
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 20:46:15 UTC in vault item: DM-TheBadPlace Comment #14157
Astounding! This map has the atmosphere of many UT 2004 maps, and has so much detail it could even pass off as one! The brushwork was quite good for the most part, and I especially liked all the little spots of damage on the walls. The rocks were very well made too, even if you used the low-poly method.

Something I really liked was how you smoothed out the whole map, so there was never a place where you could get hung up on detail brushwork. This is great, since it's such a tiny map, and the halls are so small. I think it leads to faster paced gameplay, because you don't have to worry about avoiding walls.

You also used plenty of ambience, and there was never a spot that felt really empty. I noticed, however, that you didn't use any sounds for the teleporters. It seemed pretty weird just walking into one and suddenly popping up in another area, without any feeling that you had just activated it.

The biggest complaint I have about it is that it's a bit repetitive in places, and I noticed quite a few of the details had been copied around, like that teleporter thing. There were also a lot of halls that looked really similar, and very few unique landmarks, which made navigation kind of difficult.

Great job, though.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 14:59:07 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14156
Would be nice, i can't stand Hammer 4, crashes on me a lot. :/
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 14:40:04 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14155
I'm not sure if the exact same flame is available, but I do know that you can even add a heat distortion effect. We could also ask Captain P, since he's worked with particle effects before (my Source maps are usually more static)
I'll investigate a bit.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 12:59:03 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14154

I gave it a thought and i think im gonna do this in Source instead. More space available to me.

And since you're pretty much Pro with Source, im asking you if you would like to be my advisor. Is it possible to make the same kind of exhaust flame in Source as the one in the HL1 version?
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 12:54:48 UTC in vault item: DM-TheBadPlace Comment #14153
This map begs for a custom sky.

The map looks quite nice, even tho I think this map would be madness to play with 3 players or more, small hallways are annoying.
I also found a RPG, this powerfull weapon should always be avoided in small size maps imho.

When I walked trough the map a few times, I remember this map.
It's one of the official maps in DMC!!
Only different textures and obviously completely rebuild.

I couldn't remember this map in Quake, but heh, I only have Quake 3: Arena. :)

(Btw, those rocks looked fucking awesome!! I'm impressed.)
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 09:41:39 UTC in vault item: DM-TheBadPlace Comment #14152
Well, this map certainly works in the small scale of things. There are some pretty nice details, such as cracks in walls, interesting structures, nice lighting fixtures etc. The textures themselves are also good.
However, the way it's all put together doesn't really work. Even if the textures are nice, the stay mostly the same throughout the whole map. Since lighting is also always in the same range of colours, it's really hard to distinguish one part of the map from another. It would also make the map boring to play after a couple of minutes. Think of it as "visual fatigue".
Navigation works in terms of how it's built on a smaller scale (stairs etc), but the layout seems really messy. The frequent use of teleports makes little sense and adds to the confusion. Unless you appear in the central room, of course.
I haven't played the original map, so these problems might not be entirely your fault.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-05 01:54:03 UTC in vault item: dm_gp Comment #14151
An excerpt from the server log:
12:48:07: "Solo" killed " Oddball" with "slam"
12:48:27: "Solo" killed "an old guy with high colastaral" with "smg1_grenade"
12:48:28: "an old guy with high colastaral" killed "Solo" with "combine_ball"
12:48:34: "Solo" killed "an old guy with high colastaral" with "smg1"
12:48:35: "an old guy with high colastaral" killed "Solo" with "physics"
12:48:43: " Oddball" killed "Solo" with "ar2"
12:48:48: "Solo" killed " Oddball" with "physics"
12:49:00: "Solo" killed "an old guy with high colastaral" with "smg1"
12:49:08: " Oddball" killed "Solo" with "physics"
12:49:18: "Solo" killed " Oddball" with "smg1"
12:49:22: "Solo" killed "an old guy with high colastaral" with "357"
12:49:30: "Solo" killed " Oddball" with "357"
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 23:31:33 UTC in vault item: Split-Second 2.0 Comment #14150
Any other comments?
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 16:01:10 UTC in vault item: dm_gp Comment #14149
I posted one before for CSS, and if I made the letters movable, it wouldn't spell out GamingParents after a few rounds anymore. :)
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 15:31:08 UTC in vault item: gg_funfight Comment #14148
1 star for the light inside the tower >.>
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 13:44:54 UTC in vault item: dm_gp Comment #14147
You should have make the letters movable by a zap of gravity gun primary fire.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 08:34:13 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14145
Maaaybe... Ill try it out, thanks. :D
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 03:53:09 UTC in vault item: dm_gp Comment #14144
It's running at the GamingParents HL2DM server:
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-04 01:21:22 UTC in vault item: Rooms Comment #14143
The grunt part was too difficult (I ran out of ammo).
The rest was fun.
I like jumping puzzles, and consider Half-Life's move ments one of the best ever put into a game.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-03 22:55:07 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #14142
What I Like best is the unique things to look at.
The Glyphs are very neet.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-03 20:36:49 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14141
Very cool! If you manage to get the camera stuff working, you could also add a Google Earth pic of the launch site. Maybe you could use the gfx/env maps only for the sky and clouds and make the ground with a 3D skybox. I don't know if it's possible with Spirit...
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-03 09:55:22 UTC in vault item: Spectre's Kitchen Compo Comment #14140
I'm going to post a lint to my review, since it's really long-winded:

I will say though I was totally blown away with the level of detail and the short time you threw the entry together. While far from a perfect map--not that there is any such thing--, this entry was perfect for the compo, and a well-deserving 1st-place winner imo.

Superb work!

Commented 17 years ago2007-02-03 04:38:06 UTC in vault item: The Diving Board Comment #14139
It's better than it was, but maybe put a slight delay on the door, so it doesn't move down until your landing upon it--from your jump.

You didn't include the .rmf on this one!

This will be really cool if you can get it to work. :P
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 14:22:17 UTC in vault item: The Diving Board Comment #14137
There is a problem with the board. When you perform a hop straight upwards once on the plank, the push entity will not stop...currently working on it to make the push entity only last for a second or 2
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 06:53:56 UTC in vault item: The Diving Board Comment #14136
Yeah I figured that empty space just a while ago myself when I went to test the map again.

I had trouble with the angles with the push, I posted about it in the forum and got some answers. Up is a better direction than straigh forward, which would just shoot you off of the board, therefor not being "realistic" at all.

I'll try if editing the multiple and try different timers. I also did try adding multiple push entities but In my own opinion, it got crewd more than fixed with more than 2.

I'm already planning to make a MP map with some of these, probably some entry for the water competion everyone can copy my idea and the competion will be flooded with different kinds of boards :nuts:
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 06:37:28 UTC in vault item: gg_funfight Comment #14135
Well done, You've managed to make the source engine look worse than CS1.6.My advice to you is to never release your next 10 maps or how ever long it takes for you to get better in the hope you will go away and learn how to create a proper map and not release this utter shit you call a source engine map.

the lowest rating is 1 star on this page. You need something lower so i can rate it.

I rate this map shit+

never play and must delete now. Go jump in a fire , it may improve your mapping senses.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 05:53:07 UTC in vault item: aim_midnight Comment #14134
I like the layout of the map in general. It's a good map, and mates of mine nearby say that it's a good layout. Only problem is that the FPS gets knocked too low by this map. It's not a computer specific problem, as a beefy computer than can handle X3 at full graphics settings with ease loses frame rates on this map. Try compacting it and/or reducing the polygons as rowleybob said.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 03:10:31 UTC in vault item: Roof looks like shit in fy_house Comment #14133
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 03:06:42 UTC in vault item: The Diving Board Comment #14132
Also, you left an empty space in your filename. If people don't know ahead of time to enclose them mapname in quotes, they won't be able to play the map!
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 03:03:12 UTC in vault item: The Diving Board Comment #14131
HA HA! It's pretty funny, and I chuckled when I actually got myself to jump. It would be funny in a MP map to see players actually jumping off it! :P

It would be cool if you only HAD to jump on it to make the board/door activate. (maybe by putting the trigger multipe abovee the player. timed right, it would only activate by jumping---maybe :P)

your trigger push is set to go straight up. Did you experiment with angles or maybe multiple pushes?

Anyway, a really neat idea, that could definitely use more refinements. To what extent you'll get this to work though, I'm not sure how much is possible with what you have to work with.

Please PM me with any updates!
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 02:47:22 UTC in vault item: surf_battleroom Comment #14130
"I put a lot of time and effort into."

Really. Maybe you could share your obviously subjective definitions of "Time" and "Effort" for us. You took a lot of time and effort to build a mono-textured box, with only your "surf wedges" adorning the walls?

It's not really your fault though, since I've never seen a surf map that had any sort of thought into how the actual map looks--they're all utter shit.

I blame our policies. Being a learning site, we allow any piece-of-shit map to exist in the exist in the Map Vault with impunity. I apologize for my rant, but there's only so much of this crap you can take without venting.

Maybe we should move all these superb "surf" maps to the unfinished section at least. :|

Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 02:14:32 UTC in vault item: Octangle Comment #14129
Some neat stuff! I made a quick run-through:

Great props! I like the HL2-style transporter--the thing that gives you the mp5--, but it could definitely be improved with some point lights to accompany those indicator things inside.

The auto chargers were great, but could be made more interesting to look at.

Traps! Some really interesting, neat looking traps!

The layout is a bit intricate and nonintuitive imo, but this opinion would probably change somewhat If I played the map more. The tight cooridors are interesting, but same as above, no idea how they would play.

Those spiral staircases leading down to that tiny, unreachable vista through the glass was nice, albeit a bit dark

The overall look of the map is pretty bland unfoutuantely, and could be better detailed. Some different detail stuctures and better textures could help.

Anyway, neat stuff overall!
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-02 02:04:09 UTC in vault item: surf_battleroom Comment #14128
No offence, but if the screenshot shows the same texture everywhere, I usually don't download it. Post a better one and maybe I will.
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-01 19:13:33 UTC in vault item: Terrorists' spawn points not working in de_casucha Comment #14127
lol. all i can say.

slight attention/improvement on gameplay possibly?

as for the startpoint common problems- make sure they are more than the minimum distance from the ground, and check the distance between each starting point. also, obstructing entities can sometimes be a problem.

was this any help?
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-01 05:56:08 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14126
Thanks! :D

Yeah, the sound just continues while in console/menu/pause mode. There's nothing i can do about it.

2000 wpolies? LOL! I have'nt even checked with r_speeds 1. Oh well.

I lack texturing skills and modelling skills. Im also lacking good reference photo's of the Launch Tower. So its quite impossible for me to make a 100% matching tower.

Well, my main goal was to create the exact same sequence as in: I want the whole sequence to be seen from a trigger_camera entity. But there's a bug with the camera that somehow screws up the exhaust flame...

Yeah, the ET (External Tank), SRB's (Solid Rocket Boosters) are of course made with high detail, especially the exhaust nozzles of the Orbiter and the SRB's.

If only i can get this stupid func_tracktrain and trigger_camera thing fixed. But im affraid its in the Spirit code...
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-01 02:34:02 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14125
Oh btw, did you build the whole thing without using HLFix? If you did, you are the freaking master! I love the sleekness of the orbiter, the main engines. The boosters and liquid fuel tank are also quite astonishingly beautiful. :o
Commented 17 years ago2007-02-01 02:30:23 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14124
The sound was absolutely perfect!.. that must have took some time to sync--I didn't even consider that! (however, if you go to the console for any reason, the the sequence/sound sync will bork, due to the fact that the audio continues while the launch pauses (i think, anyway).

And at around 2000 wpolys, you certainly have room to add to this--this won't be a playable MP map, obviously. Plus you have all the room in the world to add models--the epolys were zero lol!

Maybe for the tower custom textures of the real tower would look better than the transparent ones. If all fails, you could just cop out and make the tower a model :)

You could do a lot of camera work with this too, the only limitation being that when your at altitude, looking down betrays the trick of the skybox. Maybe you could figure out a practical method to blend the ground, skybox for this purpose--this is always a pain with HL... but I'm sure there is a way to make it work.

Last nitpick, the info_player gordon starts stairing face first in the side of the launch foundation... put the spawn in full view of that pretty orbiter/boosters, in all their glorious detail!

Again, breathtaking stuff! :P
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 15:28:02 UTC in vault item: de_quickshot Comment #14123
I have no idea...I've updated to hammer and using latest FGD now aswell, sorry for being a oldschool noob who doesnt like changes ;p
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 14:51:29 UTC in vault item: de_quickshot Comment #14122
why on earth would use use WorldCraft when Hammer 3.5 is perfectly stable?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 14:45:03 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14121
LOLT! Glad you liked it, even though its unfinished.

And keep in mind that the launch tower was the hardest thing to do, it consist of countless numbers of steel bars, pipes, wires and what not. Its very difficult to make a perfectly matching tower as the real one. so, of course its a bit ugly.

Did the sound (mp3) work for you? How was the timing?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 14:35:43 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14120
Really cool Muzz. :o :o

The only thing that broke immersion for me was the transparent texture for the main tower... otherwise, everything was spectacular!

As it was lifting off, I noclipped to follow it up... breathtaking; the hair on the back of my neck stood up! :o

Just when you think you've seen everything with the HL engine, somebody does something like this... Simply amazing, period. :)

Can't wait for the updates!
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 13:45:22 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14119
Its a stand alone mod, Rowley. The mod is in fact Spirit, you don't need Spirit to run it. Just activate it via the custom game menu.

Wad issues fixed.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 12:56:35 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14118

Don't you know already Habboi doesn't play maps, only comments on screenies?! :P (I love you Habboi don't be hatin' :P)
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 12:51:11 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14117
so we don't run this in the spirit mod folder?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 12:27:42 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14116
No. I planned to add smoke when i get the everything else to work.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 11:33:57 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14115
no smoke ? ;o
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 11:25:42 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14114
Not for Habboi it seems... Geuss you installed it the wrong way.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 11:09:36 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14113
Your dll's are borked.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 11:05:57 UTC in vault item: Space Shuttle Discovery Launch Comment #14112
Haha I haven't seen this done before.
Reminds me of the Goldeneye rocket sequence for some reason.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 10:35:41 UTC in vault item: Roof looks like shit in fy_house Comment #14111
So this is a problem map?

Moved to Problem Maps.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-31 04:09:57 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #14110
Forgot to rate o_0!

5 all the way!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-30 04:04:20 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #14107
Indeed it doesn't.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-30 01:00:23 UTC in vault item: [BMHL entry] You failed. Comment #14106
Okay, so I just played this, and decided it wasn't all that bad. The steam was used to good effect (I really wished I had done something like that with mine), and there were plenty of door mechanisms to keep it interesting. You also used plenty of ambient noise, which I didn't put much thought into in mine. The ending wasn't really funny, but it was kind of unexpected, so I liked it.

However, I couldn't help but think that the lasers were a complete rip-off of my entry (if slightly better made), and the brushwork was pretty blocky and undetailed, too.

There was also one small thing that I forgot to mention, that made me think about how glitches can really be used to make special effects. I'm talking about that little light over the button, and how you didn't turn it into a func_wall, so it actually looks like it's casting the type of sharp lighting you see in newer games like Doom 3. Kinda neat, even if it was unintentional.

So I'd say this deserves 3.5 stars, but I'll round it up to 4, just to make you happy.