Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 04:45:16 UTC
in coplanar textures ? Post #28453
We keep posts like this just in case,
on the off chance,
that someone someday,
actually manages to use the search function at the top of the site :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 08:21:22 UTC
in Vault Post #28342
Posted here by Seventh

I have been getting a lot of mail about the quality of maps in the Map Vault.
Before you drive yourselves to distraction you might want to consider the reason behind the Vault:

It was an idea that Atom launched to showcase members maps, provide an area where problems could be solved and comment could be made.

So why bitch about the Quality / Quantity?
If it was quality you wanted, then it would have been set up differently.
That would have required a team of adjudicators who determined wether maps were "Fit" to be entered into the Vault.
Some of you have had recent experience with having your Prized maps, torn to pieces by others.... :)
Not pleasant, is it?

This is not something we wanted at TWHL.

While I agree that some of the entries should be moved to Unfinished Maps...I don't believe that ANY should be deleted.
With the exception of those that 404 error

The Vault is a place for everyone to upload their creations, that includes new members, old members and those who for reasons only know to themselves still believe that they can actually map.

So Drop the subject.
Slay, Seventh and I will keep an eye on the entries and move them if need be.

Just remember some of the maps you uploaded when you got here... I bet you removed them?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 21:08:52 UTC
in Sky change Post #28294
Forum post
Vassy breifly describes the things needed to put together a customn sky and then everyone goes mad...
Go Figure?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 21:02:13 UTC
in Sky see through Post #28293
You don't !
Seeing the rest of the map is just the way that sky works...

Sky is automatically Clipped by ZHLT 253 1.7
So there is no way you can run off into the sky, but I think I know what you mean... you don't want your players up there.
Change the clip brush.
Place it below the sky, so that the player will never be able to look through.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 00:05:24 UTC
in sunbeams Post #28151
Why target the func_illusionary?
Strip the trigger and env_render out of your example, adjust the render properties of the func_illusionary and you have the same thing...
You might also want to tidy up the texture alignment so those nasty boxes of light don't appear at the bottom of the beam.

Am I missing the point here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 04:47:28 UTC
in Laser or beam? Post #27768
No idea where the env_beam went....
But I have turned it back on in the HLentities.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 04:44:15 UTC
in missing links Post #27766
Bottom of the page?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 04:40:34 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27765
These problems are normally caused by Vertex Manipulation.
The best way to describe a fix is to look at ZHLTProblems.htm. Unfortunately Merl decided not to include them with version 1.7.

If you dload this file you will find what you are looking for.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 19:33:54 UTC
in Gibs Post #27687
Does Hammer 3.5 textured 3D view show different bodies for Gib's?
It does for models.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 17:42:24 UTC
in "different" avatars Post #27408
I wonder sometimes...

Please don't upload pornography.
Please don't Swear.
Please don't try to hack into the site.

Because there is a good chance that if this sort of thing starts happening on a regular basis, The site will be shut down!

It is easier to kill it off than to fight the nutters.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 17:35:23 UTC
in dod? Post #27407
Basic DoD mapping info is available >>> Here
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 23:41:37 UTC
in NEW CS TYPE MAP Post #27196
I got logged off on a reply to the last post of the day...
No excuses, just too tired to log back in and fix it.
Having said that, I am fascinated by the response :-)

Seventh, Umm what?
the English was a little too natural
Did you mean unstructured, or colloquial?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 23:22:35 UTC
in OMFG!!! Post #27187
Are you loading an RMF file or a MAP file?
You can run 3.4 and 3.5 side by side, but not from the same folder.

It looks like your map has some serious problems, probably caused from the file you saved not being complete due to the problems you were having with 3.5.
Put the RMF in the vault and get someone else to open it.
If it works for them, then it is your set up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 23:15:13 UTC
in Custom footsteps sounds Post #27186
Package your map as a MOD, add the materials.txt to the sound folder of YOUR MOD.
That way, the original won't be changed.
If you package the mod then others will have access to the new text.

Small tutorial on materials.txt up next week.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 23:04:10 UTC
in moving clouds Post #27184
Umm, forgive me for stating the obvious...

But isn't a screen shot a single frame?
How is that going to show me moving clouds?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 22:52:51 UTC
in help scripted_sequence is not right Post #27182
Or here on this site ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 22:39:18 UTC
in Another Compile Problem Post #26862
You copied the whole log.
I edited it, because until you fix the first problem, nothing else will happen.
As Seventh Said:
You must have a csg compile without error before you can produce a bsp.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 17:55:50 UTC
in NEW CS TYPE MAP Post #26833
All professional CS mappers and designers have said at one time or another that combining goal's in CS is a sure way to ruin a map.
The Goal system for CS is primitive, combine two or more and expect a crash...
Some server based maps have managed to get a dual goal map running, but it isn't wide spread.
There is nothing new about this concept.
Do some research before committing to new projects,
Learn from those who have tried this before....
Don't make the same mistakes they did.

Or just go ahead and make a really crap map with multiple goals that, IF it works, will last about 2 seconds on a server before the Clan votes it OFF.
Your choice.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 22:09:58 UTC
in Another Compile Problem Post #26257
Tommy14's Error Reference
Will give you the answer.

Also check the ZHLTProblems.html as it suggests...If you have a copy in the ZHLT folder.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-09 00:28:38 UTC
in airscripted_sequence Post #26137
Get the aiscripted_sequence (target property) to trigger another one.
Walk to door, aisequence (opendoor)
target aisequence2
The Target of the aisequence will activate after the sequence is complete. So if it targets another sequence, it will call that one after it completes the first one.
Have a look in the Example Maps for the Talking Sci map. It shows sequences tageting themselves and other stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:50:02 UTC
in Problem with WC or CS Post #26123
Check every entity (cycler, moster_generic, monster_furniture just to name a few) that allows you to enter a model type and see if you have accidently included it somewhere.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:46:28 UTC
in Bright, but very dark. Post #26122
Set the light_environment Brightness to:
255 255 128 20000

Is that bright enough?

It will only light the areas with sky above them.
You are using sky with your light_environment aren't you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:42:44 UTC
in NO SENTENCE TUTORIAL!!! Post #26121
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:36:49 UTC
in sounds error Post #26120
As far as I can remember The Project didn't allow custom sounds....

The file you are using in your ambient_generic is in Stereo...
All original HL sounds are mono.
Suggest you select a wav file that is part of the original HL sound folder.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:32:45 UTC
in Buy zone help Post #26119
They have to be textured with AAATRIGGER texture.
That will make them go away.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 21:26:17 UTC
in aiscripted Post #26118
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 18:52:33 UTC
in aiscripted Post #25999
You could also read:
Rust, Sitting Sci's
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-07 05:02:23 UTC
in lights.rad Post #25868
Either modify your original lights.rad or....
Why not create your own lights.rad and call it esmajor.rad
Add all the lights you want to change, to that file.
Add the -lights esmajor to your hlrad compile, and the new lights will work.
If they are duplicated in the original lights.rad, then the new ones will overwrite the old ones during compile. You get a warning that tells you what lights are taken from your new rad.

Does that make sense?
You can add any lights you want, and you don't have to worry about duplication.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 19:49:32 UTC
in animated texture Post #24967
This might help,
It explaines what ZL is talking about.

Click Here
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 19:36:27 UTC
in new problem with multi_manager etc Post #24964
The example of the global and key's is in the Security Card tutorial.. Not the Key one.
Click Here!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 17:25:37 UTC
in please help, level change probs Post #24704
Point taken Captain P...
Your right,
I should have said some/most... not all.

The point I was trying to get across was that I can't remember any lchanges in Duct's for instance...
Am I wrong again?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 17:16:51 UTC
in title Post #24702
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 22:34:29 UTC
in ERROR HELP!!! Post #24467
It might be a texlight.
A texture giving off light because it is in the lights.rad.
Check your textures in the area of the first coordinates listed in the warning. Remove the texlight.
If you are using the -verbose switch you will get a list of all faces effected.
Seventh, ZL.. read the instuctions for Zoners... Yes you can have two light_environments and two skies in the same map.

And whilst this can occur with Non dynamic lighting, it is very difficult to actually do. Captain P's info is spot on.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 22:21:05 UTC
in rolling respawn wont work Post #24466
DoD mapping made Simple.
Try Nick Robins site Day of Defeat Mapping
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 22:15:40 UTC
in please help, level change probs Post #24464
Move the landmark up until your not stuck in the floor.
Try 50 units from the floor to start with, this will probably have you with your head stuck in the roof, but it gives you something to work with.

You might want to note here that all Valve Half-Life changes were done in Big Spaces !! not vents or small corridors.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 23:47:15 UTC
in Co-Op Map Request Post #24175
Es's skills are quite good...
I have seen his work and it is ok.
Great time for all of those who say you are bored to jump in and have fun.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 23:42:59 UTC
in Tracking DLL Post #24173
Ignore it:
It is a verbose message that shouldn't affect your map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 23:41:48 UTC
in how do i make new sound files for HL? Post #24172
Sorry, I haven't got time to do a detailed description...
But if you have a look at the folders in HLWOOD, you will see the custom sounds in a folder.
There is also a modified sentance text in there.
Halfway down the sentance text there is a new addition called "special" or something. The additions to the sentance text match the new sounds in the folder. Simple innit?
Previous Forum Posts

This is a good thing for the Next Compo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 23:29:48 UTC
in Trouble Installing Zoner's Compiling Post #24169
When you unzip zoners, you will have a folder that has 4 compiling tools in it.
hlcsg.exe, hlbsp.exe, hlvis.exe and hlrad.exe

In the build programs tab (You are using Worldcraft / Hammer ??)
Use the [b]Browse[/b] button at the end of the box to link:

CSG executable box to the hlcsg.exe file in your ZHLT folder.
BSP executable box to the hlbsp.exe file in your ZHLT folder.
VIS executable box to the hlvis.exe file in your ZHLT folder.
RAD executable box to the hlrad.exe file in your ZHLT folder.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 04:00:34 UTC
in Talking scientists Post #24045
Strange that the Talking Sci's have cropped up again...
I think it might be an idea to practice making them ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 21:31:02 UTC
in Trouble Installing Zoner's Compiling Post #24021
You don't install Zoners tools.
You add them to the Build Programs tab of Hammer.
Setup guide Worldcraft/Hammer shows you where to link them up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 09:35:07 UTC
in .... Come see!! Post #23905
Do you want to open the .fdg and write out all the descriptions?
If so let atom know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 09:32:18 UTC
in .BSP (running a) Skeeve's tutorial Post #23901
C:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe + map valley
Should be C:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe +map valley
as Anthony said.
You can check this by clicking console and typing +map valley

This will check that after compiling, your valley map actually went into the Valve maps folder.
If you get a Map not found error, then your compile setup is wrong.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 09:26:33 UTC
in map problem Post #23900
Well spotted :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 09:21:34 UTC
in Junk in the vault Post #23898
I take it that WCD wants an Admin type person to choose what is "Good" and what is "Bad".
Or does he just want me to delete all his maps :-)

The Map Vault was originally set up to give the members somewhere to post their creations.
The only other place running a similar system was SnarkPit, And let me tell you folks... Most of the Maps in out Vault would have attracted abuse and derriding comments.
So, regardless of the quantity or quality, the Vault is there for the members to post whatever they are working on and hopefully they won't get too much flak.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 20:51:10 UTC
in .p files Post #23823
These little blighters are the information gathered from the last compile tool to use with the next compile tool.

So yes and no, they are point files but not as we know it Jim.

Some compiling programs are able to use these to selectively run a specific compiling tool.
If you want to change the settings in hlrad, you can pick up the vis compile .pt and you don't have to run vis again.
Bit pointless really :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 20:45:03 UTC
in Sound list Post #23822
I can't remember coming across a list of all the available sounds. But Wavelength might have something?
Have you Unpaked your Pak0.pak file yet?
Use Wally or something similar to unpak the file, then you can browse the sound files till you find something you like.

Or you could download the Teleporter but I am not sure if they used sound?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 17:35:40 UTC
in 3d geometry Post #23640
2D graphics, by this I hope you mean Sprites?
They can be what you want because they are designed to always face the player. They are not solid.
3D objects are solid.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-22 23:13:13 UTC
in YO ANDY!!! Post #23532
All project news will be advertised shortly...

If you cannot access Kol's Site... I can't help you with that. The site has not been down and most other people can access it, so you might want to look at your setup.

I did send mail to all registed members a few weeks ago concerning the re-organisation of The Project.

If you didn't get that e-mail, then it isn't really relevant anymore so don't worry about it.

The Project is about to be reborn, so just wait for the announcement. It will be announced on several sites, including here and by e-mail.

PLEASE hold any suggestions you have until then!!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.