
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-24 17:43:14 UTC in journal: #6949 Comment #43015
"Twas the night before the night before Christmas... "

Was just about to say you're wrong :)).
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-24 06:45:39 UTC in journal: #6948 Comment #57163
But wait, in some recent video I heard Gabe telling that at least 3 big surprises await us in the next year. One of them is surely not a surprise, being Portal. But what are the other 2?
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-23 20:57:07 UTC in journal: #6948 Comment #57162
"The fact that Valve can't get episodic content out the door in a shorter development timeframe (let's face it, none of the Episodes equate to a full game), it tells me that something is afoot.

Or perhaps they're doing it for not spoiling the fun of waiting for a game? Who knows? You know, 3 episodes released in a year would have lost all of HL2's story beauty, you know what I'm saying?
If it's not that, they're clearly assholes or lazy dudes :))(or dudas for girls?).

Huntey, merci beaucoup pour ton information.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-22 09:59:58 UTC in journal: #6946 Comment #43002
I actually played Minecraft and I liked it. But eventually you get bored.
Players are attracted by this game probably because they enjoyed reading "Robinson Crusoe" :).
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 21:54:54 UTC in journal: #6946 Comment #43001
It's game where you shit bricks.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 08:01:53 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48044
Mine is even neater, with DIY fan holes that look very professional.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-20 16:10:39 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48043
Guys, I think the size of the case makes that graphics card tiny ;).
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-18 16:14:06 UTC in journal: #6941 Comment #42986
Are you actually using an electrical radiator there?

Urby, sorry to say this, but as long as you'll make videos about you eating, the weather outside, and random stuff happening in the 1 square meter around you, your videos will be boring. I just don't have the patience to watch everything.

I don't know what to suggest really. Perhaps tell us a joke, talk about some important events, geeky stuff... maybe reviews?
Like " Oh hello guys, I just downloaded this 'INSERT COOL MAP NAME HERE' from twhl, and I think it is awesome'-> add some in game footage+ some quick comments on that map. It's just an idea. Or just try out random stuff and tell us about it.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 18:39:09 UTC in vault item: Last Christmas Comment #18678
I gave you my heart....
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 18:12:26 UTC in journal: #6938 Comment #46772
Give us a link.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 10:44:56 UTC in journal: #6937 Comment #41691
That glowing light looks like a meteorite that is about to hit a planet.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-13 10:07:06 UTC in journal: #6931 Comment #53630
Just before the holidays? Man that sucks, sorry to hear that.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-11 17:22:42 UTC in journal: #6929 Comment #36080
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-10 11:20:46 UTC in journal: #6927 Comment #57152
User posted image
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-09 15:56:20 UTC in journal: #6926 Comment #48022
They're very cute :).
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-03 20:47:08 UTC in journal: #6915 Comment #59055
No you won't you evil democratic bastards!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-03 13:21:42 UTC in journal: #6913 Comment #55210
I had a dog called Blacky.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-02 13:35:34 UTC in journal: #6905 Comment #57139
That's not actually my name :P.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-01 19:45:26 UTC in journal: #6906 Comment #60717
There's one thing I can't actually understand. If water has a slight tint of blue, then why snow is white? Can't get that outta' my head!

I love snow! Let it snow, let it snow let it snoooooowwwwww. But then I also hate those boring temperatures! It's like, 5 to 0 degrees celsius it is enough to make you shiver but nothing cool happens! I would really enjoy some -30 degrees, that's when the fun begins! I mean, rivers start to be a skating park and hot water instantly turns into snow if you throw it.

But there's something dangerous about freezing temperatures too... when on rail tracks, you can't hear the train from the distance. Even the sounds freezes!
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-30 20:42:04 UTC in journal: #6904 Comment #41666
Communication is the key to success.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-29 19:27:51 UTC in journal: #6900 Comment #66256
You can increase your HDD's health by defragmenting it. I have good habbit of defragmenting my hard drives every week.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-27 21:10:38 UTC in journal: #6895 Comment #54156
Good joke, Luke.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-26 20:29:28 UTC in journal: #6890 Comment #57132
Ant, you're an ass. Bad.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-24 19:28:26 UTC in news: Competition 29 is a Go + A New Tutorial! Comment #99727
Awesome. Just awesome. That means I'll only have less than half a month because on 15th december I have the last semestrial test.

This competition could've been started faster...
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-23 17:57:59 UTC in journal: #6887 Comment #54142
Guys, blame while you can because starting from 2011 the brand "ATI" will be a just a good memory.

ATI Radeon will be rebranded as "AMD Radeon".
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-20 18:52:36 UTC in journal: #6881 Comment #45156
Cheer up, Valve didn't beat Blizzard at delays. Yet.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-19 20:05:45 UTC in journal: #6881 Comment #45155
Yay, in time for my birthday!
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-17 11:41:22 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99694
Rimrook has a life!
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-16 03:59:06 UTC in journal: #6874 Comment #57123
I think Bahurs 'better camera' is a bit of a joke.
Anyway, I partially agree with you Blitzkrieg. You can be a great artists(I'm not at all, I just like photography- that's all) and go out there with you mobile phone camera and what's the result then? I need to have some basic quality.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-15 15:17:04 UTC in journal: #6875 Comment #41646
"We're only telling a few people"

I don't believe you.
Well, good luck in life then!
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-12 21:39:44 UTC in journal: #6874 Comment #57122
Wait, isn't "personal" written with one "l" ? Thanks.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-11 12:08:53 UTC in journal: #6873 Comment #55197
Is the warranty expired?
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-07 11:50:48 UTC in journal: #6864 Comment #60705
Does it make any sounds? Beeping?
If not, check if everything is correctly inserted into its socket. If what skals said is true, I mean if your video card is overheating(or the CPU), that may be your problem. If not, your power supply is.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-06 07:13:30 UTC in journal: #6863 Comment #57114
"instead of hardcore essay writing you know)"

Don't worry, we have to do such things as well ^^.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-05 17:59:54 UTC in journal: #6863 Comment #57113
Hmm.. didn't notice that!
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-05 17:22:00 UTC in journal: #6863 Comment #57112
Well it was supposed to be something like.... "i'm extremely tired" and the salesman gives me the superchocolate :)). It's a bit shamwowish...
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-01 12:15:12 UTC in vault item: fy_3way Comment #18616
You forgot italy style!
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-31 06:36:06 UTC in journal: #6857 Comment #41618
Suddenly I see! suddenly I seeee...this is not what I thought it to be!
I thought the operation would leave only a small scar on her scalp, but gee... that's rather huge.

I'm sure Rimrook's face looks exactly like the face of an actor I can't remember right now.
Wonderful success. Love yourselves! Peace!
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-30 18:02:35 UTC in journal: #6856 Comment #48013
Accidentally found this after watching the vader video: link. You look almost exactly like the tf2 doctor :D.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-29 14:02:09 UTC in journal: #6852 Comment #55440
It seems the baclklight has failed. Normal LCDs( not "LED TV" or "LED screens") have CCFL lamps to provide the brightness.
I suspect it could be cheaper to repair it than buying a new one.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-25 09:50:31 UTC in journal: #6849 Comment #44617
WARNING: Hazardous Radiation Levels Detected!
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-25 06:59:25 UTC in journal: #6847 Comment #63749
I didn't really noticed.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-25 06:23:18 UTC in journal: #6843 Comment #57103
Well, it went fine. Some emotions, but not too much.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 18:56:25 UTC in journal: #6842 Comment #41604
Interesting. I witness day 1 and day 2 in the same day(for me) :D.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 03:35:51 UTC in journal: #6840 Comment #41595
Srry, don't worry, every community has a doctor :D. It's weird so many guys(and umm.. girls)from here have surgeries. The only 2 times I've been in a hospital was when I broke my legs.

That's great news to hear Rim.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 03:32:27 UTC in journal: #6839 Comment #57100
Pfff... only 1 subscribed through my link :(.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-22 17:48:49 UTC in journal: #6838 Comment #44609
Never buy computers as a whole unless you're an absolute noob and don't know what those cards are doing. Buy them on parts(in my case it was an advantage when I bought it on parts back in 2007(spring, and in autumn I joined TWHL :D)- I have upgraded\added at least 4 parts).

As Luke said, I bet it's overheating. IF you'd be able to disassemble it now, you'll be... umm.. terrified by the amount of dust. My PC is clean even now, but I saw some extreme cases(where 'dust' isn't an appropriate word anymore, probably ...'mud').