News posts

Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-07-15 15:27:00 UTC 0 comments
Maps submitted may now successfully be designated as being for HL2. I shall add more mods/games very soon.

The Contact page has been updated to reflect the appointments of RabidMonkey777 and Anthony.

For more TWHL updates, visit this thread.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-07-14 16:30:00 UTC 0 comments
Can you believe it? More news! Kasperg's competition, mapping Dr. Breen's house, has been posted. Get going, you've got a month.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-07-13 20:14:00 UTC 0 comments
If you haven't noticed yet, take a look at the main forum panel.

Congrats, Anthony!

Tickled pink I am. Thanks!

I would also like to take this oppurtunity to thank Andy for the work he has done on TWHL. Good luck to you, Andy. - Ant
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-07-13 18:24:00 UTC 0 comments

Thanks to atom, I may now modify TWHL's code. Expect private messaging to work sometime, and little fixes for all that stuff that's gone unfixed for awhile! Post suggestions and requests here.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-07-05 02:19:00 UTC 0 comments
For all the Source mappers at TWHL, this should bring a pleasant suprise (sort of). Thanks to trapt, we now have a Source competition page, and the first competition, creating a Deathmatch map from a preset floorplan.

For more information, visit the Source Competition Page.

You can also look at the Forum Thread for the competition.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-07-01 22:10:00 UTC 1 comment
Today's Steam news update isn't quite a content one, but it's close. The remake of cs_assault, one of the more classic CS maps, is slated for release next week. In addition, there's also a new Terrorist player model to be released. Both the map and the model are showcased in this week's screenshot.

User posted image

You may read the full article and newspost Here.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-06-25 01:23:00 UTC 0 comments
Today's update brings good news - Lost Coast and HDR are coming ever-closer to release. They will be available in VALVe's future product releases, (Day of Defeat: Source) but there's no news on whether they will be integrated into existing games.

According to VALVe, HDR relies on a little something called Dynamic Tonemapping to simulate a character's eyes more realistically and response to light and dark areas. This effect cannot be captured in screenshots that are static, so VALVe has even included a nice video for us to watch and observe this effect in action in coast.

User posted image

Lost Coast and HDR will certainly make a breakthrough in terms of visual quality in the Source engine, and are very impressive as the video demonstrates. We can't wait.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-06-04 01:20:00 UTC 0 comments
This rather unexpected update brings a bit sudden news - An official remake of cs_assault (which was incorrectly identified as de_assault for those who caught the update as soon as it was released). This remake is set within an industrial area of downtown Chicago.

Of course, no good news update comes without screenshots! We've been provided with two lovely screenshots of the revamped cs_assault.

(One must wonder if they'll make an update to the physics engine to support floating ladders, though.)

User posted image

User posted image

Dodgy ladders aside, this is shaping up to be a quality remake, as has come to be expected from VALVe and TR. As well as these media shots, VALVe has also showcased a few mods in their update:

Plan of Attack, Pirates, Vikings and Knights II, Sven Co-Op 2, Sourceball and Dystopia.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-05-21 02:31:00 UTC 0 comments
Today's update brings a bit of new news from VALVe: Caught up with this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and showcasing Half-Life 2: Xbox on the show floor.

In addition to this tidbit of news from E3, VALVe has also given us a shot of the Fisherman character from the Lost Coast HDR level, originally seen in this update.

User posted image

This new shot from Lost Coast demonstrates some impressive effects on both the fisherman and the environment. VALVe will only be releasing this level to HL2 owners who meet a specific system setup. If you're looking forward to playing it, now's the time to run out and upgrade!
Andy19 years ago2005-05-13 17:31:00 UTC 0 comments
Beta 1.4 has gone public!
Hit the Downloads page to download it now!
We've got 4 new game modes, a slew of map updates, optional tech powerups, chat macros for teamplay, new server options, and a linux server binary!
Wondering what the main things to know for Beta 1.4 are? Check out this thread in the forum for the Player's Guide to Beta 1.4.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-05-13 01:44:00 UTC 0 comments
Today's steam update brings news of a new CS:S content update - de_inferno, and de_port are planned for release later tonight, in addition to some smaller engine changes. While VALVe claims it will be a big update, we should all enjoy the new content, from both a level design and players' perspective.

In the words of the devs, de_port will offer players a new perspective on bomb defusion, with multiple initial routes to plant and defend. A couple of weeks ago they provided us with the layout and strategy guide, which you can look at via this link.

de_inferno on the other hand, is a remake of the popular classic. A very interesting and comprehensive 'developer's perspective' of the mapping cycle at VALVe, from start to finish, is very generously provided to us in this update, as well, which you may view via this link.

Hopefully, all goes well and we get the new content to play with within a reasonable timeframe (Tonight ;D?) Keep your fingers crossed, and enjoy the new maps when they come along.
RabidMonkey19 years ago2005-05-07 14:28:00 UTC 0 comments, I'll begin to update TWHL's news page with news from the weekly Steam Updates.

This week's update brings news of two new maps (de_port and the de_inferno remake) slated for release next week, as well as a new, improved version of the Counter-Terrorist model, showcased in this high-resolution screenshot of de_inferno in-game:

User posted image

In addition to the new content, there's also news that Lost Coast and Half-Life 2: Xbox will be showcased by VALVe at this year's Electronic Entertainment Exposition.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-05-07 11:19:00 UTC 0 comments
The competition results have now been properly posted. Congratulations to Kasperg, trapt and doodle. Well done to everybody else who entered.

Also, PNG images can now be used for custom avatars! That's great because they support transparency. Hurrah.
Andy19 years ago2005-04-30 09:52:00 UTC 0 comments
Having spent a month poring through the submissions for the Moderator Position, a decision had to be made.

Welcome RabidMonkey777.

Thank you to all the members that applied, your continuing support of TWHL is the reason this place ROX.
Andy19 years ago2005-04-14 03:21:00 UTC 0 comments
The Compo is closed, thank you for all the entries. Seventh and Ant will be looking at them this weekend.

Remember to tag your maps in the Vault correctly, and check your profile to enable or disable images.

A 'new' Link page will be published shortly.
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