
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
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Commented 15 years ago2008-11-05 12:38:57 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98799
i was hoping grimreafer would be a better admin by not slacking like the others...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-05 04:47:00 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17134
No crashes for me. The laser room rocks my socks.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 22:23:20 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98798
** or anyone showing the biggest generosity towards judges.
LOL! Anything for a buck, huh?
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 22:00:16 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40122
An impressive piece of text there. I eventually got bored and skipped to the end half-way through but intersting it was though. He could have spent the time it took to write this on teaching his son not to write things like this...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 21:37:43 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98797
.. or anyone showing the biggest generosity towards judges.

*frowns in bitter disapointment...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 21:10:55 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17131
Lol, i know, I tried so hard to fix it, but without completely pulling the map apart and splitting it in two there was no way (and no time left) to get it done right.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 17:51:06 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17130
When i start this mod, it loads the hazard course? Make sure your liblist.gam contains the correct information!

And wow, its looks great, but really bad performance. R-speed r over 4500 at the start location. Bad.
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Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 16:52:09 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98796
* "Soon" meaning until 2010 or the release of DNF.
Are you inferring DNF might not come out till or around 2010? Blasphemy.[/quote]
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 14:41:03 UTC in vault item: de_splinter2 Comment #17129
hunter : no. they both look the same
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Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 12:34:18 UTC in vault item: compo26_darktree Comment #17128
oh right didnt rate it
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 10:40:52 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98795
"We finished out with a total of 8 entries, which is a pretty nice turnout compared some of the past few competitions."

Wait, and I thought this is not enough :/ ...on the previous competitions you had only 3-4 compos? lol
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 02:49:42 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98794
A pretty good turnout. :>
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 02:21:16 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98793
I've really enjoyed playing the entries thus far :)
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 02:19:47 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17127
Very well done indeed, hotdog! Puts my little entry to shame! the only part I would critique is the end lava area with the chest. All very well done, except you can kinda get permanently stuck if you end up in the wrong are with the chest. I completed everything in that area, turned on the water, got the chest, and when I touched the lava, I was transported to the middle of the map, where I couldn't go anywhere. A simple noclip bypassed that part to finish the level, and other than that, I really liked the puzzles, and finding mario coins... I think I found all but 2 or three. You actually did some stuff I didn't know you could do. the disabling of the rope while you had the chest was a nice touch. Great puzzles and looked really good. Congratulations on this wonderful map!!
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-04 00:44:10 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98792
Wait, wut
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 21:58:48 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98791
uses mod hax to submit late entry and win
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 18:11:19 UTC in vault item: compo26_darktree Comment #17124
This entry was pretty cool. The ambience gave it a neat feeling and the pyramids were really cool looking. The tunnel underground was neat but tackily put together and could be perfected with simple vertex manipulation. I couldn't really tell what the treasure chest was because it looked more just like a box. When I finally got to the part of the exploding barrels it was a really cool sequence and things began to make sence. Overall it was a really cool puzzle but some brush work and better directions would make it more enjoyable.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 17:23:07 UTC in vault item: compo26_darktree Comment #17120
:s that was hard.
did it in 5 mins tho with sv_gravity :>
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 17:05:31 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40114
Lulz all day.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 16:56:58 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40121
That was epic.
And the trailer's not too bad either.

EDIT: Replies in steampowered thread = EPIC LULZ.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 16:11:52 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40116
Hahaha best troll evar :>
And the cinematic was awesome!
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 13:51:53 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40128
Trolling is hilarious

Internet censorship is running rampant now obviously, whoever censored that post undermines democracy, what are you? A fascist? Nazi scum!
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 10:30:47 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40115
he forgot about the part where a "black person" repeatedly shoots a little white girl. He's clearly a terrorist.
Either that or he's a time-traveler and is getting his own back for the appauling "christmas" comment.



you can't give me a warning for that. Satire protects me! SATIRE PROTECTS ME!

censored instead :/ -mod
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 10:18:43 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40120
it's when you get sucked in by stuff like this and actually take it seriously. it's one of the fundamentals of trolling.
NOTE: i should probably add that trolling is frowned upon in a general sense because it starts internet flaming and the like.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 09:35:34 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40127
What does it mean "trollbait" ? :/ ....
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 09:33:09 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17119
hlife_hotdog takes the first place . Bravo I like your work !
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 08:31:38 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40125
I know :>
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 08:23:21 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40119
skals, cstriker, and ATDestroy are all trollbait.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 08:12:59 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17118
Phew man, you put the gold in goldsrc, nice job!

I predict that your going to get at least, 2nd place, although I thoroughly expect you to get 1st place. :>
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 08:08:05 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40124
HAHA! I love this!

"Is Valve implying that women lack the upper body strength to hold anything but a pistol?"

F' U dualies are awesome.

"Even if a man is faced with his death and the death of his comrades, is it really so much to ask that he refrain from using swear words"

Well then hang me and send me to hell, because I said that word when i stubbed my toe on the stairs this morning.

"Francis could have just as easily said "Happy holidays!"

Oh, well now I know who it was who tried to get me in trouble with the cops last year for saying Merry Christmas.

"On this subject, one quarter of the party is composed of African Americans. However, African Americans constitute less than 15% of the population of the United States."

That is so right, we should've cut Louis in quarters, and then threw a lifeless chunk of him into the game.

I say again, i absolutely love this, mark my words, I never pass up an opportunity to make fun of someone! >:)
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 06:55:31 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40117
Haha, fucking win. That's one of the best trolls I've ever seen.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 05:19:51 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40126
I only had to read half of this trolling text . I agree with him at some points , but mostly disagree. First of all , he's talking from the point of view of a parent for his child . If it was to be after him , that game would be so boring ...
And I don't think valve is developing games for 10 years old children ...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 05:17:03 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40112
Or black people?

That is quite possibly the most amazing troll ever seen.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 04:39:05 UTC in vault item: hlife_hotdog_compo26 Comment #17117
0.O when i did your huge map i didnt see this part of it :s
it was fun tho. very well done
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 04:37:13 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40123
"One of the first things I noted about the trailer was that it featured four survivors. Of these, only one of them was female, meaning that the male survivors outnumber the female survivors three to one."

and cs1.6 has females in it? luls
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 03:50:00 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40118
That's one of the best trolls I've ever read. I lol'd.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 03:15:24 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40113
Mr. Troll deserves a medal for taking the time and effort to write all that out, and to do it so coherently.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 23:07:41 UTC in journal: #5444 Comment #53257
See here

another example, i never hosted my map on this site! It already has 180+ downloads. I recommend you google your maps from time to time, you might get a surprise!
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 21:50:15 UTC in journal: #5445 Comment #39467
Well it has a faint black vignetting around the edges, what if I just deepen that up?

The problem with blacking out the edges is that, it being done entirely in Hammer, it's going to look off at certain resolutions, and entirely different at 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 proportions. It's usually something handled with a bit of code, I'm assuming.

The actual crosshairs aren't actually just overlayed on the screen, so they won't suffer from odd proportions.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 21:44:30 UTC in journal: #5445 Comment #39471
Leave it without the black part around the scope imo.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 20:45:13 UTC in journal: #5445 Comment #39466
"Looking hawt. LOL the pun. Wait didn't someone else write that in a journal :P"

Thanks, I think Ant said it in my Volcano vid, iirc.

"if they were 100% accurate we would never get past them :s"

Probably should've said 'sniper rifles'. The gun itself always seems to hit exactly where the beam is aiming. It's the sniper AI that occasionally misses.

"The gun looks awesome. I love the overlay, it all really makes me feel like a combine sniper. >:)"

I shall work on a shooting range version of this so everybody can enjoy sniping innocent rebels. ;D

"Oh, and I think I do agree with Daub about the scope, make it a bit more black around it."

Hmm, well enough people have mentioned that to me, so I'll give it a try and see if I like it.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 19:29:08 UTC in journal: #5443 Comment #39880
There's route signs at each station. When you walk up to them icons show up. Then you simply use them to take the route.