Yellow mapers! I got a Leak on my map (test3). I've tried everythig, even the block trick. Can someone check it out, I'll upload a .rmf on the problem section. One more thing, let me now if the textures are not the same in HL as in Hammer.
And you can always come to #Vassy as well, if you like spam. However, there is a three spam limit, although every so often I will allow seven for no obvious reason. If you spam more than 3 or 7 times, you are kicked and banned for 2 minutes. Not a real punishment, but dead annoying! And people who want to help me are always welcome!
hey how do you make the sky texture one great pig texture becuase when i create my sky it has just a bunch of like 64x64 textures is there a way to make it 1 texture or like 4 something low?
Well, I've never heard that myself, although I have heard that the SKY texture does this. Never noticed any difference, though. Also, I thought AAATRIGGER didn't show up in game! Does, lit very oddly though.
I seem to remember something about texturing brushes that are never seen byt the player with the AAAATRIGGER texture to improve r_speeds. Has anyone tried this, does it work?? Just curious before I get too far into my map andhave to redo it.
yeah, I know - but I want to be able to check the Shoutbox in a little panel on my browser, and if I do ATM, it's backwards and the title and button get in the way.
As all of you know, hl2?s source is in the wrong hands ? Sad b**s are making a fortune on news posts and publicity about their ? ?achievement? ? several community members are taking advantage of the situation and exploiting it. Half-Life 2 ? the game that you?ve been waiting for, for over 5 years is being delayed because of this mess.
We should not stand for this ? So, I propose that we ignore all questions about the stolen code, all released media concerning hl2 and all forum posts that talk about the stolen code and/or links to the hl2 source.
Ignore all posts about hl2?s source and media (unless posted by an official valve spokesman or publisher), All offers of the source on the net or in real life should be reported - if you come across a warez site that?s offering the source ? do not attempt to download it - report it immediately! If you have the illegitimate source code on your computer remove it as of this instant.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-15 14:04:20 UTC
in HL2Post #2705
This is really pissing me off now...., so from now on if any one tries to get some help with hl2 before it comes out - I?ll have to personally beat them with my computer - it can take a kicking for a good cause.
I know I?m flaming but if you don't report where you got the source and delete it off your machine - I?m going to start asking for bans.
this topic was dead, why was it ever revisited? kill this topic i say! no more posts > there is a maps and mods forum - which was the reason this topic started in the first place, lets end it at that
You know what, this made me think... Instead of just banning people who got the hl2 source code, try to get as much info from them as possible first - to help valve get ahead of the hackers and end this as soon as possible - I want the game I'll do anything to get it, BUT : if some one on the net or on the street offered me the full hl2 source I?d probably make them bite the curb and forcefully kick them in the back of the head.
i played ab it of deliverance before i lost it. the story goes about blackmesa where still scienitst are disapprearing to make a weapon for the governement but hten there are aeperign alines in new york and people starting to aks question and ten you have to save you buddies from blackmesa and again there is a grunt cleanup team send in, but still a good mod