, delete it and start over... and try to keep in mind what i said above."

"Thing is, I can take criticism"

lol yeah... i can see that by how much you typed to try to defend your "map" lol

"and I don't need anyone to stand up for me."

uh... so what? and who would? lol

"Better luck next time"

at what? and better luck on your next map lol...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 14:51:23 UTC in vault item: Invisible Wall Comment #4509
Yeah, I made one-way-glass, kinda like a one-way-mirror but the 'opaque' side didn'a reflect. Messed up anyway, the file deleted itself. This'll do.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 14:50:07 UTC in vault item: Subway Example Comment #4508
If you use -nowadtextures then I reckon you're likely to be using Q-Tools and should immediately stop mapping or get ZHLT, available on the Links page. NOW.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 14:41:10 UTC in vault item: Spheres Comment #4507
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 12:34:26 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4506
Then run in OpenGL...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 11:20:32 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4505
I can not run it in Direct 3D as that should be what it use`s and my graphics card is 100mb+ which is more than anyone I know has.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 10:15:48 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4504
lol, it was acutally in the small print at the bottom of the old redvsblue website.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 09:11:13 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4503
"its for noobs!"

Yeha, you, you fuckign moron, who in their right mind would not be able to figure out something as basic as this?

how about yo put a bit more effort into showing what else could be done with it?

if it's an example map, try and make it a better example, prick.

and you say you didn't make this map with architecture in mind, I think you just tried to impress ppl by using a cylinder, well taht backfired, didn't it... you wanked around with a cylinder, and you ain't got a fuckign clue how to map, make maps, or talk about maps.

Stop trying to sound big and clever, when all you're doing is making yourself look lie a total noob who can't map for shit, and is pissed off because you can't map. liek a mapping nub.

tbh blah blah
whine whine, bitch bithc, is taht all you ever do?

or do you have any mor talents?

like licking yuor own arsehole?

go away.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 09:04:45 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4502
I'd say you just wasted your time talking about nonsense when everyone with a brain won't look at your piece of shit map, and anyone without a brain will downlaod it and not have a clue what to use it for, how about you take this crappy, ill textured, badly mappe, square, ugly, puke colored heap of fucking rotting cunt and fuck off.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 09:00:45 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4501
"thanks for your comments, btu maybe instead of just saying what's wrong, you could endeavour to add some suggestions too.

Thing is, I can take criticism, and I don't need anyone to stand up for me.
Better luck next time"
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 08:59:50 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4500
it shows you how to make a crappy map.
also i put it here for someone who was asking about my maps on mIRC, so I put the only rmf/bsp combo i could find up here, it's got some cool effects, nothign spectacular mind you, but give it a try anyway.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 08:53:26 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4499
yeah nice, i dont know about bill gates being as handsome as he is smart thought! you kinda scared me saying that!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 08:36:24 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4498
yeah, zombieloffe is a whore for the crossbow. i'd also love you to write your rating in underneath your comments.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 07:31:25 UTC in vault item: Mini Turrets Comment #4497
Don't put it in the Example Maps if it's just a demonstration of one simple entity, that's like having a G-Man example map :|
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:13:33 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4496
If you can't run it in OpenGl or Direct3D, then your graphics card is too crap.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:09:08 UTC in vault item: Mini Turrets Comment #4495
Not bad, but since it's so absolutely small with no real point (unless it's supposed to be an example map) it only get's 2 and a half stars from me, which rounds up to 3.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:07:55 UTC in vault item: Mini Turrets Comment #4494
This map, at the moment, is probably better suited to be in the "Example Maps" catergory. By the way, the sides of the lights are emitting lights since you've textured them with a texture light.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-14 03:57:55 UTC in vault item: Complex of Blight Comment #4493
Well mini, I've told you most of it on IRC.

Not a bad map, but not a good one either. The little ship at the start had some weird texture problems. It looked streched in places and was generally too small to fit the size of the player.

The sky texture allows you to see other parts of the map which doesn't look very nice.

The walls lacked detail. The textures themselves were nice (reminded me of Doom for some reason) but the architexture let them down. The constant use of long, twisting hallways wasn't a good idea. You need to add interest to the walls.

The placement of the vent should've been out of sight, so it didn't look too obvious.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 22:48:53 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4492
she sounds awesome ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 22:32:24 UTC in vault item: Blend 1 and 2 Comment #4491
It's in some of the nostalgia screenies, afaik.

Pretty sweet.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 22:23:49 UTC in vault item: The Temple of Blight Comment #4490
Yeah, rating's b0rked, unfortunately.

(This is why a 1 user one rate system is good.)

Not bad. Better than the one ZL you and I played a few days ago...more detail, more atmospheric than the first version or whatnot. I got pwned a lot with the crossbow in the first one, too. :P.

(Then again, I pwned with teh crossbow in Zeromancer so I suppose it was only fair. Why the heck am I using 'pwned' anyways?)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:33:32 UTC in vault item: Complex of Blight Comment #4489
gah! tell me what you think!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:22:51 UTC in vault item: HL: Containment Comment #4488
Yeah, I know it's just to give him the maps, but it may be good to know what's necessary and what isn't. Just for future releases, ya know...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:21:57 UTC in vault item: HL: Containment Comment #4487
Ok, I see.

Mhh, still those other files could be left out, they're only used during the compile process and serve no other purpose. For the map's source, only the .map or .rmf are necessary. You don't even need to provide both, as they both contain the essential data, the .rmf only stores some extra information for the editor like camera viewpoints and vis-groups.
For the playable maps, the .bsp and .pts files are all you need, and for some maps (that use info_nodes) you should also provide the .nod files. All other files can (and should, as it's quite ugly to have them in the maps folder and it also adds unnecessary to the downloads filesize) be left out.

Just so you know that... :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 16:10:18 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4486
Killer, learn to get some patience. Posting posts like this won't get you help anywhere soon, instead, the community will rather dispise you as yet another 'freakin n00b'. So be patient and show a good attitude, it'll get you further on the long run.

As for your disappearing faces, you probably ran in Software mode. This mode can only display up to about 800 faces. Since you had over 1200 in some area's, some faces will not be drawn in Software mode. Go over to either Direct3D or OpenGL render mode to solve this 'problem'.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 15:49:38 UTC in vault item: HL: Containment Comment #4485
Thanks for the heads up Captain P, but i just put the MAP and RMF files in b/c chicken_man is working with me on this, and his email was acting up, so this is the only way I could get it to him.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-13 15:08:42 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4484
so whats the ansew?