6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Created 18 years ago2006-07-27 12:16:44 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Created 18 years ago2006-07-27 12:16:44 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 08:14:10 UTC Post #258332
But if you prepurchase it now, save 10%, and get 5-D for free!
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 08:17:29 UTC Post #258333
theres no such thing as 5-D :s
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 08:22:08 UTC Post #258334
theres no such thing as 5-D :s
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 08:25:01 UTC Post #258335
unless you can make it :P
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 09:09:01 UTC Post #258336
5-D did exist at one point, but was lasted no more than an hour because I soon realized it was impossible in Goldzorz.

Although I have rethought it, and could make 4-D.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 10:32:33 UTC Post #258337
I still have all the vids you released in my HD somewhere. Accidently found the one where you're showing the lobby with advertisements and then you miss a jump and say "fuck."

Good memories, seems 6D is a collection of ideas that isn't put together yet...I remember you coded new enemies at one point and released a demo, those annoying headcrab replacements that came from the ground come to mind.

Finish it boy!

Oh and I loved that forest video with the music.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 13:03:42 UTC Post #258338
:s i wana see. link plz
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 14:36:23 UTC Post #258343
I remember those vids but they're not online anymore. You're about a year too late Skals.

Hey well. Sucks to be you I guess. :rly:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 14:48:18 UTC Post #258344
I would upload them although I'd ask Rimrook first but it doesn't matter now, you called me a woman, Skals.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 15:11:32 UTC Post #258345
Upload them for me , or let's talk in steam if you don't want right now :) .
PM me if so .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 17:11:01 UTC Post #258346
why cant rimrook just release a demo :P
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 17:53:02 UTC Post #258347
why cant rimrook just release a demo :P
It's not done, that's why ;o

It's been sitting around for a while now because rim's school has whipped him into submission. School > all
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 19:55:05 UTC Post #258348
Grim is right. School is putting my in bad positions all the time.

Daubster is reworking the code again from last I heard and Grim hasn't been able to buy a piano keyboard for his mewzik.

Here's something to add to your MP3 player.

6D Theme
Nothing in your Hands
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-10 21:22:48 UTC Post #258352
Sweet songs. I was waiting for you to post that second one.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-11 04:19:25 UTC Post #258360
Heehee, thanks.

I should have Grim remaster them so they sound movie-quality, but again, I need the right away from him, plus I can't remember what he said about something sometime ago I think I was durnk.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-11 04:52:53 UTC Post #258363
Looks like school is doing a number on your grammar skills, as well D: Get some sleep, man.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 16:01:34 UTC Post #261406
I have no idea where this is going...

I have gotten better at texturing/modelling/unwrapping/etc. I can work Milkshape to get the new enemies done so that's not a prob. Daubster is doing his own thing, so is Grim.

If this ever does finish, it will be a kit like Flat-Life. I will provide a wealth of resources and stuff to use, but the maps will likely be created by whoever.... i just don't know.

I do know that this has taken the back seat, and will remain there for at a minimum of 6 months :/ srsly.

Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 16:55:48 UTC Post #261409
Well. Isnt this your final project?
Why don't you work on it until the project deadline, and then release what you have when you're just sick and tired of it.
Along with all the resources and stuff. Make like a 6D SDK
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 17:24:47 UTC Post #261417
capstone project fell through back then and I failed the class because of it. there are no deadlines set since the schedule is looking really bad for me for the next 6 months. If i get free time, i'm going to spend it on things i know can be completed quickly, or things with a good ending point. probably either the turnstile weps or some other various models for 6D.

Daubster: Sitrep?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 17:30:37 UTC Post #261418
What i do when im stuck with something is to spend a 30 minutes a day working on a project and document my progress so that i know im atleast working on it and going forward.

Offcourse, this only works if you dont have a schedule or a deadline.
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 17:50:34 UTC Post #261420
Along with all the resources and stuff. Make like a 6D SDK
But make sure you also have the game and FGD in another dl so you don't have to download all the source files to play it/map for it. We don't all have high-speed! ;)
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 17:57:48 UTC Post #261421
Aproximating , how much of this mod is done ?

In % .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 18:48:28 UTC Post #261429
Mapping aside, a crap-ton. i'd say 75%, with mapping its like 15%
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 20:19:19 UTC Post #261438
Have loads of stuff on my hands at the moment, really can't find much time to spend on 6-D. In 6 months though, we should have something to show.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 20:28:20 UTC Post #261439
Well that's not too bad. You should focus on mapping if that's the case. I know it's not 100% accurate but you know...Carry on sir.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-12 20:28:53 UTC Post #261440
I say 6 months because I graduate in 6 months. Ultimate free time booster.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-01-13 01:35:26 UTC Post #261453
Well i can wait another year so long as we have some updates. Focus on School rim.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-02 16:45:33 UTC Post #262273
Any news at all?

By the way, if you need a modeler i can hel... Wait, What the hell am i doing?

Nevermind that last sentence :tired:
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-02 18:43:38 UTC Post #262276
No developments.

Honestly, it would feeling nice to work on this again, but later will come eventually. I don't have much to do on as far as extra stuff goes. I also haven't dug into Milkshape up either, so that may result in more monsters.

I could redesign the Navengers and Glizards to fit the Scientist and Headcrap bones... although Glizard will look more hedgehog-like I bet. :/ But as long as they work I guess...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-09 18:09:19 UTC Post #262459
You know what I fancy?

That loading screen on Flat-Life where you choose the map, defined by that text file that goes in the maps folder.

If 6D turns into a kit like FL, I think it should be lead by FL's example. Kudos to Chickenfist for a brilliant feature, it keeps people off of the console and away from external programs like Muzzleflash's HL Launch Pad.

And yes, 6D is turning into a kit like FL.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-09 18:15:45 UTC Post #262460
So the FGD will be included?
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-09 19:21:08 UTC Post #262461

Oh, its called the lobby in Flat-Life... durr.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 15:17:19 UTC Post #265182
I found a really friggin nice new trick to painting textures. If you like texturing at all in 3D software besides Hammer, research Camera Map Per Pixel shaders. They allow you to project an image onto your mesh. Once finished, you bake the textures with an unwrap. What so cool about this? Its the same method a lot of model painting programs use to project your image to your mesh, but instead of crappy tools, you have full comfort of your Photoshop as well as your desired 3D software.

How does this pertain to 6D? It doesn't. But when I do get back to working on it, models will look nicer. As far as 6D is going... it isn't. No developements since last I remember.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 15:28:23 UTC Post #265183
Do this in your MOD
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 15:49:16 UTC Post #265184
It's seriously uncanny how much that looks like something Rimrook would make...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 16:12:29 UTC Post #265185
God Rimrook, how much homework/extracurricular activities do you have?
EDIT: Merci Beaucoup, moderator.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 18:16:21 UTC Post #265190
God Rimrook, how much homework/extracurricular activities do you have?
I substituted them for a life.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 22:03:30 UTC Post #265204
I substituted them for a life.
Atta boy
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-08 08:38:49 UTC Post #265221
Where's that building located?
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-08 08:48:17 UTC Post #265222
Where's that building located?
Its located behind 'Riverpool', node 11
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-01 10:52:53 UTC Post #266285
6D is dead.

By some miracle it may come back but I can't be fucking around right now. However, I like the story that developed out of it and would make a nice singleplayer mode, which may be reserved for a day I have a firm grip on the unity engine.

The team members have gotten a little something out of it though. I got my modeling texturing chops up to the point I want to take it professionally, as well as Daubster's coding skills as well have been practiced.

but yeah its dead. I got a killer portfolio out of it, how about you?

As far as the small project noted in my latest journal, its not big, its tiny, I'm really far on it in only 2 weeks and I can take care of it on my own and will work on it on my own time and release it when I feel like it. I'll post a few things to show progress, but again, as it goes when it goes. 6D was fucked from the start with the hype.

The reason this small project will succeed is because I can't take it seriously. The law of gaming is "If you love it, it will fail." I suggest going to SMWcentral.net and have some fun and relax.

Peace. Close. Thread.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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