Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 17:55:58 UTC
in Building a new computer Post #245036
Im going to build a new computer now with a budget of 200-250 euro and I was hoping you guys could recommend for me a new graphics card, processor and motherboard. Im not getting a case, souncard and i've already allocated 100 euro for the RAM so I would really appreciate any suggestions thanks.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-04 13:11:53 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #244961
Since TJB is my friend in school i feel morally obliged to vote for him and also his watch is very good
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-01 12:47:42 UTC
in Placing Dead Zombies Post #244758
thehalflifedude i've have experimented around with this for a while because I remember I was trying to get vortigaunts to die and I remember if they were placed inside a func_hurt for some reason they would not die, if they did a death sequence they would not die, the only way I could get them to die was to make them move to a scripted sequence in a func_hurt with damage 100 and then when they finished going towards the scripted sequence they died.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 18:43:50 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #244701
Maybe we should all resort to gulp praying that this mod will be finished also how is it only 75 per cent complete when Hunter said in 2005/2006 that it was 85 to 90 per cent complete
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 18:24:50 UTC
in HL:OIFH Post #244698
So this will be released then ?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 18:14:07 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #244696
Shame this mod seems to be dead I was looking forward to it
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 12:51:33 UTC
in Irretatin experiences? Post #244680
Is irretatin some kind of drug or something
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-30 17:22:24 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #244628
I dont know if this has been mentioned but if your looking for a specific map or a forum thread then as well as using the search function you should also be allowed to subdivide on what forum and what mapvault your looking in. e.g If your looking for a map on how to make a train turn a corner, instead of typing in "train" in the search and selecting map vault you should be able to selct example map vault
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-26 17:10:02 UTC
in func_train turning at a path_corner Post #244344
download that map that will show you all you need to know
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-25 12:42:08 UTC
in Placing Dead Zombies Post #244285
all monsters die after a death even if you made a "scripted_sequence" or "aiscripted_sequence"
when a monster does a death sequence it usually just reverts to its normal state
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-23 17:05:46 UTC
in Half life steam Post #244141
Thanks for the advice guys :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-23 12:44:14 UTC
in Half life steam Post #244126
Up until now I've been using the old version of half life but now I got the steam version of Half life and I was wondering how do you play mods in steam
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-23 12:38:22 UTC
in Placing Dead Zombies Post #244125
Using a scripted sequence where zombies walk into a trigger hurt works also theres a zombie animation which is the half life chapter "unforeseen consequences" where the zombie slumps against a wall and slides downwards when the zombie has completed that animation it is now dead. Hope that helps ;)
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-11 12:44:56 UTC
in My Laptop Problem. Post #243206
I had a similar problem like that a while ago turned out my processor had been overclocked too much and it was melting
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-08 09:06:13 UTC
in New motherboard Post #242945
Thanks I might get an intel pentium D or something like that I laso need to check what my hard drive and dvd drive connections are. Is there any way to check the connections without opening up the computer
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-07 17:07:34 UTC
in New motherboard Post #242883
Im hoping to buy a new mtherboard for my computer soon not one too expensive just one to replace my PCI motherboard with PCI-e and I was wondering, I know there are two types of intel pentium 4 processors and some motherboards wont work with the older type of pentium 4 processors so is there a way of checking how old or what type of pentium 4 processor you have on your computer, thanks in advance
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-14 19:44:46 UTC
in What this error mean Post #240953
As the forum suggests what does the error i'm posting here mean
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (2.13 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (436.27 seconds)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 89 and 86:
   (1962.365 765.819 -396.547)
(1966.227 769.207 -402.000)
(2004.757 805.414 -356.985)
(2001.896 803.000 -349.000)
(1996.953 798.608 -344.350)
(1991.275 793.272 -351.003)
(1958.100 762.087 -390.150)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 302 and 306:
   (1394.625 492.000 -496.000)
(1390.333 492.000 -473.453)
(1390.190 492.127 -472.000)
(1633.167 724.540 -472.000)
(1621.798 709.296 -496.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 333 and 362:
   (1322.000 771.000 -524.000)
(1321.979 771.023 -524.000)
(1321.207 771.881 -526.382)
(1323.911 769.089 -537.378)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 355 and 370:
   (1215.238 684.940 -496.900)
(1221.925 678.080 -524.002)
(1215.562 685.672 -496.036)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 429 and 387:
   (1346.214 599.786 -473.000)
(1361.000 585.000 -496.000)
(1392.783 537.325 -496.000)
(1391.877 538.310 -494.835)
(1370.822 562.875 -473.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 434 and 498:
   (1405.499 590.501 -508.000)
(1404.856 591.144 -523.424)
(1404.520 591.520 -522.000)
(1404.548 591.548 -508.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 438 and 461:
   (1439.591 638.591 -498.000)
(1439.143 639.102 -496.083)
(1439.073 639.073 -496.000)
(1412.667 612.667 -496.000)
(1411.333 610.333 -498.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 456 and 435:
   (1411.938 588.938 -475.000)
(1429.000 571.000 -496.000)
(1450.000 592.000 -496.000)
(1434.454 611.000 -475.273)
(1434.200 611.200 -475.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 648 and 661:
   (664.870 648.061 -534.000)
(663.715 648.607 -530.472)
(660.794 649.986 -522.452)
(596.697 680.254 -522.525)
(593.000 682.000 -534.000)
average leafs visible: 224
g_visdatasize:40239 compressed from 57375
438.44 seconds elapsed [7m 18s]
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-14 13:16:44 UTC
in Games for Christmas Post #240894
Kane and Lynch is dated because it has last gen textures a horrible cover system and it is impossible to shoot anyone
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-13 16:31:32 UTC
in Games for Christmas Post #240846
Dont buy Kane and Lynch whatever you do. If you like flight games buy Ace combat 6 and also assassins creed is a good enough game
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 18:12:24 UTC
in TV/Movie thread Post #239290
So what TV programmes are you watching every week and what are you looking forward to seeing the most in the future. And what movie have you seen last and what are you hoping to see next.
For me i'm watching Top Gear every Sunday on BBC and i'm looking forward to the fourth series of Battlestar Galactica
The last movie I saw was Superbad and i'm considering going to see Beowulf although i've heard its not that good
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 18:05:05 UTC
I got 76 per cent in my test so im happy im completely surprised since I forgot the theorems
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-22 18:04:54 UTC
Just throwing that out there mainly because I have a trig. test tomorrow and I hate my teacher who has small writing and makes me sit in the corner of the room so I cant see the board :furious:
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-22 18:01:01 UTC
in Broadband dilemma Post #239009
If you went to Ireland you would find there is a surprisingly little amount of broadband coverage even in citys, the main reason for this is the Irish government in the 1930's attempted to make Ireland self-sufficient so provided monopoly's for semi-state company's such as tele-communications, transport, peat harvest, electricity, air travel and t.v. so there was no incentive to introduce broadband here until 1991 when the E.U. forced the Irish government to open up the economy to other industry's. So there you go a little about Irish history and shows what a bad job my government does at running the country
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-22 17:51:03 UTC
in Easy way to find grid numbers? Post #239008
In hammer when a leak is found it tells you the grid co-ordinates in the compile log and I was wondering is there a way to find these
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-19 18:54:06 UTC
in Broadband dilemma Post #238822
The modem costs 69 euro and its 15 euro per month and my friend has it and he says its very fast and I would rather get a PC game its better for RTS and the mouse is more responsive than a gamepad but I am only 15 and as you can imagine I dont have an odd 1000 euro to bring my PC spec up to scratch. thats an interesting idea though network bridging could someone give me a link where I could learn about it thx ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-19 13:27:55 UTC
in Broadband dilemma Post #238806
In Ireland(where I live) the mobile phone companys have wireless mobile broadband offer and it just became available in my area, but there is a problem, the broadband only works for the computer the modem is plugged into and I wouldnt be able to get xbox live however if I wait around 8 months the main phone company in Ireland will have broadband available in my area and I will be able to get xbox live. So I have a problem I want broadband but I also desperately want xbox live so what should I do.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-04 15:11:13 UTC
in cheese Post #235654
When I think about it Blue cheese is pretty good as well but Mozarrella is the ultimate cheese when cooked :heart:
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-04 10:46:18 UTC
in cheese Post #235644
Mozzarella is the best cheese ever made and anyone whos says different will get a personal visit from me :thefinger:
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-10 16:02:17 UTC
in A question about Kane in C and C Post #231792
Which is subsequently followed by a liquid tiberium explosion underground which kills millions so how did he survive that ?
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-09 15:25:33 UTC
in A question about Kane in C and C Post #231703
I just bought the command and conquer the first decade and command and conquer 3 and i've just finished command and conquer and command and conquer 2 and i'm halfway through both the GDI and Nod campaigns in 3 and i'm just wondering how does Kane keep coming back to life considering in one game he gets vaporised by an ion cannon in an another one he gets impaled and in the third one he gets blown up by a n ion cannon and a liquid tiberium explosion so how does he survive
p.s. Does anyone know how to have two teams in skirmish mode allied
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-29 09:14:03 UTC
in Making monsters redo a scripted sequnce Post #230625
Cool thanks
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-26 11:43:30 UTC
in Making monsters redo a scripted sequnce Post #230345
How do you make monsters redo a scripted sequence indefinetely like a zombie eating a dead body on the ground help will be appreciated
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-21 13:16:24 UTC
in Your favorite weapon! Post #229851
The energy sword from Halo 2
Portable airstrike in mercenaries
M1 Garand in any ww2 games
and for some reason MP5 with laser sight in RS:vegas
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-23 14:24:50 UTC
in Some voice work required Post #226302
I need a few people to do a small bit voice work for me if anyone would mind doing some voicework respond to this and i'll pm the lines I need you to say and they dont have to be in .wav format but it would really make my life easier
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-31 17:16:32 UTC
in Your Least Favourite Games Post #223971
Delta force 2 people more than 5 feet away are a giant blob of pixels
Big rigs over the road racing
Spiderman 2 for the pc need I say more
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-25 10:55:29 UTC
in Cool gaming moments Post #223430
  • The first time I saw a carpet bomb in mercenaries mad me gag.
  • When playing Opposing force I must have played that opening sequence 10 times I think it is much better than the Half life tram sequence
  • Half life 2 the first time you get to use a gravity gun against an enemy pretty much did it for me
  • When playing Doom 3 I opened a weapons locker in a dark area so I had my flashlight out and when I opened the locker an imp jumoed out and attacked me, I was so shocked that instead of changing weapon and started hammering the imp with the flashlight
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 17:22:47 UTC
in Cool gaming moments Post #223339
The first time I played surface tension and that bit where you come to the dam I didnt the see the grunt that ran across behind the sand bags and instead of blowing the gun I thought it would be like off the rail where you get behind the gun and kill the ocupant so somehow I got to the sand bags only to discover a grunt behind it and the grunt threw a grenade and I jumped backwards in game in surprise only to end up jumping over the dam and going splat. In brothers in arms one time I was attacking a 88 with my squad and I ordered them to assault the gun with me, it was almost like a movie with all my men and I firing at the gun and all my men falling all around me it was so cool :cool:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-21 16:49:53 UTC
in Do you love New York? Post #222864
Its fun to despise crappy AMERICAN programmes and AMERICAN bitches. (notice the emphasis on american)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 15:30:18 UTC
in NEW PC! BE BACK SOON! Post #222652
Wht would you buy a 1600 dollar computer without even knowing its specs funnily enough the other day I was on ebay when I saw a computer that had 2gb of RAM a nvidia 7600 256mb graphics card intel core 2 duo processor @ 2.6 ghz with a highest bid of $1.35
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 16:18:59 UTC
in Irc doesnt work Post #222449
When ever I try to go on the irc to see what its like the page says this page is not available so why would this be happening
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 16:16:47 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #222446
Why would some people say the two minicompos were so close to each other when on the last minicompo thread people were saying make a new minicompo soon and also I guess it can just be said that no one wants to judge the entrys so I guess there is no need for the thread to be still stickied
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 15:07:45 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221971
So is anyone going to judge the entrys
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 09:22:29 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221815
Wont take long with only 2 entrys
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 13:28:44 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221735
Xeno wad should already be in everyones the valve folder and I thought only a small minority of people didnt have the opfor wad
Edit:Okay i've found the problem and fixed it so there should be no problem with wads now sorry about all this
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 12:08:37 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221732
I just want to clear something up muzzleflash told me that my entry would not be judged if there were any missing wads but the only wads used that came up are the xeno wad opfor wad zhlt wad and of course half life wad
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 10:58:35 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221662
I'll be entering mine sometime tonight
Edit: Here is my entry
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 11:12:44 UTC
in Mini-Compo #00002 - Post #221591
Same with me
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 16:04:49 UTC
in A GIFT TO ALL TWHLer's Post #221514
Thank you so much Rimrook you are a legend :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-05 18:38:03 UTC
in Making monsters ignore you Post #221100
Yeah but barely anyone plays spirit