News posts

Andy20 years ago2004-07-15 04:12:00 UTC 1 comment
Hey all,
I thought a lot of you would be interested in this.
Pixelgames are going to be going through a bunch of maps for regular HLDM, CS, TFC, DoD, etc... almost anything they can get their hands on.
If you want to get your maps reviewed and out then now is the time.
Pixelgames will be playing entries with a few clans and on public servers, when doing these reviews, ensuring that all the maps are reviewed fairly by lot's of people. This is a great chance to get some attention.
Go to Pixelgames and then 'Submit a File'. If you would rather Upload your map, you will have to register and do it through the control panel.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-11 05:49:00 UTC 0 comments
Before you post a question in the Forums please read: Forum Posts by Seventh-Monkey.
This tutorial is a MUST read for all TWHL members and anyone else interested in posting on the Forums.
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While your reading stuff, have a look at: Read Me First, It's a long winded look at design and mapping.
I expect heated debate in the forums about both these tutorials.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-09 05:17:00 UTC 0 comments
Honest answer guy's and girl's....
When was the last time you actually read the Hammer Help file. (Tool Bar>Help>Help topics)
Seems to me that a lot of posts in the Forums could be solved by reading it?
This doesn't mean that we don't like providing helpful advice, it means that I can't believe that we are answering some of the questions, when a full description is available already.
Do yourself a favour and have a look.
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Andy20 years ago2004-07-06 17:02:00 UTC 0 comments
Just so you don't think I am sitting on my arse waiting for compo entries, I decided to review Minimicus by SlayerA and Timefall Recension by Tlax.
I went back and played both of them again and added them to my list of Favorites.
You can veiw my thoughts HERE.
Andy20 years ago2004-06-26 17:39:00 UTC 0 comments
So far we have three new moderators in the IRC channel.
Because I was getting constant complaints of spamming, rude language and inappropriate comments.
I started reading the Log's and agreed... something had to be done.
The IRC channel was set up by Skeeve, it is there so that you can discuss mapping...
Use it wisely, or face a ban from the channel.
Andy20 years ago2004-06-25 00:27:00 UTC 0 comments
Compo uploads:
Must be in zip format!!
Due to the unpredictable nature of the server, large files will sometimes be lost. Try to keep the size down.

I will check the uploads on a regular basis, and will attempt to contact you if there is a problem.
To do that, I need your e-mail address to be visible in the member profile area...

For those of you with access to your own website, I will accept a .txt file in a .zip that details the download path to your entry. Just upload that through the submission page as normal.
Andy20 years ago2004-06-18 04:34:00 UTC 0 comments
Two new tutorials to add to the ever expanding list:
BrattyLord brings us Adding Atmosphere
SiI_3nC3 expands on Spiral Staircase
Andy20 years ago2004-06-16 23:03:00 UTC 0 comments
Compo results are available here.
Andy20 years ago2004-06-10 08:48:00 UTC 0 comments
MuzzleFlash has hit the front page of Collective with some exciting news about Video Playback inside Half-Life. Check out the story at Collective

RabidMonkey777 has also hit Collective fame with a very handy list of useful Gib's, Check out Gib Item List

Sorry about the delay on the Compo results. The e-mail to Atom went missing... Send hate mail if you want, I am getting used to it :-)
Andy20 years ago2004-06-01 08:10:00 UTC 0 comments
We had 5 entries for the last compo. The quality of the entries was quite good and a lot of thought went into them to make them interesting.
It also says to me that we have 5 members who actually want to map... the other 955 prefer to talk.

I have had a lot of suggestions for the next compo, and all those are going on a whiteboard for consideration.
There will be a change in rules:
The winner of the next compo get's to choose the subject of the following compo.
You win... You choose.

Results announced soon.
Andy20 years ago2004-05-24 20:36:00 UTC 0 comments
Seventh moved the Vault Rant into the forums.... and a good thing too ;-)

But while I have a news slot up for grabs, I might remind you that the compo is closing soon... Don't forget to get your entries in.

If you don't, Vassy will come first by Default!!
Andy20 years ago2004-05-22 03:40:00 UTC 1 comment
Things have been a little slow on the tutorial front.
I have had a few really good submissions, but most of them are covered better somewhere else.
This little gem from VOX is a clear answer to a lot of recent forum questions.
Materials.txt is a short introduction to adding or changing the sounds your textures make.
If you have an idea for a tutorial, please let me know.
That doesn't mean it will be accepted :-)
Andy20 years ago2004-05-07 18:46:00 UTC 0 comments
What Competition.....
Talking Scientists
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-05-04 02:57:00 UTC 0 comments
Proper posting pending, here's a little hackjob results page, seeing as you've waited so long. Thanks m0p and jaardsi for providing hosting.

Andy20 years ago2004-04-24 20:59:00 UTC 0 comments
We will be starting a new series of Compo's soon.