News posts

atom22 years ago2002-12-22 13:49:00 UTC 1 comment
Whoops! I thought yesterday that I'd finally solved all the problems with the forums... except that after the update nobody could post anything. But finally, and hopefully for evermore, the thing is working properly (at least, until 2030).

But that's not all... did lots of things I'd been meaning to do for ages, including brining back the 'Remember Me' function so you don't have to login each visit, new bio and avatar things for users (get yours now!), and some more glossary entries. That's on top of the entity guide which is growing fast (mainly thanks to Andy).

It's amazing what the holidays (and coffee) can do! :)
atom22 years ago2002-12-11 21:09:00 UTC 1 comment
There's a new section: Competitions! Jump over there and take a look. And enter! A great way for you to show off your (new) mapping skills.

With this major addition comes the loss of some of the user-based editing sections (which is not a bad thing), and some other small changes.
atom22 years ago2002-12-05 18:58:00 UTC 2 comments
An update at last. Actually, Andy added lots of new glossary entries a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't notice :)

So now there are a whole three new tutorials! Updated some other stuff as well.
atom22 years ago2002-10-28 20:14:00 UTC 2 comments
After hours of work yesterday and some frantic finishing touches this evening, the new forum system is up!

The new forums are smaller, faster and most importantly, in-line, so you're always just a couple of clicks away! There's a link to them on the left - click it now!
atom22 years ago2002-10-24 15:45:00 UTC 3 comments
No, I'm not dead! And to prove it, I've added a tutorial. A tutorial, I might add, written by a TWHL member! More to come as well, I might also add.
atom22 years ago2002-09-17 19:38:00 UTC 2 comments
Anyone need some hosting? I've got lots of space I can't think what to do with... mail me!
atom22 years ago2002-09-12 18:51:00 UTC 3 comments
Time is flying, and I'm not getting a lot of free time to do anything in. OK, so I am, but I spend most of it catching up on my sleeping. Someone please write a tutorial. Something... anything... get the ball rolling for outside contributers. Wouldn't you just love to be the only one on the members list to have stat numbers above 0? :) Remember, all you need to do is sign up. Then you can submit anything you like for the world to see! Tutorials don't all have to be on WorldCraft either - I'd like to expand the archive to contain other categories as well (guides, tips, tricks, advanced stuff etc.)

But that doesn't mean I'm finished. Oh no! I'm just taking a break. I'll have a blast of entities over the weekend maybe.
atom22 years ago2002-09-03 16:15:00 UTC 6 comments
That was strange... the site's daily hits halved a few days ago, but fortunately got back up to a norm yesterday. Well, there's nothing new today, except this news, which is about the fact that there's nothing new today, except this news, which is about... uuh. I'm speeding through the entity guides though (offline), so a couple of them might be up and, gasp, finished, by the end of the week.

And that's about it.
atom22 years ago2002-08-31 10:23:00 UTC 5 comments
Did some pretty cool changes: members can now not only modify glossary and entity info, they can also add new entries as well. I've also written about 20 glossary entries for the General category (yay! I actually added some content!)

I've also finally completed the multi-game support. This doesn't mean much yet, but it does mean there can now be more than one entity guide (and there will be, soon).
atom22 years ago2002-08-24 20:03:00 UTC 7 comments
Finished off the trees tutorial just now. I'm looking for people to help with the entity guide and glossary - if anyone would like to, click here! Of course you'll be rewarded with fame and fortune :)
atom22 years ago2002-08-21 15:56:00 UTC 26 comments
Okay, the forums are now up, as well as the tutorial request thing, and I've done as much as possible to help people visiting the old site to get here instead. Looks good :)

There are at least 5 tutorials waiting to be done, and hopefully I'll have at least a couple of those up before the end of the week.
Seventh-Monkey22 years ago2002-04-02 05:15:00 UTC 0 comments
We have recently passed 100,000 posts in the new forums! Congratulations to everyone who has contributed to peoples' problems and not spammed.

Also, just a reminder that there are only eleven days left to get your competition entries sorted and submitted. Make sure you get them in on time!

Incidentally, we're also in first place if you Google for "Half-Life mapping tutorials". Impressive ? congratulations are in order to atom in absentia.