Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 23:48:23 UTC
in WoW Guild Post #127840
haumarush,hmm, sounds like hammer rush. hammer is a tool that we use, fitting.

Zl, you have little use to this site anymore, and hence, you are the weakest link...goodbye... :P (seriously man, post usefull stuff, number of posts mean nothing on this site, no rateings or anything)(and plus you are a bad person for swearing in front of the many geeks who either have no comprehention of curses or have surpased there age in terms of wisdom)...



:D :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 23:43:45 UTC
in what would you want? Post #127838
a pile of money that equaled in value to $500,000,000
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 14:33:03 UTC
in Reverse! :O Post #127783
i got to 7, but my optical mouse kept registering when i had to move it to the other side of the pad
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-14 23:28:29 UTC
in Next update Post #127688
3? how the hell do you do that? do you use the circle out thingy or something
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 12:30:20 UTC
in WoW Guild Post #127456
all ive ever seen alienence do is gang up on you and body camp, and that was just when i was watching my friends play for 8 hours strait.

it was even fun to watch.
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 12:20:09 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #127453
tell me there is a mac version of hammer.
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 12:18:16 UTC
in Game_player_hurt Post #127451
trigger_hurt for one.

and don't target it at all, you ust have to step in it to have the effect
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 12:09:07 UTC
in Black Mesa Source Update Post #127448
how can you say it does not look good, its Black Mesa for peats sake, it is on a mesa, that has rocks and stuff on and around and in the cliffs
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 00:36:42 UTC
in WoW Guild Post #127355
i have been forbiden to pay the WoW monthly, my parents think its a waste of money, plus im on dial-up.

so in a word's, i can't play

it saddens me

but good luck on the guild anyway, have a good time taking on ragnaros
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-13 00:31:57 UTC
in Black Mesa Source Update Post #127354
wow, the dam shot looks damn good.

*M_Gargantua begins kneeling to the BM:S team but stops half-way, and resolves to finish the gesture of reverance and respect when he see's that the finished product is worthy of it.

and can i be a demo'er. That way id be able to see how it runs on a machine built to Half-life 2's recomended specs. please :cry:

and Ps:when i was browzing through your forums i came to a tread about the helicopter that you see on the tram, i say you should just have the G-Man walking away from it as a proper explanation.

and PPs: good luck with it
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 20:27:57 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #127060
and then they will die away, also like PRK.

and Jahzel, your one of the few people on this site who has readable rants that accually have content that has a chance of being worth reading
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 20:18:15 UTC
in AfterMath Trailor Post #127059
pft, register. you don't have to anyway, you can just tell it to live stream, watch the 0 second comersial, and then watch the trailer, but with somewhat bad quality
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 04:02:41 UTC
in Laer tripmines Post #126922
I wonder if you can have a tripmine be takedoweable. i would think you would have to have a button around(but not in or infront of, as to not interfere with the beam) the trip mine that when pressed will have the tripmine killtargeted and a weapon_tripmine spawn in its place. which if I am right can be done with a monstermaker
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 01:38:22 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #126914
ehem, MAC, ehem
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-09 14:50:02 UTC
in Problems with playing mods Post #126868
its because you havn't gotten the lattest update or something. at least im guessing it is. i still have or something and i get thoughs errors to. like when ever i tr to use spirit or the bumpmapping mod
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-09 14:47:41 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #126867
yes im on holiday, and im on a Mac, so i can't even finish anything until i get back. that includes HS, the compo, or XCOM for matter. ill be back the 23rd though, and ill finish up my part then
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-06 22:32:11 UTC
in Which do you think of? Post #126429
when you see TWHL what do you think of.

me personaly in my mind hear 'TW Half-life'
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-05 12:49:22 UTC
in Your Favourite Game Thru All Time Post #126065
Best MMO ever - MateriaMagica
Best 3d FPS ever - Half-life
Best 2d FPS ever - the Doom series
Best Arcade game ever - Raiden
Best Stategy ever - either RON or Civ
Best RPG ever - FF7
Best non-PC FPS game ever - Halo(although it now is ported)
Best non-PC game ever - supermario world (my record for beating it is about an hour.)
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-05 11:48:37 UTC
in HL scripted_sentence problems Post #126042
all the basic half-life sounds, are in the Pac0.pac file in your half-lifevalve folder. along with the sentences.txt file. download Pakscape to be able to view and extract the files
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-03 22:38:53 UTC
in origin texture Post #125785
the origin texture is just that, a texture named origin. you need a block textured with it to mark the center of things like trains and rotating doors, and generally stuff that spins, moves, or the like.
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-03 22:25:50 UTC
in Extreme Hammer Lag Post #125783
and you can just close steam, hammer should keep working
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-03 14:56:09 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #125733
hey unbreakable, what happened to all my decals? they all aren't there anymore
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-03 12:13:57 UTC
in A door's speed=How many units Post #125698
no, that will just confuse the engine, all the speeds are in units per second, but it always assumes your telling it how many units it moves in one second.

and im betting you can use altenate bodys
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-02 00:46:10 UTC
in Competition 14 Post #125267
oh, crap, i don't know if im going to be able to finish my entry in time(whcih for me is the 7th, because im leaving for a place where there is no PC to use on the 8th). and its coming along so good to.
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-01 13:36:37 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #125158
14 chapters seems a bit excessive, im guessing there all going to be pretty short?
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-01 13:08:04 UTC
in [MOD] Rise Of The Dead Post #125153
PRK's tread

it doesn't get changed into HL2 until late in the thread, which you wouldn't be able to read in a day.

i think im going to post the story and see if I can get anyone to work on it again, wheather they were in the original team or not
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-31 17:02:49 UTC
in Which countries have you visited? Post #124997
i always though you lived in Europe Rabid. proves me wrong
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-31 16:58:06 UTC
in Why garry's Mod rocks so much Post #124996
hmm, it seems that edits don't make the thread marked new, seventh.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-31 13:34:49 UTC
in Which countries have you visited? Post #124961
User posted image
and for a list:

and still, i have found no place with as much to do as america
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-31 13:24:28 UTC
in all mad sci's and tinker'ers dre Post #124960
the 'black hole' in Los Alamos new mexico.

its a supermarket sized werehouse of stuff that came out of the labs there. they liquidate everything they have. so its all really cheap. and alot of the stuff could go for thousands else where. i found a site with pictures of the place, they had a room filled with capacitors the size of TV's.

read the list of stuff they have there
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-31 13:14:20 UTC
in all mad sci's and tinker'ers dre Post #124956

i think im going to cry at my misfortune. ill be 1000 something miles from it when im on vacation and don't yet have a licence to rent a car and go there.

"to the fax machince!"
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-30 11:34:44 UTC
in Rep system Post #124692
why can't we have member rank's based on the rep number, that can't be that hard to impliment?
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-30 00:08:44 UTC
in Why garry's Mod rocks so much Post #124623
Why Garrys mod rocks so much:

Manhack hovercraft:

powered by technology not yet known to man the manhack hovercraft is a marvel of stability and control, just stand in the direction you want to go and it will go that way.(ballons required for flying ability.)(thrusters optional)

to start:
place four squares in a cross patern

User posted image

Then add manhacks, ballons, thrusters, and weapons if you wish

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-30 00:03:03 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #124621
*M_gargantua generates a random playlist of 20 songs
gave me the following:

Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
G Love - Running away
some songs from HL1+2
Linkin Park - In the end
Breaking Benjemin - Blow Me away
Halo 2 vol.1 soundtrack 18 - High Charity
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 23:49:16 UTC
in SGI opengl for Worldcraft/Hammer Post #124620
wait, is it hammer 4, or hammer 3.x, because if its 4, make sure you close the SDK launcher thingy, it eats up more ram every second its left open
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-29 23:43:33 UTC
in Batch Compiler Problem Post #124619
well, I can see that at the Leafthread process(in Vis), it cuts off and simply starts rad, which cuts off and ends becasue it doesn't have any complete vis info to go by.

check to make sure your ZHLT are corupt, and are updated.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 23:25:52 UTC
in Marage on TWHL? Post #124308
BrattyLord: I am very sorry for my new thread... I don't know what I was thinking
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 23:22:52 UTC
in Rep system Post #124307
Bratty, thats saying alot seeing as you very well might be IEMC's, err :thefinger: Luke's, Mom

pawnage combace, eh
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 23:08:19 UTC
in The Apache Post #124305
try it
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 13:33:44 UTC
in Why garry's Mod rocks so much Post #124150
how do you spawn models that arn't in the spawn menu?

i need to know because i can't use the new versions since they require HL2DM to run, and that is a 30MB download. imposible for me
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 13:27:19 UTC
in [MOD] Rise Of The Dead Post #124144
nope, half-life 2, and very close to the same concept
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 12:59:00 UTC
in [MOD] Rise Of The Dead Post #124136
hmm, i was going to sugust that you help with problem-reaction-kill instead of this. but then i remembered that it was pretty much dead for a reason i still can't explain
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-27 12:55:46 UTC
in Unbreakable glass... Post #123868
you could try sandwitching two layers of brushes the are made of the null brush in between the two glass brushes. you don't have to entityise the null brushes, there invisible anyway. but just make sure everything is separated by 1 unit
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-27 12:39:44 UTC
in Elevator tutoring please!!! Post #123861
well, note that when the multimanager is triggered it will trigger round reset and the lifts, after 1 second. and from what your telling me what ever round reset does will put the elevators back down. so your essentially triggering them on and off at the same time
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-27 12:29:54 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123857
the tram run just stoping like that doesn't look quite right. but other then that it looks pretty good
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-26 13:35:52 UTC
in Why garry's Mod rocks so much Post #123686
hmm, i got to try some of these things. but its to bad i don't have a full list of every model in HL2...hint hint
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-25 14:13:16 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #123494
and an accuall 12 :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-25 14:04:03 UTC
in Multimanager - What can trigger it? Post #123489
its the target box
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-25 13:22:29 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #123473
C...she seems smart enough, to take cover and not get shot
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-24 13:59:03 UTC
in UFO (I must be going insane) Post #123218
those are the high energy rays eminationg from the area around the black hole as the matter near it starts to fuse