
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 09:49:18 UTC in vault item: Temple Comment #16801
lol thank you :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 07:52:47 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #16800
Oh im well aware its me. I wasn't blaming anything else.

Ive been making model with Maya and so switching to Hammer again screwed up how I did alot of things. There UI's are completely different and it was the worse experience possible. I kept trying to use WASD in Maya which is silly because you can't @_@
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 07:32:15 UTC in vault item: Temple Comment #16058
This has got to be the map of the month !

I want to say a few words about it . I was really impressed .

First , the light ambience . You surely got the perfect combo ! Those cristals on the walls were a good ideea, instead of putting some torches . It really helps to add that "magic" strange feel . I loved the windows as well as the huge gap in the middle of that temple . The solar rays ( altough not visible from many angles) adds a bit of realism to them . The pleasant blueish theme combines perfectly with the skybox ! It combines really good even with the yellowish theme in the middle of the map . ( I love those blue windows !! ) . It's also a good idea you placed some blue "stars" or what for light . It's much more original than regular lights.

Second , the ambience . Even though the map doesn't lack of it , you could have done much more .... The ambience near the windows are really enjoyable .It's quite odd you even put a sound when using that rope !

The brush detail is fantastic ! Honestly , I can't see anything blocky ! Good job ! I also liked that gun ... well , I think It's the only one in the map if I explored all the map .

Hey , those traps are really funny !!! good job for them too

The texturing was amazing ! Especially by adding detail textures . The texturing combinations are fantastic and it's not boring at all .

Man , I think this map has too much detail =)) . You've seen a plain wall , you thought " hmm ... let's add some plants !" . The plants are really adding detail and atmosphere !

The gameplay must be good . Maybe the best ! ( for this month at least , lol :) )
Can I give you 4 stars ? Of course not ! 5 stars for very good quality !
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 04:46:38 UTC in journal: #5318 Comment #40764
Just gave Sketchup a try. It really is pisseasy to use, nice little app.
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-30 01:43:04 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #16057
lol humble HL1 engine. It's all what you do with what you have. I have seen a lot of Source maps that looked like bad HL1 maps, and HL1 maps that looked gorgeous. It's more the mapper than the game.
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 22:25:04 UTC in journal: #5318 Comment #40762
have you tried paint.NET? I've never used gimp or but it's always nice to have alternatives. if you try it you might like it more than gimp, who knows.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 20:51:54 UTC in news: TWHL servers are up! Comment #98725
Oops I said I'd do that yesterday >_>
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 19:27:19 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #16056
Ah yes I did start in the humble HL1 engine...(ah the memories)...

Ok so thats why my I thought my shadows were bleh. Thanks for tge tip :D

Ah, I see now..well..i'll just have to do just that then
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 18:44:42 UTC in news: TWHL servers are up! Comment #98724
You may want to update the Servers page...
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 18:37:03 UTC in vault item: fy_trapped Comment #16055
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 18:31:11 UTC in vault item: fy_canion Comment #16054
Good Idea
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 18:29:05 UTC in vault item: fy_speedweapon Comment #16061
LOOL . TWHL isn't SHIT !
I said "else I'll say this site is shit at downloading (if the map isn't downloaded at least 30 times )"

And =>495.7KB - BSP

68 downloads . Well , TWHL isn't shit !
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 16:59:12 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #15805
ah. I assume by your 6 year and worldcraft reference that you started in the lovely, humble HL1 engine.
Lightmaps didn't exist back then.

it's really very simple.
Shift + a to bring up the texture face properties thingie, then change the lightmap grid number to something like 1 or 2.. lower the number, the more defined your shadows are. makes sexy maps.
Don't do it on every face or your RAD compile will take decades.

Also, if you're wanting more reviews from me, you're going to have to make it here ;D
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 15:06:18 UTC in journal: #5307 Comment #53740
Yer maw.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 14:59:36 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #15767
"The" Hunter, thanks for the in depth review. I agree with everything that you mentioned. (even though I like my work :P). As I said before this map is my first CS:S Map, and also been 6 years since Ive used Worldcraft/Hammer. It took a while to remember how it worked. So I understand why you would not find it to be very good. Practice makes perfect. I'm at least relieved that I've start on a 2 star ratnig ratehr then 1 star...or worse... no stars (ohnoez!) I hope I can look foreword to more reviews from you in the near future.

One thing that I don't understand is that you mentioned something about changing the "lightmap grid on the floor to 1". What exactly do you mean by that? If you don't want to post on here you can pm if you like. Thanks!
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 13:54:44 UTC in journal: #5315 Comment #50572
At first I was like "holy shit is that Kurt Cobain", then I was all ":|".
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 13:54:10 UTC in journal: #5316 Comment #59841
You would be.
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 13:18:35 UTC in journal: #5315 Comment #50574
Kurt Cobain is dead
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 13:16:36 UTC in journal: #5316 Comment #59843
I can never fucking infect malaysia
its bloody invinsible to disease
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 12:46:46 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38221
Ouch, i still remember your 9800 trouble.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 11:34:12 UTC in journal: #5316 Comment #59842
Except for the underage competitors they were using. :/

It was a good olympics though.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 10:20:54 UTC in vault item: Texture_Towers Comment #15831
did a 6 player test on the TWHL CSS server.

While very blocky, the architecture is at least functional. Every brush has notably been placed with reason and gameplay in mind. Really nothing special, though.

I've actually seen some examples of dev texture maps which were pulled off nicely, but sadly this is not one of them. Blatantly no time at all has been spent on even the simplest texturing musts like alignment. The tops of rails and ladders are where this is most notably flawed.
Sorry, but it's just bad.

Nothing special at all here either. Lights have no sources at all and shadows are poorly defined. You could at least have changed the lightmap grid on the floor to 1 to get some interesting shadows going.

As generic as they come. Adds nothing new at all to the dev texture CSS format and contains several poor design elements. Imagine those spawn rooms on a busy server. It'd take about a minute just to get everyone down the ladders.

I'm very sorry, but this really is not a good map. It shows good knowledge of the Hammer environment, but has far more negative points than otherwise.
Not only is it lacking real textures, but the DEV textures haven't even been applied with care.

a very disapointed 2 stars.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 05:22:14 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38227
I had 3 video cards, and all fans on them failed, so i just bought a new fan.
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Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 04:15:53 UTC in journal: #5307 Comment #53761
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-29 03:22:56 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38228
you can buy special pencils at computer stores designed specifically to poke into graphics card fans.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 22:52:46 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38230
lol, isn't it funny how the most barbaric methods work so well? I had this tv that wouldn't turn on I tried everything fidling with the wires, pushing all the buttons, this went on for about 30 minutes. I then got so frustrated I just gave it a whack with the remote on the side and presto!! It came to life!!! The next day it was dead again but wacking it didn't work so we got a new one!
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 21:11:05 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38224
Ahh, the old pencil-poke technique. That's almost as cool as the time I used string to hold up loose wires and get better airflow.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 17:05:53 UTC in journal: #5307 Comment #53739
My Avatar is pretty messed up with the dimensions, I need to resize it.

But you can thank Hunter for the awesome design, he did a good job.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 16:24:11 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38223
Go ahead and replace the fan if you can find a fan that fits.
Thats probably the hardest part.

@ Spike: as long as its AGP...
Don't know really, its just the fan thats being a bitch, the card itself is fine.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 14:30:08 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38236
Get 8600 GT, it's very cheap and is a very good card for the price that it costs (around 60 ?)
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 14:16:44 UTC in journal: #5307 Comment #53709
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 14:06:00 UTC in journal: #5314 Comment #55480
gz =D
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:43:37 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38234
Go with lukes idea.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:29:03 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38226
Go ahead and replace the fan if you can find a fan that fits.

Or do what I did, which is even better:

Take the fan off, plus anything that would obstruct air movement across the stock heatsink, then buy a PCI slot fan that either sucks out, or blows directly at the heatsink.

This way, once you do upgrade, the money you spent on a new fan can go into the new computer and help with cooling.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:22:02 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38229
A fan like that costs like 5 bucks. Definatly not the price of a new videocard.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:16:39 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38233
Well, if upgrading is out of the question, then go ahead and replace the fan. Although when something on my computer goes bad, i use that as an excuse to upgrade ;)

Plus, when something on a computer component does go bad, its usually not a good indication of reliability for the working parts that remain
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:11:39 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38222
How about replacing the fan?
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:00:28 UTC in journal: #5307 Comment #53718
By the way, Livewire, I like your avatar.

@Mario: What's your Dad like? I wanna meet that Dad.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 12:59:30 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38232
"who still uses AGP"


"So i took a pencil and started to poke the fan, hoping that the sound will stop. And it did. "

sounds to me like delaying the inevitable. you should upgrade the card in my opinion.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 12:41:29 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38231
i have this video card for 8+ months and no fan failures yet :)
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 12:05:46 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38235
"Who still uses AGP?"

Commented 16 years ago2008-08-28 12:02:00 UTC in journal: #5311 Comment #38225
That fan is gonna fail eventually. You might as well upgrade the card if not the whole system.

Who still uses AGP?