Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 21:38:13 UTC
in CS Wall Thickness Post #106432
Uhh, like everybody who plays CS. Bullets have been going through walls for a long time.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 18:02:54 UTC
in Tutorial: Monsters without new code Post #106414
Your not using correct model. Your porbably giving barney the default grunt model aren't you. You have to use compatable models, otherwise the animations are out of order. Its like trying to use the pistol model for the AR, try that and you'll know what i mean.

Get Jed's Half Life model Viewer, decompile the model you want to use, redorder its animations and recompile. (its a lot easier than it sounds, all you do is edit a very simple text file)

This isn't in the readme
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 17:58:57 UTC
in If i submit a map.... Post #106412
It works, I ripped cs_assault and tried to decompile it and it crashed WINBSP
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 16:56:52 UTC
in If i submit a map.... Post #106403
There are ways to prevent your map from being decompiled. Try -wadincluding it and then ripping it with Rip ent to add something compleely useless or something like that. Doing so makes your map un-decompilable.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 16:56:06 UTC
in Spirit to HL.. Post #106402
Try path_track or something, never had any problems with that myself though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 16:55:35 UTC
in Sprites?! Post #106401
There is a special kind of entity that makes sprites turn with you, but not completely. Like in de_aztec, look at the bushes, they only turn on one axis.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 16:53:26 UTC
in Delayed level change [closed] Post #106399
1) Who do you think "him" is?
2) Not necessary, just change the "delay before trigger" field in the trigger_once.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-28 18:32:49 UTC
in Tutorial: Monsters without new code Post #106316

How to make a new monster without new code:
Step 1: Set up your monster's model
Lets say you want to make a grunt with a pistol? Find a grunt model (or make one) with a pistol and put it in your model directory, or wherever. Now make a monster_barney and set his model to the grunt model. You can resize him to be bigger or smaller, but keep in mind that the hitboxes will stay the same. So I would recoomend resizing the model itself. That was the hitboxes stay where they should. Example: If you used the entity to resize Barney half way, if you shot where a normal sized barney's head would be, the smaller Barney's head would be shot. But if you rezised the model itself, when you shoot him, he will be shot where you shoot.

Step 2: Health
Simple enough, change his health, if you want to, in the "health" field.

Step 3: Weapons
Spirit lets you make Barneys with either a glock or a 357, more choice, happy day. Not much to say here, just pick a gun.

Step 4: Behavior
With spirit you can set not only monster's health and model, but their reaction to Gordon as well. from memory I know you can set them to :"
-Alien-hostile towards Gordon and miltary
-Grunt-hostile towards alien and Gordon
-Bullsquid-hostile towards other bullsquids and, headcrabs, military, and Gordon
-Headcrab-runs away from bullsquids, hostile towards Gordon and military
-Friendly unless provoked(barney style)
-Scientist(I don't know what this does, but maybe it lets you have the monster follow you?)
-Hostile towards Human

Step 5: Speech
Gag the monster (unless you want thme to talk, but it will sound akward). And thats it!

Thats it. Now if you really want to have some fun, make a pyro by giving a garg a grunt model. Though you would still only be able to hurt it with explodives and egons...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-28 16:32:59 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #106300
I just realized!!!!!! Do't worry about speech on your new, uncoded monsters guy! Just gag it! That way there's no need to worry about wrong voices! By the way, I very much look forward to this mod. Everyone knows how much of a sucker I am for Xen and city maps. Rock on, Saco.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-27 18:31:17 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #106177
How to make a new monster without new code:

Step 1: Set up your monster's model
You want a grunt with a pistol right? Find a grunt model (or make one) with a pistol and put it in your model directory, or wherever. Now make a monster_barney and set his model to the grunt model. You can resize him to be bigger or smaller, but keep in mind that the hitboxes will stay the same. So I would recoomend resizing the model itself. That was the hitboxes stay where they should. Example: If you used the entity to resize Barney half way, if you shot where a normal sized barney's head would be, the smaller Barney's head would be shot. But if you rezised the model itself, when you shoot him, he will be shot where you shoot.

Step 2: Health
Simple enough, change his health, if you want to, in the "health" field.

Step 3: Weapons
Spirit lets you make Barneys with either a glock or a 357, more choice, happy day. Not much to say here, just pick a gun.

Step 4: Behavior
With spirit you can set not only monster's health and model, but their reaction to Gordon as well. from memory I know you can set them to :"
-Alien-hostile towards Gordon and miltary
-Grunt-hostile towards alien and Gordon
-Bullsquid-hostile towards other bullsquids and, headcrabs, military, and Gordon
-Headcrab-runs away from bullsquids, hostile towards Gordon and military
-Friendly unless provoked(barney style)
-Scientist(I don't know what this does, but maybe it lets you have the monster follow you?)
-Hostile towards Human

Thats it. Now if you really want to have some fun, make a pyro :badass: by giving a garg a grunt model. Though you would still only be able to hurt it with explodives and egons...

The only drawback to not using new code is that I'm sure if you can change their voices. It might be possible, but I've never looked into it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 13:01:32 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #105965
Looks awesome. If you aren't using Spirit to make this, please do. Using spirit can let you "make" new monsters without new code. Like, you could have a grunt with a pistol by having a monster_barney set to a grunt with a pistol model and have his behavior set to "enemy-military".

But if you are using Spirit then i just wasted my time.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 12:16:42 UTC
in HL2 Crowbar model for HL1 Post #105944
Arms are completly separate models, just like the v_models for weapons, there is a v_model for arms. People on CS Banana release custom arms skins, and if you check the gfc there is a v_hands model as well as v_hands.vmt etc.

I guess the model viewer combines v_hands with the weapon model.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-25 21:12:30 UTC
in is it possible? Post #105887
Yes its possible, heres how:
Put your pushable where you want it and make a func_wall_toggle under it, now make the button or trigger or whatever oyur using trigger the wall, not the box and the wall wil go away releasing the pushable.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-25 17:31:30 UTC
in HL2 Crowbar model for HL1 Post #105873
In that case can you tell me how to take a gun from css and add it to hl2?
I didn't take the actual HL2, I manipulated another model to look like the HL2 model.

Anothony, arms are separate models in Source. If you were to replace the mp7, Gordon would still be wearing his HEV suit.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 20:52:36 UTC
in HL2 Crowbar model for HL1 Post #105764
Hey! I made the 1000th thread for this forum! Anyway, I hacked a crowbar model and made it look like the HL2 crowbar. This was my first model ever, but I've been converting models for quite some time so I was somewhat familiar with what was going on. Screenshots included in the zip.
-Original Crowbar model from Doomed Life
-Sounds from HL2
-Textures from HL2
-Animations HL1
-Hack: Me!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 19:52:37 UTC
in how do i make a door or window Post #105761
That question makes no sense. To make a door all you need is a func_door.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 19:51:06 UTC
in Favourite quote!! Post #105760
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 02:26:52 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #105589
I find jesus to be the man.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 01:51:27 UTC
in Favourite quote!! Post #105586
Rimrook, I thought you left.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 01:49:07 UTC
in Nightmare gamestartup.mp3 Post #105584
I can't :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 01:42:15 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #105581
Hey lets talk about avatars!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 01:41:05 UTC
in Stop the spam [closed] Post #105580
Wow, great community now, no sarcasim there(really). TWHL is now huge, the big time, the big sha-bang, the big cheese- STOP FUCKING SPAMMING THE FUCKING MAP VAULT FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST. There's practically another box every day submited in the vault now. If you suck at mapping, or just started DON'T SUBMIT YOUR GOD DAMN BOX. God!

Don't remember seeing anything brilliant from you?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 01:35:27 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #105578
Is this thread even about Jhazels horror mod anymore?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 20:40:26 UTC
in Triggering fog Post #105561
Env_fog, its a spirit entity.

My method was self explanatory, I had a trigger, set it to trigger the fog, the fog didn't turn on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 20:38:33 UTC
in Nightmare gamestartup.mp3 Post #105560
Well honestly I don't know why I'm posting this. I didn't want to give anything away about the mod at all but this is just the start up mp3, so it probably won't change anything.

It really end after the evil laugh about 50 seconds in, after that its just moonlight sonata.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 12:24:59 UTC
in Halo 2 or Half life 2 [closed] Post #105499
USA > Saddam Hussein
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 12:04:39 UTC
in Triggering fog Post #105495
Is it possible to make fog start and stop via triggers in Spirit? I've tried but it didn't work but I could be doing it wrong, after all, fog is fairly tricky.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 11:51:15 UTC
in How high r speeds can you take? Post #105493
People here tend to get a little spazzy if your r_speeds go over 800, but in my personal opinion, I'd set the limit to about 1100.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 03:12:23 UTC
in Respawning objects Post #105415
Sorry to bring up an old thread but I read this, written by 7th:
Plus, WCD, I think los pollos were monsters, in fact.
No they aren't. I ripped cs_italy for my server. The chickens are no more than a good combonation of func_breakables, ambient_generics, and env_shooters(for the feathers).
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 03:09:20 UTC
in Poll : Cheating Post #105414
No there is no such thing as a "power hack".

And a glock shot to the head only does about 40 damage. Though in 1.6 it is the only weapon that won't kill with a shot to the head.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 03:07:54 UTC
in CS Source weapons in HL2 Post #105413
You'd have to recode the Dlls. But just be patient instead, I hear the Counter Life team is making Counter Life for HL2
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 03:04:18 UTC
in func_illusionary_toggle... Post #105411
I know you can use "kill target" to turn them off, but there's no way to bring them back...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 03:02:34 UTC
in Halo 2 or Half life 2 [closed] Post #105410
Well I played Halo 2, and didn't see why it was so great. I mean, its was pretty fun, but I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. But I'm sure many Halo 2 fans so see the big deal with Half Life either. Or maybe they do see that Half Life 2 is much better they are just stupid.....

Half Life 1 and 2 both beat Halo.

Who here has played TimeSplitters: Future Perfect? Theres a good one.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-23 02:36:54 UTC
in Hot Gaming Chicks Post #105409
And you are.... how old, Mephs?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-21 17:42:43 UTC
in Hot Gaming Chicks Post #105205
I've heard of the Frag Dolls before, they are supposed to be some of the best online players out there. They were interviewed in a gaming magazine called Electronic Gaming Monthly. AKA EGM
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 21:34:40 UTC
in Respawning Weapons Tutorial! Post #104838
It doesnt strip your weapons, if you want it to, just slap in a player_weaponstrip and have the multimanager trigger it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-18 16:12:05 UTC
in FAREWELL TO TWHL!!! Post #104682
Good luck man.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 20:00:39 UTC
in Respawning objects Post #104559
Decompile cs_italy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 19:59:35 UTC
in What do you think when I say: Post #104558
Where else do you see leafthread?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 17:23:26 UTC
in Respawning Weapons Tutorial! Post #104536
Its possible, but it's tricky:
This was made forgames that do not support weapon_respawning, such as Counter Strike, or ..... can't think of any others....

Set up a cycler_sprite and make it the model of the weapon you want, then make a trigger_multiple over it that triggers a game_player_equip and a multimanager that turns off the cycler_sprite, waits say 20 seconds, and turns it back on and at the same time triggers an ambient_generic that does the weapon respawn noise. Now just set your trigger_multiple to have a reset delay to match the "respawning" of the weapon.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 16:42:49 UTC
in What do you think when I say: Post #104530
Here's come more for you:
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 00:26:42 UTC
in A Note to Myself(techno) Post #104416
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-17 00:01:31 UTC
in What do you think when I say: Post #104409
Its just a random poll, I used to do them all the time.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:45:07 UTC
in Is there a hosting site for large maps? Post #104396
You can upload Sven Coop maps to
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:44:31 UTC
in Is there a hosting site for large maps? Post #104395
Become a member of if you want to upload big CS, CS:S, or HL2 maps, the allow uploads up to 17 megs each.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:39:37 UTC
in Mapping Proposal Post #104394
Now, when you say "city mission" you mean like, completely intact and modern right? Not easily done, I tried making the city from the de_vertigo sky (also the ts_lobby sky) and it looked great but it was so big, even with nulls and texture stretching it was at about 3000 wpoly by the second building.
Not to discourage you or anythhing, just giving a heads up for what you might encounter.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:35:03 UTC
in WorldCraft (3.3) No Response Post #104393
Funny, thats never happened to me.

(Still uses 3.3, runs like heaven for me, no bugs at all)
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:34:12 UTC
in Airsoft, what kind do you have? Post #104392
I want an mp7 so bad, but I doubt I'll be able to get one.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:33:32 UTC
in What do you think when I say: Post #104391
half life
natural selection
spray and pray

If you read all of those and thought anything about Valve, go outside and get some fresh air.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 19:28:11 UTC
in Airsoft, what kind do you have? Post #104387
Uhhh... Crossman IS airsoft, just another company name, my berretas are Crossman.