Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-15 12:48:04 UTC
in Really frustrating problem!!!!! Post #22633
they are but everything theyre touching is func_illusionary, so it all works. I just think its weird how when you run it of the compile it works perfectly, then you play all my levels together and it goes all queer.

I might try the teleport idea, i dunno where to start!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-15 11:56:09 UTC
in Really frustrating problem!!!!! Post #22626
Heres the scenario:
1. map 1 - Run around then when your ready to move on click the button. Button causes level change to map 2.
2. map 2 - Pitch black room, where text comes up giving some story. change_level activated, on to map 3.
3. map 3 - inside a helicopter with your buddies, you cant move. Buddies do some talking, then helicopter gets attacked (hope doesnt sound too familiar!), fade out.... change level.... I dont need to go on its map 3 that has the problem.

My models of my buddies in the chopter after the level change arent affected by light ie. they are bright white. But there isnt a leak because when i run just map 3 the buddies are affected by light. So what could be happening in the level change to make it do this? Would it be better to put map 2 and 3 together and instead of a level change have a teleport? I dont like using teleports because ive actually never used them and they sound kinda complicated?

Posted 20 years ago2004-03-31 08:15:07 UTC
in problems with monster_generics.... Post #20894
Ive got this scene in my map where you changelevel and your standing up inside a helicopter and in front of you are 3 grunts sitting down. Now, when i play this map straight from worldcraft or if i type in the map name in the console then everything looks fine, but when i go to the map through level change the models arent effected by light they are bright white as if they are under a light. Usually they are red because the lighting is red but not in a level change. Is there anything that causes this?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-29 20:00:43 UTC
in Riddle me this one... Post #20785
I sorted it out now thanks!
Just put a hollow box in the air above the button then once the button was pressed the invisible door came down. Pretty simple really!

thanks anyway
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-29 17:44:40 UTC
in Riddle me this one... Post #20782
Is there a way i can have an invisible box come around the player so he cant move in this small enclosure but he will be able to walk in and around it until he presses a button? I need my player to stand still for a level change but some text is going to come up before and if the player moves around they end up somewhere totally different in the next level.

I was thinking something like a func_wall thats switched off and can then be triggered. Or another idea i had was to have a func_door (invisible) above where the player needs to be imprisoned so that when the player presses the button the door comes down over him so he cant escape. but i dont know how to do something like this.

Any other suggestions?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 16:17:51 UTC
in any suggestions? Post #20222
Cheers, your avatar is pretty cool too. The picture is from a shirt ive got. Im thinking of having it done as a tatoo on both my arms symetrical, or maybe just one arm, not sure.

Anyway thanks for your help mate, i thought maybe it was a leak of some sort but it doesnt show up when i compile.

i'll keep trying
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 11:39:37 UTC
in any suggestions? Post #20204
Heres the scene:

-Player walks up to laptop presses it.
-Words come up
-then some music plays
-then there is a level change
-go to new level which is a small pitch black room
-more words come up
-then another level change

This all works fine except when the words come up, if the player looks around there is a place where the words become fuzzy and bright white, if you move around then it goes but you can always move back on to it. This is very annoying.

This map is for Opposing Force and op4 has a trigger that freezes the player. I used this and it worked fine no more fuzzy white words if you faced a certain direction. the only problem is unfreezing! Ive tried re-targeting it, ive tried killtargeting it, ive tried creating another trigger_playerfreeze to counter it.... but nothing.

Does anyone know how to unfreeze trigger_playerfreeze in op4 or does anyone have a better solution.

Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 17:31:29 UTC
in How would i go about doing this? Post #19385
Heres what i want to do:

The player walks round it own headquaters, so the player gets to see what this place looks like. There is one more room the player goes in, which is the last, has a look around and goes back out of the room. When they leave the room i want the screen to fade to black and then a level change somewhere totally different.

How would i do that? I dont know how to have something turned off the first time you walk through it then when you walk through it again its turned on. Im not even sure if it can be done. Also is there something that allows a fade away type effect?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 12:16:26 UTC
in Scripted sequences problems... Post #19072
ive got a monster generic osprey (im using for decoration purposes) and one of its sequences is where the osprey is on the floor idle with its ramp out. Its called 'on_tarmac'. I want to have it so that the osprey is always using this sequence. Ive tried doing a scripted sequnce but its just doesnt work. The only way i can get it to work is by having it so the scripted seq keeps targeting itself but that way the thing just freezes, it still looks ok but i want it to be animated like it is in the sequnce with its rotor going round and stuff.

how do i do it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 13:02:21 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #17102
alrighty i did it and....

its all works fine now!!! Theres still a slight slowdown, but with the size of my map i would expect it, but its still playable.

Plus whats even better is that its made the cliffs look so much better! I set the textures from 1 to 2.70. They actually look like rocks now, not blocks with wallpaper. Thanks alot everyone!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 12:56:24 UTC
in another noob question Post #17100
do you mean the sky textures?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 05:24:23 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #17056
really! making the textures bigger helped?

I had never heard of that before, but now i think about it, it does make some sense.

Thanks, i'll try that and get back to you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 15:38:27 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #16789
I think i had a little understanding, when i saw the pictures in the tutorial in gl_wireframe 2. It was like you could only see where the hint brushes were and nothing beyond it. and then i presume that when you walk through the hint brush or a part of the area behind the hintbruch could be seen it all became clear. The thing i dont fully understand is how your supposed to set it up.

So its meant to be a block that touches all sides of the map (ie, up, down, left, right), with no gaps. So its like sealing off a section.
The blocks texture is meant to be SKIP but with one of the main sides HINT. I did the main side which was facing out.

I'll show you where i set it:


```````` ``````````___/1
``````````| `````````/
...________/ ````````/
../``````````````` /
.| ```````````````|
.|``````Field````` |
.2 ```````````````|
.| ```````````````|

I set i diagonally from point one to point two.

Im sure this is no good.

Hopefully you might understand what i mean.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 15:09:40 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #16780
thats a bit better, im sure you get the idea?!

So where could i use a hint brush?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 15:08:44 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #16779
ok that didnt come out right

```````` ``````````___/
``````````| `````````/
...________/ ````````/
../``````````````` /
.| ```````````````|
.|``````Field````` |
.| ```````````````|
.| ```````````````|

Maybe this will work?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 15:05:43 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #16778
For my part of the map im on now its quite large. Its basically a road surrounded by cliffs. Just like a valley basically. At one point you come across an army camp in like a small field by the side of the road.
Now my fps are ranging from about 12 to 36 and they dont just stay at one they alternate rapidly, so this part of the map is quite slow. I was wondering if i could use hint brushes, i hear they reduce fps. Ive read the tutorial on this site, over and over again but i still dont understand it. I had a go at doing one but it made no difference.The map looks a little sumthing like this:
|               /
________/ /
/ /
| |
| Field |
| |
| |

Is there a way i can use hint brushes there?

And is there any other tips to help reducing r_speeds?
I know the one about making things func_walls, but im not sure if theres like a recomended type of object that should be made a func_wall, i just do any random ones.

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 14:54:14 UTC
in How would i do this? Post #16777
Oh right its simple, ok then.

Thanks ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 12:48:23 UTC
in Yellow glowy things Post #16769
The yellow glowing things are created because your model is partly inside something, as zombieloffe said. It doesnt matter how little the model is touching something it will still do it. What i'd do is put the models quite a bit off the ground like JB said and another thing to do is check where the models actually are in the compiled version. I had this problem once and i couldnt figure it out, the models werent touching anything, but when i played the map i noticed that they werent in the position i had set them in, so i deleted them and re did them. Worked fine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 12:42:55 UTC
in How would i do this? Post #16768
This is the sene-

*You walk into a tent and pick up a gun
*then you hear assassins footsteps outside, then a assassins gun shot, then a glass smash
*then the main light goes out, which is outside. (obviously because the assassin has just 'shot' it)
*you come outside of the tent and you battle an assassin that wasnt there before.

I have some idea about how to do it. Use a multimanager which is triggered by the gun being picked up, activate different sounds at different times, then (this is the tricky part) turn the light off, then use a monetrmaker to spawn an assassin.

I dont know how to get the light to swith off using a multi manager.

Any ideas? and any other ideas that you might think would be good for the rest of the scene?

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 11:25:01 UTC
in Assassin Sounds? Where are they?? Post #16764
I need to get the assassins footsteps and gun fire sound for my map, but when i looked in the pak0 there was no sounds for it?? I searched for ages but couldnt find any!

Does someone know where they are??
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 11:19:09 UTC
in .mdl's with Milkshape Post #16762
I would never be able to make a model from scratch, and if i did it would look more blocky that a space invader. Ive seen some very bad models out there and ive seen some incredibly detailed models which are just soo precise that it actually looks real. Some of the CS player models are amazing, i dont think enough credit is given to the people who make those models.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 09:42:10 UTC
in Grrrr!! Random Error messages!!! Post #16753
okay guys, thanks for your help, but i discovered it.

I just went through all my thinsg i just made func_walls and made them back to normal... didnt work. I was then searching around for something else i must of edited and i found it. It was this big radar satelite dish thing, i made it smaller so it would make the maps r_speeds faster, but i must of done some dodgy editing and made it go off at funny angles or something. So its fixed now.

But that was weird how it kept saying it was something else that was the matter.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 17:39:56 UTC
in .mdl's with Milkshape Post #16674
It depends on what you want to edit. Ive only recently got into modeling. I dont make models i just edit them, for example what i wanted to edit was the zombie model for my mod. I wanted it to have a human head, so i downloaded MS3D and mucked around for ages. Eventually i got the hand of it... well not really but i got what i wanted in the end.

All i can say is that if your desperate, then just muck around, keep trying things and eventually you'll get something close to what you want.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 17:36:32 UTC
in Grrrr!! Random Error messages!!! Post #16673
Ive compiled my map before and it worked fine, but it was a bit slow so i went about making various large sized objects into func_walls. I compiled... fine, but still slow, so i made just one or two more objects func_walls, compile... BANG! WTF is this!

--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1TOOLSHLCSG.EXE C:SIERRAHalf-Lifegearboxmaps28dl04

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

6 brushes (totalling 60 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 0: plane with no normal
Error: plane with no normal
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 1: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 1: has a coplanar plane at (-2324, -2019, 50), texture AAATRIGGER
Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 5: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-2360, -2009, 50), texture AAATRIGGER
Error: Entity 83, Brush 0, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-2360, -2009, 50), texture AAATRIGGER
Error: Entity 83, Brush 2, Side 0: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 83, Brush 3, Side 4: plane with no normal
70%...80%...90%... (15.27 seconds)

I think we get the idea?(ed:Andy)

--- END hlcsg ---

So at first i calmly found entity 83 and deleted it. Compile... CRACK! WTF!! Now its saying entity 84, so i search for it... entity doesnt exsist!! but i see its texture is AAATRIGGER, so i go and delete all the AAATRIGGER objects. Compile... WTF is going on!!! It says now entity 87 is the problem, but the strange thing is it doesnt even exsist! and it an AAATRIGGER which there are no more of!!!

Whats going on? Its just really random! I can be patient with errors that have meaning, but one which i can understand just piss me off!

:x...Calm... :D

Okay, please can one of you WC gurus help me, im totally lost and on the verge of giving up...
thank you
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 13:33:15 UTC
in Editing CS models to make work in HL? Post #16404
Ive downloaded many CS weapon models to use in my game but i keep hitting the same problem.

I know how to edit the qc. file to stop them doing strange things like firing when in idle, etc. So that parts fine, its just with cs models, whwen you download them they are always in left hand mode. Unless you get lucky and theres a right hand version in the zip as well.

Ive tried miroring the lhand, rhand and weapon smd's but it doesnt work.

Does anyone know ow to make a left handed weapon switch to a right hand weapon using MS3D?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-13 11:21:18 UTC
in I need sounds! Post #16102
I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where i could download decent zombie noises? Ive searched for ages! Im looking mainly for ones that sound like the Resident evil zombies.

Does anyone know of a site?

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-10 14:11:25 UTC
in pak0 Post #15912
What program did you use to extract the sentences text with? I know that when you try to extract a file from a pak using HLMV then it saves it as a '.' file.

If your not already, use pak explorer. It works a treat! :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 16:24:43 UTC
in SP vs. MP: Let's clear this up Post #15684
I dont beleive it!
I just spent like the last 15 minutes writing out about why i hate steam and how theyve screwed me out of playing AHL because you have to register your HL CD-KEY, whcih i no longer have and CDKEY generators dont work with it (it was pretty heated). And i just finished and i wanted to write "I hate Steam" in Bold and underlined, so i clicked on the little [?] to see if that told me, and then i came back and it had all gone!!

But now i dont feel as angry because i let off alot of steam (no pun intended) in the last reply....

[u]I still hate steam[/u] though...
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 15:05:37 UTC
in SP vs. MP: Let's clear this up Post #15665
SP all the way!

You can do whatever you want in an SP map because you can make it personel, if you know what i mean, but with MP you have to take other people into consideration because obviously your not going to be the only who plays it.

Also MP maps arent as fun to make because there are certain unwritten rules you have to abide by which make a MP map a good MP map, like open spaces and wide alleys, etc.

Single player is so much better and im glad people agree because all i ever see is MP mods these days, dont get me wrong theyre fun (for like 5 minutes), but there are some amazing MP Mods like Action HL. I love it, its the only mp mod i play, im suprised it hasnt taken off yet, it is so awesome!! But i havent been able to play it for ages because Steam wont update! I hate STEAM!!!! :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-05 13:29:19 UTC
in Texturing mdls with ms3d... Post #15328
Ive finally done my zombie model, well sealed up the holes.
What ive done:
1.Deleted headcrabbed head of zombie.
2.Sealed the holes left by deleted head with new faces.
3.New problem, retexturing...

The new faces ive put in dont have a texture, well they do, but for some reason they are just blue (by the way, im editing the barney_zombie, so when i say blue i mean the blue of the barney uniform). What i did was click on the face i wanted to apply texture to. Then i go to texture coordinator. Then in tex Coord i see the face ive selected highlighted on the texture.bmp. So i think great thats just what i want, so i click 'remap'. But the nice little triangle i had for my face has become a big triangle resembleing nothing that looked like the face, so then on my actual face on the model i have the texture.bmp inside my face but not alligned or the right size.

...Im sure thats as confusing as hell when you read it....
But if anyone can understand it, please can you help me...
Thanks :
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-04 17:38:36 UTC
in Ms3d editing... Post #15261
Im editing my zombie model in Ms3d and so far its going ok. Ive deleted the old head crab head and at the moment im trying to reseal the gaping hole at the top of the model from the things ive deleted.

So what ive got is a zombie model without a head so you can see right down it. Im trying to create faces to patch it up so i cant then just add my own gman head.

Ive got to the stage where the very top bit of the body is deleted and im trying to blend it all together, but it looks so confusing!!!
I cant tell which lines are top, bottom, halfway, etc.

Is there a way which is easy to see what sections your working with?
Because it just looks like a confusing bunch of lines going across one another.
Is there a special tool or something that automatically covers gaps?
Im not sure if i explained that too well...
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-04 13:55:07 UTC
in Prefabs... Post #15193
I live in England.
I remember the good old days, about 2 years ago, when i was mapping then. All of my maps were basically made of gamesdesign prefabs. You could just click on the file and it would download. You never used to have to go through 3ddownloads, and best of all you never had to wait!!!

I still dont get why it would of taken 23 minutes to download something so hideous and stupid, that even if you tried you couldnt make something this bad!! :x
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-04 12:11:03 UTC
in Prefabs... Post #15178
I dont know about you guys, but when i go to and try to download a prwefab from their site it takes me to 3ddownloads, where you have to click on the file and wait in a que for about 20 minutes and after the first minute the window its in refreshes and loads up the original page.

Firstly, i dont remember having to go to 3ddownloads to download the file!
secondly, why are the ques for the downloads so long? I found that the ques were so long for everything i wanted that i went to download the crappest thing i could find, which was a really blocky, stupid looking laser turret with uglt textures, and still the que for that hunk of crap was 23 minutes long!!!! WTF!!
thridly, does anyone know of a really decent prefab site that has millions of prefabs just like the gamesdesign site? Ive searched everywhere, but no where has a selection like gamesdesign. I found some sites that are okay, but theres certain things i want like a selection of car prefabs that look really good on gamesdesign, but i cant find them anywhere else. :nuts:

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-02 18:38:09 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #15017
Thats a good idea Vassy, its just when i finish this game, i want other people to play it and enjoy it, but i also want people to think it looks good.

Heres what i think might make that a bad idea:
You walk round a corner and a head of you down a dark alley you see a zombie eating a body. But the player hasnt walked through the trigger_once wall yet so the zombies still oblivious to the player presence. Any normal player would just kill it the moment they saw it, so some players might not even be attacked by this zombie because they didnt de-trigger it.

Im not sure i really explained that very good.... :

But that was a really good idea, thanks! ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-02 15:38:13 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14954
Ive tried loads of things, i even completelty deleted my entire test map and restarted, still exactly the same problem!

What am i doing wrong!! Nothing as far as i can see!! :zonked:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-02 15:09:06 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14951
okay, no it didnt work.
now the zombie doesnt attack you unless you shoot him. :confused:
This is so annoying!!! It should be so simple!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-02 15:05:32 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14950
Ive done it!!
What i did was i named the script z and then named the target field z too so it would keep targeting itself, thus repeating. But i havent fully tested it yet, i'll see if any problems arise.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-02 13:36:53 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14944
I got your crusher map and i saw what you did. I then went back and copied what you did, but still it didnt work! Its just ;playes the animation once through then just stands there. A couple things that went through my head were, im doing this with opposing force, but then i realised i had run your map through op4 so that wasnt it. I then realised that mine was different to yiours because i made mine walk to the corpse. I thought that must of been it so i put it next to the body and didnt make it move. I was so sure this was it... but no it just did the same.

I dont know what to do now?? :
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-01 15:07:27 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14847
That didnt work either.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-01 14:41:30 UTC
in Cant get scripted seqences to repeat... Post #14840
Ive get a scene in my map where the player is behind glass and sees a zombie walk up to a dead body and start eating it. Ive got everything sorted except that when he starts eating, it plays the animation once then doesnt continue. How to i make it carry on eating until its disturbed?

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-01 13:58:31 UTC
in Changing weapons settings? Post #14836
Is there a way I can make the power of the weapons less? I know it would require coding of some sort, but is it possible to edit the weapons files in the "events" folder? I guess this is a stupid question. Instead of people just going "you need to code" could they please say how to go about coding and what needs to be done.

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 19:20:52 UTC
in Level chnages really P*****G me off!! Post #14502
its crazy! when i change one to make it work, it works but the other one is mucked up! I keep trying having the landmark in exactly th same place just making it higher, but it still doesnt work!

Its so frustrating!!!! :nuts:

I though all you had to do was name the landmark the same, write in the name of the next level, write in the name of the landmark, and put the land mark in exactly the same place in both maps. Ive done all this and it still doesnt work!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 13:36:51 UTC
in Level chnages really P*****G me off!! Post #14449
Ive been trying for 6 days now to get these damn level changes to work! but everytime i get stuck in the floor! Now i know there are hundreds of topics about level changes but nothing works!!

The most frustrating thing is that i'll go through one and it will work fine, then i'll go back and its fine... i think to myself finnaly ive done it... walk back through and hey! im stuck in the ground again!!!! Even though its already worked once!!! :x

Ive tried everything! And i even went to the drastic measure of deleting my whole section the map and redoing it!!

Everytime im getting stuck in the floor.

What to do?! :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 13:16:53 UTC
in Making zombies yellow blood red? Post #14447
is there not, like a sprite for blood that i could change?


Thanks anyway. :D :
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 12:09:46 UTC
in Making zombies yellow blood red? Post #14444
How would i go about making it so that the zombies blood was red instead of yellow?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 10:28:49 UTC
in More decals for Wally? Post #14442
Is there a site somewhere that lets you download more decals for Wally?
I really want some more blood splat decals, does anyone know where i can get some?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-30 07:16:01 UTC
in Editing the zombie models... Post #14434
Im trying to edit the zombie models so they look more human. Im going to retexture their head and im going to try and get rid of the head crabs legs, but i cant seem to select anything on the model so i cant edit it or delete anything.

How do i edit a model using MS?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 17:32:25 UTC
in Path_corner wont wait!! Post #14250
what i did to test this was i set up a glass box around my self inside a room where the grunts walked, kinda like my observation gallery i guess. Obviously as soon as the grunts saw me they shot me.

I couldnt get them to stay still unless they were dead. :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 16:12:39 UTC
in Assasins running around... Post #14226
You know how the Assasins ran from cover, shoot you, then quickly run back into cover. I was wondering for them to run to and from cover do i have to set info_nodes down so they know where to run, or do they automatically run to cover?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 16:10:42 UTC
in Cant get .qc file for barney! Post #14224
oh right i didnt know that.

I did it now anyways, i found out that the barney model isnt just that, it has loads of other mdls (01 02 03...) when i put all these in the same folder and tried again with one of the other decompilers it gives you it worked,a nd now its safe to say Barney no longer works at Black Mesa, hes just a security guard now. :cool: