Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-20 23:57:21 UTC
in OMG is another Fan Fic! Post #216577
Thrilling :nuts:

Keep writing more of these; they're quite good.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-18 19:37:34 UTC
in Compiling problems. Post #216296
Yeah, looks like you haven't set Hammer up for compiling.

Judging by the .map extension on the map name, you're mapping for GoldSource, not Source. I believe there's a Hammer setup guide here, in the tutorials section.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-18 14:31:17 UTC
in Brush Sizes? Post #216232
The game will merge faces together? I didn't know that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 22:32:31 UTC
in Brush Sizes? Post #216207
But we agreed :D

And I was about to edit out my type-os!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 22:29:24 UTC
in Brush Sizes? Post #216204
The game engine will auto-split a brush face every 1024 units. Making more brushes will make more faces, and as a result, more polygons.

The difference in performance is probably marginal at best (of course, as long as you don't turn a 1-face wall into a 60-faced wall ;) ). I wouldn't chop them up, as it's a waste of time that will only marginally decrease performance. Really, the only time you should split a brush is when adding variations to a texture, like windows in a wall.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 20:09:26 UTC
in I'm Back... HL2 This Time... Post #216193
Do you have any Source games, like for instance, HL2? If not, then I don't think the S:SDK is avalible for download
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-16 15:38:14 UTC
in Work-In-Progress: Colt 1911 Post #216071
It will be able to shoot pretty fast, so I don't know if the .357 will work. I'll give it a try, though, and see how it sounds.

The USP may fit it well too.

EDIT: Oops, I misread your post (thought you were talking about HL2). I don't have HL1, so I don't have those sounds avalible to me :
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 22:52:35 UTC
in Work-In-Progress: Colt 1911 Post #216013
I'm more concerned about sounds not 'fitting,' not necessarily about matching the gun, but more just sounding 'correct' in-game.

I suppose that must be left to play-testing.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 22:47:27 UTC
in Work-In-Progress: Colt 1911 Post #216009
Yup, lookin' into all of that. I don't know where I'm going to get some better sounds... I guess I could borrow some CS:S sounds until better ones come my way.

And, of course, that texture will look far better when the finished version is released.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 21:38:01 UTC
in Work-In-Progress: Colt 1911 Post #215987
Some of you have been in the IRC, and most likely know about this, but I figured I'd share it with the rest of the community.

For the past 3 months or so, I've been slaving over my first custom weapon model. This Colt 1911 will replace the original Half-Life 2 pistol. After the seemingly endless pain and suffering (lots of errors appeared while I was working with it), I finally have a fully-functioning, partially-animated, and horribly-textured gun in-game, and shooting things!

A Google Video of the gun working in-game.

Or the actual .avi, if you want the video uncompressed (Google Video will somethimes make my video files choppy).

And a screenshot of what it looks like in XSI.

The entire gun was made from scratch, including every skeletal animation. I based the animations off of the original HL2 ones, just to serve as a base. I may reanimate it when I have a little more experience under my belt.

It's my first ever custom gun, so it's not really anything fancy. However, I would like to know what you all thing of it so I can make some improvements (of course, disregarding that putrid texturing job I've done).

Thanks :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 19:08:48 UTC
in Themes anybody?? Post #215955
Yeah, I know what you're talking about... de_port, I think it's called.

Make it so you can enter the submarine too :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 17:21:14 UTC
in Themes anybody?? Post #215944
I enjoy facility maps a lot. Maps like de_prodigy, de_nuke, and dm_steamlab are good examples.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-14 15:49:26 UTC
in Displacements not solid? Post #215829
Adding -novirtualmesh to the command line in normal compile mode won't work, but appending it to the compile processes in Expert Mode will (for me at least).

Make Expert Mode look like this:
User posted image
The highlighted part
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 23:09:18 UTC
in Desktops of March Post #215584
Yeah, it's pretty generic, but I really like the dark charcoal-blue color scheme. I'm gonna keep it for a long time =D
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 21:47:08 UTC
in Desktops of March Post #215579
It's called 'Royale Remixed' avalible at
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 20:51:17 UTC
in Desktops of March Post #215575
Loffe taught me how to alter the Windows Theme, so I scrapped that ugly Silver that Windows has as default and got this:
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 16:52:50 UTC
in css Post #215555
I'm sorry; I've been working on this pistol model of mine that keeps giving me nothing but trouble, and I forgot about your map entirely.

I'll get crackin' on it today :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 01:45:15 UTC
in Good free file host? Post #215512

No sign-up, 300 MB limit, and some pretty fast downloads (I've gotten 100 Kb/s).
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-08 17:04:14 UTC
in surf maps? why? Post #215361
Yeah, like Habboi said, surf maps are fun for about the first 3 days; then they get boring as hell.

I've played about 4 surf maps. One of them had, literally, 4 textures. Ass ugly.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-07 21:32:54 UTC
in css Post #215311
Ah; your first post was a little hard to understand the way you worded it.

Host your .VMF and I'll take a look at it. SendSpace will work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-07 01:02:05 UTC
in Modeling Post #215215
The weapon scripts control things like clip sizes and stuff - the C++ tells the game that the weapon shoots/swings/throws, etc.

To replace the hands, he'd need to redesign the reference models' meshes to be a zombie's, and A) hope to god that the animations synch up properly, or B) redo every animation from scratch and compile them.

Either way, it's a hell of a lot of work :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-07 00:59:05 UTC
in func_water_analog ? Post #215214
Just replied to your PM; check your inbox.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-07 00:37:37 UTC
in css Post #215212
Look in your func_illusionary's properties for Render Mode, FX Amount, FX Level, etc. Make sure that they're all set to "normal" and that any numerical value is set to 255.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-05 23:47:00 UTC
in Modeling Post #215134
But he said he was making a mod, which means that unless he wants all his new guns to function like the Half-Life 2 ones, he'll need to recode them to make them function differently.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-05 17:51:30 UTC
in Modeling Post #215076
Unless you have the fully compiled model, texture, and C++ files at hand, it's not as simple as 'grabbing a bunch of files and dumping them into a folder.' There are literally hundreds of tutorials on this subject. Look for them (This site's tutorial section is a good start... : )
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-04 20:09:29 UTC
in Small Maps for 1v1 Post #214995
I just playtested it too. The transition from green to blue to yellow lighting thoughout the map adds some nice depth and interest, especially because a similar theme of architecture has been used throughout. No sound, but I think that's because of the issue you posted in the Source forum. I'm not sure if you were trying to recreate Combine architecture or make a variation upon it, but the map looks great. The only issues I found with it were some rather low ceilings and an extremely low skybox. You'll want to raise those up to make room for grenades and flying ragdolls :) .

Keep it up, and I'll be sure to play-test the next version when you release it!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-04 19:44:25 UTC
in ambient_generic not playing on server Post #214991
I think you can .BSP-include the file with a BSP-Zipping program like PakRat.

I haven't tried PakRat with sound files before, but I'm sure it will work. It can be found here. Make sure you have the latest version of Java Runtime Enviornment as well, avalible here.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-03 15:46:06 UTC
in When's your birthday? Post #214782
September 30th, 1991. Just a few months until I get my license :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-03 14:30:13 UTC
in Help with custom prop_physics! Post #214778
"Prop data" means the information used when the player interacts with the prop. For instance, a barrel will make sort of a 'clanging' noise when picked up. Without this information coded out in the .QC, the game doesn't know what to do with the prop, and deletes it.

$modelname models/Ball/Ball.mdl
$scale 1
$cdmaterials models/Ball
$surfaceprop "metal"
"base" "Metal.Medium"
$body studio "Ball_ref.smd"
$sequence idle "Ball_idle.smd" fps 1
$collisionmodel "Ball_phys.smd" {
$Mass 10

Here's a metal ball model I designed to test as a prop_physics. Note the "$keyvalues" line. This is where you add in your prop data. Make the $keyvalues section of the .QC look like this.

Where it says "base" "Metal.Medium," set "Metal.Medium" to how you want your prop to "act" when picked up or dropped. Metal.Medium would sound like a metal pot when picked up or dropped, where as something like Wood.Small would sound like a small wooden plank when interacted with. A list of these prop_data commands can be found Here.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-03 02:02:08 UTC
in Custom props??? Post #214710
Assuming you know how to model with 3DS...

Be sure to check the tutorials section (or google) before posting.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 23:54:36 UTC
in Hammer Lag After CS:S Compile Post #214252
Dual core, I meant. Sorry for the confusion... srry (TEE HEE :P )
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 23:47:38 UTC
in Hammer Lag After CS:S Compile Post #214246
I've decided to attempt my first CS:S map, and I was compiling to test a small entity setup I had made, but after it was compiled (I have the game set to auto-run after compile), CS:S loads, but the map loads and returns me to the menu screen. I can load the map via the Create Server option or the console.

However, the problem arises when I exit CS:S and highlight Hammer. The computer lags like both processors are loaded to their capacity. Even Windows Media Player lags. The only way to stop it is to highlight an other window, and use the Task Manager to manually exit Hammer. This only happens with CS:S.

Any ideas?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 23:39:58 UTC
in Unit measurements? Post #214241
1 hammer unit = 1 real-world, U.S inch.

A yard = 3 feet = 36 inches/units.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 20:01:27 UTC
in "UnKnown" problem Post #214210
Check your Render FX and Mode and be sure that they're both set to "normal." Also be sure that the FX Ammount is set to 255 and that the FX RGB reads 255 255 255.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-24 19:34:19 UTC
in Your desk Post #213720
Is that a picture of Jesus on your desk, there, ZombieLoffe? :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-23 17:28:37 UTC
in Textures Post #213494
Yeah, make it a bit darker, and make it less saturated in color, too. Unless it's been painted with gloss paint or something, it'll look somewhat greyish. Just make a new layer, paintbucket it with grey, and lower the opacity to ~10. You could also select the background layer and go to Image > Ajustments > Hue/Saturation and lower the saturation level to your liking. Both methods work well.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 02:08:08 UTC
in Continuance of Texture Problem Post #212635
I've had this error when "LightmappedGeneric" in the .VMT is messed up, or a bracket is missing in the code somewhere. Check your spelling and syntax.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-16 01:14:04 UTC
in Apply texture to just one face of a bloc Post #212631

To clarify: Clip out the portion of the wall you want to have the different texture on with the clip tool... in case the post above me didn't make sense ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-14 03:03:15 UTC
in Performance bad with vista Post #212429
Go to Start > Run > msconfig, and check to see that there aren't any programs running that aren't necessary under the Startup and Services tabs.

Also, go to Control Pannel > Sytem > Advanced > Performance, and lower some of the visual effects that only slow the computer down.

That's all I can think of to help you. :
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-11 22:54:56 UTC
in Compiling Post #212204
When you say "nothing happens," do you mean that the .BSP is not being created when you look in-game, or that the game doesn't start up automatically and load up the map?

If it's the later one, then can't you just open the game and load the map manually?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-06 21:10:53 UTC
in Bad Performance: Why? Post #211837
I'm still noticing some occasional drops in performance :

I'll be sure to defrag the system tonight.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-05 00:32:32 UTC
in Bad Performance: Why? Post #211674
Your methods, including DELETING CLIENTREGISTRY.BLOB! :nuts:

I have yet to defrag my system, though.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 23:23:55 UTC
in Bad Performance: Why? Post #211671
Awesome!! Even with XSI running in the background, Half-Life 2 runs better than before. Thanks you all :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 22:38:18 UTC
in Bad Performance: Why? Post #211666
My +showbudget is messed up. I could be getting 299 FPS on the net_graph counter (and seeing glass-smooth performance), and the +showbudget counter will show 23, not to mention maxing out every bar that it can register (it's always done that since I got my new computer - I have no idea why).

The last time I had normal performance was only a day or two ago. Rebooting hasn't seemed to fix it. I suppose, as a last resort, I'll try a system restore, but that's a very last resort.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-04 21:32:57 UTC
in Bad Performance: Why? Post #211659
I was messing in Half-Life 2 today, and I've noticed a significant drop in my computers performance. At one point, a grenade blew up and sent a few physics props flying, which should have been more than easy to cope with, but my frames dropped to 30. An other time, I was looking down the tunnel at the very end of the Ravenholm maps and the FPS dropped to 24 for about 5 seconds, then rose back to ~90. I used to be able to minamize and restore HL2 in 6 seconds, but that's up to 14 seconds (I know that's asking for a lot, but double the time is a little disconcerting).

I've made sure no other background programs are running, save for Opera, and looked in the Task Manager to see that no high-cost programs are running - I found nothing.

Can there be any explanation for this sudden loss in performance? I'm quite certain that the pressure being put on my system is far less than what would cause what I'm describing...
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-31 13:10:36 UTC
in Compiled w/ BSP & Rad - Map Fullbright Post #211272
It's something that can be easily overlooked, but ensure that you have at least 1 light entity in the map. Lack of any light entities results in a fullbright map. I have no idea whether or not it can cause VIS to stop at "2.." but it's worth a try.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-29 22:00:46 UTC
in Weird selection thing Post #211086
Oh, I made that mistake once. It's so that the mapper can map out things in the 3D view. It's sort of nifty, but it makes selecting things a real pain in the ass. To toggle it, press the "x" key.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-27 19:16:21 UTC
in Location of Spawned Entities? Post #210830
Where is it spawning in relation to all of these origins? A few units off or several hundred? Is it spawning at the correct height/x coordinate/y coordinate or the correct rotation?