Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-10-04 00:04:00 UTC
in How to reduce R_speeds in large map Post #235622
ROFL, now that you mention it, I do remember the stuff being bold and italic. It's been ages since I played that game, so I didn't notice it that quickly.
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-03 16:29:23 UTC
in Fps Issues Post #235558
wow... do you know how ancient that sounds nowdays? ROFL
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-03 16:28:19 UTC
in How to reduce R_speeds in large map Post #235557
ROFL, are you talking about my posts Rimrook?
And why does it feel like you're playing LoZ when you read them?
Oh yeah, buggy... about the NULL textures.

It's actually good practice to make ALL of your objects starting out with the NULL texture, then apply the specific sides with the necessary textures. This not only keeps you from going back and checking every single side, but in the event you make them ENTITY, all sides will be rendered if it's not a NULL side.
Little more about VIS and texture splitting...

Lets say you place a solid world box in the middle of a 1-texture floor.
I think you already know the final result will give you 4-8 texture blocks on your floor (not including 5 texture faces from box).

This is the same for GROUPED Entity type objects.
A good example is an elevator with buttons and lights. Because it's one solid func_train entity, wherever you place the button/light on the wall, it will split your elevator walls at those points.
In short... entities as ONE solid group will behave the same as solid world objects... to some extent.
(good idea to keep this in mind)
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-03 11:46:44 UTC
in How to reduce R_speeds in large map Post #235541
--edit-- (still adding...)

-- Make use of the HINT brush as much as possible. They have to be world type and touch the surfaces you want to split apart. You can FORCE the VIS compiler to split your map up in certain ways to further reduce poly counts in certain areas...
BE CAREFUL, depending on where you are on the map and how the other walls on the map are placed... you could be doing nothing but ADDING more poly count to your map!
It is vital you remember the old poly count / split areas (use gl_wirefram 2 in ONE player mode to see the grid lines) and compare them to the new version.

-- If you have hallways, deep ditches, etc. it is best to HINT those areas. Even if you are outside in a trench maze, it is best to make them individual rooms. This will only work if you are IN the trenches, but it might be worth it.
I've implemented this concept in my new noob_32fither_v2 map. It added like 40-60 new poly count overall when you are above the trench areas or in the tower... but I reduced the visible poly count IN those areas by 3x.
>>> If you do this method... compare and contrast the old and new versions when you do this. Sometimes it's higher performance... sometimes it's worse. This is pure Trial and Error.

You have a hill with a wall in the middle. Make the area from the wall to the top several HINT zones so that people below the wall cannot see those zones. The HINT brush cannot go higher than the wall's top part, and it must NOT be visible anywhere else for it to work. If you see any part of the HINT brush within a certain range / distance, it will not work.
However... you may be adding more poly count for the TOP people, because they see everything, including the HINT cut zones.

-- Hope all this helps somewhat Buggy.
-- If you have further questions or need diagrams / pictures, I'll be happy to post them when I get back home.
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-03 11:27:50 UTC
in How to reduce R_speeds in large map Post #235539
Sorry buggy for not answering sooner... I tried posting this comment like a week ago, but lost the message and got all PO and didn't write back.

Grouped Items
Yeah... I wrote about that topic, and I'll go into a little more detail about what I mean.
-- If you have a grouped object of world type, the VIS compiler will split it up like any other world type wall / object.
-- If you have a grouped object of entity type, the VIS compiler will NOT split it up, but it will render that object as 1 whole piece. Meaning... If you hare in a large 10-floor stairwell and you're at the very bottom, and you made your rails one solid entity object, you will render the entire rail object whenever it is visible.
If it was a world type, the VIS would hide certain parts you cannot see... but because it's one large entity, you see it all.
... In short... it's easy to move the object as a whole, and since it's an entity you THINK it won't split your map up further because it touches other world objects. This is all true... but you'll see the whole thing.

You CAN make every piece of the railling individual entity objects... but you can only have ~300 individual entity OBJECTS on the map (both grouped / ungrouped).

In this case, it is best to make your rails all world type and lift the base from the ground 1-unit up instead.
As for your map and keeping the W_Poly count low for users and the CHOKE on the server lower... you can do the following:

-- Make cliffs on your map and divide it into larger outside rooms. Use the sky texture to reach from the top sky plane to the top of your cliffs to box it all off. This will reduce unneeded w_poly counts like if you made really high cliffs.

-- Make your outside cliff and ground texture higher size ratio, like 2x or 3x larger than original size. Gives you larger texture blocks to keep w_poly count lower.

-- If you have boxes and stuff, first TRY to lift them off the ground 1-unit and keep them world type. If you must... make the entities, but keep this in mind:
world objects have no "extra" hidden parameters, so they don't send much data over the server.
entity objects have many hidden parameters, and for each individual entity you have... multiply that number by how many parapeter they have AND add your texture count for those faces.
...Yeah... I don't think I need to tell you how large that number can be.
That is why my early noob_32fighter & noob_playground maps have so much CHOKE and lag / crash the server, because most of those objects on the map are entities...
Posted 17 years ago2007-10-03 11:15:50 UTC
in Fps Issues Post #235534
If you have a Intel "Celeron" processor... you've got some major problems, because the on-board L2 cache is so low... but I believe the REAL big problem comes from the <b>graphics card</b>.

If you're running XP or less... 1GB of RAM running HL1 shouldn't be that big of an issues.
If you're on VISTA... ROFL... you probably can't run any other applications other than your desktop.

But yeah, we need the graphics card model number to give better suggestions.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 11:33:57 UTC
in Not Getting Shot buy a cannon. Post #235156
Wasn't DoD created using the Spirit engine instead of HAMMER and WorldCraft?

Meaning... Spirit gives you more options and ability that CS1.6 and HL1 have limitation with.

Doors with breakable glass...
Vehicles with shootable turrets...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 11:42:07 UTC
in Not Getting Shot buy a cannon. Post #234879
For the sprite, you need to set the texture type to either Glow or Additive.

If you set it to "Glow", the image will grow and shrink in size when you move toward and away from it.

If you set it to "Additive", it will do the same... but if you add a value above 1, it will stay a constant size.
Depending how transparent you want that smoke, change the value between 100 - 255.
As for the damage from the cannon... I haven't done any turrets yet, but I can take a crack at it...

First, you're gona need to check if a "shot" is even being fired from the cannon.
Do YOU fire the cannon at a target, or is it firing at you when something is pressed or walked on?
Also, check to see if the destination target of the cannon is correct. If it's an auto fired cannon, there should be a parameter for the "target".
Fiddle around with it. You might need to keep it blank or something... not sure.

You'll also want to check the damage parameter of the cannon. Make sure it has a value like 150 if you want to kill someone with armor, or pretty close to it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 20:19:57 UTC
in CS : item purchase glitch? Post #234785
do you NEED{/b] to have the [b]de_ prefix on the map in order for the defusal kit to be activated?

Because I made a hostage map, and I didn't add a CS_, or even an AS_ to my VIP map...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 18:01:32 UTC
in CS : item purchase glitch? Post #234776
Okay... I've encountered this on a few maps... and it also occured to MY map as well.

For some WEIRD reason, I am unable to purchase a defusal kit for the CT side
...But... if I activate the old text only purchase menu, I can buy the defuse kit.

Does anyone know where i can go into Hammer (or BSP file) to modify or remove that item restriction?
Or even WHY this glitch might be occuring?
It's really annoying...

-- Thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 23:04:45 UTC
in Help with "elevators" Post #234681
It might be a problem with the:
HL in-game temporary entity engine limit (Used for breakables, sparks, gibs, ect.) == 500

I have 2 bomb sites, and there's a fair amount of breakable items when the bomb goes boom at both sites.

Also, I have an external glass-commercial building, which totals to about 80 texture sides total.
Along with some trees, bushes, etc.
So yeah, that total might be getting close to 500.

I'm glas the Lights and Sounds are in a different category...

Anyways... my map compile time right now is getting close to 25-minutes, and I run on an AMD64 3200+ overclocked with 1.5GB or RAM!
Yet my BSP file is less than 3.0MB in size? O_o

-- Thanks for the info espen!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-20 16:53:05 UTC
in Help with "elevators" Post #234640
Well, i got it working fairly smoothly without much problems.
Just as long as IF the elevator starts moving (press inside button) and no one presses the outside button, no major issues... it'll just stop, until someone from the outside presses it again.

I hope this error won't come up too often... because I can't add that many more entites to my map, or the map will not load...

Yeah, don't ask me why my map has this issue.
It might be because I have to many entity type objects so close together (bomb sites, elevators, breakables, glass windows, etc)

The elevator was the last thing I could add before my map broke... so I'm gona have to live with this system.

I can show you guys the screen shots here later today...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 11:22:04 UTC
in hlvis / rad lockups Post #234523
I use Zoner's HLvis, HLrad... and his other tools because of the speed and NULL textures.

Yeah... the VIS and RAD take long... but the VIS in particular.

If you have a lot of small objects, angles, or other complex non-box objects all over your map, your VIS compile time can take a very long time.
Also, screen-saver will screw things up. I always set mine to "turn-off-monitor" instead.

Anyways, I did such a modification to my map, and my compile time went from 1:45 to almost 6:00 because I added one small Kawasaki ATV to the map.
I use an AMD-64 3200+ over-clocked with 1.5GB of RAM.

The final BSP file was about 2.6MB in size.

So yeah... if you have a farily slow computer, this might take even up to 30 minutes or an hour, depending on how big and complex the map is.
My RAD usually finishes with 1:30 total.

Oh... if you do "End Task", make sure you end not only VIS and HAMMER, but also RAD as well, because those are all separate programs.

Hope that helps a little to see how long it will take to compile.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 11:14:14 UTC
in Help with "elevators" Post #234522
Okay... I know there are tons of tutorials and posts on this, but I have a problem I'm not sure how to fix:

-- I have an elevator elev (func_train) that goes between 2 floors with (path_corners) pc_elev_top and pc_elev_btm.

-- I have a button on the inside btn_in_top when pressed, moves the elevator to the bottom floor, and vice-versa for the bottom: btn_in_btm

-- Doors are currently opened by the player when touched and do not move with the elevator... but that can easily be changed.

-- I have 2 buttons on the outside (top and bottom) when pressed calls the elevator to that floor: btn_out_top and btn_out_btm
-- If the elevator is AT that floor, the elevator does not move.
-- The outside buttons are managed with trigger_changetargets and multi_managers.

Okay... all of the above works perfectly, but there's an issue of timming and the elevator stopping.
IF a player presses the outside button when the elevator is moving, the elevator will stop, and the players inside can't do anything, because the buttons are nowhere near to activate.
Also... the elevator stops moving, but still has the moving sound.

Does anyone know how to resolve these issues?
IF the outside button is pressed, the elevator will KEEP on moving until it reaches it's destination...

I am doing this for Counter Strike 1.6

-- Thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 10:56:09 UTC
in Decal help Post #234463

I've seen some maps with decals in their .WAD files, and they show up on their maps...

But when I try to extract and put that same decal (A/B bomb sites) into my map, it won't show up... but all other decals from the original decals.wad will show up on my walls...

So Seventh... you're saying we can't make our own custom decals ???
I'd have to disagree with that one... but has anyone gotten it to work properly?

Yes... the it has the { prefix with a pure white background...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-18 00:46:44 UTC
in Func_train that follows player ? Post #234451
Ahh... something I was wondering as well...

If you guys have played CS 1.6 and played the map cs_miami_cz before, you'll notice that in the "safe" room, there is a camera that moves around.
If you look very closely, it will follow the player movements...

I was wondering if people knew how this might work?
I hope there is no actual coding involved, just some triggers and stuff...

I was hoping to make a Haunted House map, where a ghost follows a players through anything and ends up killing them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 11:58:07 UTC
in Map crash... too many entites? Post #234179
They are all world brushes... that's where I first encountered this issue and had it fixed.

I have over 100 lights (about 70 used) and that saved a lot, but I used a lot of light_entity to provide the lighting.
I made the ones I can texture_lights, and it helped reduce that number.

Not sure why it crashes the map at only 350-360, but I guess I'm gona have to live with it and "cost-cut".
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 09:28:54 UTC
in Map crash... too many entites? Post #234156
Found it!

It's actually the number of entity type objects on my map.
Lights, Buttons, Doors, Triggers, Multi-managers, Player-entities, Hostages, etc.

It seems that if my number reaches anywhere between 350 - 360, the map will crash, even though my compiler has no issues.
Yes, I ran my VIS and RAD at Min, Normal, Max, and nothing helps it.

I figued out my "lights" was also the problem, because I made about 30 of them texture lights and I was able to add about 30 more entites before my map crashed again.

Should this info be stickied somewhere, because I'm most likely going to forget this number in the future, or where I posted this thread.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 22:19:38 UTC
in Map crash... too many entites? Post #234133
Okay... my map passes all the comipler issues and creates a BSP file.

BEFORE, it ran without any issues.
NOW, after adding some extra rooms, the map will crash when I try to run it. (CS 1.6)

When I first ran into this problem, I noticed if I changed all of my light textures from type entity to type world and lowered them 1 unit from the ceilings to prevent massive VIS splitting, the problem went away...

Now... I've run into the same problem, but I can't squeeze this same method anymore.
I currently have almost 360 entity type objects on my map (not all sides are textured). That includes breakable bomb targets, decals, windows, glass doors, doors, buttons, etc.

Does anyone know if adding too many lights will cause this same issue?
Actually, does anyone know the Reason(s) why the map would crash when running, yet compies just fine.

Lastly... if changing my "lights" into texture lights, will it help my map run faster / cheaper? Also, will changing just the lights.rad file work, or do I have to copy that same file to the server side?
I'm making this map for our CS server...

I'm really stummped, and I'm about 90% done with this map and reduced my poly count and entity count to it's bare limits.

I'd really appreciate if someone could give the reason why this might be happening, and solutions to fix this would be greatful.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 11:33:05 UTC
in Level Reset && Certain Sequence Post #234090
Sure thing Bug...

-- Have 2 buttons triggering their own door
-- Both triggers activate the same sound(s)
-- Sound(s) will only play once

-- Create 2 Button and set targets to something like: "mm_door1" and "mm_door2"
-- Create 2 Doors and name them: "door1" and "door2"

-- Create 2 Multi-managers and call them: "mm_door1" and "mm_door2"
-- Turn off the "Start-edit" button for both MMs
-- ADD the name "door1" or "door2" and give the value, which is delay before trigger
-- ADD the name "door_sfx_checker" and gie the value 0

-- Create a Door OUTSIDE of the map area and name it: "door_sfx_checker"
-- Set door speed really high like: 1000
-- Set door delay before close to: (-1) !!! (make sure it stays OPEN)
-- Set door target to something like: "mm_sfx_checker"

-- Create a MM called: "mm_sfx_checker"
-- Turn off the "Start-edit" button for both MMs
-- ADD the name(s) of your sound(s) and their delay before trigger times
-- Set delay time to 0.5 seconds. Any shorter... will explain below

Looping Sounds:
-- ambient_generic
-- make sure sound file is: 8-bit MONO
-- make sure sound has 1 cue point

Non-looping Sounds:
-- ambient_generic
-- make sure sound file is: 8-bit MONO
-- make sure sound has NO cue points
-- make sure sound file has 0.5 seconds of "no sound" at the start of end of the file!
** This is a must, or it will keep looping **
-- make sure the is not looped button is NOT checked.
** Turn this on, your sound will never play **

...that's it!

There is no need to create a round reset system, because ALL sounds play at the start of every round... even the start silent ones.
Since all doors return to start position at every round, our door_sfx_checker will activate our mm_sfx_checker to turn off our sounds. If the sound delay time is shorter than 0.5 seconds, slower computers might not stop the sounds in time.
Also, since our Buttons are targeting aour "door_sfx_checker", and our door will not move, our "mm_sfx_checker" will not activate. This is exactly what we want, since we want the sounds to play only once.

I hope this helps anyone who has this scenario.
If you have explosion entities and stuff, you might need to add the round reset system, but the process and logic is very similar to this.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 01:27:13 UTC
in sky box with other forms Post #233878
All SKY textures end up with only a poly count of 6, no matter how messy that sky textured wall might look... same thing as it not being there, almost.

The only downfall will be the BSP file size getting larger because the number of Vis Leaves increase... but not your w_poly count... if that makes sense.
Not to mention your compile time when VIS tries to run.

Like Playbus said... VIS prefers nice 90 degree angles, not sloped / angled lines. If anything, use 45 degree angles... like the ones you use on corner of walls.

Hope that helps...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 01:21:08 UTC
in Level Reset && Certain Sequence Post #233877

Because ALL sounds play at the start of every new round, you only need to stop it after about 1 second after the round starts...
So... there was no need for me to make a Round_Reset Door/Manager for this task.

Because I already have a MM which plays the sounds after checking to see if it's already been activated, adding the second MM just for the round reset actually turned my sound ON after the start of the next round, when my 1st MM actually ended up turning it OFF...
Did that make sense?

Hope that helps anyone who needs this info in the future.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 01:06:13 UTC
in Trigger Relays ... need help! Post #233876
Okay... I have a certain sequence I want to use, but I'm not sure if a trigger_relay is the way to go...

-- I have 2 buttons (same name) which will open a door.
-- The door has a "delay before close" set to 0... so you can toggle it.
-- If one button is pressed, neither button can work for X seconds...

I'm having a problem with the 3rd line.
I currently have 2 buttons, 1 main-door, 1 hidden-door used as a checker. The hidden-door acted as my proxy where if either button is pressed, neither will work until that hidden-door returned to it's normal position (hidden-door targets main-door)...
Sounds good and all, but after the X seconds, the main-doors open/close because the hidden-door is triggering it again when it closes...

Now... I tried to use a trigger_relay as a second proxy to prevent that door from opening/closing the main-door... but it's not working...

I'm actually not sure how to use the ON / OFF toggle types of the trigger_relay entity. I know "toggle" is the same thing as a regular button...

I figured it would be great for doors, because those should be On/Off states... but please remember... I need to be able to open / close my door from BOTH buttons. All I need is a specific time delay where both buttons will not work.

I would be greatful is someone could give me a proper solution to this issue, and maybe give me a more clear understanding of the ON / OFF functions of the tirgger_relay as well.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 02:41:11 UTC
in CS 1.6 ==> Bomb Radius Issue Post #233721
Ah HA!
I actually managed to find out how this stuff works now!

Yes... the bomb radius and the breakable magintudes do work...
They just don't work for the first round...

I set my explosion radius to 1 and magnitude to 1...
1st round, I died even if I was 900 units away from the site !!!
2nd round, I stood a few meters away from the bomb site... I lived ???

This is what I call a HUGE bug in either the HAMMER or CS 1.6 program.
I literally have to run faaaar away for the first round, and my map is a building several stories up, so if I plant in the basement, I have to be on like Level 4 to be safe... LAME

Anyways, I hope this info will be useful to anyone else who might have problems like this.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-07 18:47:04 UTC
in Level Reset && Certain Sequence Post #233659
Okay... I managed to get some of this working... so I'll say what's going on:

Button(s) ==> Multi_Manager_1 / MM_2
MM_1 / MM_2 ==> Open Doors & activate Door_Trigger
Door_Trigger ==> Moves and Stays (-1) & activate MM_3
MM_3 = Activate 2 sounds

Okay... I have 2 buttons (MM1 / MM2) which open different doors, but activate the same sounds provided by MM_3.
The Door_Trigger is my way of checking to see if that sound has already been triggered. If the other button is press, does not activate MM_3, because the door did not return to normal position (-1 = stay).

Great... everything here works fine... hopefuly you're with me on that so far...

Now... I was trying to do a reset for my sounds... because sounds auto-play at the start of the next round... even if they are start-silent.
This is what I tried:
1) Door (door_round_reset) ==> MM_4 (mm_round_reset)
2) MM_4 = both sounds at 0.5 second delay

Now... the WIERD part...

The first time I did this... this worked prefectly. Every time the round reset, the sounds did not play...
However, I added another button which would stop one of my sounds using a Button + MM, then the Round_Reset no longer worked !!!

Yeah... I removed all the new stuff I did and recompiled the map... the Round-Reset still did not work.
I doube checked the Door, MM, and sound names, and everything should work properly, yet my sounds are playing again at the start of the round...

Does anyone know why my Round_Reset method here does not work ???
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-07 18:44:02 UTC
in CS 1.6 ==> Bomb Radius Issue Post #233658
I've set my crates/items to explosion of about 1, and my explosion radius to 1, and I still get explosions that go roughly 700 units wide.

I really don't know whats going on here.
Is this some kind of bug with Hammer or the CS program?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-07 15:03:01 UTC
in CS 1.6 ==> Bomb Radius Issue Post #233639
Okay... I'm tring to make a de / Bomb map for Counter Strike 1.6.

I have my bomb site, and I have my area where the bomb(s) should be planted.

However, the radius is HUGE!
I tried putting in an info_map_parameters entity and set my bomb_radius anywhere between 1 to 500+.

No matter how small I make this thing... the bomb explosion is CRAZY.
I have to be literally 600+ units away (HAMMER Units) from the bomb site to be safe.

I know cs_chateau has a very small bomb radius... but I can't seem to duplicate it.

Could someone please tell me why the IMP is not working for my map?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 00:14:28 UTC
in Need BSP entity Editor Prog. Post #233381
Okay, I just downloaded the <b>PinkBits</b> Spawn Point Editor program, which is good and all...

But I need to remove some hostages and stuff.

I know there is a program called EntSpy... but that program is for SOURCE.
Does anyone know if that program will work for regular CS 1.6 BSP files as well?

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-26 07:27:01 UTC
in Doors & Hostages... need new method! Post #232927
Okay, I've made rotating doors that open with a "Touch" BUTTON on the floor that's 1-unit thin on the ground.
If a player steps on that button, (won't move and is touched) it will open the door.

Okay... nothing wrong there...
However, if you have a hostage following behind you, he/she won't follow you through. I thought it was JUST the button... but I layed a regular 1-unit floor board, and they still got stuck.....

Does anyone know of a better way to make "Touch" door opening methods?
I was looking for a "Passable" type of button/sensor method, but I couldn't find one...
Please keep in mind that Hostages need to get through these doors.

My CURRENT solution is to place a thin button strip on the doorknob side of the door floor... but people on my map are kinda annoyed with these doors not opening when touched anywhere... =(
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-24 13:24:34 UTC
in Camera... starting views on CS maps? Post #232767
I've been looking all over the forum, but all I find are camera SCREEN type posts where you look into a monitor type deal...

I'm wondering how you set up cameras when a player first joins a map for CS 1.6, and he can see various locations across the map like in de_Nuke, de_Dust, etc.

I'm completely done with my map except for this part, so quick reply from someone would be appreciated greatly!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-24 12:06:09 UTC
in Sound/Entity reset error!...STILL! Post #232764
WOOHOO! I found out how to fix it!

1) the is NOT looped is NOT checked
2) the sound is 8-bit MONO (.wav) file
3) the sound has NO cues
4) the sound MUST have "zero-sound" sections at the beginning and end of the .wav file

#4 was the big thing I needed to make sure the sound did not loop!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-24 10:10:33 UTC
in Sound/Entity reset error!...STILL! Post #232760
Yeah yeah yeah... I know there are TONS of tutorials and posts on these things... but I STILL can't get it to work.
I also have a feeling I have a WIERD error for my map?

I WANT a sound that starts at the beginning of the round (playing only ONCE), and never plays again...

The sound works, but it LOOPS, and I can't figure out how to get the above result...
1) I already tried the is NOT looped button. If I do this, the sound will NEVER play, even if I use Multi-managers, triggers, buttons, etc.
Is this a HAMMER or CS error?
2) YES... my sound is 8-bit MONO...
3) I tried having no cues in my sound... still loops
4) I tried having 1 cue in my sound... still loops
5) I tried having 2 cues in my sound... still loops
6) Sound file is exactly 4.50 seconds long.

7) I tried doing Start Silent, and that works with a TRIGGER only... not working with Multi-managers or even trigger_relay.
8) If I do #7, the sound still loops.
9) If I do #7, the sound still START at the beginning of the next round... with and without a button present ?!?!

10) I tried using that weird DOOR method for my round reseter... doesn't work.
11) I tried using the MM and delayed TR methond... doesn't work.

I have tried using MM, TR, and other entites to STOP the sound after a certain amount of time, but only PLAYER activated buttons seem to stop this thing...
It's almost as if my MM and TR are not working for my map...

Using HAMMER v3.4 SDK with the ZHLT files and .wad for Counter Strike v1.6
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-20 13:03:27 UTC
in Ambient_Generic not starting Post #232494
Sorry for the LATE reply...
By any chance, is this supposed to play ONLY once?

I'm having the same problem, but I forgot how to fix the problem...
Try checking the "do NOT loop" box (make it loop), and it should play.

How do you get it to play without looping, like I said, I forgot, but I did have it working once.....
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-20 12:49:10 UTC
in Prob with ambient_generic Post #232493
I know there are TONS of topics on this, but I have a weird problem that is not covered...

I have 2 sounds...
1 = helicopter sound that loops ... OKAY
1 = short audio at start of map ... ERROR

I checked the "do NOT loop" box, and the sound does NOT play... (this happens for all sounds)
I unchecked the same box, but the sounds DOES play, but loops!

To fix the loop, I removed All cues, only Start, and only End.
None of those work, and my sound still loops without any cues...

Does anyone know what might be going on or how I could fix this problem???

Please don't tell me that I need a Trigger and MM for this..... I really don't want to because it makes everything so messy... and I STILL haven't gotten it to work properly doing it that way...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-18 00:31:06 UTC
in MilkShape3d to make MDL files? Post #232381
Okay, I know a LOT of people make their own models (MDL) files for stuff... Helicopters, Tanks, etc.
However, I have NO IDEA how to get started.

I thought I might be able to do it with MILKSHAPE_3D... but I have no clue how to use the program.

At first, I wanted to make a CAR model using just HAMMER, but I soon found out all the TEXTURES are messed up if I move it around, and I need a MODEL which will always have the same textures in the same location no matter how I miove/rotate my object.

Could someone please tell me the correct program to make such models for COUNTER STRIKE / HELF-LIFE... and if I'm correct to use MS3D.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-16 19:57:13 UTC
in HELP... how to add PROPS for CS? Post #232307
Okay, I've been looking all over the place, but I can't find out a way to add premade model PROPS into my CS map.
YES... I kow it SHOULD be under "entities".....

I use HAMMER v3.4 with CS settings and using "halflife-cs.fgd" file.

There are no props or model entities, only the hosties, start, and deathmatch ones...
I want to add some couches and helecopters, but I have no way of doing this.
I can't even figure out how OILRIG got their little "orange.mdl" file on there...

Quickly replay would be appreciated.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 04:28:25 UTC
in Lighting is stuffed Post #208241
Yeah, about that sky box thing... just put them around each window.
If you make one BIG box, you will make your W_Poly count sky rocket like crazy, because the SKY texture is only 16x16.
Making small boxes will reduce this problem, and since it's a SKY texture, I highly suggest making the scale X:Y = 2.00.

Anyways, the LEAK error can also occure if you have an Entity / Point Entity / Global wall somewhere just sitting out in the VOID space area.

This doesn't happen all the time, but occasionaly does...

Another thing is:
1) Did you do any vertex manipulation, then resized them? This can cause 1/10 unit errors whcih are not grid-snapped, and this could cause errors.

2) Make sure your skybox is all GOBAL wall, not an Entity_Wall.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 04:22:26 UTC
in Full bright map with light texture Post #208238
Did you make all 4 walls the ~LIGHT3A ???

1) If so, try making just the ceiling that texture.

2) You'll need to edit the lights.rad file (text editor) and change the brightness of that texture lighting.

NOTE :: When you modify this, it will make ALL the textures you compile AFTER this modification all have those texture lighting. It's not only for that current map you're compiling.
So whenever you start a new map, it is suggested that you revert back to the original lights.rad file so your next projects don't use those same texture lightings.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 02:40:10 UTC
in Open GL and other video modes Post #207627
Direct 3D uses someting simlar called Direct-X, which is a completely different graphics style.

Most games today use Direct 3D, because it has particle shading and point based shadow and all that fancy stuff, but the D3D language is CRAZY and not easy to use. You have to understand Matricies, linear algebra, vertex mathmatics, etc to understand what's going with all these point calculations.

Most other application, like CAD, use OpenGL, because it's easier to program in, and uses less graphic power.

Anyways, just wanted to mention that, so enjoy programming your MOD
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 01:00:21 UTC
in Sound loop errors on Reset Post #207620
Okay, I (and other mapping firneds) all have these issues, but no one knows how to fix it.

1) After you die and start the next round, a TRIGGER activated sound LOOP will start right at the beginning of the next round, and not when you press it.
This same trigger works properly on the first round, but anything after the first round, this sound loop does not work.
The Trigger itself does works, but all it does is turn the sound OFF, not ON.

2) Similar to #1, but it seems like ALL sounds that are trigger activated START on the next round...
Need a reason for this one!

3) A player spawns and the trigger he lands on sets off a non-looping sound.
This works whenever the player dies WITHIN the sound radius.
However, if the player dies outside that sound radius, the sound will no longer play when the next round starts.
If the player again dies WITHIN the sound radius, the sound plays again on the next round when landed on.

These are the two major issues.

Would be greatly appreciated if anyone knows the answer to either problems.

This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-26 21:07:34 UTC
in Ambient_Generic loop error? Post #207615
SORRY... error fiexed!

The sound files came from Doom3's PK4 files.

I converted them from OGG to WAV, then added Cues to the front and end of almost each file.

If it didn't work, I added them.

It had something to do with the "do not loop" and "start silent" being clicked together, and some other mumbo jumbo.

The error was not 100% consitent, so IDK ... a random bug in the compiler ???
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-26 03:29:52 UTC
in Ambient_Generic loop error? Post #207553
Okay... on my map, I have a NON looping sound, and a looping sound...

The looping sound works just fine, because I have the "do not loop" unchecked, and I have the Start / End cues in my sound file.

Now, my other (non-looping) sound has NO cues, and has the "do not loop" checked...

Guess what, the non-looping ones STILL loops... WTF!

I don't have cues in the file, and I have the "don't loop" checked ... yet is still loops ???

Can someone please give me a reason why and/or a way to fix this error.

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 20:33:37 UTC
in Ambient_Generic not starting Post #207527
check these things:

1) make sure your path directories are seperated with "/" not ""

2) make sure you don't have the "c:...blah" part in your directly. All of your sounds START from the "...cstrike/sounds/" folder

3) make sure you have the ".wav" extension at the end of your sound paths

4) make sure your sounds have START and/or END cues (need to insert them with an audio editing program, IF it's looping)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 18:53:17 UTC
in MEH! Need Ambient_Generic help plz! Post #207517
1) Yes, I use goldwave...

2) I can't use "play everywhere" because I don't want the CTs outside in the ocean to heard a dumb base alarm.....

>> I tried doing everything you guys said, my sounds STILL do NOT play all at once. No matter what I do to make them all "supposedly" play at once... they DON"T! They all just play whenever I get into that ambient_generic's sound radius...


>> So... does this mean I can't do this !?!?!?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 17:31:37 UTC
in MEH! Need Ambient_Generic help plz! Post #207507
what do you mean by "ending duration" ?

Do you mean that my sound files have to end every 100/th of a second for something?

My sound files all have cues .....
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 16:04:33 UTC
in MEH! Need Ambient_Generic help plz! Post #207498
from srry:
"If you have synchronicity problems, it's because the sounds aren't being triggered at the same time."

Hmm, odd.

I start off my map with all my sounds having the same name, then linking it to a multi-manager with about a 3 sec delay after the map starts (all large radius).

I still have this synchronicity problem... any ideas why?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-25 14:34:08 UTC
in MEH! Need Ambient_Generic help plz! Post #207487
no no no no no....

I'm making this for COUNTER STRIKE... but I think you guys got my question all wrong...

Lets say you have ... 2-3 ambient generics with any size radius (not everywhere) looping the same "alarm" sound.

Once you leave one radius to enter the next, the sounds are NOT all sycronized. The new sound radius starts the same sound from the Beginning, and not where the previous sound area left off...

>> Is there a way to make all of these sounds syncronized when you move from one sound radius to the next ???