
Commented 9 years ago2014-08-04 14:58:43 UTC in journal: #8415 Comment #43994
Commented 9 years ago2014-06-24 23:31:52 UTC in journal: #8396 Comment #45987
Love the lighting in the first pic! This sounds like a great experience, I work in a film studio and am learning to shoot/light/etc. I hope I experience some of the work you have shown so fart!
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Commented 10 years ago2014-02-24 15:10:45 UTC in journal: #8340 Comment #49543
Awesome, congrats!! I will be picking that up when I get the chance.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-17 19:44:07 UTC in journal: #8332 Comment #42257
Very glad it went well!
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Commented 10 years ago2013-11-18 19:11:44 UTC in journal: #8286 Comment #49537
Great find. Going to pass this along to my buddy who has yet to buy one.
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-13 15:20:27 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36402
You think the ladies would dig it, Bruce? I figured they would get mad at me for wasting closet space.
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-12 12:32:47 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36401
That's exactly why the laptop is positioned like that. It's not perfect in this picture and I didn't plan that, but I definitely take advantage of it. :)
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-12 11:22:22 UTC in journal: #8246 Comment #36400
I purposely blocked the closet, because I hate them and don't even use it. I would NEVER block anything if I were making this for a client. I knew from the beginning my bedroom door wouldn't completely open and I am fine with that. The desk space is more important to me than anything.

The supports are very construction-like because I work at a film/television studio and build sets. I got the idea for the desk from one of the sets I built framing for and wanted it to have that raw feel. I agree that the diagonal support isn't too visually pleasing.

The supports are all pine boards and the counter top is red oak. I shelled out extra money for that. The stain is "blood red" with a water-based poly finish on top of it.

Thank you for all the comments, I plan on building more stuff in the future and selling it. I will DEFINITELY plan with space efficiency in mind for a client, not everyone will give up half their room for a desk like I did.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-20 14:07:46 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46974
Sick! When I visit Australia one day, you have to teach me how to trick, kraken. :]
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-26 23:53:13 UTC in journal: #8146 Comment #61590
Awesome, haha.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-06 01:33:04 UTC in journal: #8130 Comment #46960
Haha, I'm just an average d00d
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-05 17:23:01 UTC in journal: #8130 Comment #46959
Congrats kraken! It's a great feeling to stumble onto people enjoying your work.
Commented 11 years ago2012-09-04 20:59:50 UTC in journal: #7960 Comment #45729
Good luck d00d!
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Commented 11 years ago2012-07-01 00:40:13 UTC in journal: #7863 Comment #52231
Name it Articuno. Too bad Articuno is a blue bird with a white belly :[ would have been perfect if it was the opposite.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-04-15 00:22:54 UTC in journal: #7743 Comment #57958
Happy Easter Striker. Luke, it's the Orthodox Easter. I know this because my girlfriend is Romanian like Striker. Multz ani treasca! (Hope I spelled that close enough)
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-11 16:10:56 UTC in journal: #7736 Comment #43413
Bacon makes me so thirsty... for MORE BACON!!
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-29 14:55:45 UTC in journal: #7706 Comment #66953
I love his animations and art style. This is horrible news.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-28 21:16:56 UTC in journal: #7649 Comment #66833
I really like the bass shattering wubstep. It's pretty cool that commercials are using it like Rimrook said, but it will eventually be overdone and annoying.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-01-22 19:58:57 UTC in journal: #7587 Comment #41992
I thought you said Riley was worried about it falling off. Probably would have made for a more interesting story. Maybe cowboy lepers?

I volunteered at a library for school credit and saw some interesting covers. I never bothered to actually open them like you did though :P

I hope to be put to death by snoo snoo one day...
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-15 15:36:05 UTC in journal: #7507 Comment #66689
Yes it was. I like you. GL on the finals.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-14 22:45:51 UTC in journal: #7507 Comment #66688
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 03:30:04 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43219
I am with TJB, he probably did it to spark shit so it's a different story. People feed snakes live mice all the time. In some cases, you HAVE to feed them live animals. They don't have the best eye sight so a live animal moving can help them see. Also, some snakes straight up won't eat dead animals and I have proof. The snake actually ate the kitten so It's not like the animal was killed in vain. Yes people think of kittens as pets not food, but some people are just as close to their pet mice as others with cats. I don't agree with filming it and only doing it to start trouble, but just because you have a pet kitten doesn't make it anymore cruel to feed a snake a cat than a mouse.

I love cats and I almost bought a mouse except the cage was 8 times the price of the little bugger. The size of an animal or the popularity of owning one as a pet doesn't determine cruelty to me. I'm just sharing my 2 cents so don't flame me.

Also, I am surprised the snake ate it. I've never heard of a snake eating a cat.... I bet the guy filming it starved the snake to make sure it would. I know certain areas of the world eat dogs, so I am guessing people somewhere eat cats too.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-16 18:01:44 UTC in journal: #7478 Comment #51401
If they spit out an episode every day or a few a week then I wouldn't mind it going so slow. The fact that we have to wait a week to see them stay at the farm and someone ALMOST dying just doesn't cut it. I wasn't really into the show the first season and now I am really starting to like it, ironic huh? Let's just hope the walkers break out of the barn and take a few lives. :P
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-07 18:27:18 UTC in journal: #7465 Comment #62272
I would tell her in advance if she is just a friend. If you decide you want to kiss her under the full moon, then go with the full out surprise.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-10-19 15:35:22 UTC in journal: #7443 Comment #63266
I just watched all of it and I am glad I couldn't find a download for it. Some of the visuals and audio are interesting, but the game play seems to be mindless wandering. You have to interact with anything you see and hope you get the items you need. I think the message of the game and ending are very creative, and I enjoyed watching the idea of it, but I would kill myself trying to actually play this game. No pun intended.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-27 16:53:29 UTC in journal: #7419 Comment #49301
Thought you said cat fight :[ Happy birthday!
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-17 19:48:39 UTC in journal: #7405 Comment #45308
That game mode is fun as hell. I've played it a few times with two of my buddies and I had a blast. I have to head out so I only watched a bit, but that nade scene in the beginning that was cut short was done perfectly.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-06 16:12:58 UTC in journal: #7385 Comment #66391
This is the first year I am not returning to school after Summer. I will miss all of my art classes because deadlines make me work like a well oiled machine. I suggest getting a skateboard for that run to make it easier, haha. Well, unless your school dropped the banhammer on them. Good luck.
Commented 12 years ago2011-09-05 17:28:43 UTC in journal: #7383 Comment #41827
Hope you are feeling better homie.
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-28 16:47:08 UTC in journal: #7375 Comment #49263
I'm in northern NJ and it didn't hit too bad here. A big tree branch fell and grazed the corner of our house's roof.
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-18 02:24:57 UTC in journal: #7360 Comment #41811
Hope all goes well.
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Commented 12 years ago2011-07-30 01:10:05 UTC in journal: #7340 Comment #45241
Awesome man. Congrats and good luck with it,
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-13 05:49:07 UTC in journal: Nintendo 64 Comment #59127
Just found my n64 recently but it's missing a plug so I can't play it :[ Starwars, Extreme G, and Zelda were all awesome as hell.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-25 19:05:12 UTC in vault item: Let's Build a Rocket Comment #19161
This is a really great idea for l4d2 maps, and I agree with Atom that you should make this into a gamemode. It's very frustrating playing alone, but this map is quite popular and my server eventually fills up with players. The only thing that bothered me was that the rocket was way too simple. Excellent job bringing creativity into this game. I love seeing games taken beyond their original intent.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-05-16 20:58:58 UTC in journal: #7217 Comment #57553
So it does. Still not cool.
Commented 13 years ago2011-05-16 16:16:53 UTC in journal: #7217 Comment #57552
One of the comments on that speed test is to pause it at :47 and to look at the address bar. They are loading a saved page from their hd, not loading it from online. Check it out again The_(c)Striker 720p full screen.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-24 16:13:28 UTC in journal: #7180 Comment #57489
wtf is a quotes?
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-19 20:44:53 UTC in journal: #7172 Comment #57481
I have a similar phone to that, and it's been working fine for me. I don't use the internet or any apps because I'm a jobber.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-03-29 02:39:43 UTC in news: Competition 30 Comment #99866
The 'rules' link on this page is broken. Says 32 when it should say 30, I believe. Definitely an awesome competition idea, and I am looking forward to seeing what people can do with it.