
Striker13 years ago2011-03-26 21:50:45 UTC 9 comments
User posted image
Notewell13 years ago2011-03-25 21:34:47 UTC 5 comments
Well, last year's Yearbook came in today.
...Perhaps "came in" isn't the right phrase. It was bought as a back-order last semester, and my parents intended to give it to me as a secondary Christmas present, but they forgot about until yesterday, and found it today.

I got in it once. In the section where everyone's picture gets in. I'm not exactly active in extra-curricular activities.
As a sidenote, there was also over half a page devoted to the names of the people who didn't get their pictures taken. These people will not be remembered in the years to come.
Habboi13 years ago2011-03-24 14:36:01 UTC 12 comments
Luminesca - A Game by Matt Glanville

An old friend of mine from university is working on a new game and the least I can do is help support it and spread the word. I studied alongside Matt for three years and he always had imaginative game ideas. This is one of them.

Check out his development blog @
ThatGuy487813 years ago2011-03-23 21:58:58 UTC 11 comments
Finally mastered how to make turrets with hammer in goldsource, which will make by new maps that I'm working on a lot more interactive and interesting.

I finished my first actual map last night. Apartment. It was inspired by a map called 'small.bsp' I downloaded from the Ghetto (LT) server which was a bit larger than my map, but a little less interactivity. My apartment map has light switches, vents you can throw stuff down, and an outside (in space, so there is suffocation) I'll be uploading it shortly...
Skals13 years ago2011-03-23 06:11:02 UTC 7 comments
I went on yesterday during my college hours, just to check out latest news and so on, and I saw a topic on the front page about Sucker Punch, which is a pretty awesome movie that's coming out on theaters here next month. Anyway I clicked on this link and read what it said, and I couldn't believe it but IGN was offering FREE premier tickets to see this movie all over the UK, and they had a link where I could actually book the tickets straight away, and I did! I managed to get them for croydon which is basically 20 minute bus drive from my house :D, I told my friends and we all managed to get about 4 tickets each, so I think the entire class is going lol. 10 minutes after I discovered it however, they were all sold out :>. Lucky huh?
Habboi13 years ago2011-03-23 00:28:18 UTC 4 comments
Might as well combine two topics. Which one is more interesting I wonder.

Crysis 2 and What's Happening with Habboi.

I'll start with my life. Nothing special. Basically I graduated in December and since then I've been working on my portfolio, applying for jobs (getting very little back) and working on my Iphone game with a friend.

Making an Iphone game can be a pain sometimes. It's not super powerful and you have to consider a lot of things especially memory. My coder buddy is new to the language he has to use so he's learning as he goes and I'm impressed so far. I'll quote a part of his last email to me:

"A new Media class and support for Texture Atlases

"This was the big thing i've been working on most of last week and the weekend. Rather than loading up graphics and audio here there and everywhere as needed, I now have one class that searches in the application bundle for all the media files at the start and stores them in a dictionary. When I need to use a graphic, I just call one of the methods of that class giving it the name of the media I want. Trust me this is huge! I've managed to cut out tons of code with this approach alone and it means that determining which backgrounds to use is as simple as combining a string such as "foreground_lvl" with the level number. This way, it's not hard-coded in and it's easy to change. The individual sprites in the texture atlas are called foreground_lvl1 and so on so getting at them is easy. This is also how i'm pulling Spencer's animations (oh, the animation is gone!lol But only because this is a hi-res version of Spencer and I haven't made any more frames yet, but the functionality is still in there and i've added the same to all the other bugs: they just need more frames)."
Man, that's just a small segment. He writes emails the size of essays. Not that I'm complaining, I'm glad he works hard. As for me, I'm doing the art and I've gone with a style that I'm comfortable with, vector art. So far so good.

So yeah, I'm concentrating on this game now. Maybe it'll be as big as Angry Birds? :P

Second topic: Crysis 2.

I got the first game when it first came out and was quite disappointed at how generic it was. It had some good ideas but I don't think it delivered. Now number 2 is out / will be out in 2 days (EU) and I'm wondering whether to get it. I enjoyed the MP demo and so did Hunter / Urby it seems judging from their video.

What do you guys think? Are you interested?
Striker13 years ago2011-03-22 13:24:21 UTC 2 comments
A friend gave me an interesting link:
The Romanian Naked Neck chicken mutation.

Hah, even my grandmother had a few of these. Didn't know it was specific to my area.
Rimrook13 years ago2011-03-22 00:10:02 UTC 4 comments
I used to play this game all the time when I was a youngin' on the SNES. I would get funny answers. BUT NOT THIS FUNNY!

I laughed to tears after the first two.
Striker13 years ago2011-03-19 08:30:44 UTC 23 comments
Is... this the new TWHL?
Long live the .info TWHL! RIP

[EDIT] Processed in a speedy 71 milliseconds :o
The new host is certainly a lot faster.

Also, do any of you guys have any idea why Red Alert 2 just refuses to display the menu buttons in windows 7 x64? I have tried every possible solution to fix this(like setting all the .exe files from the game folder to Windows 2000 or 98 compatibility), and using a resolution fixer.
I am asking this for a friend, I don't play Red Alert 2.

[EDIT2] The urby remix...
2muchvideogames13 years ago2011-03-19 01:03:44 UTC 8 comments
I just played a space western total conversion mod. It took an entire day to finish.

So basically you're this guy, serving as a Major in the gunmen army, and you will take a long space-train ride to the gunmen headquarters. Upon arriving, it doesn't take long for you to figure out that the entire gunmen army is actually composed of clones of a single man.

As a cloned trooper, you will be using all kinds of funky futuristic weaponry. You get to use some of the weapons in training, including a pistol with 4 fire modes, a shotgun with 12 firing modes, a machine gun whose barrel is shaped like a tuning fork, and a rocket launcher with alot of firing modes. And, like a certain hardass french mod, you get to drive an armored tank and run over your little enemy soldiers, akin to command and conquer.

So one fine day you and your fellow clones were sent to investigate some ancient mayan ruins. The planet looks friendly, with little crickets and butterflies and dinosaurs. Nothing unusual there.

And the next moment, some guys wearing 10-gallon hats want me dead.
Then, the dinosaurs want me dead.
Later, some robots want me dead.
And then, aliens want me dead.
Even the dam scientists want me dead.

I swear, everywhere I go something or another want me dead. You remember those cockroaches in vanilla? In here they are replaced with little scorpions, and they want me dead. But luckily I am protected by high quality body armour. You know, the ones that go 'automatic medical systems engaged'

The maps are large, and well made, but there is a bit of a problem, because the crafted world in this mod is so large. In most cases, you'll be wandering thru large underground facilities, and the scenes do get a bit monotonous. But there is plenty to see, since the storytelling is quite good and scripts are a-plenty. Just don't know why this mod didn't get as much attention as the Black Mesa ones. People should give this one a try, since the enemies are significantly harder to handle than your Xen aliens and your US marines.

And no, it has nothing to do with anime. Well maybe except that epic robot battle against a Protoss Immortal. Seriously I swear that happens in the game.
Notewell13 years ago2011-03-17 21:14:47 UTC 11 comments
Since Australia is about a day ahead of me, I'm pretty sure tomorrow (Friday the 18th here in Canada) is going to be the day PB takes down the site for the transfer.
Thanks for the good times, thanks for the learning, and thanks for turning me from an unknowing, poorly-educated internet newbie to a well-adjusted member of the modern world.
Oh, and sorry for all the necroposting the day I joined. I... I didn't know.
Striker13 years ago2011-03-17 11:39:51 UTC 2 comments
If you are bored and want to have some fun, copy and paste this code into your adress bar:

javascript:var i,s,ss=['',''];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

It's even more fun on the "Post your photos" thread :P.

Also, I stumbled on something extremely strange on the internet:
User posted image
Wtf ? I have no... what year are these documents from?
Habboi13 years ago2011-03-17 10:48:09 UTC 7 comments
Anyone seen this indie game?

I like the art style and the music reminds me of Portal mixed with Minecraft or anything retro.
38_9813 years ago2011-03-16 07:59:52 UTC 3 comments
I managed to get a hold of my brother, who lives and works in Tokyo. From what I can tell, he's fine, as is his home. I can't tell to what extent the area around him was damaged. When I last visited him in October, he lived on a hill, so perhaps if a tsunami did come crashing through the area it wasn't too bad. Everyones been talking only about Sendai and that Nuclear reactor thingy so its a bit hard to garner details on the rest of the country.

From what I can tell, he has moved back into his home. Theres little food in the area, and the power seems to be sketchy at best.
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-03-15 16:43:07 UTC 6 comments
I am admin of the Opposing Force Server Anitalink TDM and we're looking for some new maps to put on the server's rotation. Now I don't want to go around and steal people's maps on here so I'll ask. If you want your map on the server just comment which one of your maps you'd like to be put on. (I won't put your map on if it's not very good)