
Commented 11 years ago2012-07-31 19:49:38 UTC in journal: #7919 Comment #44840
No, sunday
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Commented 11 years ago2012-06-30 23:44:36 UTC in journal: #7863 Comment #52235
Had a parakeet once, called him Elvis, until he laid an egg.
Turns out he was a she. She was almost never in her cage, and she would sometimes build a little nest in the hallway to protect her eggs and in the middle of the night attack any unsuspecting victim who had to go to the bathroom.

Of course we had to remove the eggs from her nest. No point in letting her waste her time on them. There was no male bird around so the eggs were good for nothing but omelette.

Anyways, parakeets are awesome, treat it well! And don't give it any mirrors, a common misstake, but a dangerous one as some birds actually go crazy by mirrors. Nobody told me that, luckily I never bought one.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-30 16:09:18 UTC in journal: #7861 Comment #55338
can't get enough of Roller Coasters, or water riders. We've got a pretty big themepark here in Göteborg, Sweden. I love it. haven't been there for two years though, haven't found the time.
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-07 10:56:12 UTC in journal: #7828 Comment #55892
Alien conspiracy theories have more holes than Swiss cheese.
Aliens masters cross-galaxy travel - Can't land the fucking spacecraft.
Aliens try to avoid being sighted at all costs - Casually visits the planet from time to time to abduct some people so that they may experiment on their genitals, then lets them free.

Cool story bro
Commented 11 years ago2012-06-03 09:14:34 UTC in journal: #7825 Comment #45618
I agree with Stu, better than the last. Good job.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 16:36:31 UTC in journal: #7821 Comment #58009
Gratz! :)
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-21 15:38:05 UTC in journal: #7806 Comment #39643
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-20 22:46:37 UTC in journal: #7803 Comment #45606
It was entertaining to watch.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-15 23:26:40 UTC in journal: #7796 Comment #51444
Twilight? It's not related to the movies I hope
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 18:05:24 UTC in journal: #7791 Comment #58002
You'll find that it's easier than it seems. In the end you won't find it any harder than solving one with real roots.

How are you taught to solve quadratic equations? Seems different countries teaches it differently
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Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 23:04:15 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #32903
Oh you guys..
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 23:02:25 UTC in journal: #5678 Comment #56357
I'm not falling for that one
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 23:00:26 UTC in journal: #7777 Comment #66559
It took me at least 5 minutes of head scratching to get what the hell this was about
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Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 14:08:04 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57971
Huh, my AV blocked it as well.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 21:05:45 UTC in vault item: Venko's cool prefabs 2 Comment #19924
Well you are wrong, and obviously not admitting your mistakes. Therefore you must be stupid.

You should listen to Cap's constructive criticism and learn from it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 20:26:48 UTC in journal: #7749 Comment #45580
Oh, well perhaps those were the heatmaps that I thought of
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 11:57:45 UTC in journal: #7749 Comment #45579
Unlike idling in TF2 there is no gain in firing all over the map unless you've got an ingame deathwish. And the few people who are dumb enough to do it will most likely not be enough to inflict any noticeable fluctuation in the data.

If this will help Valve create better maps, or edit existing ones then that's great, but weren't there heatmaps for the original maps of CSS as well? Or did they work in a different fashion?
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-27 15:47:12 UTC in journal: #7704 Comment #45553
I would love to watch this. Is there a way I can do it though I live in Sweden?
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-27 03:43:21 UTC in journal: #7704 Comment #45552
I love you huntey <3
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-25 14:45:11 UTC in journal: #7699 Comment #57935


Commented 12 years ago2012-03-25 09:24:52 UTC in journal: #7698 Comment #39637
I also want to play System Shock 2. It seems awesome.
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-19 17:55:13 UTC in journal: #7690 Comment #43384
2-4 hours of sleep can't be healthy. 6-8 is normal.
If I sleep less than 5 hours two nights in a row I'm practically useless.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-03-15 21:19:45 UTC in journal: #7680 Comment #66887
Heh, I've been getting that a lot too Striker. I thought I was going mad. Glad to see I'm not alone.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-03-07 00:02:38 UTC in journal: #7664 Comment #57894
I've been seeing these two suspicious looking lights in the sky for the past weeks. I can't remember them being lined up like that before, so I pointed my telescope at one of them expecting to find jupiter, but it was too fuzzy to tell. Comparing it with your photo of mars I'm starting to think that maybe that is what I saw. Not sure at all, but the light comming from it definitelly shifted in red/orange.

My astronomy teacher would kill me if he saw this. I never was any good at studying the night sky. It's just too messy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 13:12:56 UTC in journal: #7634 Comment #57867
I lol'd
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 11:17:30 UTC in journal: #7635 Comment #39631
Really looking forward to this
Loved the original, but didn't care much for "Justine"
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 00:12:01 UTC in journal: #7634 Comment #57866
You licked your father's armpit-crystal? D:
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Commented 12 years ago2012-02-21 15:01:57 UTC in journal: #7630 Comment #41995
I've had two teeth removed. The first one felt like they hadn't given me any anaesthetic(?), the pain was unbelievable. Second time I felt pretty much nothing at all. Odd.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-03 13:50:54 UTC in journal: #7600 Comment #52623
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 00:41:50 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66152
Because they aren't aligned properly with the angle of the container? And the bottom left corner looks very odd.

Good luck taking youtube or facebook down. I imagine those servers can handle quite a lot.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-01-14 16:04:26 UTC in journal: #7574 Comment #53658
3D is a waste of time, really. Don't but that crap
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-13 22:58:27 UTC in journal: #7573 Comment #51416
What ever happened to Project Chanology? That was pretty entertaining.
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