Now I just finished it...About 4 hours but I'd call it less because my PC froze 3 times..I realise now HDR may work but after a while the PC just locks up >_>
Anyway my views and if you don't want to be spoiled then don't read...
SPOILERSNow you start with the explosion...Alyx is frozen and vortigants with strange blue eyes appear all around her...They teleport her out and you who is in the black room is with the Gman who suddenly gets pissed off because these vortigunts come to save you..Thats why he says "Well see about THAT!"
Now Valve had some brilliant entity work in this short game! The intro was great and I felt although it was short it has answered so much and left me with even more questions...I can tell you all about it...
You talk to Eli and Kleiner to find that escaping is not possible...The Citadel is close to exploding so you have no choice but to go inside and sort it out..You start with the 'orange' gravity gun and it leads on to this long process of fighting your way up...
You have to turn on these 3 machines to make that huge orb calm down...
You end up riding a train full of Stalkers who start biting Alyx because the train crashes and one falls on her...You have to lift it up with gravity gun...
There are quite a lot of puzzles and the term Alyx uses a lot is "How can we get pass!"
There is a whole dark section that requires you to go around looking for power boxes...They made it scary with random noises and vents that fall down...
Breen is dead...At least we are lead to believe he is..You see an 'old' video where he goes on about stuff and then says "OH SHIT HERE HE COMES"...
You view a video of Mossman in some weird place and then a new blue creature knocks the camera over...Something tells me we are going to visit it in EP2 / 3...
The funny thing is this game is full of jokes..You pull out the TV and Alyx says "Yeah your right..We shouldn't watch too much TV"...
You go up a vent and it falls down back in the same room as her and she says "Oh...Back already?"
The AI is much better...Zombies stutter backwards when shot and Alyx can re-program those eletric balls when you hold them in front of her...You have to block up Antlion holes with cars...The only thing that annoyed me was that Alyx got stuck in a tiny piece of metal..
You meet the 'Advisor' which makes your screen srew up...You are forced to run because something weird is going on in your head.
You meet Barney who gives you what he calls "Don't lose this crowbar...I don't have many spares left"..
Lots of action and a section where you must transfer a load of rebels to one side of the map without them dying (Kinda like GTA protection missions)..
Just as you open the door for Alyx a Strider shoots you and your forced to fight it...At the end you get on a train and as you ride off you see the Citadel exploding...Everything goes crazy and flashy and then it whitens out...The credits come up.
I shant post screens because it only just came out...I am going to record myself playing it and upload them to Youtube...
So in my opinion although it is short I enjoyed it! I have been inspired because they did a great job...Now to play again
Also the Coming Soon video makes you want to go :O...Alyx falls and a Vort carries her as if she is dead...Those blue creatures run in a forest...Bizarre.
End Spoiler