Today's steam update brings news of a new CS:S content update - de_inferno, and de_port are planned for release later tonight, in addition to some smaller engine changes. While VALVe claims it will be a big update, we should all enjoy the new content, from both a level design and players' perspective.
In the words of the devs, de_port will offer players a new perspective on bomb defusion, with multiple initial routes to plant and defend. A couple of weeks ago they provided us with the layout and strategy guide, which you can look at
via this link.
de_inferno on the other hand, is a remake of the popular classic. A
very interesting and comprehensive 'developer's perspective' of the mapping cycle at VALVe, from start to finish, is very generously provided to us in this update, as well, which you may view
via this link.
Hopefully, all goes well and we get the new content to play with within a reasonable timeframe (Tonight ;D?) Keep your fingers crossed, and enjoy the new maps when they come along.