
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 10:59:44 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15477
Budd: No one expects Hollywood CGI, but you can still use Half-Life's capabilities creatively to make your maps look nice. Here I just see a blocky Dr.Seuss building in blackness. Fun maps can looks good. But this doesn't even seem fun.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 10:57:44 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15476
Strider, you've got to be kidding. Even if it's someone else, this person has rated each of these maps before any download. The comment comes like 2 seconds after the map has been submitted. All circumstantial evidence points to self rating & self commenting.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 09:02:32 UTC in vault item: Transit Tunnel Door Comment #15475
Awesome just awesome, rating 5 even I couldn't do that :D
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 09:00:10 UTC in vault item: Tribute to Rowleybob Comment #15474
rate 4 for the nice thought... even though i dont know him :S
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 08:58:30 UTC in vault item: Mesa Base (Mesa Map No. 1) Comment #15473
rating 2 for the nice rocks and its a series? if so that the other star :D
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 08:56:31 UTC in vault item: gg_grassworld Comment #15472
hmm iceworld but, grassworld?
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 08:48:55 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15470
Again rating your own map...
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 08:48:17 UTC in vault item: High street Comment #15469
hmm not gonna bother rating cos you rate 4 other peoples...

(only smart people will get this joke)
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 05:25:16 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15468
Remember everyone.. its just for fun. Put it into perspective.. We're making halflife 1 maps here... Not CGI for the movies.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 04:56:05 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15467
I think we should reserve judgement on whether or not he rated his own map until an IP check has been done.

The map looks fairly interesting, though.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 00:51:32 UTC in vault item: High street Comment #15466
I agree with srry, self rating and raving is epic fail.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-31 00:30:38 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15465
Spam comment = 1 Star
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 18:35:16 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15464
Weird map. I quite liked it.
-Stretched textures
-Boring lighting
+ok/interesting Architecture
-Weapon placement

Since weapon placement seems pretty random and cheap it probably would make a bad gameplay.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 16:56:23 UTC in vault item: High street Comment #15463
Mega fail for rating your own map.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 14:09:45 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15462
that would b fun
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 13:51:09 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15461
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 08:08:56 UTC in vault item: High street Comment #15460
Spam is bad.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 07:58:27 UTC in vault item: TipOver Comment #15459

Spell properly.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 07:32:34 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15458
Either you made another account or it's your friend.
Anyhow, it's rated unfairly. This map is no way deserving of a 5.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 07:30:34 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15457
Ow yeh, OMG MOVE THIS TO UNFINISHED SECTION, ITS NOT FINISHED, ITS A BETA!!! Seriously, lots of maps get moved to unfinished when one says his map is finished but needs some work. Kinda sound like a beta to me, the map is done, but he's still working on it to improve it. But this guy is a regular, so it doesn't get moved now does it? Sorry to start flaming here, but I felt like pointing this out.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 07:26:36 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15456
+ Lightning. I liked it. Kinda atmospheric.
+ Ambience. I think you did well, a lot of people tend to forget it.
One thing I must adress you to, when you fall, you'll get the classic aaaaah scream, but when you fall at the waterfall, you don't hear that.

+/- Architecture. It's decent, I didn't found it anything speceal really, sometimes I actually found it strange. A big cylinder on the
I really didn't know what to think about the 'house' tbh. What is it, a house, a villa, some kind of ruin? If it is a house, it certainly doesn't look like it. Also, the pond of water with the fountain looked awfully wrong. I also found the surrounding walls quite short in lenght. I was kinda aspecting a big fall.
+/- Texturing. Overall nice, but I found the texturing of the house kinda bland.
+/- Weapon Placement. I haven't played this with other people, but it's quite easy to notice the crappy RPG placement etc..

- Size. Even tho it's ment for small games, I still think it's rather small.

I really don't see why this is better than the avg deathmatch map, so 3 stars.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 05:45:22 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15455
Again another very unusual map from Buud and again a must download.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 04:02:43 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15454
Holy crap, that's like the smartest thing I've ever seen Dave say.

Nice ambience on the updated version, by the way. It really pulls the map together.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-30 00:05:11 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15452
The first thing I noticed was the nice crispness of the textures, they look slightly grainy since I don't use any AA/AF filtering :P.
The shaping of everything was done well.
I can't say anything about weapon/ power-up placement, I haven't played it with others.
The skybox seems weird. Is this a bright map? Or is it a gloomy map? Adding some dark music would justify the current sky.
The RPG is just too much on this map, it should be removed or swapped with the crossbow. Speaking of the crossbow, how do you actually get it?

I'm nitpicking here, this is a great map for 4-6 players. Overall, a good job, just fix the theme and place spawns in nooks.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 22:50:07 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15451
This is exactly the comments i need! Ok. I think i got a few good ideas for cover...
So ill start working on that now, wont be an update for a while (not until tomorrow probably) Sorry i wasn't in the server with you guys, got called for an emergency game of baseball.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 19:27:42 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15450
+Some very nice textures
+Decent Architecture
+A good selection of weapons
-Bad RPG placement. It just too easy to get
-Along with the the RPG comes the place it's in, I camped srry's ass there and pwned him everytime he spawned
-Not big enough
-Because it's not very big, it's very easy to recognize where the spawns always seem to be, and therfore, death on spawn is pretty easy
-/+Lighting, feels a bit odd in some places.
-Falling; the falling sounds are nice to have, but its pretty awkward when a person dies, and then triggers falling sounds (imho). You need to REALLY deepen that fall, it seems to end right where the bottom of the map brushing is. When someone falls and gibs, i can see their gibs fly up. I can also see their drop can thingy laying there.
-/+Weapon placement was a bit bleh on this one. Somethings were just too out in the open, the Tau cannon was pretty easy to get too. And, no spare Tau ammo? =(
+Crossbow location. I stood and watched for minutes as srry tried to reach that edge, it took me one try because I knew how to do it. In other words, it's pretty good. Although its harder to get than the RPG AND the tau cannon.

Needs moar cover. Too many open spaces. More ammo for somethings, and better placement for other items (namely the RPG and Tau Gun).

Overall, it looks pretty good, but plays pretty bad.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 18:12:47 UTC in vault item: Xen Manta Prefab Comment #15449
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 17:54:08 UTC in vault item: Xen Manta Prefab Comment #15448
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 14:54:01 UTC in vault item: Xen Manta Prefab Comment #15447
Yeah, I made these things LONG ago. I doubt I did that great of a job.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 12:06:28 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15446
Guys i fixed most of the above said stuff in the last update. Try downloading it again.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 07:08:06 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Emergency Comment #15445
*Sorry, the file you requested is not available.*
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 07:03:05 UTC in vault item: Annihilation Comment #15444
Change the mod icon of the map to "other". And explain which mod it is for, next time you upload a map like this.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 06:56:17 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Penguinboy Comment #15443
222 Downloads? Woa.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 06:49:36 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15442
Nice map.

+ Good Architecture. Not boring, quite interesting.
+ Nice weapon placement.
- No long jump. Decreases strategic gameplay and fun. IMO
- Benches were too small.
+ Great textures.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 06:32:55 UTC in vault item: Xen Manta Prefab Comment #15441
The bigger manta's (with 2 tails) tails are too thick and short. Also the texturing beneath the manta is wrong. But nice work anyway.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 05:18:51 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15440
Nice little map.

I agree with srry, that the "fall to death" distance is too short, but I have no problem with that tbh. The only complain I have about this map, is the inside of the building. Some areas are just too dark. Maybe it's just my dark-ass display, but I have to really turn up the gamma levels to see something - and if I do that, the outside looks washed out. I have no problem with this if I'm running a SP map, but I just hate it, when I get shot down, and don't even know, where the bullet came from.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 05:17:01 UTC in vault item: Infinite Hallway Comment #15439
You need to add a player start point.

Thanks, IMUS :D
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 02:18:28 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15438
Sry for not saying the map was definetly pretty neat. I liked a few things about it but in my opinion it is a little bit too small and plain. And the waterfall is realy messed up looking bc the scroll texture shows up where it is split in half. This map would be kewler if you added on to it and made it a little bigger. And I dont like how you fall like one inch and die.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 01:56:18 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15437
You know, He's right, that's another complaint I have. It's just kind of dull. I'd suggest you spice up the lighting (flickering torch lights, perhaps) and give it some more interactive or "alive" things. The waterfall was a start, anyway.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 01:23:20 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15436
hee thanks. how generic
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 01:21:53 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15435
kinda dull
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 21:58:36 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15434
Wait, those were supposed to be cliffs? But they used a concrete texture...
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 21:32:27 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15433
Some good, some bad, and some OK aspects to this map.

+ Texturing went nicely together, though I still say you should have gone with the original 512^2 textures.
+ Overall architecture was pretty good, I especially liked the windows. Mad props on that.
+ Great layout, albeit a might crunched.
+ Nice benches, though they were way too short. Try 20 units high instead of 8.
+/- A very small map, but you covered that so I wasn't really expecting anything bigger.Would be fun with around 4 players, but it might get messy when more players pour in.
+/- The waterfall pushed me off the map way too fast. Slow that down, there's no rush. And the scrolling water inside the water(near the edge) was an obivous bug. Null that bad boy off.
- A lack of any global ambience whatsoever KILLED the feel of the map.
- The harsh shadows don't fit well with the map's theme, try adding a few more bounces to clear that up.
- The cliffs were about 3 inches high. Neds moar hite. At least let the player fall long enough so that he/she can't see the main playing area anymore.

But I liked it. It's a nice, original map. Get the final version done!
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 20:30:00 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15432
No problem. I rather it this way. Thanks for the Criticism. And Ill Get back to working. My next step is to extend the fall a bit more, and yes more ambiance as well.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 20:25:51 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15431
Ah, damn, I hardly noticed it was beta. I was kinda reviewing it like it was a completed map there.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 20:22:40 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15430
Nice little map here. No really obvious flaws in its design, but there are some improvements that could have been made.

One thing is the curved wall... it ends far too quickly in my opinion. Just cuts off right there at the edge of the island. You did one end nice, but the other was just a 90 degree corner. It was also kind of disappointing that you couldn't have handled the falling a little better. You just fall about ten feet, hit an invisible wall and splat, you're dead. Pretty unrealistic. The ambient noise was pretty lacking, too. You could have put a generic kind of surreal sound in there, just to give it a bit more atmosphere.

Otherwise though, it fared pretty well. You didn't have much detail other than the nicely made benches, but that's understandable considering the w_polys got to above 1300 in places (maybe some well placed models could have helped here?) generally nice architecture, though. I liked how you put the wood beams on the ceiling inside, and the island itself was well shaped, with plenty of curves. Never a boring or redundant area anywhere, and it's certainly very easy to find your way around.

I felt that river could have been used a bit more, however. Maybe if it was placed better, it could have run underneath the building. That would have been cool, although you were lacking the space to put it in.

Overall, quite good, but could have possibly stood for some improvement and testing before it was released.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 20:06:57 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15429
very nice. the textures looked really good but i didnt like the windows.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-27 17:36:22 UTC in vault item: cs_lilhouse_v2 Comment #15428
Yeah, make sure the prop_ type correlate to the model's compatibility.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-27 15:46:28 UTC in vault item: Cs_UrbanBend Comment #15427
Hell, I'm too lazy for a review, I'm just gonna rate this thing.

Let me just say though, it had some of the sloppiest brushwork techniques I've ever seen in a map of this caliber, and I can only hope you aren't still building things the same.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-27 07:52:14 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #15426
Sorry, but im not going to send the rmf to anyone. Basically because im continuing its development for Source, as seen here:

Maybe we can sort things out. Email me, and show me some of your mapping capabilities.