News posts

Andy19 years ago2004-10-14 04:55:00 UTC 0 comments
There seems to be a drift back to the old day's of elitism amongst our 'expert' members.
Remember you were Noob's once and treat them with kindness.
I am willing to turn a blind eye to flames against Anonymous posters... but if they have signed up... give them a fair go.
Also, some members have lost their ability to complete a sentence without swearing...
Practice makes perfect.. Try it some time.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-09-30 02:56:00 UTC 0 comments
Hlfallout has some news on the release of HL2. Looks like the HL1 source will be available.

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Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy19 years ago2004-09-23 07:15:00 UTC 1 comment
Wondering where your account has gone?
It was deleted.
No more warnings for imposter sign-up's.
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ModDB News
After a year of development the time has finally come to unleash Mod Database v2. Whilst the new site will appear similar to the present one, it has undergone over 200 changes.
Each of these was implemented to carry this site onto bigger and better things.
Here are the notable updates:
<li>New design (easier on the eyes)</li>
<li>Mod tutorials section (at last!!)</li>
<li>Support for multiple languages</li>
<li>Support for multiple templates</li>
<li>New super-control panel for ALL members</li>
<li>Better / more accurate search systems</li>
<li>New permission system (cater for more staff members)</li>
<li>New accurate mod rating system</li>
<li>Cleaner mod listing</li>
On the 25th of September, the Mod Database will be updated.
There is a scheduled downtime here of 2 hours, however given that 25,000 images have to be updated and 1,100,000 database records have to be shifted about, this may take longer or something may go horribly wrong.
Rest assured there will be a massive party / gathering in #moddb on so join in for the latest news.
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Andy19 years ago2004-09-22 08:17:00 UTC 0 comments
I have been having a look at the IRC logs and am not a happy bear.
Seems that some people think it is clever to spam pages of rubbish, just because they are bored. Skeeve set the channel up so that people could ask Half-Life mapping questions.
He didn't set it up so a few people could make it difficult for those that wanted to learn.
We have a few options open, but at the moment I would be more than happy to close the channel.
Up to you...

While we are on the Spamming subject, we have all noticed that there are a few 'new' members who take it upon themselves to use profanity and obscene comments to justify their pathetic existance...
If you are offended by these people, e-mail Atom.
I am sure he can remove the main offenders.

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Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy19 years ago2004-09-04 01:46:00 UTC 0 comments
PlanetPhillip is looking at all current FPS modifications. Check out the WebSite... Some great stuff there.
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By now you will all know that people who have Steam and have indicated that they want HL2 will now be seeing a little Icon in their game list. To find out more, check the news at VERC
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TheGrimReafer has put together a simple tutorial on the Scripted_sentence with all the tricks and tip's you need to get you monsters talking.
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Andy19 years ago2004-08-25 06:06:00 UTC 0 comments
paulkennedy has simplified the contents of the Half-Life directory and produced this easy guide: Half-Life directories
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The old prefab site has been resurrected and contains an amazing 1500+ Half-Life prefabs. The site is NOT fully functional and most of the external links don't work... but the prefabs are there!!
Check these out at Prefabs.
<hr noshade color="black">
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy19 years ago2004-08-18 04:52:00 UTC 0 comments
Compo 11, <a href=> Glass</a> closing date has been extended due to popular demand.
Entries are now due on the 6th of September.
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Andy19 years ago2004-08-11 22:05:00 UTC 0 comments
Trigger_camera is the latest tutorial addition by Anthony.
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Compo 11: <a href=> Glass</a> has been posted, are you up to the challenge?
<hr noshade color="black">
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy19 years ago2004-08-03 07:46:00 UTC 0 comments
Many thanks to all the members who have contributed to the Forums here at TWHL.

I am very impressed by the standard of replies, even those that respond to the more difficult (obvious ;)) problems.

Keep up the good work because without your help there would not be a such a great community.

[Pat yourself on the back now! :) ]
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Andy19 years ago2004-07-30 04:46:00 UTC 0 comments
Half-Life: Episodes desperately needs a coder.
Do you think you are up to the challenge?
Check out their Temporary Homepage or the ModDb Listing and if you are interested, get in touch with Erestheux.
<hr noshade color="black">
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy19 years ago2004-07-28 04:07:00 UTC 0 comments
Do you have Half-Life related News that you want to see on this page?
Is there something on another site that has caught your eye and you want to share it with TWHL?
Are you releasing a Mod, starting a Mod, finished a Mod?

If you want your News pimped here, let me know, by using the Contact Us button.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-26 20:08:00 UTC 0 comments
I spent an hour moderating two days worth of posts in the General mapping forum and deleted anything that did not add value to the thread.
Do Not post replies in the General Mapping Forum unless you are sure that your answer will fix the problem.
I will continue to remove irrelvant posts, spam and flames.
Stay On topic... I have a special surprise for those that continue to Spam, Flame and post irrelevant answers.

<hr noshade color="black">
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-24 20:17:00 UTC 0 comments
We were all new once.
Please try to keep on topic and refrain from swearing.
Help out where possible and ignore Spammers.

The Community is what YOU make it...

To those leaving, Good Luck...
I hope you find what you are looking for.

To those staying,
Thank you for your dedication and commitment.
I appreciate it, and am glad you remembered that we are here to help people 'new to mapping', not to provide for those who have outgrown the need of friendly advice.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-23 00:16:00 UTC 1 comment
The results for the Build a Machine Compo have been posted HERE.
<hr noshade color="black">
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-15 04:12:00 UTC 1 comment
Hey all,
I thought a lot of you would be interested in this.
Pixelgames are going to be going through a bunch of maps for regular HLDM, CS, TFC, DoD, etc... almost anything they can get their hands on.
If you want to get your maps reviewed and out then now is the time.
Pixelgames will be playing entries with a few clans and on public servers, when doing these reviews, ensuring that all the maps are reviewed fairly by lot's of people. This is a great chance to get some attention.
Go to Pixelgames and then 'Submit a File'. If you would rather Upload your map, you will have to register and do it through the control panel.
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