
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-15 02:41:58 UTC in vault item: de_takedown Comment #13992
Looks fine for a first map!!1 I'm sorry I can't review it further, because of my Source-Deprived self :(
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-15 02:35:49 UTC in vault item: kade_glassworld Comment #13991
It's an interesting problem, and I must say i'm quite underqualified in this area to give you a definite answer, but I'll do my best to help :)

Looking at the entity guide, I noticed one called trigger_changetarget. As the name of this entity states, it changes the target of the entity selected when triggered itself. I don't know if it will work, but maybe one of these pointed at each train can reset the train's target--train's next stop-- back to the beginning of each trains sequence.

To see if this is possible, you could make a simple test map with a train and a button targeting the trigger_change target.

If THAT works, then your only problem left is how to trigger the trigger_changetargets at the end or beginning of a round. There are ways to reset entities between rounds, but none that I know about currently.

You might search the forum, or at this site, which I'm pretty sure has some tutorials regarding round-reseting entites:

The map is pretty interesting, if not a little weird with all thoe pictures of all the asian kids--from some tv show? :P Good Luck!
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-14 20:31:51 UTC in vault item: second chance lvl 1 Comment #13990
Wellll... hmmm... where do I start... okay, its not the best map, and its not the worst, but since its probably your first map, then I can understand that, I will start with the 1st level.
Level 1
A.-Very bright in first room
B.+Lots of dead bodys made it more funny then scary
C.-Wtf? 2nd room had file cabinet textures as the walls
Level 2
A.-I'm blind... way too many lights in the 2nd level, reducing the amount would make it look much better and maby look a little scaryer
B.+All of the differnt textures made me think it was a cartoon
C.?In the 2nd level thiers 2 Large boxs, you could fit a gargantua in thier, and when the player is heading for the doors, the box brakes and a gargantua pops out of the box.
Level 3
A.-What the? I fell through the level, well, you have probably had lots of people tell you that.
B.-Did not get the point of level 3
Level 4
A.?Geussing you never botherd to finish it
I would say more, but I don't like saying maps are bad, unless they are REALY bad, but this map, at LEAST gets a 3*'s.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-14 03:30:10 UTC in vault item: de_pl_nitedust2 Comment #13989
It's much too similar to dust2 and looks weirdly proportioned, however, it adds a few nice aspects to dust2. Anyway, top job for your first map.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-14 01:21:35 UTC in vault item: Cargo Mover Comment #13988
I really liked it too. It was extremely compley, and it repeated.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 23:50:04 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #13987
i swear if room 2 isn't released soon i'm gonna explode
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 21:49:00 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #13986
I liked it. It had an intresting stealth objective that i like.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 19:23:03 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #13985
This was a great, destructive map, I REALY liked how the cielings were destroyed haveing support beams and wires destroyed, I would rate but, AHH, NO RATING THINGY, noooooo, Great map though.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 18:55:33 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13984
I would download, but our computer has been haveing Viruses, I think they are gone, but I don't want to chance it. Not saying its a bad thing, but the lasers in Star Wars for the AT-AT are red, but from the comments I read about this map, its sounds Realy good, I'll have to download when I can.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 11:14:03 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13983
download doesnt seem to work
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 08:18:20 UTC in vault item: Sinking Comment #13982
Till I fix this, just use a glow sprite and rename it. If you have spirit, use its rain sprite. Sorry all, I'll fix this as soon as I can.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 03:08:40 UTC in vault item: Sinking Comment #13981
Please pm me when you update so I can check it out!!1 :)
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-13 02:39:11 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #13980
i liked the detail, and how the player is forced into the ventalation system.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-12 18:24:13 UTC in vault item: Sinking Comment #13979
I played the map only because i put in a sprite that hade the name rain in it. I thought it was a pretty good map. I had alot of realisum in it. I liked the map.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-12 18:15:57 UTC in vault item: Sinking Comment #13978
Same here
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-12 17:18:28 UTC in vault item: Sinking Comment #13977
Missing sprites/rain.spr.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-12 00:06:34 UTC in vault item: dm_tundra Comment #13976
(sorry about double post)

+nice lift changes

It looks pretty good imo, besides you can always add more detail items--depending on high you want the r_speeds of course.

The only other negative I can think of would be that it's too dark in places, but it fits the theme so whatevs. I like dark maps, but many people are annoyed by them :/

Minor nitpicks:

-For the big lift, seperate it from the top of the water by one unit, therby eliminating the brush intersection you see when your underwater--or did you and it's still showing it?

-In the cool ice-caverny room when you're under water, you can't see the holes you jumped in from...

Anyway really nice map and nice work! :P
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 23:43:07 UTC in vault item: Santa's Revenge (SP Mod) Comment #13975
I finally got this to work by taking unloading the pak file into my spirit folder--I couldn't get the minimod format to work.

The first chapter is extraordinarily good, and you pulled off the Christmas theme awsomely!!1

+great cutscene
+Nice general mapping
+Player/weapon model repalacements lol!!!
+fun gameplay
+good sounds and intro music
+spawning elves zomg!!!11

At the end of the second chapter in the stables, I couldn't figure out how to proceed after killing all the elves down there, please pm to advise.

Anyway, 5 stars for a superbly-themed and FUN Christmas map!!!
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 23:36:04 UTC in vault item: dm_tundra Comment #13974
Please don't bump your maps. Please don't use filefront to host. If you're interested, I can send you a gmail invitation, where you get 100gb of hassle-free hosting. PM if interested.

I'll check out the map soon :)
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 21:04:45 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13973
lol yup! :) I really took it for granted that most people would remeber it from my Battlefront turret map. Looks like I should add a game_text message trigger when you go near the turret :)

Again, the yellow bar is supposed to be a progress bar, however, if you looking at it in parallel to the movement, it won't appear to move at all unfortunately :(
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 20:40:28 UTC in vault item: Ai_Goal_Follow Comment #13972
Did anyone find this helpful???
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 20:00:41 UTC in vault item: Night Things Zero Comment #13971
Wow I just played it, nice use of path_corners for the camera at the beginning :D. I agree with alot of the other guys here, the architecture for the hills/mountains was crappy and rough and could've been smoother. Monster placements were very nice. The architecture and entities in the sewer and under the house was well done. The gman scared me :P. When you go through the trap door to the basement, you have a bit too much smoke, causing lag. The ending sucked rotten eggs :|...though pretty good putting a VCD (valve choreography file) in for the madman (Gregory). But how come the zombies didn't kill the madman?...Overall a 4/5. Well done. Any map made deserves a 3 or higher in my book.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-11 05:23:34 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13970
oooh. the thing with the yellow bar above it. that is what i meant by the RPG being in-accesable. i thought that's what the brush-weapon looked like... So i press E at it, eh?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 23:25:17 UTC in vault item: Nexus Comment #13969
I rarely play half life 1 deathmatch, but i like to play them in single player and see what the map looks like. I can only say that this map is an absolute work of art! I think it deserves 6 stars.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 22:47:57 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #13968
well guys sounds like a good map 2 me but i do wish you would stop spaming this msg board LOL
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 22:13:12 UTC in vault item: cs_assault06 Comment #13964
Ha Ha Awsome!

It looks a lot like the cs:s version! Great performance considering some of the nice detail in the level like thos stairways.

In general the texturing could be a lot better, and the lighting would look nicer with more contrast--so the shadows are more visible.

Because I suck at texturing, it's hard for me to recommend what to do, besides maybe try some new ones or try scaling them differently. Be careful not to scale them too small though, as it will make your compile time much longer not to mention your wpolies will rise dramatically.

The lighting in general is way too bright imo. If you keep it so bright, maybe use a series of sprites to mimic a HDR effect or something.

Lastly, I'd recommend a custom sky. Since it looks like cs_assault source already, why not use the sky from that. I've seen tutroials for converting 3D skyboxes to 2D for Half-Life 1, but I've never actually tried it. Here's the tutorial if you're interested:

Misc nitpicks:
  • Make the concrete "french fries" inside all vertical. You can intersect them with the floor at the diagonal parts if you make them func_walls without any brush intersection problems.
  • The scale in some of the intereior areas was strange. Adjust it where needed to make it more realistic.
  • Some of the parts inside are too thick or too thin inside. The HVAC vent looks too fat for example. Your light fixtures look way too skinny, and it's supports look too fat :P Take some more time to make your detail items proportion/scale look real in-game :)
Well I hope you keep working on it! This maps worth between 3-4 imo at present. Please pm me with updates, and I'll rate it when it's more finished!!1
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 22:00:51 UTC in vault item: cs_assault06 Comment #13963
for your first map mate its ok, but the skybox is a bad choice.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 21:50:33 UTC in vault item: aim_midnight Comment #13962
First of all, don't repost/bump your maps.

Second, this map is as unplayable as the first one. Type R_SPEEDS_1 in the console and look. Your wpolies are >3000, which is about twice as high as I'd recommend going with those. Your epolies are > 60000, and while I'm not sure about epoly limits, I'm sure it's way too high--even in maps saturated with high-poly props, I don't remember ever seeing a map go over 12000.

As I said the first time you posted this it's a cool idea, but you should do something to make the performance better before anything else imo.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 21:37:03 UTC in vault item: de_#smp2 Comment #13961
This looks like a good test map for a new guy to try out different effects, ligting and just mapping in general. Besides that, there is nothing really too eyepopping about the map :)

For your next map maybe think about:
  • Work on scaling/aligning your textures better. The dimensions of the the texture are usually the intended scale for it too, which is a good rule of thumb.
  • Use some wedges as trims so your big blocky rooms don't look so square!
  • Working on a realistic theme--or any sort of theme for that matter--will help your map look more uniform/coherent.
  • If you have questions, search the forums, and/or post a question.
Nice first map, and good luck with your future ones!
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 08:40:16 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13960
This is really weird. It works for some people fine, and borks for others. I have no explanation! I can try emailing it uncompressed if you want. PM me if you do.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 06:45:29 UTC in vault item: cs_face2face Comment #13959
I fixed the lights.. hehehe, I dont know to fix the error at the first time but hehe, i fixed it, it was a leak that makes the map overbrighted. hehhehehe
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-10 02:47:30 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13958
shit ¬¬, the zip file is corrupted for me
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 22:26:14 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13957
This map has so much detail and size it practicly shouts 5 stars itself.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 20:38:23 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13956
Some people have been asking how big this map is. I dunno if this helps but:
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 18:28:28 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13955
No... never mind it...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 17:08:03 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13954
Thanks. :) Be on the lookout for an important update which fixes many bugs, tweaks, and improvements and even an extention. :D
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 15:52:04 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13953
I have played the original half life uplink and i thought it was ok, but you made the uplink 10 times better. You exelently extended the story. I like what you have done.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 14:43:52 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13952
Well... it's an interesting project, certainly. I am quite impressed with the sheer size and the optimization this map must've gone through. I noclipped up, above the map, just to see how big it was... incredible. Over 6000 Wpoly up there, too :) .

Anywho, as for the gameplay, I can't say much... I haven't tested it in MP. Ask Muzz to get it on the HLDM server and we might play it sometime. But my initial reaction is, this map is far too big for HLDM. Already on default maps that are one third the size of this, I have trouble finding people when playing. HLDM usually isn't that populated... 8 players is the maximum amount of players on lots of servers - you'd walk through lots of emptiness before reaching an enemy in this map. Size does matter, but bigger isn't always better.

The look of the map is fairly generic... really nothing special to comment about. Everything looks sort of decent, nothing that really stands out. I noticed some small details that I enjoyed, like the little non-sensical concrete platform in one hall and the moving, pumping machine in one of the walls... small details like that really do liven up the area, but they weren't enough to raise the general feel of the map's look.

The lighting was, as well, fairly generic. The dark-orangey part was pretty nice, but those orange, bright wall-lights (bah) looked horrible. The red-lit ventilation thingy was also way too dark. I hate having to stumble around with the flashlight to find my way. I was playing at Brightness 63 - I usually have 0.

Score... 3/5. The size alone deserves a star.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 10:35:43 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13951
OK, lets see if I can do this any justice. Originally the map was going to be a compilation of Snarkpitters with the theme of "Traps" This map was my brainchild but it soon became apparent that the trap idea was going to have to be sidelined. The traps would have added to the MAX overages beyond any ability to rectify.

Grimlock got the map first, obviously he took the theme to heart but, the idea was for each of us to build ONE AREA. Grimlock did much more. I got the map next and my area was added... (Bare in mind that it was my job to join these areas originally so I was damned sure not making to many areas like Grimlock.) I forget who was next but the only other person to create only one area was Dietz. However Dietz created several nooks and cubbies. Mazemaster volunteered to fix many of the rocks and to put in the null textures and whatnot so he really didn't add rooms. He helped to fine tune the problems this thing had. Alien_Snipers area was more/less only one too.The real champion is Yak_Fighter, he built so many areas its incredible. Last I counted, he made like 6 distinct rooms that joined all the passages that the members left empty to connect the sections and removed all the dead ends.

This map exceeded so many of the limits that we were scrambling to find a cure for them all. The compiles were monstrous too and then HL2 arrived and ruined any chance of this maps future.

We abandoned it. This compile was the last known to exist. It needed one more I think, but theres no way I could remember all the settings I had to use to get the tools to cope.

Lighting was the sole remaining issue but it never got addressed.
Hence, here we are.
I have seen dozens of co-jointly made maps and few approach the seamlessness of flow and looks that this map has. It almost.. Almost looks like one person built it and that is a true badge of honor for so many working independent of one another.

My area was redesigned 1/2 a dozen times, in a vain attempt to reduce the MAX this and MAX thats.. It suffered slightly.

Also, I was one of the least talented among the group so the room would be the least likely to look good.

/story about PitCrew.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 00:04:00 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13950
I'd like to preface any further reviews by saying that The time and place for gigantically huge maps like this has come and gone. Some really great maps thematically--like that persian nights one you made me aware of--was superb in every way besides it was built 10-times bigger than it should have been imo. This is a compilation map, so technically you get a pass on that respect, but that reason alone doesn't make the map more playable.

My review will also be largely incomplete, considering again the sheer size. It's hugeness and my short attention span are not a good combination, so it would take an enromous amount of time for me to play the whole thing through, get an accurate feel for everything, and therby give a decent review.

That all said, I can only offer a few misc comments atm. If I find the time/inclination to play it more, I'll give more comments.

I liked Grimlock's Area the best. With the doodads and interesting looking structures, it was by far my favourite in terms of design.

The segues between maps was seemless, and it was difficult imo to tell where one began and ended, which is a really good thing for a map like this. Whomever merged the maps kudos to you :)

Whomever had the neat neon-like orange rims around the window thingies, those were pretty neat and stood out. The lift in the center was definitely unique, if not unrealisticly fast-moving.

A few random things I remembered from your portion:

+I liked the general design and relief of the room
=maybe could do with a stronger theme, unless your theme was to be completely neutral :)
=it's hard to nicely light a room like that, imo, and you did a pretty good job considering
-some structures looked blocky like the light fixtures and some of the ceiling parts.
-some things look unrealisticly too thin, like the middle platform and the unsupported stairway leading to it. The crete platform itself had no supports at all, making it not only unrealistic, yet kinda boring to look at.

I'd like to play this some more sometime some more, and give a more complete review. Maybe I will sometime, and I'll forgo any rating 'till then.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 23:13:51 UTC in vault item: SPC_Beta5 Comment #13949
Quite a monster map. Possibly the biggest hldm map out there.
I think everyone did a great job since there wasn't any noticeable quality decrease while moving from one area to another. I think what makes each area different from the rest is probably lighting. For example, Orpheus' area is brightly lit and Reno's has a dark orange lighting. I think it actually helps in navigation.
Most of the traps were quite good, and would ensure the fun IF you could get an insane number of people to play the map at once. Think "1 vs 1 in Bootcamp" or something like that ;)
In general terms, I don't really like the theme because there isn't one. It's one of those maps with generic HLDM style, like "scary1" and similar maps. It's obvious that it was needed in order to make the collective idea work, but it's a pity that the map is a huge.... gameplay area, instead of something more defined. Brushwork was still very correct throughout most of the map, and visually pleasing in most areas.
Some details are architecturally very strange, but I won't bother commenting them because we are mappers, not architects building real things :)
I see no big flaws with this map, besides the size making it mostly unplayable. It's definately worth a look and worth a 5 star rating for the effort.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 20:32:06 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13948
Dude it IS a valid zip. IF it wasn't all the people who've left comments wouldn't be possible. I don't know how, but the problem is on your end. I can try emailing it maybe?
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 20:29:44 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13947
Freshed: Thanks. The rotating green icons are for spawnable func_tank lasers. Tilt your player view toward the wrench icon and click the use button. The yellow brick is a progress bar--but only looks right if you are at certain directions, because it only "progresses" in one direction.

After a couple seconds, a Battlefront-style turret should emerge :P

Orph: Your transparency Dlls are need updating afaik--they look transparent for me, and nobody else has said anything. If the sprite wasn't included, you'd get an error message, and/or the map wouldn't even load.

If you're using steam, try the validate feature. If you're using WON, copy the steam dlls over yours.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 20:29:30 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13946
Can you compress with a valid zip or rar archive and reupload it???...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 18:54:44 UTC in vault item: Xen Cryo - Compo 15 Comment #13944
The ALT-E thingie is called scaling muzz ^_^
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 14:18:30 UTC in vault item: Texas Rangers (Compo 22) Comment #13943
lol, loved the kick :P
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 11:08:33 UTC in vault item: TWHL - Xmas 2006 Comment #13937
Thanks. :)
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 07:34:28 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13933
I'm a bit late with writing some mean comments am I?
Everything has been said already.

Really bad texturing (custom textures are a must for this one..), no rewards for going out in the wild while you die in 4 hits by those big monster thingies (I like Starwars, but I don't know how they're called. :P), bland lightning etc.

It needs some work, but I think if done properly, this could bring a new sort of gameplay.

One thing tho, maybe I just missed something, but I couldn't get the rotating shotgun things with a yellow brick above them? Explain please.

I like the weapons idea.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 05:40:17 UTC in vault item: cs_assault06 Comment #13932
Changes are better except the sky.... Use a city theme sky than a canyon one. Other than that its better! :D