News posts

Andy20 years ago2005-02-03 06:03:00 UTC 0 comments
For those of you still mapping for HL1, I just had news from Adam Mckern informing me that the ZHLT 3.0 compile tools are going through their final Beta test.
You can expect to be able to get your hands on the Final version, hopefully, in the next few weeks.
Those of you designing levels for Source maps have good reason to be happy because once ZHLT 3.0 is finished, Adam will be concentrating on the Custom Source Tools.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2005-01-16 06:32:00 UTC 0 comments
The light tutorial has finally been dusted off and released here.

In other news, reports have come in of one of our members, Jahzel, mysteriously falling from a plane. Watch your steps, and don't try to overthrow us
User posted image
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2005-01-03 06:14:00 UTC 0 comments
The long-awaited TWHLmix has finally been completed and posted. Kudos to BrattyLord for starting it and hazardous! for finishing it, compiling it, and everyone else that mapped, for making it!

See the available Screenshots.
Download it from The Map Vault!
And check out the review at: SPmods

Well done guys.
Andy20 years ago2004-12-30 22:24:00 UTC 0 comments
Most of you have spotted the new HL2 forum.
I encourage all of you to make the most of it by placing all HL2 related questions there.

HL2 related is everything that requires Steam, Source or the new SDK.

So, "Wood in HL2" should really be in the HL2 Forum!
Our wonderful moderators do not have an easy way of moving topics. It is easier to delete them.

<span style="color: #FF0000">Happy New Year</span>
Thank you for supporting TWHL over the past years.
Just a few thoughts..
If possible, be kind to your fellow members.
Steam is not going to change so live with it.
Windoze is crap. We already know.. no need to tell us again.
Andy20 years ago2004-12-25 18:24:00 UTC 0 comments
<font color="red"><h3>Seasons Greetings</h3></font>

From all the staff at TWHL.
May the fat guy in the red suit bring you what you want...
Not what your Mother wants you to have :-)

Atom, Andy, SlayerA, Seventh-Monkey
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-12-01 11:03:00 UTC 0 comments
The full HL? SDK has been released, as has an official HL?DM!

More info to follow, as the VERC is down at the moment.

Seems that one of our own TWHL members has won the recent compo over at RUST

Well Done RabidMonkey777.
You can view the results HERE
Andy20 years ago2004-11-23 09:27:00 UTC 0 comments
ZHLT 3.0.
New Beta 4 Source code is now out:

Changes Include
New Rad Code by Nem
Inclusion of Cagey tools (Count_ents / opt_plns)
Readme file

You can now download ZHLT 3.0 direct from which is a permanent link to the most current version, Or you can visit Adam "amckern" Mckern's homesite. Check out the relevant information at: ZHLT 3.0 info.
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-11-16 04:33:00 UTC 0 comments
Steam is dragging to a halt, but hey, who cares? :)
Andy20 years ago2004-11-15 03:54:00 UTC 1 comment
Davideo59 quite rightly pointed out, that you can get information about the attributes of the new entities in the Hammer 4 help file...
VERC will be presenting an Entity List in the future.

I just found out that HL2 Retail is available in Australia on the 17th and if it is anything like the launch of HL1, then the doors of the major stores will be open at midnight on the 16th...which is disappointing, as I thought those who had perservered with Steam might actually be able to play the game before everyone else...
Andy20 years ago2004-11-12 20:13:00 UTC 0 comments
Hammer 4 is awesome, tutorials are hitting the Major sites already discussing setup, use of custom textures, the Nodraw texture and mapping for source.

VERC have not posted the entity guide yet, which isn't surprising given the amount of properties and attributes they have....I cannot wait for the forum posts... it will be like it was 2 years ago.

<center>"How do I make a brush"</center>
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1 Day's left for the TWHL Compo...
No entries yet so it is possible that any piece of rubbish might win?
1 weeks left for the machine compo at RUST, only one entry there... Want fame, then enter.
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Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-11-06 06:27:00 UTC 0 comments
Hammer 4 (still sometimes internally referred to as Worldcraft) and its documentation have been released to people who have pre-loaded HL? and unlocked it over Steam. The documentation is also available for everyone else to peruse here!

Half-Life ? itself is to be released in about ten days.
  • Seventh
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Ministeve has produced a basic tutorial for those of you interested in mapping for HLDM, check out:
Half-Life Death Match

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Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-10-27 15:55:00 UTC 0 comments
My Steam tutorial and Peace and LOve's Equipping Weapons in CS tutorial have now both been released. Please let me know if you find any mistakes via the Contact Us link at the foot of every page.

Half-Life 2 in nineteen days!
Andy20 years ago2004-10-26 17:22:00 UTC 0 comments
Greg Coomer (VALVe) was recently asked "what are VALVe's priorities now that HL2 had gone gold, have you started work on HL3?..."

From Greg:
TF2 is definitely one of the next things on our plate. We're going to have a MOD expo here in Seattle, and spend some effort for a while getting the SDK in shape and working with the MOD community. Continuing support and content for CS:S is also high-priority. What's Half-Life 3?......

So.. anyone interested in TF2 ?

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Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-10-25 09:24:00 UTC 0 comments
Two more tutorials are on their way, a Steam tutorial from myself (preview here) and one from Peace and LOve which I believe will be on Counter-Strike weapon equipping.

If you want to write a tutorial, you're more than welcome to. E-mail subjects you'd like to cover to Andy or I via our profiles or the Contact Us link at the footer of each page.
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Andy20 years ago2004-10-22 19:57:00 UTC 0 comments
The Flame War's
It seems that Anonymous and Peace and LOve have taken their war into the shout box...
We all know that the Bigger man will let it go and stop responding...
Which one will it be?
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Congratulations are in order...
Anonymous and Peace and LOve Seem to have agreed to disagree and get on with business as usual.
Well done guy's, I am impressed.
Hopefully everyone will take note of the maturity that prevailed...and remember, if you ignore the Troll's, they will go away. :-)
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