
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-21 22:42:25 UTC in vault item: DM_Oklahoma - Tornado deathmatch map Comment #104941
nice, you don't need to credit me for the sky though. i didn't make it, only ported it from another game lol
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-21 08:42:55 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104940
Why is it the second best video on my gallery now?
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-21 00:35:59 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104939
It's a creative brief, your interpretation of the theme is part of the fun!
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-20 18:43:27 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104938
Toxic waste isn't a very easy theme to tackle. What kind of scenarios are you looking for?

A full length minimod that has slime as an obstacle? A single, beautifully created map that has no real gameplay but nice, goopy ambience? Or a combination of the two: a minimod that's a gruntfest without the slime playing a role, but decorating the environment instead?

Can you give some examples?
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-20 14:23:26 UTC in vault item: DM_Oklahoma - Tornado deathmatch map Comment #104937
Note: Just updated the map to correct a minor WAD issue and increase viewable distance a bit.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-20 09:33:56 UTC in wiki page: env_sprite Comment #104936
To do: describe the weird Pitch Yaw Roll behaviour better. Relevant code:
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-19 23:37:11 UTC in vault item: DM_Oklahoma - Tornado deathmatch map Comment #104935
Once again this is giving me No One Lives Forever 2 vibes.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-19 15:39:37 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104934
(Not gonna spam journals no but give out my greatest work by far!)
It's not my greatest work!
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-17 21:40:06 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104933
Winter is always better with people around
Very true. But people also drain my energy. And when I am alone, my mood just collapses and my thoughts turn dark. Vitamin D helps a little so I always take that. Unfortunately there are no fresh blueberries this time of the year: they hate the cold as much as I do.

I am sure lots of people get Winter depression in Romania too, but even there your Winters must be milder than Sweden's. My ancestors were idiots to move so far north - couldn't they have stayed in Greece or Italy or something? I've been in Croatia for 11 days now, and it is fantastic! Even though it's been raining every day I am outside all day except when I am working or when my feet get too tired. It was 18 degrees here yesterday, while Växjö is covered in snow. I feel so much happier from being outside and getting exercise and sunlight. I'll probably get fat from eating too much pistachio baklava, but it's worth it
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-17 09:11:35 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104932
I was env_shooting some goop the other day so this speaks to me
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-16 11:57:01 UTC in wiki page: trigger_changelevel Comment #104931
gameaddict117o7 said:What's "No Intermission"?
I know it's 11 years since this comment was made but posting this anyway just in case anyone else wants to know what this flag does.

Out of curiosity I looked up trigger_changelevel in the Half-Life SDK and it appears it only defines the "USE Only" flag and this is the only flag it checks against.
It seems it's a leftover from Quake where after a level change was triggered it would switch camera to an info_intermission during the "monsters killed/secrets found" screen, unless the flag was checked. While this functionality was removed in Half-Life, the flag remained.

TLDR: The "No Intermission" flag doesn't do anything and is just a leftover from Quake.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-16 08:55:36 UTC in vault item: Assassination Black Sea Comment #104930
Youtube short trailer

I spent a fair amount of time making this map and every texture on it. There is almost no seams and the textures are made to fit with each other.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-16 01:11:28 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104929
ah great, another competition! I'll start working on a map, feeling up for it. 'green goo' as a theme is pretty challenging eh, we might need to get super creative for this one.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-14 01:40:23 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104928
Would a script count as programming? (I wanna use a custom .cfg of my own + some other stuff)
So long as you don't edit any base game files (use a mini-mod if you must) but by coding I mean nothing that is going to alter the way the game plays or the ways that entities work. Just remember that I will be judging the maps and their use of toxic waste and other such slimes.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-13 01:11:53 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104927
Would a script count as programming? (I wanna use a custom .cfg of my own + some other stuff)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-11 14:41:02 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104925
Wow! 20 years, what a milestone.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-10 10:29:35 UTC in wiki page: env_smoker Comment #104923
If you wish to add this entity to your FGD, you may use this:
@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_smoker : "Smoke emitter"
    health(integer) : "Duration (seconds)" : "2"
    scale(string) : "Smoke sprite scale" : "1.0"
    dmg(string) : "Dispersion of smoke particles" : "0.0"
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-09 20:54:43 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104922
Do someone have ArtStation here?
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-08 17:54:35 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104921
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-03 17:40:53 UTC in vault item: Old Crappy Textures i made a year ago Comment #104920
One man's trash is another man's treasure...
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-03 16:19:59 UTC in vault item: Kitten Comment #104919
Architecture — 2.4
Texturing — 5.5
Ambience — 8.5
Lighting — 7.6
Gameplay — 5.5

Really cool map. I like it. Can i have this in my map collection im making?
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-03 16:15:13 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles: TWHL Office (2022) Comment #104918
Architecture — 9
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 8.8
Lighting — 8.8
Gameplay — 2.5

Commented 1 year ago2022-12-02 18:26:56 UTC in vault item: sv_prefab Comment #104917
Looks great, I'll definitely use your lovingly crafted microwave. Note: The bounce pad is missing a texture when I play it on vanilla HL. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-02 14:54:34 UTC in vault item: Neo-Tokyo Comment #104915
Great level! Love the details. The cars, and the partially opened storefront with the light coming out. Good stuff!
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-02 02:53:24 UTC in vault item: dm_diving_pools Comment #104914
Truly inspired. Obviously a labor of love! Big and intricate, with high levels of interactive detail. Something about it reminds me of Duke Nukem 3D (I mean that as a compliment).
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-30 00:33:37 UTC in vault item: op4_tunnels Comment #104912
Hi Goonty:
-No, not all the weapons are available. I thought some of them were unnecessary for the map. Although, i think i'm being unfair to the hivehand, haha.
-Thank you for letting me know!
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-28 20:33:20 UTC in vault item: trash_orange Comment #104911
If you press the "Edit" button you can replace your upload instead of making a new vault post for each update. And if you click "Edit Screenshots" you can add a screenshot - I suspect the number of people on this site who knows what this map is about is 1, and a screenshot is a good way to change that.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-28 19:11:30 UTC in vault item: op4_tunnels Comment #104910
Good, big level. Two things:
-Are all of the weapons available?
-You can get trapped on the geometry of the cylindrical green whirring thingy if you try to jump behind it.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-27 17:26:07 UTC in vault item: dm_cliffedge Comment #104908
Good map. Feels like the actual part of the game. but i found a place i got stuck
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-26 06:59:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Coding Fog Comment #104907
for Solokiller's Updated SDK users, replace all includes to "windows.h" to "PlatfromHeaders.h"
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-24 22:09:42 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104906
a cute animation!
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-24 18:26:59 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104905
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-24 17:06:51 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104904
You've made a cute animation.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-21 03:41:02 UTC in vault item: dm_24_1_chaosbox Comment #104903
Welcome to TWHL! Thanks for sharing your map! Would you mind adding a screenshot? It's unlikely that a lot of people would download your map without having an idea of what it looks like
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-19 23:47:46 UTC in vault item: Off A Rail Comment #104902
Architecture — 8
Texturing — 6
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 10

I participated in "bridge the gap" and most submitted contend was f****** fantastic. This map takes my vote for the most amazing shadows i've ever seen. I dont play hl so i cant judge the map from a player perspective but visually this is amazing. I hope Archie will explain one day how he got them shadows so crisp looking without being jagged like minecraft.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-16 09:44:44 UTC in wiki page: VERC: Half-Life Editing Tips Comment #104901
A few years ago, the author, Dave Johnston, posted some corrections about these tips on his blog:
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-15 21:44:52 UTC in vault item: Op4Goonty (deathmatch map for Opposing Force) Comment #104900
Nice one!
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-15 08:23:47 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104899
Winter is always better with people around. The smell of oranges, cinnamon apple pie etc.
Get some vitamin D supplements and antioxidants from berries. You live in the country of blueberries, should be easy for you.

Otherwise, tbh I understand you when it comes to December at least.

For me, the beginning of the cold season is at last a mental break for me. I finally feel at peace inside and enjoy reading etc. During summer or during winter when there's snow on the slopes I always feel quite guilty if I don't do or plan some outside activity, or plan to travel somewhere.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 19:27:08 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104898
Sheer up the potato man
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 14:55:39 UTC in vault item: Op4Goonty (deathmatch map for Opposing Force) Comment #104897
Pretty decent map, played it with Sandbot and had a good time. The map ran properly and I encountered no problems or bugs. Other then that theres not much to say, its just your average Opposing Force deathmatch map.

Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 10:58:34 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104896
i long for the day when the inverted seasons of the southern hemisphere get the recognition they deserve
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 08:44:40 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104895
I drink it every now and then but not every day like I used to - I miss it, but I don't like addictions and it's a lot easier for me to get up and out of bed in the morning when I am not dependent on caffeine. Plus it tastes so much better when you are not drinking it out of habit or need. It's a good suggestion though
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 08:20:31 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104894
That Växjö capture do really tell what the outside looks like currently up here in Swe.

A question. Do you drink coffee? That can liven someone up a bit.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-14 01:21:29 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104893
That's really beautiful, Admer
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-13 22:12:06 UTC in vault item: Op4Goonty (deathmatch map for Opposing Force) Comment #104892
NOTE: I corrected a messed up slippery floor. Shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Commented 1 year ago2022-11-13 20:16:32 UTC in journal: N̶o̶,̶ ̶̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ Finally December! Comment #104891
Finally, a "fuck winter!" journal!
Waited for this day