
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-18 22:10:35 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien - V2 Comment #9915
I totally disagree Daub that it was boring, but I totally agree with the imprison idea. I also Agree that it was amazing that you could pick what tortures you wanted or use them all. Truly neat.

Loved this map, and when I say I loved it, I mean I really liked it a lot. Evil Grist roller of death!--really cool idea btw, turrets--i would have used more than 1 and spaced them, and the rest were inventive and interesting. 2 levels of nonstop torture action!.

Loved the conveors utilized in this map, as well as the blocking door to switch on/off a different torture. A minor complaint: label the tortures, or put up pictograms, and/or a test briefing at the beginning to describe things.

Architecture et al was very nice throughout. A minor complaint--and i see this all the time--: is that your doors/elevators look bad when they're open/moving, because you can see the brushes overlapping.

For the doors use some -lip or lip to make the door stick out or in more, and space the elevator so you don't see the ugliness.

K. Back to the good stuff. Another favourite part of this map of mine, is the target range with two excellent innovations i've not witnessed for this sort of thing before: The train for the first one is excellent Idea, And the conveyor with the advancing zombies was fucking brilliant imo.

You are truly an innovative mapper, My good Aleks!

5-STARS FUCK YEAH! (you 3-star raters don't recognize genius when it you see it slapping you in the face! :P)

Depends on the "genius" :P - Daub
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-18 04:42:04 UTC in vault item: The Unteenth Test Chamber Comment #9912
Very busy sequence, but I think it looked/flowed together nicely. Also nice destruction at the end as well.

Design of the chamber was original and inventive in many ways. Nice Job!

Nice use of ambient sounds and music, which many people omit.

Little flaws all over, but my general impression was that this is a very well constructed piece.

I liked your version of hell at the end.

Little things I remeber:

-Elevator needs some help.

-clearer idea at the beginnig of what you're supposed to do, might do.

-If you got some scientists and a barney in there, would be cool. as well as gman and/or some monsters at the end like 7th said.

For the sequence itself, how nice it looked alone, i'm going 4-stars.

Really nice Job!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-18 04:27:22 UTC in vault item: awp_lake Comment #9911
+nice lake
+Nice them going.
-trees weird imo
+climbable bits nice
+rock bunker-walls nice
-holy shit that grass texture is repetative. Change it up a little, and perhaps put a sandy or dirt or rock boarder around the lake, and make the lakebed a different texture as well.

All and all a very nice map. With some changes it could be 5-stars imo.

for now, 3-stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-18 04:16:32 UTC in vault item: Sniper Comment #9910
You should include the BSP so lazy people who aren't willing to compile maps--like me--will look at it.

-1000 points :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-16 21:57:14 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9907
I played them back to back and can't really tell the difference between.

List the changes, perhaps?

Great map anyway!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-16 21:42:06 UTC in vault item: Zeromancer Comment #9906
I wrote a huge review for this and lost it--oh noes!--, so here goes againe...

This map is an amazing display of all the fundamentals, that many mappers routinely miss up, as well as, the little details which almost EVERY mapper misses.

Varied and inventive use of textlights, sprites, ambients, and detail brushes make this a beautiful map in it's own right. I cannot recall a map I've ever seen that nail the small details as well as this one.

The little details give things a better, truly 3D quality, makes them real, and Zeromancer achieves this beautifully. Other small things like removing a tile here, adding a grate there--which most anyone else wouldn't bother--, really make this map. Also doing anything to break up the perfect symmetrical design--which Zero most definitely does--that Hammer makes so easy for us, makes everything seem more real.

Relief in the level is highly varied and most excellently done. Nice portions from the subterranean to the open ceilings are all well-construckted and placed.

Weapon placement is fine, for this size of a map, and some nice HL-style hidden rooms with goodies.

Icing on the cake is a nice little vista where you can see outside, but the player cannon access...Always a nice touch.

Simply perfect small-sized HLDM map.

5 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:59:44 UTC in vault item: Toxicity 2 Comment #9891
Beautifully textured. Nice architecture and fair lighting. No ambient sounds I could detect.

This map should be tagged TFC not HL.

5 stars just for the textures.

Nice Job!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:35:01 UTC in vault item: fever Comment #9890
Nice as ususal for you, and you definitely 'feel' stalkyard, but it's in no way a copy. The living room area was neat and sorta creeped me out. :)

Nice/weird textures, as well as excellent construcktion and lighting. I liked that I couldn't identify every structure or the texture associated with it.

-Maybe put some sprites by the red lamp thingies.

5 from me.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:22:45 UTC in vault item: PacManHL Comment #9889
Forgot to rate and I just played it again, so some more comments:

+cool secret passages
-The wall texture is a little hard to look at, though it's what the actual game looked like I will grant you. Though, because this is a 3D version of the game, maybe dirty up the texture a little bit so it's easier on our eyes. :)

All and all a great HL rendition of PacMan. Can't wait for verison 2!

Great Job! 5 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:08:22 UTC in vault item: Radiance Comment #9888
Nice little level and nicely construckted, textured, and lit.

The snarks were a nice touch as well, but I think you should be able to get out of the slime somehow, once you fall in.

The lights appear to come from nowhere, which is also sorta weird. Use texture lights instead of point-lighting, unless you need effects like flickering or need make them turn off/on.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:00:09 UTC in vault item: Major Dip Comment #9887
Fun little map and nicely constructed for an hours work.

Exploding stuff was a nice surprise!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:26:10 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9863
Spotty, imo. There's nice texturing and lighing in some areas, and they're really off in others.

Boring blocky architecture.

+Nice door at the beginning, albeit somewhat blocky.
-Other doors I would recommend using -lip on the doors so you don't see that weird brush overlap.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:25:38 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa work area B-105 Comment #9862
+Nice hallway construction and nice use of textures--many I've not noticed utilized before
-Other doors I would recommend using -lip on the doors so you don't see that weird brush overlap.
-Ambient sounds don't fit the setting imo and are a bit repetative, but I suppose it's better than no sound.
-Pushables in storage closet don't seem to have a purpose
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:24:36 UTC in vault item: ka_pitball Comment #9861
This map sucks pretty hard, though the construction is sound for the most part. The ladder texture on one side is royally fcked up, and looks pants.

-Texturing is ok.
-Layout is boring.
-make the banks of the water wedge-shaped so you can easily get out.
-I do not like the little maze at each spawn, but whatever.

2 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:23:24 UTC in vault item: ook_criticalmass24 (for HardCore-Life) Comment #9860
Very Original and I must say I was blown away at the start at how 'pretty' this map is too me. Gameplay is also very much enjoyable!

+Awsome custom sky!!!
+Very interesting layout, and beautifully constructed, albeit minor flaws here and there in terms of scale and other minor detail.
+Stunning utilization of textures, and good application for the most part, with again, a few minor issues.
+Nice traps!
+Nice ambient sounds
+Kick-ass laser cannon!!
+neat chamber for the super jump!
+nice random things like lights that don't work and props!

-Other doors I would recommend using -lip on the doors so you don't see that weird brush overlap.
-Weird pushables that don't seem to have a purpose

I'm giving this one 5 stars for the fun, beautiful appearance, and originality!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:22:50 UTC in vault item: ook_hoover Comment #9859
This map is intriguing in it's design, size and complexity. Truly inspiring to me!

+great architecture
+great texturing
+excellent ambient sounds
+neat chamber for the super jump, but I couldn't figure how to get in there!
+excellent train ride, and great vistas and sounds along the way!!

This is the second map I've seen from you, and I must tell you I am a big fan of your style. Technically, there are much better maps out there, but your style and originality are some of the best i've ever seen and have left a great impression upon me.

Great work!

Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 22:30:33 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9836
How long do you typically have to wait for it to load? It was like 3 minutes or so!

K, I thought the map was pretty cool. Keep in mind that in regard to my following comments, I'm very inexperienced playing/mapping HL2...

+Liked the swamp boats
+The bunker with the switchable forcefields very pwn
+The sound buttons inside the bunker pwnt. I played like 3 simultaneously and made a sweet mix.
+Nice terrain, reminded me of Halo a bit.
+The lake looked cool
+pwn ramps for the swamp boats!

-Can you set the max-viewable distance higher in this? Terrain noticalbly disappears in the background. Is it because of settings on my end?
-I didn't like the combine walls on the far side, they seemed out of place.

3 stars
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:51:15 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9834
K. Got it and tried to run but it froze my whole system! It was stuck on the loading screen for a very long time, so I had to reboot!

Any Ideas?

Thanks for fixing the link, anyway :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-11 21:17:02 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9829
Link still doesn't work, and it keeps popping up in top maps... WTF!?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-10 22:50:54 UTC in vault item: tm_seether (for The Specialists) Comment #9820
Link no workie.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 20:44:49 UTC in vault item: Mappy Comment #9792
No screenie can convey the great subtle and not-so-subtle humor in this map...

Hilarious announcememts, text, and I loved the post-it!

- for very blocky architecture--especially the main room, but I have a feeling you'll be improving fast. Also, no space ship in the universe would I envision so square, but In zero-G, I suppose it doesn't matter much :P

+Minimod format! very refreshing!

+Love the radios

+Texturing and lighting was pretty good, albeit a little plain in the main room.

+neat little remote control thingies and laptop

Very enjoyable map for what it is. I see 5-stars in you future endeavors!

Ambiece was cool too--which most all maps omit intially.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 20:25:00 UTC in vault item: ook_donut21 Comment #9791
This is a very original map and quite skillfully done imo.

I love the whell of light-emmiting textures. Texturing in general is nice and brightly different.

Brushwork is impeccable throughout.

Nice doodads.

5-stars for sheer originality!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 20:16:47 UTC in vault item: Scripted Sequence Example Comment #9790

A nice Addendum to Pepper's Tut/map.

Maybe a scripted series is in order?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 20:03:52 UTC in vault item: as_lajosmizse_ultimate Comment #9789
Plenty of tree models in the .gcf files that come with steam, and PM pepper for more good model sites, or google, I'm sure there are tons!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 19:57:45 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9788
Your right. PM me if you care to know why.

And If the link doesn't work, I don't see the point in leaving it in the vault.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:59:44 UTC in vault item: In-game tutorial Comment #9781
A neat Idea, but I don't thing very useful for new people imo. Mabye if you slowed it down a little, and used renders/toggles to actually show the brushes your talking about.

Even then I'm not sure, but an interesting idea nonetheless.

Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:46:22 UTC in vault item: trigger_changetarget Comment #9780
A beautifully construckted example map!

This would be perfect for the transporters for my Defiant Mod--If I ever redo it!

I must admit I didn't peak at the .RMF, but am I correct in assuming you may have multiple targets? If so is there a nominal limit?

Very nice Job!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:40:42 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9779
Please excuse my pretention, but if it's offline, you should take it out of the vault.

You'd better hope I never become a MV Mod Habboi!!!! :P
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:19:10 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #9777
Thank you mucho, even though it is just an example map :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:10:58 UTC in vault item: as_lajosmizse_ultimate Comment #9774
A very nice little map indeed! A couple of thoughts, and I must say I really believe this map is worth updating--since you said this was the 'last'.

Nice Architecture throughout, except in a few places:

-scale is weird--too big or too small-- in places.

-suffering from some blockiness here and there.

-misc weird stuf like the shrubs that should have a level top.

Choice of textures is questionable in a few places, and some alignment issues. But overall the the texturing is quite respectable.

I didn't notice any sounds, sot that's a minus for ambience.

The sort of trees/bushes you used are only really good for background stuff imo, as you can see the 'panels' easily when there upclose. There nice enough and aligned perfectly, just in the wrong place imo. I would recommend models instead.

Overall a very interesting and pleasing map, which still needs some attention. Quite amazingly well done for a first map!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 13:23:50 UTC in vault item: PHW Comics Comment #9770
This map is labeled incorrectly, but the screenies look quite nice!

Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 13:18:51 UTC in vault item: Dropship then Assault Comment #9769
Fix label--shouold be HL2--please.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 13:05:07 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver3 Comment #9767
There are some obvious negatives to this map, but they however are completely overshadowed by the positives imo.

-texture scaling way to small in some cases for no reason, causin performance issues
-brushwork bad--invalids in some places

Though architecture is pretty plaing and blocky, the general layout is pretty nice with good detail in places/nice vistas. Some areas are unmistakingly barren and boring though, such as whole buildings with just the cinder block texture.

That said, The gameplay is verymuch fun, and has many neat elements. The cutscenes and general camera scenes are better than any map I can remember ever seeing.

Use of game text is also pretty well done, perhaps over a little bit.

considering how old this map is, and it's a first map, it's amazing to me how good it is. For that reason, 5-stars from me.

Nice job DieH@rd
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-07 12:42:52 UTC in vault item: cs_infultrate Comment #9765
Missing zeditor.wad--rowleybob yells: Mommy!!!!!!!!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 23:33:15 UTC in vault item: thwc2_stalky Comment #9757
This map is freakin amazing. It's another one of those few that looks source derived due to th amazing texturing and great use of models and other little tricks. Any HL1 map that looks like source is 5 stars imo, remake or not.

Amazing job!!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 23:28:53 UTC in vault item: dm_crete Comment #9756
Nice, very nice.

I loved the layout, the point-based lights for each weapon was neat, and I loved the amount/placement of them.

Looks like a fun maximum carnage map. The only thing I can think of that would be missing would be sound, but I'm at a loss myself to figure what sort of sound would be good for this.

First DM map I'm rating 5 stars.

Great job Rimrook!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 23:18:39 UTC in vault item: de_middleages Comment #9755
I tried opening it with the latest version of winzip and it's still saying it's corrupted/invalid.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 23:00:07 UTC in vault item: Spellbinder - The Summoning Tower Comment #9754
still no workie for me...
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 22:29:04 UTC in vault item: de_installation Comment #9753
Very cool map.

+Beautifully constructed and great prefabs like the crane and trucks! Did you make them yourself?

+Nice ambient sounds and lighting

-Textures are scaled way too small in some areas--the border of the crane turret and the top of the chassis--causing some performance havoc. Scale those bad boys up!

-lots of invalid solids on the chute thingie.

Excellent map, with some serious problems if you want to play it multiplayer.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 22:11:25 UTC in vault item: Just for Frags (3 maps) Comment #9752
3 neat little maps. I think I liked the first one the best with the forcefield chambers... really cool looking.

All nicely construcked and textured.

And of course, beautiful screenie pimpage.

I agree with the captain, make us something bigger to enjoy!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 20:17:54 UTC in vault item: ENIGMA 7 Comment #9750
download no workie
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 20:14:28 UTC in vault item: Momentum Comment #9749
link no workie
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 20:12:03 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #9748
Link's still not working
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-06 17:16:03 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #9744
You misunderstand I think. From the original thread by gmansAgent, you mentioned using stairs to simulate ladders briefly.

I got the Idea for the form of the ladder/staircase from the small, steep stairs in HLDM_center--which are very alike the HL ladder prefab btw.

Got it? :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-05 19:55:42 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9733
Agreed. The screenie is pretty bad. Why not show the central tower with those nice windows or something?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:17:25 UTC in vault item: de_splinter_clan Comment #9722
Could also do with more fine detail props imo, pretty much everywhere.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:02:19 UTC in vault item: de_splinter_clan Comment #9721
-textures are misaligned in a few places, one being the bomsite helipad thingy.
-There are 'ledges' everywhere where rooms/hallways meet. Looks pretty bad.
-the metal elevator doors open with a creaky wood sound ?!?!?
-needs more ambient sounds maybe a blowing snow outside, and some industrial sounds inside.

+great, interesting layout
+Nice overall brushwork in most places
+love the partially contstructed tanks! Didn't you have the turret of a tank hanging from a cable gangway on the last map? If you didn't, you should ;)

This map has 5-star potential, but it's certainly not there yet.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-03 18:59:38 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9718
This map was simply amazing. I can't think of any criticisms except maybe more rabidyariv-style props--Both Rabidmonkey and Elon Yariv are prop masters imo.

And for all those would be Juju's who contend texturing isn't a core part of mapping, I suggest you take a look at this map. The textures in this map make it appear to be Source engine derived!

The sheer beauty of the textures on this map make me wish there were a sixth star to award :( Bravo!

Also btw this map gave me deja vu multiple times while walking through it. Is this map of a real place?