
Rimrook14 years ago2009-12-16 13:16:30 UTC 8 comments
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Much much better than what I previously had. :D
brendanmint14 years ago2009-12-13 18:23:52 UTC 19 comments
Well, this last week adobe CS3 decided to de-activate itself, and every time i try to reactivate it, it says i have the wrong code. so i have no flash, and i needed flash for some homework of mine. so now, i get to explain to my teacher all this. macromedia would have never let this happen, stupid adobe.
Unbreakable14 years ago2009-12-13 10:49:12 UTC 17 comments
its my Birthday Today!! I'm now 24!

May the best of my past be the worst of my future!
Striker14 years ago2009-12-12 14:42:41 UTC 13 comments
I bought Counterstrike Source... well, I wouldn't have bought it if some friends wouldn't tell me several times to buy it. It was only 3,75 euro anyway. And it's really not a big difference between it and the old counterstrike, besides the improved graphics, ragdolls and new models for weapons.
The gameplay hasn't changed.

Oh btw, today, just surfin' on the net, I saw probably the most awesome gif :
User posted image
Luke14 years ago2009-12-10 15:31:38 UTC 17 comments
The first TF2 comic.

Bricks are being shat.
Also: Double update in the future? I'd say yes.
DiscoStu14 years ago2009-12-10 03:01:26 UTC 11 comments
Oh the tragedy! I feel like the world is coming to an end! This story is having a huge twist so early! Nothing in my life will be the same after this! And I still refuse to accept that... I'm going bald.

Hair naturally falls off, but this time it's not growing back. It's been over a year since I first noticed something wasn't quite right. The forested area is still the same, however it's density that has significantly decreased - especially in the last two months or so. I look at the mirror and I can see my scalp and each individual hair. It has even acquired the same colour than the rest of my face. I'm trying to get used to the idea that in a year, my head will be as shiny as a bowling ball. I try to convince myself that Jason Statham gets all the chicks, but my mind replies it's the accent.

Further proof that this hasn't been a particularly great year for me.
Tetsu014 years ago2009-12-09 23:15:57 UTC 7 comments
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Woke up this morning to this; 6" of snow, and ice rain.
My school was closed until 11:00AM, but incidentally, that's when my first class starts. I woke up at 8, got outside at 8:30, finished snow-blowing and clearing my car at 10, showered and ate by 10:20, got to school at 10:54.
The parking lot was only 1/4 of the way plowed, so i decided to do a few e-brake powerslides around the lot.
I got into my class and forgot that we had a test. After studying for about 19 seconds (listening to a friend of mine explain a circuit) i got an 84 on the test. After that, i wrote 2 lab reports, and had about 3 LAN matches of Call of Duty 2. All of which i won. By a spread of 20-25 kills.

TLDR: Snow day, but it was a good day.
Tito14 years ago2009-12-07 23:35:53 UTC 16 comments
Already some of you started your Christmas shopping, while others most likely will wait till the last minute to buy the gifts. Well, with that in mind, I came across this very interesting, but rather depressing story which I was not aware of.

Before you click on the link and start reading this messed-up story, please pay specific attention to the paragraphs related to the Sony PlayStation 3 and the Panasonic Lumix Cameras. Really, is any body here surprised by this corporate stupidity and greed?

Striker14 years ago2009-12-07 18:37:19 UTC 8 comments
This is your 4107th login.


Now I'll be able to make all kind of props for my machinimas that I'll want to produce ! This is so fucking cool !

Btw, my first model is a rock with basic uvmapping, made it in blender. The compiler calculated a mass of 18 kg.

Sorry but Softimage XSI tool is total "shite"(I just love the british version of shit more :X) compared to blender. At least for now, because I'm used to blender. Lol, I even don't know how to navigate in that program =))
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2009-12-07 02:26:59 UTC 9 comments
Just finished Mirror's Edge. I gotta say that I enjoyed almost every moment as some parts proved to be annoying ("oh I missed the building by that much, start again. Hey I fell off again... start again"). It's linear progression was also a bit of a let down and so was it's short story line, but despite all of those, the overly bright style to it along with it's awesome soundtrack, Mirror's Edge was worth downloading buying... >_> I just would prefer if it wasn't linear; that there were more than just the one path of completing objectives.

Giving it 8.5/10
monster_urby14 years ago2009-12-06 07:04:05 UTC 2 comments
Congratulations. You're winner! Click heer to claim your prize! Super fun happy link!

Its just me, ranting about internet advertising and scratch card scams.
Trapt14 years ago2009-12-05 04:43:07 UTC 25 comments
Got my wisdom teeth taken out today. Feels like they've been replaced with golf balls.

This shit is hardcore.
38_9814 years ago2009-12-03 15:57:40 UTC 7 comments
Intel recently unveiled a new prototype 48-core CPU, and all the size of a postage stamp. Whilst there have been CPUs with even more cores then this, this particular CPU can run ordinary operating systems instead of specialized systems that other much larger CPUs are made for.

Whats more, their release date (according to the article) will be in 2010. A pretty big leap up from the 8-core CPUs from the start of '09.
Unbreakable14 years ago2009-12-02 13:11:54 UTC 9 comments
So today I did a neat experiment.. I set up two cameras, one was '-1' unit, and the other was positions at '1' combined together with a locator Shown here:

Then I rendered out each camera, and then once in Photoshop, I made the left render red, and the right render blue, and then overlapped red layer on blue with a linear dodge Which then gave me this;

now of course you need 3D glasses (older ones.. with blue and red lenses) to view in 3D but yeah.. tis cool.
Penguinboy14 years ago2009-12-02 08:50:12 UTC 24 comments
Things be happening!

First, I'm confirmed to be graduating uni this year (BSc, Computer Science)
Second, I got a job (business applications development with a mining company)
Third, it's my birthday O: (20)

Probably other junk to say but I have to go to bed.