
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-29 18:51:02 UTC in journal: Everything I Hate is Game Related Comment #105191
Addiction. I want to finish what I've started as well.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-29 15:22:42 UTC in journal: Everything I Hate is Game Related Comment #105190
don't work on anything game related?
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-27 09:12:01 UTC in vault item: info_hullshape example Comment #105189
Thank you for your additions, kimilil!
I'll make sure to include those in the guide 😄
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-27 08:13:44 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105188
I've never seen that video review from urby before.

Its actually very surreal, watching it is like sitting in a job interview and the HR manager is giving an explanation of the company, but he has lost so much hope in the company he has the creeping suspicion joining the company himself was a bad career move

also was never aware of "Bohemian Rhapsody with lyrics replaced by TWHL in-jokes"
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-24 02:39:13 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105187
Also it's awesome to see these old names again! I hope you're all doing well Archie, Urby, and Striker!
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-24 02:38:26 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105186
So this journal wasn't meant to be a piece about a time I was cyberbullied or anything. Doing a full video review of the map of the month winner was an amazing idea, showcasing the best of what the community had to offer in a format that would entice people to visit the site. It's just Apartment was nominated, and you two did what made sense. I said in the journal that it's what I would've done had I been in your shoes (and if I was, I'd fear I would've been even more abrasive with my criticism lmao).
It was more about me self reflecting and being nostalgic for my early years of trying to reach out to other humans on the internet.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-23 01:42:47 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105185
Welcome back!
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-22 20:54:06 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #105184
It's fun
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-21 22:34:21 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #105183
Holy shi--- I might actually join this on.. oh.

Gotta check the TWHL tab more often.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-21 22:31:35 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105182
To be fair, Urby brings most people to tears when they look at him.
Tears of laughter, I suppose.

Welcome back, ThatGuy4878! I don't remember you very well, unfortunately, but it's nice to see that lots of people still come back to TWHL. I do too, I used to look up to a few guys around here and it felt like my home community on the internet for a long time. For that reason it's still my 1st tab opened in Firefox on my home computer. I plan on coming back here until at least 2027!

Congratulations on your successes and stay around for a while!
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-21 15:50:12 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105181
I wouldn't trust this Urby guy. The Core still isn't done 11 years later and I think what he was feeling in the video was "release-envy" since he'd never released anything worthy of Map of the Month himself. Screw that guy. I don't know him. Never heard of him even. Nope.

It's good to see you around again. I had hoped that my review wouldn't taken too seriously. I had a real thing for Zero Punctuation at the time and that caused me to emulate Yahtzee Crowshaw's style of exaggerating the negatives in a map/mod but not as well written or funny...

If it's any consolation, that review got the YouTube Poop treatment a year or so later:
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-21 15:07:20 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105180
To be fair, urby brings most people to tears when they look at him.

Thanks for posting this - it's a good reminder that things we say online have consequences, and what was a joke for one person might not be a joke for another. I'm glad you look back on it as constructive.

That said, I still apologise for my part in hurting your feelings - I had plenty growing up to do in 2011, too.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-21 08:09:59 UTC in vault item: info_hullshape example Comment #105179
Thank you for clearing the ambiguity once and for all. 🙏‍

A small note: If you want the player to fit a tight space of width w, the hull size must be at maximum w-1. If the narrowest passable doorway in the map is 24u wide, the hullshape needs to be 23u wide (both directions ofc).

Another note: The origin height of hull3 (ducking player) should be half of the original 36u hull regardless of the height of your custom hull. I did a little testing and, for whatever reason, you could get the ducking hull stuck under the standing hull, meaning players can't recover from a ducking position, and would stay ducking unless they jump.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-20 18:40:23 UTC in journal: What Winning a Map of the Month Award When I Was 14 Taught Me Comment #105178
I've just realised how much TWHL contributed to my current personality. When my parents and other IRL people just brushed things off as "not normal" and similar labels, TWHL folks would actually talk to me about some things, and probably have endured way more than my parents ever did lol. All the cringe things I used to post back in the day.

I don't remember you, probably because I only joined here in 2016 (when I was 14), but yeah, I learned a fun piece of TWHL history. Hello!
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-20 17:35:22 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #105177
You are officially not my friend anymore.
What are you, 11? If someone insults you, you threaten to not hang out with them?
It's sick how you guys protect yourselves and your incredibly conservative/unimaginative concepts.
If we're making a map for a contest, we make it for the contest. If the map isn't good, we just don't win. And yeah, Deathmatch maps are in general pretty boring. But that's because we've all seen them before. To someone new, this map is a frickin masterpiece. I know, because I showed the map to someone new, and they thought it was a frickin masterpiece.
It's like hurray 5/5, you've made another gray poop. You're so focused on masterbating on you maps' visual features that you miss how deadly boring and static they are.
So what? Just about anything we can make is going to be boring because there's little left that hasn't been done. All we CAN do at this point is try and improve the visual style.
Dude, stop being overly critical and maybe appreciate what I'm sure was quite a lot of work for Jessie.
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-17 18:40:17 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Materials.txt Comment #105175
^ Thank you for linking, that's a pretty cool read.

Also to let you know I released a tool that makes use of the 12-char quirk and renames embedded custom textures to those in materials.txt:
Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6732
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-16 21:00:47 UTC in journal: Working on a small HL enhancement mod, anyone interested? Comment #105174
Make sure to fix the view bobbing and the crowbar. The crowbar was actually underpowered for the 2001 rerelease. It used to one-shot headcrabs, but it doesn't anymore.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-16 03:32:11 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #105173
@LoveForfunc_tank: Atom started TWHL
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-13 22:20:31 UTC in wiki page: Weapons Programming - Standard Weapons Comment #105172
Hey just saying were is the Weapons.h and the other stuff?
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-13 17:39:36 UTC in journal: Annual vita log 0x015 Comment #105171
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-13 11:16:34 UTC in journal: End of Medicine Comment #105170
"That waz not medicin" :/
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-12 20:40:24 UTC in journal: Annual vita log 0x015 Comment #105169
Happy birthday!
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-10 08:41:50 UTC in journal: Why didn't I post a Journal For? Comment #105167
:) :) :) :D
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-09 20:56:15 UTC in journal: Why didn't I post a Journal For? Comment #105165
I got a shit ton of free time after work, so you are not alone.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-09 20:55:52 UTC in journal: Why didn't I post a Journal For? Comment #105164
Nope, not everyone is ignoring you. Im here for ya, buddy!
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-06 01:57:39 UTC in vault item: Dev pack Comment #105161
Works Great love the style
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-04 23:02:38 UTC in vault item: DM_Oklahoma - Tornado deathmatch map Comment #105159
5 stars for making something completely original
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-04 15:45:37 UTC in journal: What's The Scariest Things Happen to Your Windows/Mac/Linux System? Comment #105157
I had a graphics intensive game lock up for me multiple times one night as I was just settling down for the weekend. Out of frustration, I powered off the system at the wall and went to bed. The next morning, I attempted to power up my PC only to be greeted by a system recovery message, followed by a corrupted data warning which resulted in the system recovery getting stuck in a loop. I'd blown my Windows 7 installation away somehow.

I spent a good portion of my weekend reinstalling Windows and all my drivers just to get my PC back in a functional state.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-03 17:39:58 UTC in vault item: BspTexRemap v0.3 (pre-release 2) Comment #105156
I'm gonna be afk for 3 days. Might as well release it now for people to test it.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-03 15:41:21 UTC in journal: Working on a small HL enhancement mod, anyone interested? Comment #105155
A great way to replay HL1. I'd gladly play it.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-03 14:05:11 UTC in journal: Working on a small HL enhancement mod, anyone interested? Comment #105154
I would be pretty interested in something like that.
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-03 13:41:37 UTC in journal: Annual vita log 0x015 Comment #105153
Welp, boyfriend went back home last night. The last 10 days were amazing. I'm not even sad, I'm still super happy it actually happened.
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-01 18:24:28 UTC in journal: End of Medicine Comment #105149
Ha! My next book will be a historical fiction based in WWII Shanghai. It's titled "The Hidden Patriot".
Commented 1 year ago2023-03-01 16:34:33 UTC in journal: End of Medicine Comment #105148
Keeping my eyes peeled for your next book on paediatric piloting!
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Commented 1 year ago2023-03-01 14:17:00 UTC in journal: 个人解释Personal interpretation Comment #105145
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Commented 1 year ago2023-02-28 17:08:49 UTC in journal: Annual vita log 0x015 Comment #105142
Vita is Latin for life.

It's also Ladin for life.