
Tetsu015 years ago2009-07-01 13:51:05 UTC 17 comments
This is your 4000th login


And i just had a thought.
To upload a bunch of my unfinished maps with weapons and enemies and no storyline, but when you get to the end of one, you teleport to another..
Take all my unfinished / experiment maps, and make a stupid little mod out of them.

Of course i'll polish them a bit and add SOME detail and lighting elements, and i'll make the stop point just.. wierd.

Idk could make for an interesting mod? No?
Tetsu0's Castle

What do you think?
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This was the first compile.
I still need to fix the draw distanc..
Then add in all the rooms.
I'm having trouble finding my graveyard maps... i might have purged them.
Tell you what.

Send me a graveyard map and i'll throw it in there. Credit goes to author.

The mario picture - world teleport will be your avatar.

So give me a 128x128 vers of that too.
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2009-07-01 01:45:25 UTC 5 comments
Just a screenshot that made my day.
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Mini crit...?
Tito15 years ago2009-06-30 14:51:28 UTC 20 comments
So tell me, when you see this ad from Burger King, what is the first thought that comes to your mind after seeing it and reading it?
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Is this what it has come down too now? I guess BK must be desperate about competing with McDonald's and Wendy's for them to resort to this kind of risqu? advertising.
Livewire15 years ago2009-06-30 11:32:29 UTC 39 comments
Hey guys.

So as some of you know I failed my driving test first time, I'm taking it again on the 20th. I'm sticking by "70% of people don't pass their test first time, and the ones that do are involved in more crashes" as this makes me feel better :D I've been learning since January, so for me to give up now would be very stupid, I wanna be able to ride around with shades and loud music gettin' all the girls yo.

My survival map; Wetwork will indeed be tilted, and as I learned yesterday func_details don't cut up visleafs, I never knew this, so I was wondering why the infected were spawning in rather gay places. SO! I put nodraw walls inside of the func_deatiled walls (which is allowed by the way, Valve do it) and the infected started spawning in much much better places, and a constant lag I had with the level dissapeared thanks to the visleafs.

I now also have a poster, courtesy of Huntey. -

It is indeed pwn.

And a hot girl I know broke up with her boyfriend.

monster_urby15 years ago2009-06-30 03:39:22 UTC 20 comments
Good Day to you all.

[i]MEET ARCHIE...[/i]
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Now with waving action!

Yeah, so after the tragedy with Mizzi, my fiancee and I decided the house was too empty without him. It order to fill the hole that he left, we aquired a 5 week old kitten (he hits 6 weeks today)

He so cute but is a lot to handle at the moment with litter training and getting him used to the house. He's been here for a week and so far has explored 2 of our 4 rooms. He is currently adventuring on and around the sofa and is very affectionate to people. :)
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More soon.
Striker15 years ago2009-06-28 19:18:43 UTC 25 comments
You should know about this, me not because I'm a poor mapper. Anyway, you have the chance of winning some money : It's source mapping. Go for it.
srry15 years ago2009-06-28 00:28:32 UTC 12 comments
So I had my cylinder head all torqued down correctly on my car just now, as I had finally received some of the parts to put my car back together today. I then realized that I had forgotten to put the intake manifold gasket on, which is impossible to install with the head bolted down. So then I had to take all the brand new bolts off again, along with the new head gasket, and scrap them, as they are single-use parts. I have now re-ordered the parts, which will probably be here in two weeks time. Previously today, I also ruined another part that came with the order, and rushed to the auto part's store for a replacement. The order that originally cost me just under $60 has now cost me upwards of $120. Oh, and I also trashed the interior surface of my headlight while attempting to de-fog it. Unfortunately, I'm about out of money now, so I can't afford to be a complete retard anymore.
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-06-27 22:37:26 UTC 11 comments
So I decided to take the risk and bought Fallout 3 for the PC. I have it on the PS3 but I wanted the updates. I was very worried id have to put it on lowest settings, get crap visuals and all because my laptop would choke but to my surprise that was not the case. Fallout 3 detected medium settings, and they ran superb in vault 101, I noticed a significant improvement in animations and models from the PS3, once I got outside and revelling in the glory of the open world, I quit and boosted the settings. I put on High, went back and to my utter shock, loaded my game and it ran without a lag!! In my confidence I went back and boosted them to ultra high, went back and to my surprise there was only an ever so slight lag!! it was playable but a slight quarter of a second delay between response times! I can't believe my laptop could even cope!! I was sure it was gonna choke and die! I love this thing!!!
Tetsu015 years ago2009-06-27 12:13:14 UTC 2 comments
Project Source Development: Week 3

Well i have the bulk of the terrain detail finished, Now i just have to work out the kinks and get everything looking how i want. I can almost sit back and work on entity work alone. Which would be a good thing. I'll have a full 2 weeks just to work out gameplay and lighting. But that's still going to take a long ass time to do.

Every time i look at the map i just wonder how i'm gonna finish it all.
One area at a time... one area at a time.

So progress is good. And it's speeding up at last. Maybe i'll actually be satisfied with a map this time around!
In other news:

That half life 2 RPG is on hold until the compo is over. I'm still open to ideas.
satchmo15 years ago2009-06-26 23:58:30 UTC 6 comments
My son showing more of his musical talent.
Habboi15 years ago2009-06-26 12:55:43 UTC 6 comments
I wrote this a few hours ago but the oldies came home and asked me to do house work so Axel's driving test doesn't apply anymore cause he failed but here it is:

It's been a while since I updated the "Journal".

Just thought I'd wish Livewire good luck with his driving test today. You'd think I'd be driving since I'm older but I never really had a desire to learn and I stopped after my 13th lesson.

Livey told me he is more determined because he wants to get away from his hometown. You should see the pictures of his old school :)

In other news, I've been enjoying my summer off so far and have been learning the tricks and trades of 3D modelling. Some of you may know that I modelled some props for Hunter's Glasgow map which by the way looks really good and needs to be released soon.

I've also been helping Livewire with his COD4 Wetworks recreation for L4D by coverting some brushwork rails into models so he can flip the boat. It's looking great from all the webcam feeds I saw despite the gay glare.

At the moment I've gone back to my horror map for EP2 because my third year university project requires me to write a dissertation and I chose to analyse how sound effects affect the players actions and psychological aspects in the horror genre so I'm using my old map as a base. I managed to find my gut wrenching sound effects which I got off freesounds.

Lastly I "was" going to attempt a TF2 map involving water elements where the players would have to make the water rise and change direction in order to get to the next capture point. Think Water Temple from Zelda: TP with the water slides. I managed to get water to scroll and faked it by flipping a water brush upside down. It worked pretty well but I lack the skills to create a TF2 map so meh. I owe Kasperg for the texture anyway since I ripped it from his BSP and made my own with his VMT. Mwuaha.
Penguinboy15 years ago2009-06-26 07:54:50 UTC 8 comments
Side project showcase!

(I've kept the same format as my last journal)

I'm finished the first semester of uni for this year, so I'm ready to start on my big project again. I just thought I might show off some of my random side projects that I started during the semester. (I didn't want to do any big project until my break, which is a month long, starting now.)

Project the second: Randomly generated MUD game
Goal: Make this (with a twist).

I was bored at uni and I had a few hours to kill so I started making a MUD game. The basic idea is that it's the regular text-based adventure game, except everything is randomly generated, making it more of a text-based dungeon crawl. Also, I wanted to inject a 'twist' in the form of surprise windows forms elements appearing and offering a puzzle or display that no command line ever could.

Another thing I slipped in there was the use of the Half-Life 'action' words: Run, Think, Shoot, Live. "Think" was to be for investigation, "shoot" for attacking, "run" for movement, and "live" for...well, I didn't get that far.
How far I got:
See for yourself:
Early version showing random generation of map:
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Bit later showing enemies:
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The end. Nothing more was done. It wasn't really going anywhere anyway. The end result would be boring to play, so who really cares?

Project status:
Pretty much dead. Chances of revival: not zero, but slim. I have better things to work on.

Can you have it?
No. No, you can't.

PS: Big project hasn't started again. Maybe tomorrow...
Daubster15 years ago2009-06-26 05:32:44 UTC 13 comments
Received final exam results.
University of Abertay Dundee, here I come. 'B>

Commencing second victory beer.. now.
Tito15 years ago2009-06-24 23:03:54 UTC 31 comments
Just finished seeing Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen, and I must say the movie was great! It was intense from the get go, so much happening at once. This sequel is definitely better than the first one, a lot more action that any movie of 2009 so far. I might have to go and see it again just to get everything in....
srry15 years ago2009-06-24 15:33:31 UTC 7 comments
I listened to this while I went about working on my computer, and I have to say these guys definitely achieved their goal of creating the most annoying song ever.