
Commented 17 years ago2007-11-13 16:59:13 UTC in vault item: Ivy Comment #15976
:) wow i didn't expect you guys to give such good reviews.
There is a hidden crossbow in the map. (take the bridge to the roof) Makes things a bit easier.
I wish i can expand on this some more but i really have no clue what i want to do with it.
The storyline was formulated for the map.
Not the other way around, like usual.
Thanks for the input i really appreciate it!
Commented 17 years ago2007-11-12 19:18:31 UTC in vault item: Ivy Comment #15965
single player, and i updated it.. again!
i dont see why the sprite wasnt working for you guys.. it was defaulted in my sprites folder :-/
Commented 17 years ago2007-11-12 19:10:55 UTC in vault item: Ivy Comment #15963
what the hell?!
Commented 17 years ago2007-10-21 15:02:34 UTC in vault item: Ren_Test2 Comment #15839
As much as i enjoy a challenge, that was a pain in the ass.
I got lucky with the energy ball. It somehow warped inside of the chamber ??

And there's a bug with your rotating platform. You can exit a portal from it, but you can't enter a portal that's crated on it. And that would have shaved 10 minutes off my time.

VERY creative no doubt, and the turrets weren't too bad.. but
4 stars only because it was a pain in the ass.
Commented 17 years ago2007-10-04 08:41:25 UTC in vault item: samurai_jack_mini_map_ultimate Comment #15729
-wadinclude the czcs_italy wad or whatnot
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-22 13:42:33 UTC in vault item: The Underhalls Comment #15578
4 stars only because its not an original map
but it was beautifully made and everything from the textures, to the brushwork, to the triggers was fantastic.
a very enjoyable re-make!
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-11 21:49:05 UTC in vault item: Tudor Street Comment #15551
Still looking for someone to do a Full compile?
PM me with the specs you want and i'll be happy to volunteer!
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-08 00:45:03 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15538
Well it's finished now!
After spending a day or 2 in the unfinished vault
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-01 22:32:50 UTC in vault item: upender Comment #15491
buud look at some 5 star maps some of the regs voted

i aint voting because i hate ammo-nx

dont know him
hate him
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 22:50:07 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15451
This is exactly the comments i need! Ok. I think i got a few good ideas for cover...
So ill start working on that now, wont be an update for a while (not until tomorrow probably) Sorry i wasn't in the server with you guys, got called for an emergency game of baseball.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 12:06:28 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15446
Guys i fixed most of the above said stuff in the last update. Try downloading it again.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-29 01:23:20 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15436
hee thanks. how generic
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-28 20:30:00 UTC in vault item: dm_cliff Comment #15432
No problem. I rather it this way. Thanks for the Criticism. And Ill Get back to working. My next step is to extend the fall a bit more, and yes more ambiance as well.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-11 14:14:29 UTC in vault item: dm_scrap Comment #15332
Thanks Ghetto. It's still very much a WIP. But i'll take what advice is given.
What do you think about the layout. That's why i released the map so bare.
Commented 17 years ago2007-07-06 13:57:09 UTC in vault item: Unfinished cs_urbanbend Comment #15274
just because you're a hostage killer
im not lookin at this
Commented 17 years ago2007-06-15 20:18:22 UTC in vault item: aim_arcadiariflecup Comment #15109
and teh noobs wud go liek ohnoes ur spoilen teh gaymepley or sumthin liek dat rofl


Hey, i liked it. For what it's worth.
4 starz cuz u got moneys for it and i never got paid for my maps.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-17 23:05:13 UTC in vault item: Minicompo2_IceCavern Comment #14924
Might have been me.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-15 11:45:29 UTC in vault item: Minicompo2_IceCavern Comment #14882
Yeah. I spent hours trying to get that flock to work correctly. I just said "Screw it" because it's somethin else to look at. Most of it's just visual, i just wanted to set a theme basically.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-13 09:01:12 UTC in vault item: gg_kerplunk Comment #14864
If you null the faces of the glass that touch each other, you wont be able to see the polygons in the structure.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-27 16:13:26 UTC in vault item: Gearbox Hallway Comment #14755
Very nice.

I love the ambiance, the shakes are well placed, not overdone.

The only thing i say is the windows aren't transparent enough but Very good job. I like.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-27 12:37:19 UTC in vault item: The Asylum - Hall Compo Entry Comment #14754
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-04 19:48:58 UTC in vault item: de_incan_sanctuary Comment #14570
hey i have a de_inca in the vault dude
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-01 05:14:30 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #14544
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 16:01:41 UTC in vault item: FacingWorlds Comment #14522
supports bots. They dont teleport yet. I'm still working on it.
And i need to put the player kill underneath but other than that, it's bot friendly. Gravity default is 800, btw
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 16:52:55 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14510
Thanks. This was meant (originally) as a counterstrike map. I kept the basic layout and just changed the look and feel of it. Maybe i'll just have some areas of water. Not the entire thing.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-28 11:54:47 UTC in vault item: dm_aquos Comment #14505
:) Wow thanks for the comment!
Let me know of any problems you come across. This compile was on full everything. It only took like.. 18 minutes or so.
Commented 18 years ago2007-02-15 11:06:48 UTC in vault item: Dodge Viper Comment #14233
This is great!!
I love the hood, the side vents, the back of the car is superb as well.
The scale is off, but i really wish it wasn't. It's such a good looking car.
GREAT work.

Commented 18 years ago2007-02-12 17:55:17 UTC in vault item: Camaro Comment #14212
i didnt even use e8 in this. k lemme purge this and re-upload it.
Commented 18 years ago2007-01-19 11:14:54 UTC in vault item: Kitchen Comment #14033
It's my House lol.
Not The kitchen resemblesthe hallway to the other rooms and my living room.
I know i could've done a lot more (and i was planning to) but nobody else was entering and i just finished what i was working on ATM (the cabnetry)

The backyard is just sopossed to give you a sense of being. Like an ambiance not achieved with sound. I live in a residential area surrounded by trees. I know its not vm'd (some of it is. there are hills leading to the trees !!omgosh!!) but once again. that aint part of the kitchen.

As for the scale, everybody knows that a wall is 128 units high so i based it off that. It just sucks that freeman looks thru his abdomen and not his eyes; like he should.

Thanks for the commentary, and if 4 people should enter, or plan on entering then i will definitly add more detail. I just lost the drive to continue after everyone decided they didnt want to participate in the compo.
Commented 18 years ago2007-01-06 01:21:58 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13904
Hmm. The scale is HUGE but i guess that's allright. It IS starwars anyway. Those At-At's are a pain in the ass, and i dont really see why you would go outside in a DM match when you're getting shot less inside.
They're cool tho.

I agree with kasp on the hallways. They're very long, and if you look at most dm maps there arent a lot of hallways, and the ones that exist are small. try to keep them (i hear this somewhere i dont remember where) 2 seconds long.

as in it'll take you 2 seconds to run through it

Um.. hmm

The Rotating Gun platforms are cool, but i'd like to see which weapon i'm acually picking up.

I've used this way of weapon placement before ::

Make a func_rotating with the null texture

and place a weapon model with a killtarget and playerequip ontop of the func_rotating.Render it like the guns are, and you should have a rotating hologram of whatever weapon, that will give you ammo.

That door in the main room took a crapload of time to open. Im not sure if thats for some specific effect or not. I liked the Falcon. Thumbs up on that one.

I really would like to see where you're gonna take this map!!

Keep it up
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-31 04:59:25 UTC in vault item: NSB Comment #13862
i dont have the wads you used, but try cutting down on the sides of the cylinders. It wont look as good but its exponential how much it cuts down face-splitting

try entering in "gl_wireframe 1" (2 or 3) and you can see all the polys.

Sometimes 20+ sides are too much
try cutting it down to like.... 12 or even 10.
This engine is old, so its limits are far lower than your imagination. So sometimes detail needs to be cut out.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-30 18:19:25 UTC in vault item: Leak in the_bridge Comment #13860
found your problem.
Your concrete func_wall
and your doors and some windows are also func_walls

Func_walls dont seal off the world from the void.
As a matter of fact, no entities do, and there's your problem.
So surround your concrete func_wall with regular world brushes and make those doors 'To world' (next to the 'to entity' button) and you should be all set.

Also, the light poles will horribly split up the ground and concrete if they intersect with another brush. Try making those func_walls as well. I'll upload the map that i mess with a bit.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-28 14:00:11 UTC in vault item: Drowning in no water (AA_Map) Comment #13841
Few problems here
-You had a sky brush surrounding the entire level, and it was one solid block. That explains the drownding because you're stuck INSIDE a block when you spawned.
-You had no walls sealing your level off from the void (anything that's not your level.[The rest of the grid, basically])
-You had a light-Environment in the middle of the void. It was just chillin, i dunno why.
-When i DID get the map to compile, the lights werent bright enough as it was, so re-position it, and change the brightness of it. (in the properties under brightness, the last number group (the one fartherst to the right) is the brightness. mess with those paremeters to get it right)

One last note:: Try to keep the grid size at 16 for basic level making.
Once you get into the nitty-gritty detalied stuff, you can go to lower grid sizes. I'll upload the .vmf of the fixed level (well the blue light side anyway)
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-27 02:20:03 UTC in vault item: dm_deku Comment #13830
This map is on hold for the moment. Im doing the O.O.D. project now and when im done, i'll release it as a DM map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-26 15:14:42 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13823
:) :) :) :) :)
lazer's outta whack but thats still pretty darn cool
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-19 00:17:44 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13748
thank you. ill make it my responsibility to send you a pm if i update it. or ill send out a shout. either way, keep tabs im not done with this one yet.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-18 21:30:10 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13745
Yes. i used some hl2 textures, the tree underground, i made textures in MSPAINT for, and the rest are normal half life.

I hope i found a good balance, but this map is not completed yet. I recently updated it but i just didnt upload it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-18 01:35:01 UTC in vault item: Srry's Minicompo #2 Entry Comment #13739
After reading your last comment, i realised thats what i used to do with my maps... until i messed them all up.

Anyway this is a crazy cool map. I love how everything just seems to fit the theme, and i really like that sofa by the stairs. VERY creative.

More people need to make entire maps with as much detail as this.

Half-Life would be so much more enjoyable.

5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-16 15:05:24 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13730
you can move maps bewteen vaults? HAH im dumb. I just deleted it and re-loaded it in the finished vault.

sorry about that. ill take that into account on future items. I map a lot but its not often that i use the vault.

Btw you can check almost daily progress of the map on my new website (ty freewebs)
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-16 13:50:19 UTC in vault item: inthekitchen Comment #13727
lol sounds good. I just stuck the cracks in the wall to make it REALLY obvious that you need to go there.

My future plans are :
Extremely detailed kitchen / dining room.
Make the rock walls outside look better.
Do something with the lighting because its still not so good outside.
Maybe put in a secret tunnel underground that does something.

its just a 'when i get bored i do stuff to it' map.

and i just moved the map from unfinished stuff to completed maps, so its technically not a double post. unless it is, i dunno.
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-12 13:11:06 UTC in vault item: Five Stage Door Comment #13672
Wow. thanks guys. As soon as i get photoshop working again i may add in some custom textures. At least i know it doesnt suck.

There's 5 'stages' to the door:
Initial locks
first door
second door
third door
lock on fourth door
and fourth door opening.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:50:59 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #12125

Thats probably the most insane thing i've ever seen. GREAT work no wonder why you won.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 18:07:02 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11775
i dont understand why the -wadinclude isnt working, but ill definityly make sure after the next update. see this is the critique i needed.. tnx guys
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-01 02:50:15 UTC in vault item: Leaks in cs_timeville Comment #11404
well i found one problem already. Theres a func_water in the well. Its in the void. Bad. the skybox.. even worse.. drives your compile times through the roof. email me the textures and i'll see if i can help u at all.

btw try texture lighting.
browse the forums or check the tuts.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-01 02:46:23 UTC in vault item: Leaks in cs_timeville Comment #11403
.< dont skybox
ill look at the .rmf see if i can see any leaks
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-24 17:44:36 UTC in vault item: Fy_Rook Comment #11344
Thats what i did.
I set my options to auto rotate to 15 deg. increments.

Dont gotta hold down shift. I even tried manually transforming them to a 45 angle.

Gave me very weird results.. maybe because i rotated all 3 of them at once?

Anyway the end faces werent rendering at all. very ugly.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-23 22:43:42 UTC in vault item: Fy_Rook Comment #11340
bah, cant edit posts.
If anyone finds me a better sandbag texture, gimme a pm and ill fix teh map
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-23 22:43:10 UTC in vault item: Fy_Rook Comment #11339
The pipes were spewing out really bad vertex problems when the map compiled. they were so bad hlfix didnt get rid of them. so i made an executive decesion to get rid of them.

NO the sliding doors do not block bullets.
Its just a way to make a sneak attack on some unsuspecting c-t's ambushing the castle (rook)